X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./osqa.git/blobdiff_plain/93c313ff9d33d0efa64f8149fae2b108146dd237..c37aa7a23be8c834cecdff3a2141e0ef91dbaea2:/forum/skins/default/media/js/osqa.main.js
diff --git a/forum/skins/default/media/js/osqa.main.js b/forum/skins/default/media/js/osqa.main.js
index 8f785e3..0f11ef7 100644
--- a/forum/skins/default/media/js/osqa.main.js
+++ b/forum/skins/default/media/js/osqa.main.js
@@ -1,1231 +1,1266 @@
- * We do not want the CSRF protection enabled for the AJAX post requests, it causes only trouble.
- * Get the csrftoken cookie and pass it to the X-CSRFToken HTTP request property.
- */
-$('html').ajaxSend(function(event, xhr, settings) {
- function getCookie(name) {
- var cookieValue = null;
- if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
- var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
- var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
- // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
- if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
- cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return cookieValue;
- }
- try {
- if (!(/^http:.*/.test(settings.url) || /^https:.*/.test(settings.url))) {
- // Only send the token to relative URLs i.e. locally.
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));
- }
- } catch (e) {}
-var response_commands = {
- refresh_page: function() {
- window.location.reload(true)
- },
- update_post_score: function(id, inc) {
- var $score_board = $('#post-' + id + '-score');
- var current = parseInt($score_board.html())
- if (isNaN(current)){
- current = 0;
- }
- $score_board.html(current + inc)
- },
- update_user_post_vote: function(id, vote_type) {
- var $upvote_button = $('#post-' + id + '-upvote');
- var $downvote_button = $('#post-' + id + '-downvote');
- $upvote_button.removeClass('on');
- $downvote_button.removeClass('on');
- if (vote_type == 'up') {
- $upvote_button.addClass('on');
- } else if (vote_type == 'down') {
- $downvote_button.addClass('on');
- }
- },
- update_favorite_count: function(inc) {
- var $favorite_count = $('#favorite-count');
- var count = parseInt($favorite_count.html());
- if (isNaN(count))
- count = 0;
- count += inc;
- if (count == 0)
- count = '';
- $favorite_count.html(count);
- },
- update_favorite_mark: function(type) {
- if (type == 'on') {
- $('#favorite-mark').addClass('on');
- } else {
- $('#favorite-mark').removeClass('on');
- }
- },
- mark_accepted: function(id) {
- var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + id);
- $answer.addClass('accepted-answer');
- $answer.find('.accept-answer').addClass('on');
- $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('title', $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('bn:on'));
- },
- unmark_accepted: function(id) {
- var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + id);
- $answer.removeClass('accepted-answer');
- $answer.find('.accept-answer').removeClass('on');
- $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('title', $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('bn:off'));
- },
- remove_comment: function(id) {
- var $comment = $('#comment-' + id);
- $comment.css('background', 'red')
- $comment.fadeOut('slow', function() {
- $comment.remove();
- });
- },
- award_points: function(id) {
- alert('ok');
- },
- insert_comment: function(post_id, comment_id, comment, username, profile_url, delete_url, edit_url, convert_url, can_convert) {
- var $container = $('#comments-container-' + post_id);
- var skeleton = $('#new-comment-skeleton-' + post_id).html().toString();
- skeleton = skeleton.replace(new RegExp('%ID%', 'g'), comment_id)
- .replace(new RegExp('%COMMENT%', 'g'), comment)
- .replace(new RegExp('%USERNAME%', 'g'), username)
- .replace(new RegExp('%PROFILE_URL%', 'g'), profile_url)
- .replace(new RegExp('%DELETE_URL%', 'g'), delete_url)
- .replace(new RegExp('%EDIT_URL%', 'g'), edit_url)
- .replace(new RegExp('%CONVERT_URL%', 'g'), convert_url);
- $container.append(skeleton);
- // Show the convert comment to answer tool only if the current comment can be converted
- if (can_convert == true) {
- $('#comment-' + comment_id + '-convert').show();
- }
- $('#comment-' + comment_id).slideDown('slow');
- },
- update_comment: function(comment_id, comment_text) {
- var $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_id);
- $comment.find('.comment-text').html(comment_text);
- $comment.slideDown('slow');
- },
- mark_deleted: function(post_type, post_id) {
- if (post_type == 'question') {
- var $container = $('#question-table');
- $container.addClass('deleted');
- } else {
- var $el = $('#' + post_type + '-container-' + post_id);
- $el.addClass('deleted');
- }
- },
- unmark_deleted: function(post_type, post_id) {
- if (post_type == 'answer') {
- var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + post_id);
- $answer.removeClass('deleted');
- } else {
- var $container = $('#question-table');
- $container.removeClass('deleted');
- }
- },
- set_subscription_button: function(text) {
- $('.subscription_switch').html(text);
- },
- set_subscription_status: function(text) {
- $('.subscription-status').html(text);
- },
- copy_url: function(url) {
- }
-function show_dialog (extern) {
- var default_close_function = function($diag) {
- $diag.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- $diag.remove();
- });
- }
- var options = {
- extra_class: '',
- pos: {
- x: ($(window).width() / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft(),
- y: ($(window).height() / 2) + $(window).scrollTop()
- },
- dim: false,
- yes_text: messages.ok,
- yes_callback: default_close_function,
- no_text: messages.cancel,
- show_no: false,
- close_on_clickoutside: false,
- copy: false
- }
- $.extend(options, extern);
- var copy_id = '';
- if (options.copy) {
- copy_id = ' id="copy_clip_button"'
- }
- if (options.event != undefined) {
- options.pos = {x: options.event.pageX, y: options.event.pageY};
- }
- var html = '
- $dialog = $(html);
- $('body').append($dialog);
- var message = $('.dialog-content')[0];
- message.style.visibility = "hidden";
- if (options.dim === false) {
- $dialog.css({
- visibility: 'hidden',
- display: 'block'
- });
- options.dim = {w: $dialog.width(), h: $dialog.height()};
- $dialog.css({
- width: 1,
- height: 1,
- visibility: 'visible'
- });
- }
- $dialog.css({
- top: options.pos.y,
- left: options.pos.x
- });
- top_position_change = (options.dim.h / 2)
- left_position_change = (options.dim.w / 2)
- new_top_position = options.pos.y - top_position_change
- new_left_position = options.pos.x - left_position_change
- if (new_left_position < 0) {
- left_position_change = 0
- }
- if (($(window).scrollTop() - new_top_position) > 0) {
- top_position_change = 0
- }
- if ((options.event.pageY + options.dim.h) > ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop())) {
- top_position_change = options.dim.h
- }
- if ((options.event.pageX + options.dim.w) > ($(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft())) {
- left_position_change = options.dim.w
- }
- $dialog.animate({
- top: "-=" + top_position_change,
- left: "-=" + left_position_change,
- width: options.dim.w,
- height: options.dim.h
- }, 200, function() {
- message.style.visibility = "visible";
- });
- $dialog.find('.dialog-no').click(function() {
- default_close_function($dialog);
- });
