- {% ifequal filter_form.node_type.data "all" %}
- {{ node.friendly_name }} |
- {% endifequal %}
- {{ node.headline }}
+ | {{ node.friendly_name }} |
+ {% declare %}
+ is_root = node.abs_parent == None
+ title = is_root and node.title or node.abs_parent.title
+ anchor = "%s" % html.hyperlink(node.get_absolute_url(), title)
+ anchor = ((not is_root) and node.abs_parent.nis.deleted) and "%s" % anchor or anchor
+ anchor = is_root and anchor or "(%s)" % anchor
+ anchor = html.mark_safe(anchor)
+ td_class = ""
+ td_class = node.nis.accepted and "accepted" or td_class
+ td_class = node.nis.deleted and "deleted" or td_class
+ {% enddeclare %}
+ {{ anchor }}
{{ node.summary }}
- {{ node.state_list|join:", " }} |
- {{ node.author.username }} |
+ {% for state in node.states.all %}
+ {{ state.state_type }} {% diff_date state.action.at %} {% trans "by" %}
+ {{ state.action.by.decorated_name }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ |
+ {{ node.author.decorated_name }} |
{% diff_date node.added_at %} |
- {{ node.score }} |
- {{ node.last_activity_by.username }} |
+ {{ node.last_activity_by.decorated_name }} |
{% diff_date node.last_activity_at %} |
{% for t in node.tags.all %}
- {% if t in tags %}{{ t.name }}
+ {% if t|contained_in:tags %}{{ t.name }}
{% else %}{{ t.name }}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
+ {% endwith %}