2011-07-03 |
jordan | OSQA-465, be able to embed YouTube videos. Adding a... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-07-02 |
jordan | resolves a unicode issue in the convert answer to comme... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-07-02 |
jordan | Jira OSQA-598, a functionality that allows to convert... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-07-01 |
jordan | OSQA-695, exclude the closed questions from the unanswe... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-30 |
jordan | add the feed request exclude parameters as an argument... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-30 |
jordan | undoing changes made in commit #1080 |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-24 |
jordan | OSQA-514, cache the opensearch view for 30 days |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-24 |
jordan | Resolves OSQA-661, adding functionality to allow deleti... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-14 |
hernani | Should fix the missing admin items problem. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-10 |
hernani | Fixes the is_staff decorator to allow superusers to. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-06-02 |
jordan | making the flagged posts administration page visible... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-26 |
hernani | Fixes a bug in the user profile. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-26 |
hernani | Allow modules to set custom sorts on rss feeds. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-26 |
hernani | Some fixes around pagination. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-17 |
jordan | adding support for the new Facebook oauth 2.0 authentic... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-17 |
jordan | fixing a small bug that appeared in Revision 1039 |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-16 |
jordan | Resolves Jira OSQA-682, do not use the MAX_VOTES_PER_DA... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-16 |
hernani | Don't allow negative points awards. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-04 |
hernani | Makes related questions search work with weighted results. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-05-04 |
hernani | Several improvements in full text search operations. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-29 |
hernani | Some unicode fixes. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-25 |
hernani | Fixes small bug with rss feed url generation. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-14 |
jordan | notifications improvement, now we make sure that the... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-13 |
jordan | OSQA-650, force unicode when using the __unicode__... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-12 |
jordan | The convert to answer action now works only if the... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-11 |
jordan | Some tags Unicode improvements. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-10 |
jordan | OSQA-617, better Unicode support for the User Profile... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-09 |
jordan | OSQA-538, fixing the IE caching issues, now we append... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-09 |
jordan | changing the awarded tool user message, it used to... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-04-02 |
jordan | Reintegrate merge cacheimp -> trunk. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-27 |
jordan | OSQA-587, filtering the questions QuerySet on the tag... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-27 |
jordan | OSQA-621, adding a separate rss link for the question_s... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-24 |
jordan | #SPLUNK-91, modifying the permanent link tool, adding... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-23 |
jordan | #OSQA-388, creating a separate action for the award... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-16 |
jordan | #OSQA-388, we check if the user has enough reputation... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-16 |
jordan | merge notification-config -> trunk, previous commits... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-15 |
jordan | #OSQA-388, connecting the award_points command to the... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-15 |
jordan | #OSQA-388, showing message to the current user on submi... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-13 |
jordan | reintegrate merge hernani -> trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-13 |
hernani | Improved "convert to question" routine, using the quest... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-11 |
hernani | merging jambazov > trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-11 |
hernani | merge hernani > trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-10 |
jordan | Reverting the merges due to unsuccessfull conflict... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-10 |
jordan | merge hernani -> trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-10 |
jordan | merge jambazov -> trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-10 |
jordan | sync merge jambazov -> trunk |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-03-07 |
jordan | Merging jambazov --> trunk. |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-02-15 |
hernani | fixes a nasty bug causing a view to never return a... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-02-02 |
claycarpenter | Merge of jambazov branch to trunk. Adds CC license... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-01-31 |
claycarpenter | Accepting incoming merge of the jambazov feature branch... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-01-07 |
hernani | Previous feature addition commit introduced errors... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-01-05 |
jordan | Work on issue #OSQA-510. Added support for ReCaptcha... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-01-04 |
jordan | Added an option to allow users with higher reputation... |
tree | commitdiff |
2011-01-01 |
hernani | Fixes comment edit, which was being performed against... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-29 |
jordan | Adding some more accurate Unicode support, modified... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-29 |
jordan | We exclude the deleted comments from the queryset when... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-28 |
jordan | We update "karma" to "reputation", as in the translatio... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-27 |
jordan | Show template except the 404 error. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-27 |
jordan | Adding ability to convert comments to answers. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-27 |
jordan | Fixing bug 482 in a way we escape all passed from URL... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-12-22 |
jordan | Added functionality to convert answers to comments... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-11-10 |
hernani | Problem with case insensitive tag search. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-11-10 |
hernani | Applies some of the Justin Grant's patches. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-10-21 |
hernani | Small tweaks. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-10-12 |
hernani | Applies patches by Justing Grant. Makes several improve... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-13 |
hernani | Fixes OSQA 446 "Security - Multiple cross site scriptin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-11 |
hernani | Bulk management changes: |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-10 |
hernani | Adds the hability to hard delete nodes in the bulk... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-10 |
hernani | Adds the option to save filters in the node management. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-10 |
hernani | Some more changes in node management. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-09-09 |
hernani | Several improvements in the node bulk management featur... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-31 |
hernani | Handle redirects and other responses in parameter decor... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-31 |
hernani | Adds quick creation of new users through the admin... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-30 |
hernani | Finished with node bulk management, although only optio... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-26 |
hernani | Removes unused variables. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-26 |
hernani | A small fix in the admin decorators. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-26 |
hernani | Adds the bulk management interface with node bulk manag... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-23 |
matt | this won't be in the tabs, so keep it from throwing... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-20 |
matt | reverted out some debugging code |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-20 |
court | This is for the online users page. It has been disable... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-08-17 |
hernani | Removes a few remaining usages of old django decorators... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-27 |
hernani | Fixes bad sorting on unanswered tab. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-19 |
hernani | Some more fixes in the subscribe button. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-19 |
qw3rty | changed the subscribe command so that it allows admins... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
qw3rty | now superusers and staff can unsubscribe users subscrip... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
qw3rty | showing auto subscribe is now the default on the subscr... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
qw3rty | made some changes to the subscriptions view. works... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
qw3rty | OSQA-266 |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
matt | some cleanup on the listing of subscriptions and changi... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
matt | removes a tab being created for new online users functi... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-16 |
qw3rty | OSQA-266 |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-15 |
hernani | Adds a couple of options to manage the "accepting answe... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-15 |
hernani | Fixes OSQA-142, spaces in uploaded image names = FAIL. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-15 |
hernani | Fixes OSQA-406, Validation hash is not reset when email... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-13 |
hernani | closes OSQA 401 - Wrong page title in search results |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-10 |
hernani | Fixes question and answer count in the sidebar. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-09 |
hernani | Fixes the forwarding after email validation. |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-09 |
hernani | Fixes OSQA-88 (Improve "hottest" functionality on front... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-09 |
hernani | Prevents questions on which the slug comes out empty... |
tree | commitdiff |
2010-07-09 |
hernani | Adds options to control the behaviour of urls. |
tree | commitdiff |
next |