- $dialog.find('.dialog-yes').click(function() {
- options.yes_callback($dialog);
- });
- if (options.close_on_clickoutside) {
- $dialog.one('clickoutside', function() {
- default_close_function($dialog);
- });
- }
- return $dialog;
-function show_message(evt, msg, callback) {
- var $dialog = show_dialog({
- html: msg,
- extra_class: 'warning',
- event: evt,
- yes_callback: function() {
- $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- $dialog.remove();
- });
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- },
- close_on_clickoutside: true
- });
-function load_prompt(evt, el, url) {
- $.get(url, function(data) {
- var doptions = {
- html: data,
- extra_class: 'prompt',
- yes_callback: function() {
- var postvars = {};
- $dialog.find('input, textarea, select').each(function() {
- postvars[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val();
- });
- $.post(url, postvars, function(data) {
- $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- $dialog.remove();
- });
- process_ajax_response(data, evt);
- }, 'json');
- },
- show_no: true,
- copy: false
- }
- if (el.hasClass('copy')) {
- $.extend(doptions, { yes_text : 'Copy', copy: true});
- }
- if (!el.is('.centered')) {
- doptions.event = evt;
- }
- var $dialog = show_dialog(doptions);
- });
-function process_ajax_response(data, evt, callback) {
- if (!data.success && data['error_message'] != undefined) {
- show_message(evt, data.error_message, function() {if (callback) callback(true);});
- end_command(false);
- } else if (typeof data['commands'] != undefined){
- for (var command in data.commands) {
- response_commands[command].apply(null, data.commands[command])
- }
- if (data['message'] != undefined) {
- show_message(evt, data.message, function() {if (callback) callback(false);})
- } else {
- if (callback) callback(false);
- }
- end_command(true);
- }
-var running = false;
-function start_command() {
- $('body').append($(''));
- running = true;
-function end_command(success) {
- if (success) {
- $('#command-loader').addClass('success');
- $('#command-loader').fadeOut("slow", function() {
- $('#command-loader').remove();
- running = false;
- });
- } else {
- $('#command-loader').remove();
- running = false;
- }
-var comment_box_cursor_position = 0;
-function canned_comment(post_id, comment) {
- textarea = $('#comment-' + post_id + '-form textarea')
- // Get the text from the beginning to the caret
- textarea_start = textarea.val().substr(0, comment_box_cursor_position)
- // Get the text from the caret to the end
- textarea_end = textarea.val().substr(comment_box_cursor_position, textarea.val().length)
- textarea.val(textarea_start + comment + textarea_end);
-$(function() {
- $('textarea.commentBox').bind('keydown keyup mousedown mouseup mousemove', function(evt) {
- comment_box_cursor_position = $(this).caret().start;
- });
- $('textarea.commentBox').blur(function() {
- //alert(comment_box_cursor_position);
- });
- $('a.ajax-command').live('click', function(evt) {
- if (running) return false;
- var el = $(this);
- var ajax_url = el.attr('href')
- ajax_url = ajax_url + "?nocache=" + new Date().getTime()
- $('.context-menu-dropdown').slideUp('fast');
- if (el.is('.withprompt')) {
- load_prompt(evt, el, ajax_url);
- } else if(el.is('.confirm')) {
- var doptions = {
- html: messages.confirm,
- extra_class: 'confirm',
- yes_callback: function() {
- start_command();
- $.getJSON(ajax_url, function(data) {
- process_ajax_response(data, evt);
- $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
- $dialog.remove();
- });
- });
- },
- yes_text: messages.yes,
- show_no: true,
- no_text: messages.no
- }
- if (!el.is('.centered')) {
- doptions.event = evt;
- }
- var $dialog = show_dialog(doptions);
- } else {
- start_command();
- $.getJSON(ajax_url, function(data) {
- process_ajax_response(data, evt);
- });
- }
- return false
- });
- $('.context-menu').each(function() {
- var $menu = $(this);
- var $trigger = $menu.find('.context-menu-trigger');
- var $dropdown = $menu.find('.context-menu-dropdown');
- $trigger.click(function() {
- $dropdown.slideToggle('fast', function() {
- if ($dropdown.is(':visible')) {
- $dropdown.one('clickoutside', function() {
- if ($dropdown.is(':visible'))
- $dropdown.slideUp('fast');
- });
- }
- });
- });
- });
- $('div.comment-form-container').each(function() {
- var $container = $(this);
- var $comment_tools = $container.parent().find('.comment-tools');
- var $comments_container = $container.parent().find('.comments-container');
- var $form = $container.find('form');
- if ($form.length) {
- var $textarea = $container.find('textarea');
- var textarea = $textarea.get(0);
- var $button = $container.find('.comment-submit');
- var $cancel = $container.find('.comment-cancel');
- var $chars_left_message = $container.find('.comments-chars-left-msg');
- var $chars_togo_message = $container.find('.comments-chars-togo-msg');
- var $chars_counter = $container.find('.comments-char-left-count');
- var $add_comment_link = $comment_tools.find('.add-comment-link');
- var chars_limits = $chars_counter.html().split('|');
- var min_length = parseInt(chars_limits[0]);
- var max_length = parseInt(chars_limits[1]);
- var warn_length = max_length - 30;
- var current_length = 0;
- var comment_in_form = false;
- var interval = null;
- var hcheck = !($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera);
- $textarea.css("padding-top", 0).css("padding-bottom", 0).css("resize", "none");
- textarea.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- function cleanup_form() {
- $textarea.val('');
- $textarea.css('height', 80);
- $chars_counter.html(max_length);
- $chars_left_message.removeClass('warn');
- comment_in_form = false;
- current_length = 0;
- $chars_left_message.hide();
- $chars_togo_message.show();
- $chars_counter.removeClass('warn');
- $chars_counter.html(min_length);
- $button.attr("disabled","disabled");
- interval = null;
- }
- cleanup_form();
- function process_form_changes() {
- var length = $textarea.val().replace(/[ ]{2,}/g," ").length;
- if (current_length == length)
- return;
- if (length < warn_length && current_length >= warn_length) {
- $chars_counter.removeClass('warn');
- } else if (current_length < warn_length && length >= warn_length){
- $chars_counter.addClass('warn');
- }
- if (length < min_length) {
- $chars_left_message.hide();
- $chars_togo_message.show();
- $chars_counter.html(min_length - length);
- } else {
- length = $textarea.val().length;
- $chars_togo_message.hide();
- $chars_left_message.show();
- $chars_counter.html(max_length - length);
- }
- if (length > max_length || length < min_length) {
- $button.attr("disabled","disabled");
- } else {
- $button.removeAttr("disabled");
- }
- var current_height = textarea.style.height;
- if (hcheck)
- textarea.style.height = "0px";
- var h = Math.max(80, textarea.scrollHeight);
- textarea.style.height = current_height;
- $textarea.animate({height: h + 'px'}, 50);
- current_length = length;
- }
- function show_comment_form() {
- $container.slideDown('slow');
- $add_comment_link.fadeOut('slow');
- $textarea.focus();
- interval = window.setInterval(function() {
- process_form_changes();
- }, 200);
- }
- function hide_comment_form() {
- if (interval != null) {
- window.clearInterval(interval);
- interval = null;
- }
- $container.slideUp('slow');
- $add_comment_link.fadeIn('slow');
- }
- $add_comment_link.click(function(){
