3 Stylesheet that mimicks, to a certain extent, potlatch 1.x
4 Started by Andy Allan, November 2009
7 MapCSS demonstration stylesheet
8 Richard Fairhurst, October 2009
12 /* This rule applies to all areas (closed ways). Note that rules are applied in the order
13 they appear in the file, so later rules may replace this one for some ways.
14 This is used as a debugger for finding unstyled areas; it's obviously oversimplistic since
15 it picks up closed-loop highways. */
17 /* way :area { color: red; width: 1; fill-color: red; fill-opacity: 0.5; } */
19 /* A set of fairly standard rules.
20 We use z-index to make sure high-priority roads appear above minor ones.
21 The default z-index is 5. If an object matches multiple rules with the same
22 z-index then the rules are "merged" (but individual properties become one or the other) */
24 way[highway=motorway],way[highway=motorway_link],
25 way[highway=trunk],way[highway=trunk_link],
26 way[highway=primary],way[highway=primary_link],
27 way[highway=secondary],way[highway=secondary_link],
28 way[highway=tertiary],way[highway=tertiary_link],
29 way[highway=residential],way[highway=unclassified] { text: name; text-color: black; font-size: 10; text-position: line; text-halo-color: white; text-halo-radius: 2; }
30 way[highway=motorway],way[highway=motorway_link] { z-index: 9; color: #809BC0; width: 7; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; }
31 way[highway=trunk],way[highway=trunk_link] { z-index: 9; color: #7FC97F; width: 7; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; }
32 way[highway=primary],way[highway=primary_link] { z-index: 8; color: #E46D71; width: 7; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; }
33 way[highway=secondary],way[highway=secondary_link] { z-index: 7; color: #FDBF6F; width: 7; casing-width: 8; }
34 way[highway=tertiary],way[highway=unclassified] { z-index: 6; color: #FEFECB; width: 5; casing-width: 7; }
35 way[highway=tertiary_link] { z-index: 5; color: #FEFECB; width: 4; casing-width: 5; }
36 way[highway=residential] { z-index: 5; color: #E8E8E8; width: 5; casing-color: gray; casing-width: 7; }
37 way[highway=service][service!=parking_aisle] { color: white; width: 3; casing-color: gray; casing-width: 5; }
38 way[highway=service][service=parking_aisle] { color: white; width: 1; casing-color: #aaaaaa; casing-width: 2; }
39 way[highway=service][service=alley] { color: white; width: 2; dashes: 6,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 4; }
40 way[highway=road] { color: gray; width: 5; casing-color: white; casing-width: 7; }
42 /* Pedestrian precincts need to be treated carefully. Only closed-loops with an explicit
43 area=yes tag should be filled. The below doesn't yet work as intended. */
44 way[highway=pedestrian] !:area { color: #ddddee; width: 5; casing-color: #555555; casing-width: 6; casing-dashes: 2,4;}
45 way[highway=pedestrian] :area { color: #555555; width: 1; fill-color: #ddddee; fill-opacity: 0.8; }
47 way[highway=steps] { color: #FF6644; width: 6; dashes: 2, 2; }
48 way[highway=footway] { color: #FF6644; width: 2; dashes: 6, 3; set .path;}
49 way[highway=footway][bicycle=yes] { z-index: 4; color: Blue; width: 1; }
50 way[highway=bridleway] { z-index:9; color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2, 2, 2; set .path;}
51 way[highway=track] { color: #996644; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; .path;}
52 way[highway=path] { color: brown; width: 2; dashes: 2, 2; set .path;}
53 way[highway=cycleway] { color: Blue; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; set .path;}
54 way[railway=tram] {z-index: 11; color: #999999; width: 2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 6; }
55 way .path {text:name; text-color: black; text-position: offset; text-offset: 3;}
57 /* Could be improved */
58 way[highway=proposed] { color: #88ffff; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; }
59 way[highway=construction] { color: #ffffbb; width: 6; dashes: 8, 4; casing-color: #0000aa; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 8,4;}
60 way[construction=rail]
61 { z-index: 6; color: black; width: 5; dashes: 6, 6, 4, 8;}
62 { z-index: 7; color: white; width: 3; dashes: 6,18; }
68 way[waterway=stream] { color: blue; width: 2; text:name; text-color:blue; font-size:9; text-position: offset; text-offset: 7;}
69 way[waterway=drain] {color: blue; width: 1; text:name; text-color: blue; text-position: offset; text-offset: 3;}
70 way[waterway][tunnel=yes] {dashes: 8,4;}
72 way[barrier] {color: #000000; width: 1}
73 way[barrier=fence] {color: #000000; width: 1; dashes: 8,4,2,4; }
75 /*add node[power=pylon] etc when there's an icon */
