ro: html: dir: ltr activerecord: # Translates all the model names, which is used in error handling on the web site models: acl: "Access Control List" changeset: "Set de modificări" changeset_tag: "Etichetă set de modificări" country: "Țară" diary_comment: "Comentariu jurnal" diary_entry: "Intrare în jurnal" friend: "Prieten" language: "Limbă" message: "Mesaj" node: "Nod" node_tag: "Etichetă nod" notifier: "Notificator" old_node: "Nod vechi" old_node_tag: "Etichetă nod vechi" old_relation: "Relație veche" old_relation_member: "Membru al relației vechi" old_relation_tag: "Etichetă pentru relația veche" old_way: "Cale veche" old_way_node: "Nod cale veche" old_way_tag: "Etichetă cale veche" relation: "Relație" relation_member: "Membru relație" relation_tag: "Etichetă relație" session: "Sesiune" trace: "Înregistrare GPS" tracepoint: "Punct al unei înregistrări GPS" tracetag: "Etichetă înregistrare GPS" user: "Utilizator" user_preference: "Preferințe utilizator" user_token: "User Token" way: "Cale" way_node: "Nod cale" way_tag: "Etichetă cale" # Translates all the model attributes, which is used in error handling on the web site # Only the ones that are used on the web site are translated at the moment attributes: diary_comment: body: "Corp" diary_entry: user: "Utilizator" title: "Titlu" latitude: "Latitudine" longitude: "Longitudine" language: "Limbă" friend: user: "Utilizator" friend: "Prieten" trace: user: "Utilizator" visible: "Vizibilă" name: "Nume" size: "Dimensiune" latitude: "Latitudine" longitude: "Longitudine" public: "Public" description: "Descriere" message: sender: "Expeditor" title: "Titlu" body: "Corp" recipient: "Destinatar" user: email: "Email" active: "Activ" display_name: "Afișare nume" description: "Descriere" languages: "Limbi" pass_crypt: "Parolă" printable_name: with_id: "{{id}}" with_version: "{{id}}, v{{version}}" with_name: "{{name}} ({{id}})" map: view: Vizualizare edit: Editare coordinates: "Coordonate:" browse: changeset: title: "Set de modificări" changeset: "Set de modificări:" download: "Descarcă {{changeset_xml_link}} sau {{osmchange_xml_link}}" changesetxml: "Set de modificări XML" osmchangexml: "osmChange XML" changeset_details: created_at: "Creat la:" closed_at: "Închis la:" belongs_to: "Aparține lui:" bounding_box: "Cutie împrejmuitoare:" no_bounding_box: "Nicio cutie împrejmuitoare nu a fost salvată pentru acest set de modificări." show_area_box: "Afișează cutia zonei" box: "cutie" has_nodes: "Are următoarele {{count}} noduri:" has_ways: "Are următoarele {{count}} căi:" has_relations: "Are următoarele {{count}} relații:" common_details: edited_at: "Editat la:" edited_by: "Editat de:" version: "Versiune:" in_changeset: "În setul de schimbări:" containing_relation: entry: "Relație {{relation_name}}" entry_role: "Relație {{relation_name}} (ca {{relation_role}})" map: loading: "Se încarcă..." deleted: "A fost șters" larger: area: "Vizualizare zonă pe hartă mai mare" node: "Vizualizare nod pe hartă mai mare" way: "Vizualizare cale pe hartă mai mare" relation: "Vizualizare relație pe hartă mai mare" node_details: coordinates: "Coordonate:" part_of: "Parte din:" node_history: node_history: "Istoric nod" node_history_title: "Istoric nod: {{node_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} sau {{view_details_link}}" download_xml: "Descărcare XML" view_details: "vizualizare detalii" node: node: "Nod" node_title: "Nod: {{node_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} sau {{edit_link}}" download_xml: "Descărcare XML" view_history: "vizualizare istoric" edit: "editare" not_found: sorry: "Ne pare rău, dar {{type}} cu identificatorul {{id}}, nu a putut fi ." type: node: node way: way relation: relation paging_nav: showing_page: "Se afișează pagina" of: "din" relation_details: members: "Membrii:" part_of: "Parte din:" relation_history: relation_history: "Istoric relații" relation_history_title: "Istoric relații: {{relation_name}}" relation_member: entry: "{{type}} {{name}}" entry_role: "{{type}} {{name}} ca {{role}}" type: node: "Nod" way: "Cale" relation: "Relație" relation: relation: "Relație" relation_title: "Relație: {{relation_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} sau {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: "Descărcare XML" view_history: "vizualizare istoric" start: view_data: "Vizualizare date pentru perspectiva curentă a hărții" manually_select: "Selectare manuală a unei alte zone" start_rjs: data_layer_name: "Date" data_frame_title: "Date" zoom_or_select: "Măriți sau selectați o zonă a hărții pentru a o vizualiza" drag_a_box: "Trageți cu mouse-ul și creați un dreptunghi pentru a selecta zona hărții" manually_select: "Selectare manuală a unei alte zone" loaded_an_area_with_num_features: "Ați încărcat o zonă care conține [[num_features]] puncte. În general, unele navigatoare nu sunt capabile să facă față afișării unei asemenea cantități