- cleanup_form();
- show_comment_form();
- return false;
- });
- $('#' + $comments_container.attr('id') + ' .comment-edit').live('click', function() {
- var $link = $(this);
- var comment_id = /comment-(\d+)-edit/.exec($link.attr('id'))[1];
- var $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_id);
- comment_in_form = comment_id;
- $.get($link.attr('href'), function(data) {
- $textarea.val(data);
- });
- $comment.slideUp('slow');
- show_comment_form();
- return false;
- });
- $button.click(function(evt) {
- if (running) return false;
- var post_data = {
- comment: $textarea.val()
- }
- if (comment_in_form) {
- post_data['id'] = comment_in_form;
- }
- start_command();
- $.post($form.attr('action'), post_data, function(data) {
- process_ajax_response(data, evt, function(error) {
- if (!error) {
- cleanup_form();
- hide_comment_form();
- }
- });
- }, "json");
- return false;
- });
- $cancel.click(function(event) {
- if (confirm("You will lose all of your changes in this comment. Do you still wish to proceed?")){
- if (comment_in_form) {
- $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_in_form).slideDown('slow');
- }
- hide_comment_form();
- cleanup_form();
- }
- return false;
- });
- }
- $comment_tools.find('.show-all-comments-link').click(function() {
- $comments_container.find('.not_top_scorer').slideDown('slow');
- $(this).fadeOut('slow');
- $comment_tools.find('.comments-showing').fadeOut('slow');
- return false;
- });
- });
- if ($('#editor').length) {
- var $editor = $('#editor');
- var $previewer = $('#previewer');
- var $container = $('#editor-metrics');
- var initial_whitespace_rExp = /^[^A-Za-zÐ-Яа-Ñ0-9]+/gi;
- var non_alphanumerics_rExp = rExp = /[^A-Za-zÐ-Яа-Ñ0-9]+/gi;
- var editor_interval = null;
- $editor.focus(function() {
- if (editor_interval == null) {
- editor_interval = window.setInterval(function() {
- recalc_metrics();
- }, 200);
- }
- });
- function recalc_metrics() {
- var text = $previewer.text();
- var char_count = text.length;
- var fullStr = text + " ";
- var left_trimmedStr = fullStr.replace(initial_whitespace_rExp, "");
- var cleanedStr = left_trimmedStr.replace(non_alphanumerics_rExp, " ");
- var splitString = cleanedStr.split(" ");
- var word_count = splitString.length - 1;
- var metrics = char_count + " " + (char_count == 1 ? messages.character : messages.characters);
- metrics += " / " + word_count + " " + (word_count == 1 ? messages.word : messages.words);
- $container.html(metrics);
- }
- }
-//var scriptUrl, interestingTags, ignoredTags, tags, $;
-function pickedTags(){
- var sendAjax = function(tagname, reason, action, callback){
- var url = scriptUrl;
- if (action == 'add'){
- url += $.i18n._('mark-tag/');
- if (reason == 'good'){
- url += $.i18n._('interesting/');
- }
- else {
- url += $.i18n._('ignored/');
- }
- }
- else {
- url += $.i18n._('unmark-tag/');
- }
- url = url + tagname + '/';
- var call_settings = {
- type:'POST',
- url:url,
- data: ''
- };
- if (callback !== false){
- call_settings.success = callback;
- }
- $.ajax(call_settings);
- };
- var unpickTag = function(from_target ,tagname, reason, send_ajax){
- //send ajax request to delete tag
- var deleteTagLocally = function(){
- from_target[tagname].remove();
- delete from_target[tagname];
- };
- if (send_ajax){
- sendAjax(tagname,reason,'remove',deleteTagLocally);
- }
- else {
- deleteTagLocally();
- }
- };
- var setupTagDeleteEvents = function(obj,tag_store,tagname,reason,send_ajax){
- obj.unbind('mouseover').bind('mouseover', function(){
- $(this).attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-hover.png'));
- });
- obj.unbind('mouseout').bind('mouseout', function(){
- $(this).attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-dark.png'));
- });
- obj.click( function(){
- unpickTag(tag_store,tagname,reason,send_ajax);
- });
- };
- var handlePickedTag = function(obj,reason){
- var tagname = $.trim($(obj).prev().attr('value'));
- var to_target = interestingTags;
- var from_target = ignoredTags;
- var to_tag_container;
- if (reason == 'bad'){
- to_target = ignoredTags;
- from_target = interestingTags;
- to_tag_container = $('div .tags.ignored');
- }
- else if (reason != 'good'){
- return;
- }
- else {
- to_tag_container = $('div .tags.interesting');
- }
- if (tagname in from_target){
- unpickTag(from_target,tagname,reason,false);
- }
- if (!(tagname in to_target)){
- //send ajax request to pick this tag
- sendAjax(tagname,reason,'add',function(){
- var new_tag = $('');
- new_tag.addClass('deletable-tag');
- var tag_link = $('');
- tag_link.attr('rel','tag');
- tag_link.attr('href', scriptUrl + $.i18n._('tags/') + tagname + '/');
- tag_link.html(tagname);
- var del_link = $('
- del_link.addClass('delete-icon');
- del_link.attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-dark.png'));
- setupTagDeleteEvents(del_link, to_target, tagname, reason, true);
- new_tag.append(tag_link);
- new_tag.append(del_link);
- to_tag_container.append(new_tag);
- to_target[tagname] = new_tag;
- });
- }
- };
- var collectPickedTags = function(){
- var good_prefix = 'interesting-tag-';
- var bad_prefix = 'ignored-tag-';
- var good_re = RegExp('^' + good_prefix);
- var bad_re = RegExp('^' + bad_prefix);
- interestingTags = {};
- ignoredTags = {};
- $('.deletable-tag').each(
- function(i,item){
- var item_id = $(item).attr('id');
- var tag_name, tag_store;
- if (good_re.test(item_id)){
- tag_name = item_id.replace(good_prefix,'');
- tag_store = interestingTags;
- reason = 'good';
- }
- else if (bad_re.test(item_id)){
- tag_name = item_id.replace(bad_prefix,'');
- tag_store = ignoredTags;
- reason = 'bad';
- }
- else {
- return;
- }
- tag_store[tag_name] = $(item);
- setupTagDeleteEvents($(item).find('img'),tag_store,tag_name,reason,true);
- }
- );
- };
- var setupHideIgnoredQuestionsControl = function(){
- $('#hideIgnoredTagsCb').unbind('click').click(function(){
- $.ajax({
- type: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- cache: false,
- url: scriptUrl + $.i18n._('command/'),
- data: {command:'toggle-ignored-questions'}
- });
- });
- };
- return {
- init: function(){
- collectPickedTags();
- setupHideIgnoredQuestionsControl();
- $("#interestingTagInput, #ignoredTagInput").autocomplete(messages.matching_tags_url, {
- minChars: 1,
- matchContains: true,
- max: 20,
- /*multiple: false, - the favorite tags and ignore tags don't let you do multiple tags
- multipleSeparator: " "*/
- formatItem: function(row, i, max, value) {
- return row[1] + " (" + row[2] + ")";
- },
- formatResult: function(row, i, max, value){
- return row[1];
- }
- });
- $("#interestingTagAdd").click(function(){handlePickedTag(this,'good');});
- $("#ignoredTagAdd").click(function(){handlePickedTag(this,'bad');});
- }
- };
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-var mediaUrl = function(resource){
- return scriptUrl + 'm/' + osqaSkin + '/' + resource;
- * jQuery i18n plugin
- * @requires jQuery v1.1 or later
- *
- * Examples at: http://recurser.com/articles/2008/02/21/jquery-i18n-translation-plugin/
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- *
- * Based on 'javascript i18n that almost doesn't suck' by markos
- * http://markos.gaivo.net/blog/?p=100
- *
- * Revision: $Id$
- * Version: 1.0.0 Feb-10-2008
- */
- (function($) {
- * i18n provides a mechanism for translating strings using a jscript dictionary.
