"action_createpoi": creating a POI "hint_pointselected": point selected\n(shift-click point to\nstart new line) "action_movepoint": moving a point "hint_drawmode": smelltu til að bæta við punkt\ntvísmelltu/ýttu á Enter\ntil að klára línu "hint_overendpoint": over endpoint\nclick to join\nshift-click to merge "hint_overpoint": over point\nclick to join" "gpxpleasewait": Please wait while the GPX track is processed. "revert": Revert "cancel": Hætta við "prompt_revertversion": "Revert to an earlier saved version:" "tip_revertversion": Choose the version to revert to "action_movepoi": moving a POI "tip_splitway": Skipta veg á völdum hnút (X) "tip_direction": Átt vegar - smelltu til að breyta henni "tip_clockwise": Réttsælis vegur - smelltu til að breyta átt hans "tip_anticlockwise": Rangsælis vegur - smelltu til að breyta átt hans "tip_noundo": Nothing to undo "action_mergeways": merging two ways "tip_gps": Sýna GPS fer (G) "tip_options": Set options (choose the map background) "tip_addtag": Add a new tag "tip_addrelation": Add to a relation "tip_repeattag": Repeat tags from the previously selected way (R) "tip_alert": An error occurred - click for details "hint_toolong": "too long to unlock:\nplease split into\nshorter ways" "hint_loading": loading ways "prompt_welcome": Velkomin(n) á OpenStreetMap! "prompt_introduction": "Choose a button below to get editing. If you click 'Start', you'll be editing the main map directly - changes usually show up every Thursday. If you click 'Play', your changes won't be saved, so you can practise editing.\n\nRemember the golden rules of OpenStreetMap:\n\n" "prompt_dontcopy": "Don't copy from other maps" "prompt_accuracy": "Accuracy is important - only map places you've been" "prompt_enjoy": And have fun! "dontshowagain": "Don't show this message again" "prompt_start": Start mapping with OpenStreetMap. "prompt_practise": "Practice mapping - your changes won't be saved." "practicemode": Practice mode "help": Hjálp "prompt_help": Find out how to use Potlatch, this map editor. "track": Track "prompt_track": Convert your GPS track to (locked) ways for editing. "action_deletepoint": deleting a point "deleting": deleting "action_cancelchanges": cancelling changes to "emailauthor": \n\nPlease e-mail richard\@systemeD.net with a bug report, saying what you were doing at the time. "error_connectionfailed": "Sorry - the connection to the OpenStreetMap server failed. Any recent changes have not been saved.\n\nWould you like to try again?" "option_background": "Background:" "option_fadebackground": Fade background "option_thinlines": Use thin lines at all scales "option_custompointers": Use pen and hand pointers "tip_presettype": Choose what type of presets are offered in the menu. "action_waytags": setting tags on a way "action_pointtags": setting tags on a point "action_poitags": setting tags on a POI "action_addpoint": adding a node to the end of a way "add": Add "prompt_addtorelation": Add $1 to a relation "prompt_selectrelation": Select an existing relation to add to, or create a new relation. "createrelation": Create a new relation "tip_selectrelation": Add to the chosen route "action_reverseway": reversing a way "tip_undo": Undo $1 (Z) "error_noway": "Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo." "error_nosharedpoint": "Ways $1 and $2 don't share a common point any more, so I can't undo the split." "error_nopoi": "The POI cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo." "prompt_taggedpoints": Some of the points on this way are tagged. Really delete? "action_insertnode": adding a node into a way "action_splitway": splitting a way "editingmap": Breyti kortagögnum "start": Start "play": Play "delete": Delete "a_way": $1 a way "a_poi": $1 a POI "action_moveway": moving a way "way": Vegur "point": Hnútur "ok": Ok "existingrelation": Add to an existing relation "findrelation": Find a relation containing "norelations": No relations in current area "advice_toolong": Too long to unlock - please split into shorter ways "advice_waydragged": Way dragged (Z to undo) "advice_tagconflict": "Tags don't match - please check" "advice_nocommonpoint": The ways do not share a common point "option_warnings": Show floating warnings "reverting": reverting "prompt_helpavailable": Nýr notandi? Skoðaðu hjálpina neðst til vinstri. "prompt_editsave": Breyta með vistun "prompt_editlive": Breyta beint "launch": Launch "prompt_launch": Launch external URL "editinglive": Breyti beint "openchangeset": Opening changeset "editingoffline": Breyti með vistun "save": Vista "drag_pois": Drag and drop points of interest "prompt_savechanges": Vista breytingar "prompt_changesetcomment": "Sláðu inn lýsingu breytingunum:"