76 way[power=line] {color: darkgray; width: 3; dashes: 12,2; casing-color: black; casing-width: 8; casing-dashes: 4, 38;}
77 way[power=minor_line] {color: gray; width: 2; dashes: 2,4; casing-width: 8; casing-color: white; casing-dashes: 2,22;}
78 way[power=station] :area { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #666666; fill-opacity: 0.6; set .area_small_name;}
79 way[power=generator] :area { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #444444; fill-opacity: 0.6; set .area_small_name;}
81 way[golf=hole] {color: darkgreen; width: 5; casing-color: green; casing-width: 10; }
83 /* Fills can be solid colour or bitmap images */
86 way[natural] :area { color: #ADD6A5; width: 1; fill-color: #ADD6A5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
87 way[natural=beach] :area { color: #ffdd44; width: 1; fill-color: yellow; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
88 way[natural=coastline] { color: black; width: 3; }
89 way[landuse] :area { color: #444444; width: 2; fill-color: #444444; fill-opacity: 0.3; }
90 way[landuse=residential] :area { color: #666666; width: 2; fill-color: #666666; fill-opacity: 0.15; }
91 way[landuse=retail] :area { color: #cc2222; width: 2; fill-color: #aa4422; fill-opacity: 0.15; }
92 way[landuse=commercial] :area { color: #4444bb; width: 2; fill-color: #444488; fill-opacity: 0.15; }
93 way[landuse=military] :area { color: #ff4444; width: 2; fill-color: #ff4444; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name; }
94 way[amenity],way[shop] :area { color: #ADCEB5; width: 1; fill-color: #ADCEB5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
95 way[leisure],way[sport] :area { color: #8CD6B5; width: 1; fill-color: #8CD6B5; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
96 way[tourism] :area { color: #F7CECE; width: 1; fill-color: #F7CECE; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
97 way[historic],way[ruins] :area { color: #F7F7DE; width: 1; fill-color: #F7F7DE; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
98 way[military] :area { color: #D6D6D6; width: 1; fill-color: #D6D6D6; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
99 way[building] :area { color: #ff6ec7; width: 1; fill-color: #ff6ec7; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
101 way[waterway][waterway!=dam] :area { color: blue; width: 2; fill-color: blue; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
102 way[waterway=dam] { color: black; width: 1; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; set .area_small_name;}
103 way[man_made] :area { color: black; width: 2; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; set .area_small_name; }
104 way[man_made=reservoir_covered] :area { color: blue; width: 2; dashes: 4, 2; fill-color: #222222; fill-opacity: 0.1; set .area_small_name; }
105 way[landuse=reservoir] :area { color: blue; width: 2; fill-color: blue; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
106 way[landuse=forest],way[natural=wood] :area { color: green; width: 2; fill-color: green; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
107 way[leisure=park] :area { color: #22aa22; width: 2; fill-color: #44ff44; fill-opacity: 0.15; set .area_small_name;}
108 way[leisure=garden] :area { color: #66ff44; width: 1; fill-color: #66ff44; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
109 way[leisure=pitch] :area { z-index: 6; color: #88bb44; width: 2; fill-color: #88ff44; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
110 way[landuse=recreation_ground] :area { color: green; fill-color: green; set .area_small_name;}
111 way[amenity=parking] :area { color: #bbaa66; width: 1; fill-color: #bbaa66; fill-opacity: 0.2; }
112 way[public_transport=pay_scale_area] :area { color: gray; width: 1; fill-color: gray; fill-opacity: 0.1; }
114 way[man_made=pier] { z-index: 4; color: #777; width: 3; casing-color: black; casing-width: 5;}
115 way[man_made=pier][floating=yes] { dashes: 4,2; casing-color: #444;}
116 way[leisure=marina] :area { color: pink; fill-color: pink; fill-opacity: 0.4; set .area_small_name;}
117 way[leisure=slipway] { color: grey; width: 3; casing-color: blue; casing-width: 7; }
118 way[leisure=golf_course] :area { color: #44ee22; width: 2; fill-color: #44ee22; fill-opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
120 way[embankment=yes] { z-index: 6; opacity: 0.5; color: brown; width: eval('_width+16'); dashes: 2, 14; }
121 { z-index: 5; opacity: 0.5; color: brown; width: eval('_width+24'); dashes: 2, 30; } /* meh, improve this */
123 way[boundary=administrative] { color: purple; width: 10; opacity: 0.2; dashes: 12,24; }
124 way[landuse=cemetery] { color: #664466; width: 2; fill-color: color: #664466; opacity: 0.2; set .area_small_name;}