- *
- */
- * i18n property list
- */
-$.i18n = {
- * setDictionary()
- * Initialise the dictionary and translate nodes
- *
- * @param property_list i18n_dict : The dictionary to use for translation
- */
- setDictionary: function(i18n_dict) {
- i18n_dict = i18n_dict;
- },
- * _()
- * The actual translation function. Looks the given string up in the
- * dictionary and returns the translation if one exists. If a translation
- * is not found, returns the original word
- *
- * @param string str : The string to translate
- * @param property_list params : params for using printf() on the string
- * @return string : Translated word
- *
- */
- _: function (str, params) {
- var transl = str;
- if (i18n_dict&& i18n_dict[str]) {
- transl = i18n_dict[str];
- }
- return this.printf(transl, params);
- },
- * toEntity()
- * Change non-ASCII characters to entity representation
- *
- * @param string str : The string to transform
- * @return string result : Original string with non-ASCII content converted to entities
- *
- */
- toEntity: function (str) {
- var result = '';
- for (var i=0;i 128)
- result += ""+str.charCodeAt(i)+";";
- else
- result += str.charAt(i);
- }
- return result;
- },
- * stripStr()
- *
- * @param string str : The string to strip
- * @return string result : Stripped string
- *
- */
- stripStr: function(str) {
- return str.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
- },
- * stripStrML()
- *
- * @param string str : The multi-line string to strip
- * @return string result : Stripped string
- *
- */
- stripStrML: function(str) {
- // Split because m flag doesn't exist before JS1.5 and we need to
- // strip newlines anyway
- var parts = str.split('\n');
- for (var i=0; i15 points requried to upvote':'??+15?????????',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'??+100?????????',
- 'please see': '??',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'??????????',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'????????????????',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'??????????????',
- 'please confirm offensive':"??????????????????????",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'???????????',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'???????',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'?????????????5?Â??Â???',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"??+15??????Â???Â?",
- 'confirm delete':"?????/????????",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"???????????????",
- 'post recovered':"?????????????",
- 'post deleted':"????????????",
- 'add comment':'????',
- 'community karma points':'????',
- 'to comment, need':'????',
- 'delete this comment':'?????',
- 'hide comments':"????",
- 'add a comment':"????",
- 'comments':"??",
- 'confirm delete comment':"?????????",
- 'characters':'??',
- 'can write':'???',
- 'click to close':'???????',
- 'loading...':'???...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'???????',
- 'tablimits info':"??5????????????20????",
- 'content cannot be empty':'???????',
- 'content minchars': '????? {0} ???',
- 'please enter title':'??????',
- 'title minchars':"????? {0} ???",
- 'delete':'??',
- 'undelete': '??',
- 'bold':'??',
- 'italic':'??',
- 'link':'???',
- 'quote':'??',
- 'preformatted text':'??',
- 'image':'??',
- 'numbered list':'??????',
- 'bulleted list':'??????',
- 'heading':'??',
- 'horizontal bar':'???',
- 'undo':'??',
- 'redo':'??',
- 'enter image url':'?????????
http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"????\"',
- 'enter url':'??Web??
http://www.cnprog.com/ \"????\"
- 'upload image':'?????????'
-var i18nEn = {
- 'need >15 points to report spam':'need >15 points to report spam ',
- '>15 points requried to upvote':'>15 points required to upvote ',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
- 'to comment, need': '(to comment other people\'s posts, karma ',
- 'please see':'please see ',
- 'community karma points':' or more is necessary) - ',
- 'upload image':'Upload image:',
- 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"image title\"',
- 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. http://www.example.com \"page title\"',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'sorry, older votes cannot be revoked',
- 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
- 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
- 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
- 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
- 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
- 'can write':'have ',
- 'tablimits info':'up to 5 tags, no more than 20 characters each',
- 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
- 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
- 'characters':'characters left',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 points required to downvote '
-var i18nEs = {
- 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
- 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
- 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
- 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
- 'anonymous users cannot vote':'usuarios anónimos no pueden votar',
- '>15 points requried to upvote': '>15 puntos requeridos para votar positivamente',
- '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 puntos requeridos para votar negativamente',
- 'please see': 'por favor vea',
- 'cannot vote for own posts':'no se puede votar por sus propias publicaciones',
- 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
- 'cannot revoke old vote':'no puede revocar un voto viejo',
- 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
- 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
- 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
- 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
- 'need >15 points to report spam':"necesita >15 puntos para reportar spam",
- 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
- 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
- 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
- 'post deleted':"publicación borrada?",
- 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
- 'community karma points':'reputación comunitaria',
- 'to comment, need':'para comentar, necesita reputación',
- 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
- 'hide comments':"ocultar comentarios",
- 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
- 'comments':"comentarios",
- 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
- 'characters':'caracteres faltantes',
- 'can write':'tiene ',
- 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
- 'loading...':'cargando...',
- 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacÃas',
- 'tablimits info':"hasta 5 etiquetas de no mas de 20 caracteres cada una",
- 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacÃo',
- 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
- 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un tÃtulo',
- 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
- 'delete':'borrar',
- 'undelete': 'recuperar',
- 'bold': 'negrita',
- 'italic':'cursiva',
- 'link':'enlace',
- 'quote':'citar',
- 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
- 'image':'imagen',
- 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
- 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
- 'heading':'??',
- 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
- 'undo':'deshacer',
- 'redo':'rehacer',
- 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo?
http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"titulo de imagen\"',
- 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo?
http://www.cnprog.com/ \"titulo del enlace\""',
- 'upload image':'cargar imagen?',
- 'questions/' : 'preguntas/',
- 'vote/' : 'votar/'
-var i18n = {
- 'en':i18nEn,
- 'zh_CN':i18nZh,
- 'es':i18nEs
-var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];
- jQuery TextAreaResizer plugin
- Created on 17th January 2008 by Ryan O'Dell
- Version 1.0.4
-*/(function($){var textarea,staticOffset;var iLastMousePos=0;var iMin=32;var grip;$.fn.TextAreaResizer=function(){return this.each(function(){textarea=$(this).addClass('processed'),staticOffset=null;$(this).wrap('
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-var notify = function() {
- var visible = false;
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- visible = false;
- },
- isVisible: function() { return visible; }
- };
-} ();
- * jQuery outside events - v1.1 - 3/16/2010
- * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-outside-events-plugin/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- * http://benalman.com/about/license/
- */
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- $('input#bnewaccount').click(function() {
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-function yourWorkWillBeLost(e) {
- if(browserTester('chrome')) {
- return "Are you sure you want to leave? Your work will be lost.";
- } else if(browserTester('safari')) {
- return "Are you sure you want to leave? Your work will be lost.";
- } else {
- if(!e) e = window.event;
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- e.returnValue = 'If you leave, your work will be lost.';
- if (e.stopPropagation) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- return e;
- }
-function browserTester(browserString) {
- return navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(browserString) > -1;
-// Add missing IE functionality
-if (!window.addEventListener) {
- if (window.attachEvent) {
- window.addEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
- window.attachEvent('on' + type, listener);
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- window['on' + type] = listener;
- };
- window.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
- window['on' + type] = null;
- };
- }
+ * We do not want the CSRF protection enabled for the AJAX post requests, it causes only trouble.
+ * Get the csrftoken cookie and pass it to the X-CSRFToken HTTP request property.
+ */
+$('html').ajaxSend(function(event, xhr, settings) {
+ function getCookie(name) {
+ var cookieValue = null;
+ if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
+ var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
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+ if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
+ cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
+ break;
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+ return cookieValue;
+ }
+ try {
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+ // Only send the token to relative URLs i.e. locally.
