1 //= require ./directions-endpoint
3 //= require_tree ./directions
5 OSM.Directions = function (map) {
6 let controller = null; // the AbortController for the current route request if a route request is in progress
9 const popup = L.popup({ autoPanPadding: [100, 100] });
11 const polyline = L.polyline([], {
17 const highlight = L.polyline([], {
23 const endpointDragCallback = function (dragging) {
24 if (!map.hasLayer(polyline)) return;
25 if (dragging && !chosenEngine.draggable) return;
26 if (dragging && controller) return;
28 getRoute(false, !dragging);
30 const endpointChangeCallback = function () {
35 OSM.DirectionsEndpoint(map, $("input[name='route_from']"), OSM.MARKER_GREEN, endpointDragCallback, endpointChangeCallback),
36 OSM.DirectionsEndpoint(map, $("input[name='route_to']"), OSM.MARKER_RED, endpointDragCallback, endpointChangeCallback)
39 const expiry = new Date();
40 expiry.setYear(expiry.getFullYear() + 10);
42 const engines = OSM.Directions.engines;
44 engines.sort(function (a, b) {
45 const localised_a = I18n.t("javascripts.directions.engines." + a.id),
46 localised_b = I18n.t("javascripts.directions.engines." + b.id);
47 return localised_a.localeCompare(localised_b);
50 const select = $("select.routing_engines");
52 engines.forEach(function (engine, i) {
53 select.append("<option value='" + i + "'>" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.engines." + engine.id) + "</option>");
56 $(".directions_form .reverse_directions").on("click", function () {
57 const coordFrom = endpoints[0].latlng,
58 coordTo = endpoints[1].latlng;
62 routeFrom = coordFrom.lat + "," + coordFrom.lng;
65 routeTo = coordTo.lat + "," + coordTo.lng;
67 endpoints[0].swapCachedReverseGeocodes(endpoints[1]);
69 OSM.router.route("/directions?" + new URLSearchParams({
70 route: routeTo + ";" + routeFrom
74 $(".directions_form .btn-close").on("click", function (e) {
76 $(".describe_location").toggle(!endpoints[1].value);
77 $(".search_form input[name='query']").val(endpoints[1].value);
78 OSM.router.route("/" + OSM.formatHash(map));
81 function formatDistance(m) {
82 const unitTemplate = "javascripts.directions.distance_";
83 if (m < 1000) return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
84 if (m < 10000) return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "km", { distance: (m / 1000.0).toFixed(1) });
85 return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "km", { distance: Math.round(m / 1000) });
88 function formatHeight(m) {
89 return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
92 function formatTime(s) {
93 let m = Math.round(s / 60);
94 const h = Math.floor(m / 60);
96 return h + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m;
99 function findEngine(id) {
100 return engines.findIndex(function (engine) {
101 return engine.id === id;
105 function setEngine(index) {
106 chosenEngine = engines[index];
110 function getRoute(fitRoute, reportErrors) {
111 // Cancel any route that is already in progress
112 if (controller) controller.abort();
114 const points = endpoints.map(p => p.latlng);
116 if (!points[0] || !points[1]) return;
117 $("header").addClass("closed");
119 OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + new URLSearchParams({
120 engine: chosenEngine.id,
121 route: points.map(p => OSM.cropLocation(p, map.getZoom()).join()).join(";")
124 // copy loading item to sidebar and display it. we copy it, rather than
125 // just using it in-place and replacing it in case it has to be used
127 $("#sidebar_content").html($(".directions_form .loader_copy").html());
128 map.setSidebarOverlaid(false);
129 controller = new AbortController();
130 chosenEngine.getRoute(points, controller.signal).then(function (route) {
132 .setLatLngs(route.line)
136 map.fitBounds(polyline.getBounds().pad(0.05));
139 const distanceText = $("<p>").append(
140 I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance") + ": " + formatDistance(route.distance) + ". " +
141 I18n.t("javascripts.directions.time") + ": " + formatTime(route.time) + ".");
142 if (typeof route.ascend !== "undefined" && typeof route.descend !== "undefined") {
145 I18n.t("javascripts.directions.ascend") + ": " + formatHeight(route.ascend) + ". " +
146 I18n.t("javascripts.directions.descend") + ": " + formatHeight(route.descend) + ".");
149 const turnByTurnTable = $("<table class='table table-hover table-sm mb-3'>")