125 /* Addressing. Nodes with addresses *and* match POIs should have a poi icon, so we put addressing first */
127 node[addr:housenumber],
128 node[addr:housename] { icon-image: circle; icon-width: 4; color: #B0E0E6; casing-color:blue; casing-width: 1; }
129 way[addr:interpolation] { color: #B0E0E6; width: 3; dashes: 3,3;}
131 /* POIs, too, can have bitmap icons - they can even be transparent */
132 node[place] { icon-image: icons/place.png; text-offset: 17; font-family: DejaVu; text: name; font-size: 9; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; z-index: 20; }
133 node[amenity=telephone] { icon-image: icons/telephone.png; z-index: 20; }
134 node[barrier=cattle_grid] { icon-image: icons/cattle_grid.png; z-index: 20; }
136 node[tourism=guesthouse] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_bed_and_breakfast.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
137 node[tourism=alpine_hut] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_alpinehut.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
138 node[tourism=camp_site] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_camping.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
139 node[tourism=caravan_site] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_caravan_park.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
140 node[tourism=guest_house],node[tourism=bed_and_breakfast] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_bed_and_breakfast.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
141 node[tourism=hotel] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_hotel.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
142 node[tourism=hostel] { icon-image: icons/accommodation_youth_hostel.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
143 node[amenity=fire_station] { icon-image: icons/amenity_firestation2.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
144 node[amenity=police] { icon-image: icons/amenity_police2.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
145 node[amenity=post_box] { icon-image: icons/amenity_post_box.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
146 node[amenity=recycling] { icon-image: icons/amenity_recycling.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
147 node[barrier=bollard] { icon-image: icons/barrier_bollard.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
148 node[barrier=gate], node[highway=gate] { icon-image: icons/barrier_gate.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
149 node[barrier=stile], node[highway=stile] { icon-image: icons/barrier_stile.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
150 node[barrier=toll_booth] { icon-image: icons/barrier_toll_booth.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
151 node[barrier=lift_gate] { icon-image: icons/barrier_lift_gate.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
152 node[barrier=kissing_gate] { icon-image: icons/barrier_kissing_gate.16.png; z-index: 20; }
153 node[barrier=cycle_barrier] { icon-image: icons/barrier_cycle_barrier.16.png; z-index: 20; }
154 node[barrier=block] { icon-image: icons/barrier_blocks.16.png; z-index: 20; }
155 node[barrier=cattle_grid] { icon-image: icons/barrier_cattle_grid.16.png; z-index: 20; }
156 node[amenity=school] { icon-image: icons/education_school.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
157 way[amenity=school] :area { color: yellow; fill-color: yellow; fill-opacity: 0.1; set .area_small_name; }
158 node[amenity=bar] { icon-image: icons/food_bar.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
159 node[amenity=cafe] { icon-image: icons/food_cafe.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
160 node[amenity=fast_food] { icon-image: icons/food_fastfood.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
161 node[amenity=pub] { icon-image: icons/food_pub.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
162 node[amenity=restaurant] { icon-image: icons/food_restaurant.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
163 node[amenity=hospital] { icon-image: icons/health_hospital.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
164 node[amenity=pharmacy] { icon-image: icons/health_pharmacy.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
165 node[amenity=atm] { icon-image: icons/money_atm.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
166 node[amenity=bank] { icon-image: icons/money_bank2.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
167 node[shop=alcohol] { icon-image: icons/shopping_alcohol.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
168 node[shop=bakery] { icon-image: icons/shopping_bakery.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