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+var response_commands = {
+ refresh_page: function() {
+ window.location.reload(true)
+ },
+ update_post_score: function(id, inc) {
+ var $score_board = $('#post-' + id + '-score');
+ var current = parseInt($score_board.html())
+ if (isNaN(current)){
+ current = 0;
+ }
+ $score_board.html(current + inc)
+ },
+ update_user_post_vote: function(id, vote_type) {
+ var $upvote_button = $('#post-' + id + '-upvote');
+ var $downvote_button = $('#post-' + id + '-downvote');
+ $upvote_button.removeClass('on');
+ $downvote_button.removeClass('on');
+ if (vote_type == 'up') {
+ $upvote_button.addClass('on');
+ } else if (vote_type == 'down') {
+ $downvote_button.addClass('on');
+ }
+ },
+ update_favorite_count: function(inc) {
+ var $favorite_count = $('#favorite-count');
+ var count = parseInt($favorite_count.html());
+ if (isNaN(count))
+ count = 0;
+ count += inc;
+ if (count == 0)
+ count = '';
+ $favorite_count.html(count);
+ },
+ update_favorite_mark: function(type) {
+ if (type == 'on') {
+ $('#favorite-mark').addClass('on');
+ } else {
+ $('#favorite-mark').removeClass('on');
+ }
+ },
+ mark_accepted: function(id) {
+ var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + id);
+ $answer.addClass('accepted-answer');
+ $answer.find('.accept-answer').addClass('on');
+ $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('title', $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('bn:on'));
+ },
+ unmark_accepted: function(id) {
+ var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + id);
+ $answer.removeClass('accepted-answer');
+ $answer.find('.accept-answer').removeClass('on');
+ $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('title', $answer.find('.accept-answer').attr('bn:off'));
+ },
+ remove_comment: function(id) {
+ var $comment = $('#comment-' + id);
+ $comment.css('background', 'red')
+ $comment.fadeOut('slow', function() {
+ $comment.remove();
+ });
+ },
+ award_points: function(id) {
+ alert('ok');
+ },
+ insert_comment: function(post_id, comment_id, comment, username, profile_url, delete_url, edit_url, convert_url, can_convert, show_latest_comments_first) {
+ var $container = $('#comments-container-' + post_id);
+ var skeleton = $('#new-comment-skeleton-' + post_id).html().toString();
+ skeleton = skeleton.replace(new RegExp('%ID%', 'g'), comment_id)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%COMMENT%', 'g'), comment)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%USERNAME%', 'g'), username)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%PROFILE_URL%', 'g'), profile_url)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%DELETE_URL%', 'g'), delete_url)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%EDIT_URL%', 'g'), edit_url)
+ .replace(new RegExp('%CONVERT_URL%', 'g'), convert_url);
+ if (show_latest_comments_first) {
+ $container.prepend(skeleton);
+ } else {
+ $container.append(skeleton);
+ }
+ // Show the convert comment to answer tool only if the current comment can be converted
+ if (can_convert == true) {
+ $('#comment-' + comment_id + '-convert').show();
+ }
+ $('#comment-' + comment_id).slideDown('slow');
+ },
+ update_comment: function(comment_id, comment_text) {
+ var $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_id);
+ $comment.find('.comment-text').html(comment_text);
+ $comment.slideDown('slow');
+ },
+ mark_deleted: function(post_type, post_id) {
+ if (post_type == 'question') {
+ var $container = $('#question-table');
+ $container.addClass('deleted');
+ } else {
+ var $el = $('#' + post_type + '-container-' + post_id);
+ $el.addClass('deleted');
+ }
+ },
+ unmark_deleted: function(post_type, post_id) {
+ if (post_type == 'answer') {
+ var $answer = $('#answer-container-' + post_id);
+ $answer.removeClass('deleted');
+ } else {
+ var $container = $('#question-table');
+ $container.removeClass('deleted');
+ }
+ },
+ set_subscription_button: function(text) {
+ $('.subscription_switch').html(text);
+ },
+ set_subscription_status: function(text) {
+ $('.subscription-status').html(text);
+ },
+ copy_url: function(url) {
+ }
+function show_dialog (extern) {
+ var default_close_function = function($diag) {
+ $diag.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $diag.remove();
+ });
+ };
+ var options = {
+ extra_class: '',
+ pos: {
+ x: ($(window).width() / 2) + $(window).scrollLeft(),
+ y: ($(window).height() / 2) + $(window).scrollTop()
+ },
+ dim: false,
+ yes_text: messages.ok,
+ yes_callback: default_close_function,
+ no_text: messages.cancel,
+ show_no: false,
+ close_on_clickoutside: false,
+ copy: false
+ }
+ $.extend(options, extern);
+ var copy_id = '';
+ if (options.copy) {
+ copy_id = ' id="copy_clip_button"'
+ }
+ if (options.event != undefined && options.event.pageX != undefined && options.event.pageY != undefined) {
+ options.pos = {x: options.event.pageX, y: options.event.pageY};
+ } else if (options.event.currentTarget != undefined) {
+ var el = jQuery("#" + options.event.currentTarget.id);
+ var position = el.offset();
+ options.pos = {
+ x: position.left,
+ y: position.top
+ }
+ }
+ var html = '';
+ var $dialog = $(html);
+ $('body').append($dialog);
+ var message = $('.dialog-content')[0];
+ message.style.visibility = "hidden";
+ if (options.dim === false) {
+ $dialog.css({
+ visibility: 'hidden',
+ display: 'block'
+ });
+ options.dim = {w: $dialog.width(), h: $dialog.height()};
+ $dialog.css({
+ width: 1,
+ height: 1,
+ visibility: 'visible'
+ });
+ }
+ $dialog.css({
+ top: options.pos.y,
+ left: options.pos.x
+ });
+ top_position_change = (options.dim.h / 2)
+ left_position_change = (options.dim.w / 2)
+ new_top_position = options.pos.y - top_position_change
+ new_left_position = options.pos.x - left_position_change
+ if (new_left_position < 0) {
+ left_position_change = 0
+ }
+ if (($(window).scrollTop() - new_top_position) > 0) {
+ top_position_change = 0
+ }
+ if ((options.event.pageY + options.dim.h) > ($(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop())) {
+ top_position_change = options.dim.h
+ }
+ if ((options.event.pageX + options.dim.w) > ($(window).width() + $(window).scrollLeft())) {
+ left_position_change = options.dim.w
+ }
+ $dialog.animate({
+ top: "-=" + top_position_change,
+ left: "-=" + left_position_change,
+ width: options.dim.w,
+ height: options.dim.h
+ }, 200, function() {
+ message.style.visibility = "visible";
+ });
+ $dialog.find('.dialog-yes').click(function() {
+ options.yes_callback($dialog);
+ });
+ if (options.hasOwnProperty("no_callback")) {
+ $dialog.find('.dialog-no:first-child').click(function() {
+ options.no_callback($dialog);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $dialog.find('.dialog-no:first-child').click(function() {
+ default_close_function($dialog);
+ });
+ }
+ if (options.close_on_clickoutside) {
+ $dialog.one('clickoutside', function() {
+ default_close_function($dialog);
+ });
+ }
+ return $dialog;
+function show_message(evt, msg, callback) {
+ var $dialog = show_dialog({
+ html: msg,
+ extra_class: 'warning',
+ event: evt,
+ yes_callback: function() {
+ $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $dialog.remove();
+ });
+ if (callback) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ },
+ close_on_clickoutside: true
+ });
+function load_prompt(evt, el, url) {
+ $.get(url, function(data) {
+ var doptions = {
+ html: data,
+ extra_class: 'prompt',
+ yes_callback: function() {
