+class NodeManagementPaginatorContext(pagination.PaginatorContext):
+ def __init__(self, id='QUESTIONS_LIST', prefix='', default_pagesize=100):
+ super (NodeManagementPaginatorContext, self).__init__(id, sort_methods=(
+ (_('title'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('title'), '-title', "")),
+ (_('added_at'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('added_at'), '-added_at', "")),
+ (_('score'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('score'), '-score', "")),
+ (_('act_at'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('act_at'), '-last_activity_at', "")),
+ ), pagesizes=(default_pagesize,), default_pagesize=default_pagesize, prefix=prefix)
+@admin_tools_page(_("nodeman"), _("Node management"))
+def node_management(request):
+ if request.POST:
+ selected_nodes = request.POST.getlist('_selected_node')
+ if selected_nodes and request.POST.get('action', None):
+ action = request.POST['action']
+ selected_nodes = Node.objects.filter(id__in=selected_nodes)
+ message = _("No action performed")
+ if action == 'delete_selected':
+ for node in selected_nodes:
+ if node.node_type in ('question', 'answer', 'comment') and (not node.nis.deleted):
+ DeleteAction(user=request.user, node=node, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save()
+ message = _("All selected nodes marked as deleted")
+ if action == "close_selected":
+ for node in selected_nodes:
+ if node.node_type == "question" and (not node.nis.closed):
+ CloseAction(node=node.leaf, user=request.user, extra=_("bulk close"), ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save()
+ message = _("Selected questions were closed")
+ if action == "hard_delete_selected":
+ ids = [n.id for n in selected_nodes]
+ for id in ids:
+ try:
+ node = Node.objects.get(id=id)
+ node.delete()
+ except:
+ pass
+ message = _("All selected nodes deleted")
+ request.user.message_set.create(message=message)
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("admin_tools", kwargs={'name': 'nodeman'}))
+ nodes = Node.objects.all()
+ if (request.GET):
+ filter_form = NodeManFilterForm(request.GET)
+ else:
+ filter_form = NodeManFilterForm({'node_type': 'all', 'state_type': 'any'})
+ authors = request.GET.getlist('authors')
+ tags = request.GET.getlist('tags')
+ if filter_form.is_valid():
+ data = filter_form.cleaned_data
+ if data['node_type'] != 'all':
+ nodes = nodes.filter(node_type=data['node_type'])
+ if (data['state_type'] != 'any'):
+ nodes = nodes.filter_state(**{str(data['state_type']): True})
+ if (authors):
+ nodes = nodes.filter(author__id__in=authors)
+ authors = User.objects.filter(id__in=authors)
+ if (tags):
+ nodes = nodes.filter(tags__id__in=tags)
+ tags = Tag.objects.filter(id__in=tags)
+ if data['text']:
+ filter = None
+ if data['text_in'] == 'title' or data['text_in'] == 'both':
+ filter = models.Q(title__icontains=data['text'])
+ if data['text_in'] == 'body' or data['text_in'] == 'both':
+ sec_filter = models.Q(body__icontains=data['text'])
+ if filter:
+ filter = filter | sec_filter
+ else:
+ filter = sec_filter
+ if filter:
+ nodes = nodes.filter(filter)
+ node_types = [('all', _("all"))] + [(k, n.friendly_name) for k, n in NodeMetaClass.types.items()]
+ state_types = NodeState.objects.filter(node__in=nodes).values_list('state_type', flat=True).distinct('state_type')
+ return ('osqaadmin/nodeman.html', pagination.paginated(request, ("nodes", NodeManagementPaginatorContext()), {
+ 'nodes': nodes,
+ 'node_types': node_types,
+ 'state_types': state_types,
+ 'filter_form': filter_form,
+ 'authors': authors,
+ 'tags': tags,
+ 'hide_menu': True
+ }))