169 node[shop=bicycle] { icon-image: icons/shopping_bicycle.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
170 node[shop=book] { icon-image: icons/shopping_book.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
171 node[shop=butcher] { icon-image: icons/shopping_butcher.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
172 node[shop=car_repair] { icon-image: icons/shopping_car_repair.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
173 node[shop=car] { icon-image: icons/shopping_car.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
174 node[shop=clothes] { icon-image: icons/shopping_clothes.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
175 node[shop=confectionery] { icon-image: icons/shopping_confectionery.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
176 node[shop=convenience] { icon-image: icons/shopping_convenience.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
177 node[shop=doityourself] { icon-image: icons/shopping_diy.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
178 node[shop=fishmonger] { icon-image: icons/shopping_fish.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
179 node[shop=garden_centre] { icon-image: icons/shopping_garden_centre.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
180 node[shop=gift] { icon-image: icons/shopping_gift.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
181 node[shop=greengrocer] { icon-image: icons/shopping_greengrocer.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
182 node[shop=hairdresser] { icon-image: icons/shopping_hairdresser.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
183 node[shop=hifi] { icon-image: icons/shopping_hifi.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
184 node[shop=jewelry] { icon-image: icons/shopping_jewelry.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
185 node[shop=laundry] { icon-image: icons/shopping_laundrette.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
186 node[shop=motorcycle] { icon-image: icons/shopping_motorcycle.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
187 node[shop=music] { icon-image: icons/shopping_music.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
188 node[shop=supermarket] { icon-image: icons/shopping_supermarket.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
189 node[historic=archaeological_site] { icon-image: icons/tourist_archaeological.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
190 node[historic=battlefield] { icon-image: icons/tourist_battlefield.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
191 node[historic=castle] { icon-image: icons/tourist_castle.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
192 node[amenity=cinema] { icon-image: icons/tourist_cinema.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
193 node[historic=memorial] { icon-image: icons/tourist_memorial.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
194 node[historic=monument] { icon-image: icons/tourist_monument.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
195 node[tourism=museum] { icon-image: icons/tourist_museum.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
196 node[tourism=picnic_site] { icon-image: icons/tourist_picnic.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
197 node[historic=ruin] { icon-image: icons/tourist_ruin.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
198 node[amenity=theatre] { icon-image: icons/tourist_theatre.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
199 node[tourism=viewpoint] { icon-image: icons/tourist_view_point.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
200 node[tourism=zoo] { icon-image: icons/tourist_zoo.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
201 node[aeroway=aerodrome] { icon-image: icons/transport_aerodrome.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
202 node[amenity=bus_station] { icon-image: icons/transport_bus_station.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
203 node[highway=bus_stop] { icon-image: icons/transport_bus_stop2.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
204 node[amenity=fuel] { icon-image: icons/transport_fuel.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
205 node[amenity=bicycle_parking] { icon-image: icons/transport_parking_bicycle.n.16.png; text-offset: 15; text: capacity; z-index: 20; }
206 node[amenity=parking] { icon-image: icons/transport_parking_car.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
207 node[amenity=ferry_terminal] { icon-image: icons/transport_port.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