+ var postvars = {};
+ $dialog.find('input, textarea, select').each(function() {
+ postvars[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val();
+ });
+ $.post(url, postvars, function(data) {
+ $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $dialog.remove();
+ });
+ process_ajax_response(data, evt);
+ }, 'json');
+ },
+ show_no: true,
+ copy: false
+ }
+ if (el.hasClass('copy')) {
+ $.extend(doptions, { yes_text : 'Copy', copy: true});
+ }
+ if (!el.is('.centered')) {
+ doptions.event = evt;
+ }
+ var $dialog = show_dialog(doptions);
+ });
+function process_ajax_response(data, evt, callback) {
+ if (!data.success && data['error_message'] != undefined) {
+ show_message(evt, data.error_message, function() {if (callback) callback(true);});
+ end_command(false);
+ }
+ if (typeof data['commands'] != undefined){
+ for (var command in data.commands) {
+ response_commands[command].apply(null, data.commands[command])
+ }
+ if (data['message'] != undefined) {
+ show_message(evt, data.message, function() {if (callback) callback(false);})
+ } else {
+ if (callback) callback(false);
+ }
+ end_command(true);
+ }
+var running = false;
+function start_command() {
+ $('body').append($(''));
+ running = true;
+function end_command(success) {
+ if (success) {
+ $('#command-loader').addClass('success');
+ $('#command-loader').fadeOut("slow", function() {
+ $('#command-loader').remove();
+ running = false;
+ });
+ } else {
+ $('#command-loader').remove();
+ running = false;
+ }
+var comment_box_cursor_position = 0;
+function canned_comment(post_id, comment) {
+ textarea = $('#comment-' + post_id + '-form textarea')
+ // Get the text from the beginning to the caret
+ textarea_start = textarea.val().substr(0, comment_box_cursor_position)
+ // Get the text from the caret to the end
+ textarea_end = textarea.val().substr(comment_box_cursor_position, textarea.val().length)
+ textarea.val(textarea_start + comment + textarea_end);
+$(function() {
+ $('textarea.commentBox').bind('keydown keyup mousedown mouseup mousemove', function(evt) {
+ comment_box_cursor_position = $(this).caret().start;
+ });
+ $('textarea.commentBox').blur(function() {
+ //alert(comment_box_cursor_position);
+ });
+ $('a.ajax-command').live('click', function(evt) {
+ if (running) return false;
+ var el = $(this);
+ var ajax_url = el.attr('href')
+ ajax_url = ajax_url + "?nocache=" + new Date().getTime()
+ $('.context-menu-dropdown').slideUp('fast');
+ if (el.is('.withprompt')) {
+ load_prompt(evt, el, ajax_url);
+ } else if(el.is('.confirm')) {
+ var doptions = {
+ html: messages.confirm,
+ extra_class: 'confirm',
+ yes_callback: function() {
+ start_command();
+ $.getJSON(ajax_url, function(data) {
+ process_ajax_response(data, evt);
+ $dialog.fadeOut('fast', function() {
+ $dialog.remove();
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ yes_text: messages.yes,
+ show_no: true,
+ no_text: messages.no
+ }
+ if (!el.is('.centered')) {
+ doptions.event = evt;
+ }
+ var $dialog = show_dialog(doptions);
+ } else {
+ start_command();
+ $.ajax({
+ url: ajax_url,
+ type: "POST",
+ dataType: "json",
+ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
+ success: function(data) {
+ process_ajax_response(data, evt);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return false
+ });
+ $('.context-menu').each(function() {
+ var $menu = $(this);
+ var $trigger = $menu.find('.context-menu-trigger');
+ var $dropdown = $menu.find('.context-menu-dropdown');
+ $trigger.click(function() {
+ $dropdown.slideToggle('fast', function() {
+ if ($dropdown.is(':visible')) {
+ $dropdown.one('clickoutside', function() {
+ if ($dropdown.is(':visible'))
+ $dropdown.slideUp('fast');
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ $('div.comment-form-container').each(function() {
+ var $container = $(this);
+ var $comment_tools = $container.parent().find('.comment-tools');
+ var $comments_container = $container.parent().find('.comments-container');
+ var $form = $container.find('form');
+ if ($form.length) {
+ var $textarea = $container.find('textarea');
+ var textarea = $textarea.get(0);
+ var $button = $container.find('.comment-submit');
+ var $cancel = $container.find('.comment-cancel');
+ var $chars_left_message = $container.find('.comments-chars-left-msg');
+ var $chars_togo_message = $container.find('.comments-chars-togo-msg');
+ var $chars_counter = $container.find('.comments-char-left-count');
+ var $add_comment_link = $comment_tools.find('.add-comment-link');
+ var chars_limits = $chars_counter.html().split('|');
+ var min_length = parseInt(chars_limits[0]);
+ var max_length = parseInt(chars_limits[1]);
+ var warn_length = max_length - 30;
+ var current_length = 0;
+ var comment_in_form = false;
+ var interval = null;
+ var hcheck = !($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera);
+ $textarea.css("padding-top", 0).css("padding-bottom", 0).css("resize", "none");
+ textarea.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ function cleanup_form() {
+ $textarea.val('');
+ $textarea.css('height', 80);
+ $chars_counter.html(max_length);
+ $chars_left_message.removeClass('warn');
+ comment_in_form = false;
+ current_length = 0;
+ $chars_left_message.hide();
+ $chars_togo_message.show();
+ $chars_counter.removeClass('warn');
+ $chars_counter.html(min_length);
+ $button.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ interval = null;
+ }
+ cleanup_form();
+ function process_form_changes() {
+ var length = $textarea.val().replace(/[ ]{2,}/g," ").length;
+ if (current_length == length)
+ return;
+ if (length < warn_length && current_length >= warn_length) {
+ $chars_counter.removeClass('warn');
+ } else if (current_length < warn_length && length >= warn_length){
+ $chars_counter.addClass('warn');
+ }
+ if (length < min_length) {
+ $chars_left_message.hide();
+ $chars_togo_message.show();
+ $chars_counter.html(min_length - length);
+ } else {
+ length = $textarea.val().length;
+ $chars_togo_message.hide();
+ $chars_left_message.show();
+ $chars_counter.html(max_length - length);
+ }
+ if (length > max_length || length < min_length) {
+ $button.attr("disabled","disabled");
+ } else {
+ $button.removeAttr("disabled");
+ }
+ var current_height = textarea.style.height;
+ if (hcheck)
+ textarea.style.height = "0px";
+ var h = Math.max(80, textarea.scrollHeight);
+ textarea.style.height = current_height;
+ $textarea.animate({height: h + 'px'}, 50);
+ current_length = length;
+ }
+ function show_comment_form() {
+ $container.slideDown('slow');
+ $add_comment_link.fadeOut('slow');
+ $textarea.focus();
+ interval = window.setInterval(function() {
+ process_form_changes();
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ function hide_comment_form() {
+ if (interval != null) {
+ window.clearInterval(interval);
+ interval = null;
+ }
+ $container.slideUp('slow');
+ $add_comment_link.fadeIn('slow');
+ }
+ $add_comment_link.click(function(){
+ cleanup_form();
+ show_comment_form();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $('#' + $comments_container.attr('id') + ' .comment-edit').live('click', function() {
+ var $link = $(this);
+ var comment_id = /comment-(\d+)-edit/.exec($link.attr('id'))[1];
+ var $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_id);
+ comment_in_form = comment_id;
+ $.get($link.attr('href'), function(data) {
+ $textarea.val(data);
+ });
+ $comment.slideUp('slow');
+ show_comment_form();
+ return false;
+ });
