{% trans "What kinds of questions can I ask here?" %}
-{% trans "Most importantly - questions should be relevant to this community." %} - {% trans "Before asking the question - please make sure to use search to see whether your question has alredy been answered."%} -
- -{% trans "What questions should I avoid asking?" %}
-{% trans "Please avoid asking questions that are not relevant to this community, too subjective and argumentative." %} -
-{% trans "What should I avoid in my answers?" %}
-{{ settings.APP_TITLE }} {% trans "is a Q&A site, not a discussion group. Therefore - please avoid having discussions in your answers, comment facility allows some space for brief discussions." %}
-{% trans "Who moderates this community?" %}
-{% trans "The short answer is: you." %} - {% trans "This website is moderated by the users." %} - {% trans "The reputation system allows users earn the authorization to perform a variety of moderation tasks." %} -
-{% trans "How does reputation system work?" %}
-{% trans "Rep system summary" %}
-{% blocktrans %}For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, your input will be upvoted. On the other hand if the answer is misleading - it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate 10 points, each vote against will subtract 2 points. There is a limit of 200 points that can be accumulated per question or answer. The table below explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task.{% endblocktrans %} -
- -- | - |
{{ settings.REP_TO_COMMENT }} | -{% trans "add comments" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_VOTE_DOWN }} | -{% trans "downvote" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_CLOSE_OWN }} | -{% trans "close own questions" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_REOPEN_OWN }} | -{% trans "reopen own questions" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_RETAG }} | -{% trans "retag questions" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_EDIT_WIKI }} | -{% trans "edit community wiki questions" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_EDIT_OTHERS }} | -{% trans "edit any answer" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_CLOSE_OTHERS }} | -{% trans "open any closed question" %} | -
{{ settings.REP_TO_DELETE_COMMENTS }} | -{% trans "delete any comment" %} | -
{% trans "how to validate email title" %}
- - {% blocktrans %}how to validate email info with {{send_email_key_url}} {{gravatar_faq_url}}{% endblocktrans %} -{% trans "To register, do I need to create new password?" %}
-{% trans "No, you don't have to. You can login through any service that supports OpenID, e.g. Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc." %} - {% trans "Login now!" %} » -
-{% trans "Why other people can edit my questions/answers?" %}
-{% trans "Goal of this site is..." %} {% trans "So questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this site and this improves the overall quality of the knowledge base content." %} - {% trans "If this approach is not for you, we respect your choice." %} -
-{% trans "Still have questions?" %}
-{% blocktrans %}Please ask your question at {{ask_question_url}}, help make our community better!{% endblocktrans %} - -