150 .append($("<tbody>"));
151 const directionsCloseButton = $("<button type='button' class='btn-close'>")
152 .attr("aria-label", I18n.t("javascripts.close"));
154 $("#sidebar_content")
157 $("<div class='d-flex'>").append(
158 $("<h2 class='flex-grow-1 text-break'>")
159 .text(I18n.t("javascripts.directions.directions")),
160 $("<div>").append(directionsCloseButton)),
166 route.steps.forEach(function (step) {
167 const [ll, direction, instruction, dist, lineseg] = step;
169 const row = $("<tr class='turn'/>");
170 row.append("<td class='border-0'><div class='direction i" + direction + "'/></td> ");
171 row.append("<td>" + instruction);
172 row.append("<td class='distance text-body-secondary text-end'>" + getDistText(dist));
174 row.on("click", function () {
177 .setContent("<p>" + instruction + "</p>")
181 row.hover(function () {
186 map.removeLayer(highlight);
189 turnByTurnTable.append(row);
192 $("#sidebar_content").append("<p class=\"text-center\">" +
193 I18n.t("javascripts.directions.instructions.courtesy", { link: chosenEngine.creditline }) +
196 directionsCloseButton.on("click", function () {
197 map.removeLayer(polyline);
198 $("#sidebar_content").html("");
200 map.setSidebarOverlaid(true);
201 // TODO: collapse width of sidebar back to previous
203 }).catch(function () {
204 map.removeLayer(polyline);
206 $("#sidebar_content").html("<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.errors.no_route") + "</div>");
208 }).finally(function () {
212 function getDistText(dist) {
213 if (dist < 5) return "";
214 if (dist < 200) return String(Math.round(dist / 10) * 10) + "m";
215 if (dist < 1500) return String(Math.round(dist / 100) * 100) + "m";
216 if (dist < 5000) return String(Math.round(dist / 100) / 10) + "km";
217 return String(Math.round(dist / 1000)) + "km";
221 let chosenEngineIndex = findEngine("fossgis_osrm_car");
222 if (Cookies.get("_osm_directions_engine")) {
223 chosenEngineIndex = findEngine(Cookies.get("_osm_directions_engine"));
225 setEngine(chosenEngineIndex);
227 select.on("change", function (e) {
228 chosenEngine = engines[e.target.selectedIndex];
229 Cookies.set("_osm_directions_engine", chosenEngine.id, { secure: true, expires: expiry, path: "/", samesite: "lax" });
230 getRoute(true, true);
233 $(".directions_form").on("submit", function (e) {
235 getRoute(true, true);
238 $(".routing_marker_column img").on("dragstart", function (e) {
239 const dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
240 dt.effectAllowed = "move";
241 const dragData = { type: $(this).data("type") };
242 dt.setData("text", JSON.stringify(dragData));
243 if (dt.setDragImage) {
244 const img = $("<img>").attr("src", $(e.originalEvent.target).attr("src"));
245 dt.setDragImage(img.get(0), 12, 21);
251 page.pushstate = page.popstate = function () {
252 $(".search_form").hide();
253 $(".directions_form").show();
255 $("#map").on("dragend dragover", function (e) {
259 $("#map").on("drop", function (e) {
261 const oe = e.originalEvent;
262 const dragData = JSON.parse(oe.dataTransfer.getData("text"));
263 const type = dragData.type;
264 const pt = L.DomEvent.getMousePosition(oe, map.getContainer()); // co-ordinates of the mouse pointer at present
266 const ll = map.containerPointToLatLng(pt);
267 const llWithPrecision = OSM.cropLocation(ll, map.getZoom());
268 endpoints[type === "from" ? 0 : 1].setValue(llWithPrecision.join(", "));
271 endpoints[0].enable();
272 endpoints[1].enable();
274 const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search),
275 route = (params.get("route") || "").split(";");
277 if (params.has("engine")) {
278 const engineIndex = findEngine(params.get("engine"));
280 if (engineIndex >= 0) {
281 setEngine(engineIndex);
285 endpoints[0].setValue(params.get("from") || route[0] || "");
286 endpoints[1].setValue(params.get("to") || route[1] || "");
288 map.setSidebarOverlaid(!endpoints[0].latlng || !endpoints[1].latlng);
291 page.load = function () {
295 page.unload = function () {
296 $(".search_form").show();
297 $(".directions_form").hide();
298 $("#map").off("dragend dragover drop");
300 endpoints[0].disable();
301 endpoints[1].disable();
305 .removeLayer(polyline);
311 OSM.Directions.engines = [];
313 OSM.Directions.addEngine = function (engine, supportsHTTPS) {
314 if (document.location.protocol === "http:" || supportsHTTPS) {
315 OSM.Directions.engines.push(engine);