208 node[amenity=bicycle_rental] { icon-image: icons/transport_rental_bicycle.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
209 node[amenity=car_rental] { icon-image: icons/transport_rental_car.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
210 node[amenity=taxi] { icon-image: icons/transport_taxi_rank.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
211 node[railway=station] { icon-image: icons/transport_train_station.n.16.png; text-offset:15; text: name; z-index: 20; }
212 node[railway=tram_stop] { icon-image: icons/transport_tram_stop.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
213 node[leisure=marina] { icon-image: icons/transport_marina.n.16.png; z-index: 20; }
215 way[leisure=sports_centre] :area { color: #66ddcc; fill-color: #66ddcc; set .area_small_name; }
218 /* We can stack styles at different z-index (depth) */
221 { z-index: 6; color: black; width: 5; }
222 { z-index: 7; color: white; width: 3; dashes: 12,12; }
223 way[railway=platform] { color:black; width: 2; }
225 { z-index: 6; color: #444444; width: 5; }
226 { z-index: 7; color: white; width: 3; dashes: 8,8; }
229 way[bridge=yes], way[bridge=viaduct], way[bridge=suspension]
230 { z-index: 4; color: white; width: eval('_width+3'); }
231 { z-index: 3; color: black; width: eval('_width+6'); }
234 way[tunnel=yes][!waterway]
235 { z-index: 4; color: white; width: eval('_width+2'); }
236 { z-index: 3; color: black; width: eval('_width+6'); dashes: 4,4; }
239 way[oneway=yes] { z-index: 15; color: #444444; width: 2; dashes: 15,35; line-style: arrows; }
241 way[access=private],way[access=no] { z-index: 10; color: red; width: eval('_width+8'); dashes: 2,15;}
242 way[access=permissive] { z-index: 10; color: green; width: eval('_width+6'); dashes: 1,7;}
244 way .area_small_name {text-color: black; font-size: 9; text: name; text-halo: #ffffaa; text-halo-radius: 2; text-position: center;}
245 /* Change the road colour based on dynamically set "highlighted" tag (see earlier) */
247 way .highlighted { color: pink; }
249 /* Interactive editors may choose different behaviour when a user mouses-over or selects
250 an object. Potlatch 2 supports these but the stand-alone Halcyon viewer does not */
252 way :hover { z-index: 2; width: eval('_width+10'); color: #ffff99; }
253 way :selected { z-index: 2; width: eval('_width+10'); color: yellow; opacity: 0.7;}
254 way :restrictfrom { z-index: -1; width: eval('_width+10'); color: red; opacity: 0.7;}
255 way :restrictto { z-index: -1; width: eval('_width+10'); color: blue; opacity: 0.7;}
256 /*way !:drawn !:hasTags{ z-index:10; width: 0.5; color: red; }*/
257 way !:drawn { z-index:9; width: 2; color: black; dashes: 4,0;} { z-index:10; width: 2; color: #ffff00; dashes: 0, 4, 4, 0;}
258 /*IMHO (Steve Bennett), in early testing we want to highlight ways that aren't triggering rules */
259 /* way !:drawn { z-index:10; width: 0.5; color: gray; } was like this */
260 way :tiger { casing-color: #ff00ff;}
263 relation[type=restriction] node { z-index:11; icon-image: icons/restriction.png; }
265 node :dupe { z-index: 9; icon-image: circle; icon-width:8; color: white; opacity: 0.4; casing-opacity: 0.4; casing-color: red; casing-width: 3; }
266 node :hoverway { z-index: 9; icon-image: square; icon-width: 7; color: blue; layer: 5; }
267 node !:drawn :poi { z-index: 2; icon-image: circle; icon-width: 4; color: green; casing-color: black; casing-width: 1; }
268 node !:drawn :hasTags { z-index: 9; icon-image: circle; icon-width: 4; color: black; }
269 node :hasTags :selectedway { z-index: 9; icon-image: square; icon-width: 8; color: black; layer: 5; }
270 node !:drawn :selectedway { z-index: 9; icon-image: square; icon-width: 8; color: red; casing-color: #cc0000; casing-width: 1; layer: 5; }
271 node :selected { z-index: 1; icon-image: square; icon-width: eval('_width+10'); color: yellow; interactive: no; layer: 5; }
272 node :junction :selectedway { z-index: 8; icon-image: square; icon-width: 12; casing-color: black; casing-width: 1; layer: 5; }
274 /* Descendant selectors provide an easy way to style relations: this example means "any way
275 which is part of a relation whose type=route". */
277 relation[type=route] way { z-index: 1; width: 13; color: blue; opacity: 0.3; }
278 relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=ncn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: red; opacity: 0.3; }
279 relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=rcn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: cyan; opacity: 0.3; }
280 relation[type=route][route=bicycle][network=lcn] way { z-index: 1; width: 12; color: blue; opacity: 0.3; }
281 relation[type=route][route=foot] way { z-index: 1; width: 10; color: #80ff80; opacity: 0.6; }