2 OSM.Router implements pushState-based navigation for the main page and
3 other pages that use a sidebar+map based layout (export, search results,
4 history, and browse pages).
6 For browsers without pushState, it falls back to full page loads, which all
7 of the above pages support.
9 The router is initialized with a set of routes: a mapping of URL path templates
10 to route controller objects. Path templates can contain placeholders
11 (`/note/:id`) and optional segments (`/:type/:id(/history)`).
13 Route controller objects can define four methods that are called at defined
16 * The `load` method is called by the router when a path which matches the
17 route's path template is loaded via a normal full page load. It is passed
18 as arguments the URL path plus any matching arguments for placeholders
21 * The `pushstate` method is called when a page which matches the route's path
22 template is loaded via pushState. It is passed the same arguments as `load`.
24 * The `popstate` method is called when returning to a previously
25 pushState-loaded page via popstate (i.e. browser back/forward buttons).
27 * The `unload` method is called on the exiting route controller when navigating
28 via pushState or popstate to another route.
30 Note that while `load` is not called by the router for pushState-based loads,
31 it's frequently useful for route controllers to call it manually inside their
32 definition of the `pushstate` and `popstate` methods.
34 An instance of OSM.Router is assigned to `OSM.router`. To navigate to a new page
35 via pushState (with automatic full-page load fallback), call `OSM.router.route`:
37 OSM.router.route('/way/1234');
39 If `route` is passed a path that matches one of the path templates, it performs
40 the appropriate actions and returns true. Otherwise it returns false.
42 OSM.Router also handles updating the hash portion of the URL containing transient
43 map state such as the position and zoom level. Some route controllers may wish to
44 temporarily suppress updating the hash (for example, to omit the hash on pages
45 such as `/way/1234` unless the map is moved). This can be done by calling
46 `OSM.router.moveListenerOff` and `OSM.router.moveListenerOn`.
48 OSM.Router = function(map, rts) {
49 var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
50 var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
51 var namedParam = /(\(\?)?:\w+/g;
52 var splatParam = /\*\w+/g;
54 function Route(path, controller) {
55 var regexp = new RegExp('^' +
56 path.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&')
57 .replace(optionalParam, '(?:$1)?')
58 .replace(namedParam, function(match, optional){
59 return optional ? match : '([^\/]+)';
61 .replace(splatParam, '(.*?)') + '(?:\\?.*)?$');
65 route.match = function(path) {
66 return regexp.test(path);
69 route.run = function(action, path) {
73 params = regexp.exec(path).map(function(param, i) {
74 return (i > 0 && param) ? decodeURIComponent(param) : param;
78 return (controller[action] || $.noop).apply(controller, params);
86 routes.push(Route(r, rts[r]));
88 routes.recognize = function(path) {
89 for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
90 if (this[i].match(path)) return this[i];
94 var currentPath = window.location.pathname.replace(/(.)\/$/, '$1') + window.location.search,
95 currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath),
96 currentHash = location.hash || OSM.formatHash(map);
100 if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
101 $(window).on('popstate', function(e) {
102 if (!e.originalEvent.state) return; // Is it a real popstate event or just a hash change?
103 var path = window.location.pathname + window.location.search;
104 if (path === currentPath) return;
105 currentRoute.run('unload');
107 currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath);
108 currentRoute.run('popstate', currentPath);
109 map.setState(e.originalEvent.state, {animate: false});
112 router.route = function (url) {
113 var path = url.replace(/#.*/, ''),
114 route = routes.recognize(path);
115 if (!route) return false;
116 currentRoute.run('unload');
117 var state = OSM.parseHash(url);
119 window.history.pushState(state, document.title, url);
121 currentRoute = route;
122 currentRoute.run('pushstate', currentPath);
126 router.stateChange = function(state) {
128 window.history.replaceState(state, document.title, OSM.formatHash(state));
130 window.history.replaceState(state, document.title, window.location);
134 router.route = function (url) {
135 window.location.assign(url);
138 router.stateChange = function(state) {
139 if (state.center) window.location.replace(OSM.formatHash(state));
143 router.updateHash = function() {
144 var hash = OSM.formatHash(map);
145 if (hash === currentHash) return;
147 router.stateChange(OSM.parseHash(hash));
150 router.hashUpdated = function() {
151 var hash = location.hash;
152 if (hash === currentHash) return;
154 var state = OSM.parseHash(hash);
156 router.stateChange(state, hash);
159 router.moveListenerOn = function() {
160 map.on('moveend', router.updateHash);
163 router.moveListenerOff = function() {
164 map.off('moveend', router.updateHash);
167 router.load = function() {
168 var loadState = currentRoute.run('load', currentPath);
169 router.stateChange(loadState || {});
172 router.setCurrentPath = function (path) {
174 currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath);
177 map.on('moveend baselayerchange overlaylayerchange', router.updateHash);
178 $(window).on('hashchange', router.hashUpdated);