#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "config", "environment") if recipient = ARGV[0].match(/^c-(\d+)-(\d+)-(.*)$/) comment = DiaryComment.find(recipient[1]) digest = comment.digest date = comment.created_at from = comment.diary_entry.subscribers.find(recipient[2]) to = comment.user token = recipient[3] elsif recipient = ARGV[0].match(/^m-(\d+)-(.*)$/) message = Message.find(recipient[1]) digest = message.digest date = message.sent_on from = message.recipient to = message.sender token = recipient[2] else exit 0 end exit 0 unless ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(token, digest[0, 6]) exit 0 unless from.active? exit 0 if date < 1.month.ago message&.update(:message_read => true) mail = Mail.new($stdin.read .encode(:universal_newline => true) .encode(:crlf_newline => true)) message = Message.from_mail(mail, from, to) message.save! UserMailer.message_notification(message).deliver exit 0