1 Config.setup do |config|
2 # Name of the constant exposing loaded settings
3 config.const_name = "Settings"
5 # Ability to remove elements of the array set in earlier loaded settings file. For example value: '--'.
7 # config.knockout_prefix = nil
9 # Overwrite an existing value when merging a `nil` value.
10 # When set to `false`, the existing value is retained after merge.
12 # config.merge_nil_values = true
14 # Overwrite arrays found in previously loaded settings file. When set to `false`, arrays will be merged.
16 # config.overwrite_arrays = true
18 # Load environment variables from the `ENV` object and override any settings defined in files.
20 # config.use_env = false
22 # Define ENV variable prefix deciding which variables to load into config.
24 # config.env_prefix = 'Settings'
26 # What string to use as level separator for settings loaded from ENV variables. Default value of '.' works well
27 # with Heroku, but you might want to change it for example for '__' to easy override settings from command line, where
28 # using dots in variable names might not be allowed (eg. Bash).
30 # config.env_separator = '.'
32 # Ability to process variables names:
34 # * :downcase - convert to lower case
36 # config.env_converter = :downcase
38 # Parse numeric values as integers instead of strings.
40 # config.env_parse_values = true
42 # Validate presence and type of specific config values. Check https://github.com/dry-rb/dry-validation for details.
45 # required(:name).filled
46 # required(:age).maybe(:int?)
47 # required(:email).filled(format?: EMAIL_REGEX)