+ $button.click(function(evt) {
+ if (running) return false;
+ var post_data = {
+ comment: $textarea.val()
+ }
+ if (comment_in_form) {
+ post_data['id'] = comment_in_form;
+ }
+ start_command();
+ $.post($form.attr('action'), post_data, function(data) {
+ process_ajax_response(data, evt, function(error) {
+ if (!error) {
+ cleanup_form();
+ hide_comment_form();
+ }
+ });
+ }, "json");
+ return false;
+ });
+ // Submit comment with CTRL + Enter
+ $textarea.keydown(function(e) {
+ if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 13 && !$button.attr('disabled')) {
+ // console.log('submit');
+ $(this).parent().find('input.comment-submit').click();
+ }
+ });
+ $cancel.click(function(event) {
+ if (confirm("You will lose all of your changes in this comment. Do you still wish to proceed?")){
+ if (comment_in_form) {
+ $comment = $('#comment-' + comment_in_form).slideDown('slow');
+ }
+ hide_comment_form();
+ cleanup_form();
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ }
+ $comment_tools.find('.show-all-comments-link').click(function() {
+ $comments_container.find('.not_top_scorer').slideDown('slow');
+ $(this).fadeOut('slow');
+ $comment_tools.find('.comments-showing').fadeOut('slow');
+ return false;
+ });
+ });
+ if ($('#editor').length) {
+ var $editor = $('#editor');
+ var $previewer = $('#previewer');
+ var $container = $('#editor-metrics');
+ var initial_whitespace_rExp = /^[^A-Za-zÐ-Яа-Ñ0-9]+/gi;
+ var non_alphanumerics_rExp = rExp = /[^A-Za-zÐ-Яа-Ñ0-9]+/gi;
+ var editor_interval = null;
+ $editor.focus(function() {
+ if (editor_interval == null) {
+ editor_interval = window.setInterval(function() {
+ recalc_metrics();
+ }, 200);
+ }
+ });
+ function recalc_metrics() {
+ var text = $previewer.text();
+ var char_count = text.length;
+ var fullStr = text + " ";
+ var left_trimmedStr = fullStr.replace(initial_whitespace_rExp, "");
+ var cleanedStr = left_trimmedStr.replace(non_alphanumerics_rExp, " ");
+ var splitString = cleanedStr.split(" ");
+ var word_count = splitString.length - 1;
+ var metrics = char_count + " " + (char_count == 1 ? messages.character : messages.characters);
+ metrics += " / " + word_count + " " + (word_count == 1 ? messages.word : messages.words);
+ $container.html(metrics);
+ }
+ }
+//var scriptUrl, interestingTags, ignoredTags, tags, $;
+function pickedTags(){
+ var sendAjax = function(tagname, reason, action, callback){
+ var url = scriptUrl;
+ if (action == 'add'){
+ url += $.i18n._('mark-tag/');
+ if (reason == 'good'){
+ url += $.i18n._('interesting/');
+ }
+ else {
+ url += $.i18n._('ignored/');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ url += $.i18n._('unmark-tag/');
+ }
+ url = url + tagname + '/';
+ var call_settings = {
+ type:'POST',
+ url:url,
+ data: ''
+ };
+ if (callback !== false){
+ call_settings.success = callback;
+ }
+ $.ajax(call_settings);
+ };
+ var unpickTag = function(from_target ,tagname, reason, send_ajax){
+ //send ajax request to delete tag
+ var deleteTagLocally = function(){
+ from_target[tagname].remove();
+ delete from_target[tagname];
+ $(".tags.interesting").trigger('contentchanged');
+ };
+ if (send_ajax){
+ sendAjax(tagname,reason,'remove',deleteTagLocally);
+ }
+ else {
+ deleteTagLocally();
+ }
+ };
+ var setupTagDeleteEvents = function(obj,tag_store,tagname,reason,send_ajax){
+ obj.unbind('mouseover').bind('mouseover', function(){
+ $(this).attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-hover.png'));
+ });
+ obj.unbind('mouseout').bind('mouseout', function(){
+ $(this).attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-dark.png'));
+ });
+ obj.click( function(){
+ unpickTag(tag_store,tagname,reason,send_ajax);
+ });
+ };
+ var handlePickedTag = function(obj,reason){
+ var tagname = $.trim($(obj).prev().attr('value'));
+ var to_target = interestingTags;
+ var from_target = ignoredTags;
+ var to_tag_container;
+ if (reason == 'bad'){
+ to_target = ignoredTags;
+ from_target = interestingTags;
+ to_tag_container = $('div .tags.ignored');
+ }
+ else if (reason != 'good'){
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ to_tag_container = $('div .tags.interesting');
+ }
+ if (tagname in from_target){
+ unpickTag(from_target,tagname,reason,false);
+ }
+ if (!(tagname in to_target)){
+ //send ajax request to pick this tag
+ sendAjax(tagname,reason,'add',function(){
+ var new_tag = $('');
+ new_tag.addClass('deletable-tag');
+ var tag_link = $('');
+ tag_link.attr('rel','tag');
+ tag_link.attr('href', scriptUrl + $.i18n._('tags/') + tagname + '/');
+ tag_link.html(tagname);
+ var del_link = $('
+ del_link.addClass('delete-icon');
+ del_link.attr('src', mediaUrl('media/images/close-small-dark.png'));
+ setupTagDeleteEvents(del_link, to_target, tagname, reason, true);
+ new_tag.append(tag_link);
+ new_tag.append(del_link);
+ to_tag_container.append(new_tag);
+ to_target[tagname] = new_tag;
+ to_tag_container.trigger('contentchanged');
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ var collectPickedTags = function(){
+ var good_prefix = 'interesting-tag-';
+ var bad_prefix = 'ignored-tag-';
+ var good_re = RegExp('^' + good_prefix);
+ var bad_re = RegExp('^' + bad_prefix);
+ interestingTags = {};
+ ignoredTags = {};
+ $('.deletable-tag').each(
+ function(i,item){
+ var item_id = $(item).attr('id');
+ var tag_name, tag_store;
+ if (good_re.test(item_id)){
+ tag_name = item_id.replace(good_prefix,'');
+ tag_store = interestingTags;
+ reason = 'good';
+ }
+ else if (bad_re.test(item_id)){
+ tag_name = item_id.replace(bad_prefix,'');
+ tag_store = ignoredTags;
+ reason = 'bad';
+ }
+ else {
+ return;
+ }
+ tag_store[tag_name] = $(item);
+ setupTagDeleteEvents($(item).find('img'),tag_store,tag_name,reason,true);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ var setupHideIgnoredQuestionsControl = function(){
+ $('#hideIgnoredTagsCb').unbind('click').click(function(){
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'POST',
+ dataType: 'json',
+ cache: false,
+ url: scriptUrl + $.i18n._('command/'),
+ data: {command:'toggle-ignored-questions'}
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ return {
+ init: function(){
+ collectPickedTags();
+ setupHideIgnoredQuestionsControl();
+ $("#interestingTagInput, #ignoredTagInput").autocomplete(messages.matching_tags_url, {
+ minChars: 1,
+ matchContains: true,
+ max: 20,
+ /*multiple: false, - the favorite tags and ignore tags don't let you do multiple tags
+ multipleSeparator: " "*/
+ formatItem: function(row, i, max, value) {
+ return row[1] + " (" + row[2] + ")";
+ },
+ formatResult: function(row, i, max, value){
+ return row[1];
+ }
+ });
+ $("#interestingTagAdd").click(function(){handlePickedTag(this,'good');});
+ $("#ignoredTagAdd").click(function(){handlePickedTag(this,'bad');});
+ }
+ };
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+var mediaUrl = function(resource){
+ return scriptUrl + 'm/' + osqaSkin + '/' + resource;
+ * jQuery i18n plugin
+ * @requires jQuery v1.1 or later
+ *
+ * Examples at: http://recurser.com/articles/2008/02/21/jquery-i18n-translation-plugin/
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+ * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
+ *
+ * Based on 'javascript i18n that almost doesn't suck' by markos
+ * http://markos.gaivo.net/blog/?p=100
+ *
+ * Revision: $Id$
+ * Version: 1.0.0 Feb-10-2008
+ */
+ (function($) {
+ * i18n provides a mechanism for translating strings using a jscript dictionary.
