1 class SwfController < ApplicationController
2 skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token
3 before_filter :check_api_readable
6 # RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.error("Args: #{args[0]}, #{args[1]}, #{args[2]}, #{args[3]}")
7 # $log.puts Time.new.to_s+','+Time.new.usec.to_s+": started GPS script"
8 # http://localhost:3000/api/0.4/swf/trackpoints?xmin=-2.32402605810577&xmax=-2.18386309423859&ymin=52.1546608755772&ymax=52.2272777906895&baselong=-2.25325793066437&basey=61.3948537948532&masterscale=5825.4222222222
10 # ====================================================================
13 # ---- trackpoints compile SWF of trackpoints
18 baselong = params["baselong"].to_f
19 basey = params["basey"].to_f
20 masterscale = params["masterscale"].to_f
22 bbox = BoundingBox.new(params["xmin"], params["ymin"],
23 params["xmax"], params["ymax"])
24 start = params["start"].to_i
29 bounds_right = 320 * 20
34 m += swf_record(9, 255.chr + 155.chr + 155.chr) # Background
40 # - Send SQL for GPS tracks
44 lasttrack = lastfile = "-1"
47 user = User.authenticate(:token => params[:token])
48 sql = "SELECT gps_points.latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,gps_points.longitude*0.0000001 AS lon,gpx_files.id AS fileid," + " EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM gps_points.timestamp) AS ts, gps_points.trackid AS trackid " + " FROM gpx_files,gps_points " + "WHERE gpx_files.id=gpx_id " + " AND gpx_files.user_id=#{user.id} " + " AND " + OSM.sql_for_area(bbox, "gps_points.") + " AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) " + "ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts " + "LIMIT 10000 OFFSET #{start}"
50 sql = "SELECT latitude*0.0000001 AS lat,longitude*0.0000001 AS lon,gpx_id AS fileid," + " EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp) AS ts, gps_points.trackid AS trackid " + " FROM gps_points " + "WHERE " + OSM.sql_for_area(bbox, "gps_points.") + " AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) " + "ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts " + "LIMIT 10000 OFFSET #{start}"
52 gpslist = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all sql
54 # - Draw GPS trace lines
58 xs = (long2coord(row["lon"].to_f, baselong, masterscale) * 20).floor
59 ys = (lat2coord(row["lat"].to_f, basey, masterscale) * 20).floor
64 if row["ts"].to_i - lasttime > 180 || row["fileid"] != lastfile || row["trackid"] != lasttrack # or row['ts'].to_i==lasttime
65 b += start_and_move(xs, ys, "01")
69 b += draw_to(absx, absy, xs, ys)
72 lasttime = row["ts"].to_i
73 lastfile = row["fileid"]
74 lasttrack = row["trackid"]
75 r += [b.slice!(0...80)].pack("B*") while b.length > 80
78 # (Unwayed segments removed)
84 m += swf_record(2, pack_u16(1) + pack_rect(xl, xr, yb, yt) + r)
85 m += swf_record(4, pack_u16(1) + pack_u16(1))
87 # - Create Flash header and write to browser
89 m += swf_record(1, "") # Show frame
90 m += swf_record(0, "") # End
92 m = pack_rect(bounds_left, bounds_right, bounds_bottom, bounds_top) + 0.chr + 12.chr + pack_u16(1) + m
93 m = "FWS" + 6.chr + pack_u32(m.length + 8) + m
95 render :text => m, :content_type => "application/x-shockwave-flash"
100 # =======================================================================
103 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
107 s = 0.chr # No fill styles
108 s += 2.chr # Two line styles
109 s += pack_u16(0) + 0.chr + 255.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #00FFFF
110 s += pack_u16(0) + 255.chr + 0.chr + 255.chr # Width 5, RGB #FF00FF
111 s += 34.chr # 2 fill, 2 line index bits
119 def start_and_move(x, y, col)
120 d = "001001" # Line style change, moveTo
121 l = [length_sb(x), length_sb(y)].max
122 d += format("%05b%0*b%0*b", l, l, x, l, y)
123 d += col # Select line style
127 def draw_to(absx, absy, x, y)
131 # Split the line up if there's anything>16383, because
132 # that would overflow the 4 bits allowed for length
133 mstep = [dx.abs / 16383, dy.abs / 16383, 1].max.ceil
137 1.upto(mstep).each do
138 d += draw_section(x, y, x + xstep, y + ystep)
145 def draw_section(x1, y1, x2, y2)
146 d = "11" # TypeFlag, EdgeFlag
149 l = [length_sb(dx), length_sb(dy)].max
150 d += format("%04b", l - 2)
151 d += "1" # GeneralLine
152 d += format("%0*b%0*b", l, dx, l, dy)
156 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
157 # Specific data types
159 # SWF data block type
161 def swf_record(id, r)
163 # Long header: tag id, 0x3F, length
164 return pack_u16((id << 6) + 0x3F) + pack_u32(r.length) + r
166 # Short header: tag id, length
167 return pack_u16((id << 6) + r.length) + r
173 def pack_rect(a, b, c, d)
178 # create binary string (00111001 etc.) - 5-byte length, then bbox
179 n = format("%05b%0*b%0*b%0*b%0*b", l, l, a, l, b, l, c, l, d)
180 # pack into byte string
184 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
185 # Generic pack functions
195 # Find number of bits required to store arbitrary-length binary
198 Math.frexp(n + (n == 0 ? 1 : 0))[1] + 1
201 # ====================================================================
202 # Co-ordinate conversion
203 # (this is duplicated from amf_controller, should probably share)
205 def lat2coord(a, basey, masterscale)
206 -(lat2y(a) - basey) * masterscale
209 def long2coord(a, baselong, masterscale)
210 (a - baselong) * masterscale
214 180 / Math::PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math::PI / 4 + a * (Math::PI / 180) / 2))
218 a.gsub("'", "''").gsub(92.chr, 92.chr + 92.chr)