de date. Navigatoarele funcționează cel mai bine atunci când afișează mai puțin de 100 de puncte simultan: dacă mai faceți și alte operații cu navigatorul dumneavoastră în paralel veți observa o încetinire / lipsă de răspuns din partea navigatorului. Dacă doriți să afișați aceste puncte apăsați butonul de mai jos." load_data: "Încărcare date" unable_to_load_size: "Imposibil de încărcat: Cutia împrejmuitoare de dimensiune [[bbox_size]] este prea mare (trebuie să fie mai mică de {{max_bbox_size}})" loading: "Se încarcă..." show_history: "Afișare istoric" wait: "Așteptați..." history_for_feature: "Istoric pentru [[feature]]" details: "Detalii" private_user: "utilizator privat" edited_by_user_at_timestamp: "Editat de [[user]] la [[timestamp]]" object_list: heading: "Lista obiectelor" back: "Afișează lista obiectelor" type: node: "Nod" way: "Cale" # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers api: "Obține această zonă prin API" details: "Detalii" selected: type: node: "Nod [[id]]" way: "cale [[id]]" # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers history: type: node: "Nod [[id]]" way: "Cale [[id]]" # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers tag_details: tags: "Etichete:" way_details: nodes: "Noduri:" part_of: "Parte din:" also_part_of: one: "de asemenea parte din calea {{related_ways}}" other: "de asemenea parte din căile {{related_ways}}" way_history: way_history: "Istoric cale" way_history_title: "Istoric cale: {{way_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}} sau {{view_details_link}}" download_xml: "Descărcare XML" view_details: "vizualizare detalii" way: way: "Cale" way_title: "Cale: {{way_name}}" download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} sau {{edit_link}}" download_xml: "Descărcare XML" view_history: "vizualizare istoric" edit: "editare" changeset: changeset_paging_nav: showing_page: "Se afișează pagina" of: "din" changeset: still_editing: "(încă se editează)" anonymous: "Anonim" no_comment: "(niciunul)" no_edits: "(nu există editări)" show_area_box: "afișează chenarul zonei" big_area: "(mare)" view_changeset_details: "Vizualizare detalii set de schimbări" changesets: id: "ID" saved_at: "Salvat la" user: "Utilizator" comment: "Comentariu" area: "Zonă" list_bbox: history: "Istoric" changesets_within_the_area: "Seturi de schimbări din zonă:" show_area_box: "afișare chenar zonă" no_changesets: "Nu există seturi de schimbări" all_changes_everywhere: "Pentru toate modificările de peste tot vedeți {{recent_changes_link}}" recent_changes: "Modificări recente" no_area_specified: "Nicio zonă specificată" first_use_view: "Prima dată folosiți {{view_tab_link}} pentru a parcurge harta și pentru a mări pe o zonă de interes, apoi clic pe fila cu istoricul." view_the_map: "vizualizare hartă" view_tab: "vizualizare filă" alternatively_view: "Alternativ, vizualizați toate {{recent_changes_link}}" list: recent_changes: "Recent Changes" recently_edited_changesets: "Recently edited changesets:" for_more_changesets: "For more changesets, select a user and view their edits, or see the editing 'history' of a specific area." list_user: edits_by_username: "Edits by {{username_link}}" no_visible_edits_by: "No visible edits by {{name}}." for_all_changes: "For changes by all users see {{recent_changes_link}}" recent_changes: "Recent Changes" diary_entry: new: title: New Diary Entry list: title: "Users' diaries" user_title: "{{user}}'s diary" in_language_title: "Diary Entries in {{language}}" new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" subject: "Subject:" body: "Body:" language: "Language:" location: "Location:" latitude: "Latitude:" longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "use map" save_button: "Save" marker_text: Diary entry location view: title: "Users' diaries | {{user}}" user_title: "{{user}}'s diary" leave_a_comment: "Leave a comment" login_to_leave_a_comment: "{{login_link}} to leave a comment" login: "Login" save_button: "Save" no_such_entry: title: "No such diary entry" heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}" body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." no_such_user: title: "No such user" heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist" body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." diary_entry: posted_by: "Posted by {{link_user}} at {{created}} in {{language_link}}" comment_link: Comment on this entry reply_link: Reply to this entry comment_count: one: 1 comment other: "{{count}} comments" edit_link: Edit this entry diary_comment: comment_from: "Comment from {{link_user}} at {{comment_created_at}}" export: start: area_to_export: "Area to Export" manually_select: "Manually select a different area" format_to_export: "Format to Export" osm_xml_data: "OpenStreetMap XML Data" mapnik_image: "Mapnik Image" osmarender_image: "Osmarender Image" embeddable_html: "Embeddable HTML" licence: "Licence" export_details: 'OpenStreetMap data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.' options: "Options" format: "Format" scale: "Scale" max: "max" image_size: "Image Size" zoom: "Zoom" add_marker: "Add a marker to the map" latitude: "Lat:" longitude: "Lon:" output: "Output" paste_html: "Paste HTML to embed in website" export_button: "Export" start_rjs: export: "Export" drag_a_box: "Drag a box on the map to select an area" manually_select: "Manually select a different area" click_add_marker: "Click on the map to add a marker" change_marker: "Change marker position" add_marker: "Add a marker to the map" view_larger_map: "View Larger Map" geocoder: search: title: latlon: 'Results from Internal' us_postcode: 'Results from' uk_postcode: 'Results from NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode' ca_postcode: 'Results from Geocoder.CA' osm_namefinder: 'Results from OpenStreetMap Namefinder' geonames: 'Results from GeoNames' search_osm_namefinder: prefix: "{{type}} " suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} of {{placename}}" suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} of {{parentname}})" suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}}, {{parentname}}" description: title: osm_namefinder: '{{types}} from OpenStreetMap Namefinder' geonames: 'Location from GeoNames' types: cities: Cities towns: Towns places: Places description_osm_namefinder: prefix: "{{distance}} {{direction}} of {{type}} " results: no_results: "No results found" distance: zero: "less than 1km" one: "about 1km" other: "about {{count}}km" direction: south_west: "south-west" south: "south" south_east: "south-east" east: "east" north_east: "north-east" north: "north" north_west: "north-west" west: "west" layouts: project_name: # in title: OpenStreetMap # in <h1> h1: OpenStreetMap logo: alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo welcome_user: "Welcome, {{user_link}}" welcome_user_link_tooltip: Your user page home: home home_tooltip: Go to home location inbox: "inbox ({{count}})" inbox_tooltip: zero: Your inbox contains no unread messages one: Your inbox contians 1 unread message other: Your inbox contains {{count}} unread messages logout: logout logout_tooltip: "Log out" log_in: log in log_in_tooltip: Log in with an existing account sign_up: sign up sign_up_tooltip: Create an account for editing view: View view_tooltip: View maps edit: Edit edit_tooltip: Edit maps history: History history_tooltip: Changeset history export: Export export_tooltip: Export map data gps_traces: GPS Traces gps_traces_tooltip: Manage traces user_diaries: User Diaries user_diaries_tooltip: View user diaries tag_line: The Free Wiki World Map intro_1: "OpenStreetMap is a free editable map of the whole world. It is made by people like you." intro_2: "OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere on Earth." intro_3: "OpenStreetMap's hosting is kindly supported by the {{ucl}} and {{bytemark}}." intro_3_ucl: "UCL VR Centre" intro_3_bytemark: "bytemark" osm_offline: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently offline while essential database maintenance work is carried out." osm_read_only: "The OpenStreetMap database is currently in read-only mode while essential database maintenance work is carried out." donate: "Support OpenStreetMap by {{link}} to the Hardware Upgrade Fund." donate_link_text: donating help_wiki: "Help & Wiki" help_wiki_tooltip: "Help & Wiki site for the project" help_wiki_url: "" news_blog: "News blog" news_blog_tooltip: "News blog about OpenStreetMap, free geographical data, etc." shop: Shop shop_tooltip: Shop with branded OpenStreetMap merchandise shop_url: sotm: 'Come to the 2009 OpenStreetMap Conference, The State of the Map, July 10-12 in Amsterdam!' alt_donation: Make a Donation notifier: diary_comment_notification: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} commented on your diary entry" banner1: "* Please do not reply to this email. *" banner2: "* Use the OpenStreetMap web site to reply. *" hi: "Hi {{to_user}}," header: "{{from_user}} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject {{subject}}:" footer: "You can also read the comment at {{readurl}} and you can comment at {{commenturl}} or reply at {{replyurl}}" message_notification: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} sent you a new message" banner1: "* Please do not reply to this email. *" banner2: "* Use the OpenStreetMap web site to reply. *" hi: "Hi {{to_user}}," header: "{{from_user}} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject {{subject}}:" footer1: "You can also read the message at {{readurl}}" footer2: "and you can reply at {{replyurl}}" friend_notification: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} added you as a friend" had_added_you: "{{user}} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap." see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at {{userurl}} and add them as a friend too if you wish." gpx_notification: greeting: "Hi," your_gpx_file: "It looks like your GPX file" with_description: "with the description" and_the_tags: "and the following tags:" and_no_tags: "and no tags." failure: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure" failed_to_import: "failed to import. Here's the error:" more_info_1: "More information about GPX import failures and how to avoid" more_info_2: "them can be found at:" import_failures_url: "" success: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import success" loaded_successfully: | loaded successfully with {{trace_points}} out of a possible {{possible_points}} points. signup_confirm: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Confirm your email address" signup_confirm_plain: greeting: "Hi there!" hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at" # next two translations run-on : please word wrap appropriately click_the_link_1: "If this is you, welcome! Please click the link below to confirm your" click_the_link_2: "account and read on for more information about OpenStreetMap." introductory_video: "You can watch an introductory video to OpenStreetMap here:" more_videos: "There are more videos here:" the_wiki: "Get reading about OpenStreetMap on the wiki:" the_wiki_url: "" opengeodata: " is OpenStreetMap's blog, and it has podcasts too:" wiki_signup: "You may also want to sign up to the OpenStreetMap wiki at:" wiki_signup_url: "" # next four translations are in pairs : please word wrap appropriately user_wiki_1: "It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes" user_wiki_2: "category tags noting where you are, such as [[Category:Users_in_London]]." current_user_1: "A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world" current_user_2: "they are, is available from:" signup_confirm_html: greeting: "Hi there!" hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at" click_the_link: "If this is you, welcome! Please click the link below to confirm that account and read on for more information about OpenStreetMap" introductory_video: "You can watch an {{introductory_video_link}}." video_to_openstreetmap: "introductory video to OpenStreetMap" more_videos: "There are {{more_videos_link}}." more_videos_here: "more videos here" get_reading: 'Get reading about OpenStreetMap <a href="">on the wiki</a> or <a href="">the opengeodata blog</a> which has <a href="">podcasts to listen to</a> also!' wiki_signup: 'You may also want to <a href="">sign up to the OpenStreetMap wiki</a>.' user_wiki_page: 'It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes category tags noting where you are, such as <a href="">[[Category:Users_in_London]]</a>.' current_user: 'A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world they are, is available from <a href="">Category:Users_by_geographical_region</a>.' email_confirm: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Confirm your email address" email_confirm_plain: greeting: "Hi," hopefully_you_1: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address over at" hopefully_you_2: "{{server_url}} to {{new_address}}." click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change." email_confirm_html: greeting: "Hi," hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to change their email address over at {{server_url}} to {{new_address}}." click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to confirm the change." lost_password: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Password reset request" lost_password_plain: greeting: "Hi," hopefully_you_1: "Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset on this" hopefully_you_2: "email addresses account." click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password." lost_password_html: greeting: "Hi," hopefully_you: "Someone (possibly you) has asked for the password to be reset on this email address's account." click_the_link: "If this is you, please click the link below to reset your password." message: inbox: title: "Inbox" my_inbox: "My inbox" outbox: "outbox" you_have: "You have {{new_count}} new messages and {{old_count}} old messages" from: "From" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" no_messages_yet: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?" people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby" message_summary: unread_button: "Mark as unread" read_button: "Mark as read" reply_button: "Reply" new: title: "Send message" send_message_to: "Send a new message to {{name}}" subject: "Subject" body: "Body" send_button: "Send" back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox" message_sent: "Message sent" no_such_user: title: "No such user or message" heading: "No such user or message" body: "Sorry there is no user or message with that name or id" outbox: title: "Outbox" my_inbox: "My {{inbox_link}}" inbox: "inbox" outbox: "outbox" you_have_sent_messages: "You have {{sent_count}} sent messages" to: "To" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" no_sent_messages: "You have no sent messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?" people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby" read: title: "Read message" reading_your_messages: "Reading your messages" from: "From" subject: "Subject" date: "Date" reply_button: "Reply" unread_button: "Mark as unread" back_to_inbox: "Back to inbox" reading_your_sent_messages: "Reading your sent messages" to: "To" back_to_outbox: "Back to outbox" mark: as_read: "Message marked as read" as_unread: "Message marked as unread" site: index: js_1: "You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript." js_2: "OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map." js_3: 'You may want to try the <a href="">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable javascript.' permalink: Permalink shortlink: Shortlink license: notice: "Licensed under the {{license_name}} license by the {{project_name}} and its contributors." license_name: "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0" license_url: "" project_name: "OpenStreetMap project" project_url: "" edit: not_public: "You haven't set your edits to be public." not_public_description: "You can no longer edit the map unless you do so. You can set your edits as public from your {{user_page}}." user_page_link: user page anon_edits: "({{link}})" anon_edits_link: "" anon_edits_link_text: "Find out why this is the case." flash_player_required: 'You need a Flash player to use Potlatch, the OpenStreetMap Flash editor. You can <a href="">download Flash Player from</a>. <a href="">Several other options</a> are also available for editing OpenStreetMap.' potlatch_unsaved_changes: "You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you should deselect the current way or point, if editing in live mode, or click save if you have a save button.)" sidebar: search_results: Search Results close: Close search: search: Search where_am_i: "Where am I?" submit_text: "Go" search_help: "examples: 'Alkmaar', 'Regent Street, Cambridge', 'CB2 5AQ', or 'post offices near Lünen' <a href=''>more examples...</a>" key: map_key: "Map key" map_key_tooltip: "Map key for the mapnik rendering at this zoom level" table: heading: "Legend for z{{zoom_level}}" entry: motorway: "Motorway" trunk: "Trunk road" primary: "Primary road" secondary: "Secondary road" unclassified: "Unclassified road" unsurfaced: "Unsurfaced road" track: "Track" byway: "Byway" bridleway: "Bridleway" cycleway: "Cycleway" footway: "Footway" rail: "Railway" subway: "Subway" tram: - Light rail - tram cable: - Cable car - chair lift runway: - Airport Runway - taxiway apron: - Airport apron - terminal admin: "Administrative boundary" forest: "Forest" wood: "Wood" golf: "Golf course" park: "Park" resident: "Residential area" tourist: "Tourist attraction" common: - Common - meadow retail: "Retail area" industrial: "Industrial area" commercial: "Commercial area" heathland: "Heathland" lake: - Lake - reservoir farm: "Farm" brownfield: "Brownfield site" cemetery: "Cemetery" allotments: "Allotments" pitch: "Sports pitch" centre: "Sports centre" reserve: "Nature reserve" military: "Military area" school: "School; university" building: "Significant building" station: "Railway station" summit: - Summit - peak tunnel: "Dashed casing = tunnel" bridge: "Black casing = bridge" private: "Private access" permissive: "Permissive access" destination: "Destination access" construction: "Roads under construction" trace: create: upload_trace: "Upload GPS Trace" trace_uploaded: "Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email will be sent to you on completion." edit: title: "Editing trace {{name}}" heading: "Editing trace {{name}}" filename: "Filename:" download: "download" uploaded_at: "Uploaded at:" points: "Points:" start_coord: "Start coordinate:" map: "map" edit: "edit" owner: "Owner:" description: "Description:" tags: "Tags:" tags_help: "comma delimited" save_button: "Save Changes" no_such_user: title: "No such user" heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist" body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." trace_form: upload_gpx: "Upload GPX File" description: "Description" tags: "Tags" tags_help: "use commas" public: "Public?" public_help: "what does this mean?" public_help_url: "" upload_button: "Upload" help: "Help" help_url: "" trace_header: see_just_your_traces: "See just your traces, or upload a trace" see_all_traces: "See all traces" see_your_traces: "See all your traces" traces_waiting: "You have {{count}} traces waiting for upload. Please consider waiting for these to finish before uploading any more, so as not to block the queue for other users." trace_optionals: tags: "Tags" view: title: "Viewing