+ *
+ */
+ * i18n property list
+ */
+$.i18n = {
+ * setDictionary()
+ * Initialise the dictionary and translate nodes
+ *
+ * @param property_list i18n_dict : The dictionary to use for translation
+ */
+ setDictionary: function(i18n_dict) {
+ i18n_dict = i18n_dict;
+ },
+ * _()
+ * The actual translation function. Looks the given string up in the
+ * dictionary and returns the translation if one exists. If a translation
+ * is not found, returns the original word
+ *
+ * @param string str : The string to translate
+ * @param property_list params : params for using printf() on the string
+ * @return string : Translated word
+ *
+ */
+ _: function (str, params) {
+ var transl = str;
+ if (i18n_dict&& i18n_dict[str]) {
+ transl = i18n_dict[str];
+ }
+ return this.printf(transl, params);
+ },
+ * toEntity()
+ * Change non-ASCII characters to entity representation
+ *
+ * @param string str : The string to transform
+ * @return string result : Original string with non-ASCII content converted to entities
+ *
+ */
+ toEntity: function (str) {
+ var result = '';
+ for (var i=0;i 128)
+ result += ""+str.charCodeAt(i)+";";
+ else
+ result += str.charAt(i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ * stripStr()
+ *
+ * @param string str : The string to strip
+ * @return string result : Stripped string
+ *
+ */
+ stripStr: function(str) {
+ return str.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
+ },
+ * stripStrML()
+ *
+ * @param string str : The multi-line string to strip
+ * @return string result : Stripped string
+ *
+ */
+ stripStrML: function(str) {
+ // Split because m flag doesn't exist before JS1.5 and we need to
+ // strip newlines anyway
+ var parts = str.split('\n');
+ for (var i=0; i15 points requried to upvote':'??+15?????????',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'??+100?????????',
+ 'please see': '??',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'??????????',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'????????????????',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'??????????????',
+ 'please confirm offensive':"??????????????????????",
+ 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'???????????',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'???????',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'?????????????5?Â??Â???',
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':"??+15??????Â???Â?",
+ 'confirm delete':"?????/????????",
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"???????????????",
+ 'post recovered':"?????????????",
+ 'post deleted':"????????????",
+ 'add comment':'????',
+ 'community karma points':'????',
+ 'to comment, need':'????',
+ 'delete this comment':'?????',
+ 'hide comments':"????",
+ 'add a comment':"????",
+ 'comments':"??",
+ 'confirm delete comment':"?????????",
+ 'characters':'??',
+ 'can write':'???',
+ 'click to close':'???????',
+ 'loading...':'???...',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'???????',
+ 'tablimits info':"??5????????????20????",
+ 'content cannot be empty':'???????',
+ 'content minchars': '????? {0} ???',
+ 'please enter title':'??????',
+ 'title minchars':"????? {0} ???",
+ 'delete':'??',
+ 'undelete': '??',
+ 'bold':'??',
+ 'italic':'??',
+ 'link':'???',
+ 'quote':'??',
+ 'preformatted text':'??',
+ 'image':'??',
+ 'numbered list':'??????',
+ 'bulleted list':'??????',
+ 'heading':'??',
+ 'horizontal bar':'???',
+ 'undo':'??',
+ 'redo':'??',
+ 'enter image url':'?????????
http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"????\"',
+ 'enter url':'??Web??
http://www.cnprog.com/ \"????\"
+ 'upload image':'?????????'
+var i18nEn = {
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':'need >15 points to report spam ',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote':'>15 points required to upvote ',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'please enter at least one tag',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'sorry, anonymous users cannot vote ',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'sorry, anonymous users cannot select favorite questions ',
+ 'to comment, need': '(to comment other people\'s posts, karma ',
+ 'please see':'please see ',
+ 'community karma points':' or more is necessary) - ',
+ 'upload image':'Upload image:',
+ 'enter image url':'enter URL of the image, e.g. http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"image title\"',
+ 'enter url':'enter Web address, e.g. http://www.example.com \"page title\"',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays vote cap',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'sorry, you cannot accept your own answer',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'sorry, older votes cannot be revoked',
+ 'please confirm offensive':'are you sure this post is offensive, contains spam, advertising, malicious remarks, etc.?',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'sorry, you\'ve used up todays cap of flagging offensive messages ',
+ 'confirm delete':'are you sure you want to delete this?',
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':'sorry, anonymous users cannot delete or undelete posts',
+ 'post recovered':'your post is now restored!',
+ 'post deleted':'your post has been deleted',
+ 'confirm delete comment':'do you really want to delete this comment?',
+ 'can write':'have ',
+ 'tablimits info':'up to 5 tags, no more than 20 characters each',
+ 'content minchars': 'please enter more than {0} characters',
+ 'title minchars':"please enter at least {0} characters",
+ 'characters':'characters left',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'sorry, you cannot vote for your own posts',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'cannot flag message as offensive twice ',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 points required to downvote '
+var i18nEs = {
+ 'insufficient privilege':'privilegio insuficiente',
+ 'cannot pick own answer as best':'no puede escoger su propia respuesta como la mejor',
+ 'anonymous users cannot select favorite questions':'usuarios anonimos no pueden seleccionar',
+ 'please login':'por favor inicie sesión',
+ 'anonymous users cannot vote':'usuarios anónimos no pueden votar',
+ '>15 points requried to upvote': '>15 puntos requeridos para votar positivamente',
+ '>100 points required to downvote':'>100 puntos requeridos para votar negativamente',
+ 'please see': 'por favor vea',
+ 'cannot vote for own posts':'no se puede votar por sus propias publicaciones',
+ 'daily vote cap exhausted':'cuota de votos diarios excedida',
+ 'cannot revoke old vote':'no puede revocar un voto viejo',
+ 'please confirm offensive':"por favor confirme ofensiva",
+ 'anonymous users cannot flag offensive posts':'usuarios anónimos no pueden marcar publicaciones como ofensivas',
+ 'cannot flag message as offensive twice':'no puede marcar mensaje como ofensivo dos veces',
+ 'flag offensive cap exhausted':'cuota para marcar ofensivas ha sido excedida',
+ 'need >15 points to report spam':"necesita >15 puntos para reportar spam",
+ 'confirm delete':"¿Está seguro que desea borrar esto?",
+ 'anonymous users cannot delete/undelete':"usuarios anónimos no pueden borrar o recuperar publicaciones",
+ 'post recovered':"publicación recuperada",
+ 'post deleted':"publicación borrada?",
+ 'add comment':'agregar comentario',
+ 'community karma points':'reputación comunitaria',
+ 'to comment, need':'para comentar, necesita reputación',
+ 'delete this comment':'borrar este comentario',
+ 'hide comments':"ocultar comentarios",
+ 'add a comment':"agregar comentarios",
+ 'comments':"comentarios",
+ 'confirm delete comment':"¿Realmente desea borrar este comentario?",
+ 'characters':'caracteres faltantes',
+ 'can write':'tiene ',
+ 'click to close':'haga click para cerrar',
+ 'loading...':'cargando...',
+ 'tags cannot be empty':'las etiquetas no pueden estar vacÃas',
+ 'tablimits info':"hasta 5 etiquetas de no mas de 20 caracteres cada una",
+ 'content cannot be empty':'el contenido no puede estar vacÃo',
+ 'content minchars': 'por favor introduzca mas de {0} caracteres',
+ 'please enter title':'por favor ingrese un tÃtulo',
+ 'title minchars':"por favor introduzca al menos {0} caracteres",
+ 'delete':'borrar',
+ 'undelete': 'recuperar',
+ 'bold': 'negrita',
+ 'italic':'cursiva',
+ 'link':'enlace',
+ 'quote':'citar',
+ 'preformatted text':'texto preformateado',
+ 'image':'imagen',
+ 'numbered list':'lista numerada',
+ 'bulleted list':'lista no numerada',
+ 'heading':'??',
+ 'horizontal bar':'barra horizontal',
+ 'undo':'deshacer',
+ 'redo':'rehacer',
+ 'enter image url':'introduzca la URL de la imagen, por ejemplo?
http://www.example.com/image.jpg \"titulo de imagen\"',
+ 'enter url':'introduzca direcciones web, ejemplo?
http://www.cnprog.com/ \"titulo del enlace\""',
+ 'upload image':'cargar imagen?',
+ 'questions/' : 'preguntas/',
+ 'vote/' : 'votar/'
+var i18n = {
+ 'en':i18nEn,
+ 'zh_CN':i18nZh,
+ 'es':i18nEs
+var i18n_dict = i18n[i18nLang];
+ jQuery TextAreaResizer plugin
+ Created on 17th January 2008 by Ryan O'Dell
+ Version 1.0.4
+*/(function($){var textarea,staticOffset;var iLastMousePos=0;var iMin=32;var grip;$.fn.TextAreaResizer=function(){return this.each(function(){textarea=$(this).addClass('processed'),staticOffset=null;$(this).wrap('
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+ isVisible: function() { return visible; }
+ };
+} ();
+ * jQuery outside events - v1.1 - 3/16/2010
+ * http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-outside-events-plugin/
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+ * http://benalman.com/about/license/
+ */
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+ return "Are you sure you want to leave? Your work will be lost.";
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+ return e;
+ }
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