except User.DoesNotExist:
raise Http404
- return question_list(request,
+ # The extra tag context we need to pass
+ tag_context = {
+ 'tag' : tag,
+ }
+ # The context returned by the question_list function, contains info about the questions
+ question_context = dict(question_list(request,
mark_safe(_(u'questions tagged <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
mark_safe(_(u'Questions Tagged With %(tag)s') % {'tag': tag}),
- False)
+ False))
+ # Create the combined context
+ context = dict(question_context.items() + tag_context.items())
+ return context
@decorators.render('questions.html', 'questions', tabbed=False)
def user_questions(request, mode, user, slug):
feed_url = request.path + "?type=rss" + req_params
- return pagination.paginated(request, ('questions', paginator_context or QuestionListPaginatorContext()), {
- "questions" : questions.distinct(),
- "questions_count" : questions.count(),
- "keywords" : keywords,
- "list_description": list_description,
- "base_path" : base_path,
- "page_title" : page_title,
- "tab" : "questions",
- 'feed_url': feed_url,
- })
+ context = {
+ 'questions' : questions.distinct(),
+ 'questions_count' : questions.count(),
+ 'keywords' : keywords,
+ 'list_description': list_description,
+ 'base_path' : base_path,
+ 'page_title' : page_title,
+ 'tab' : 'questions',
+ 'feed_url': feed_url,
+ }
+ return pagination.paginated(request,
+ ('questions', paginator_context or QuestionListPaginatorContext()), context)
def search(request):