trace {{name}}" heading: "Viewing trace {{name}}" pending: "PENDING" filename: "Filename:" download: "download" uploaded: "Uploaded at:" points: "Points:" start_coordinates: "Start coordinate:" map: "map" edit: "edit" owner: "Owner:" description: "Description:" tags: "Tags:" none: "None" make_public: "Make this track public permanently" edit_track: "Edit this track" delete_track: "Delete this track" trace_not_found: "Trace not found!" trace_paging_nav: showing: "Showing page" of: "of" trace: pending: "PENDING" count_points: "{{count}} points" ago: "{{time_in_words_ago}} ago" more: "more" trace_details: "View Trace Details" view_map: "View Map" edit: "edit" edit_map: "Edit Map" public: "PUBLIC" private: "PRIVATE" by: "by" in: "in" map: "map" list: public_traces: "Public GPS traces" your_traces: "Your GPS traces" public_traces_from: "Public GPS traces from {{user}}" tagged_with: " tagged with {{tags}}" delete: scheduled_for_deletion: "Track scheduled for deletion" make_public: made_public: "Track made public" user: login: title: "Login" heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" email or username: "Email Address or Username:" password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.<br>Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." auth failure: "Sorry, couldn't log in with those details." lost_password: title: "lost password" heading: "Forgotten Password?" email address: "Email Address:" new password button: "Send me a new password" notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon." notice email cannot find: "Couldn't find that email address, sorry." reset_password: title: "reset password" flash changed check mail: "Your password has been changed and is on its way to your mailbox :-)" flash token bad: "Didn't find that token, check the URL maybe?" new: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the <a href="">webmaster</a> to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under <a href="">this Creative Commons license (by-sa)</a>.' email address: "Email Address:" confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see <a href="" title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">privacy policy</a>)' display name: "Display Name:" password: "Password:" confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)<br /><br />Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: title: "No such user" heading: "The user {{user}} does not exist" body: "Sorry, there is no user with the name {{user}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong." view: my diary: my diary new diary entry: new diary entry my edits: my edits my traces: my traces my settings: my settings send message: send message diary: diary edits: edits traces: traces remove as friend: remove as friend add as friend: add as friend mapper since: "Mapper since:" ago: "({{time_in_words_ago}} ago)" user image heading: User image delete image: Delete Image upload an image: Upload an image add image: Add Image description: Description user location: User location no home location: "No home location has been set." if set location: "If you set your location, a pretty map and stuff will appear below. You can set your home location on your {{settings_link}} page." settings_link_text: settings your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" m away: "{{count}}m away" nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: your location: Your location nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper: [[nearby_user]]" account: title: "Edit account" my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" profile description: "Profile Description:" preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." latitude: "Latitude:" longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public return to profile: Return to profile flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address." flash update success: "User information updated successfully." confirm: heading: Confirm a user account press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account." button: Confirm success: "Confirmed your account, thanks for signing up!" failure: "A user account with this token has already been confirmed." confirm_email: heading: Confirm a change of email address press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address." button: Confirm success: "Confirmed your email address, thanks for signing up!" failure: "An email address has already been confirmed with this token." set_home: flash success: "Home location saved successfully" go_public: flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit." make_friend: success: "{{name}} is now your friend." failed: "Sorry, failed to add {{name}} as a friend." already_a_friend: "You are already friends with {{name}}." remove_friend: success: "{{name}} was removed from your friends." not_a_friend: "{{name}} is not one of your friends."