<%%= flash[:notice] %>

OAuth Client Applications

<%% unless @tokens.empty? %>

The following tokens have been issued to applications in your name

<%% @tokens.each do |token|%> <%% content_tag_for :tr, token do %> <%% end %> <%% end %>
<%%= link_to token.client_application.name, token.client_application.url %> <%%= token.authorized_at %> <%% form_tag :controller => 'oauth', :action => 'revoke' do %> <%%= hidden_field_tag 'token', token.token %> <%%= submit_tag "Revoke!" %> <%% end %>
<%% end %>

Application Developers

<%% if @client_applications.empty? %>

Do you have an application you would like to register for use with us using the OAuth standard?

You must register your web application before it can make OAuth requests to this service

<%% else %>

You have the following client applications registered:

<%% @client_applications.each do |client|%> <%% div_for client do %> <%%= link_to client.name, :action => :show, :id => client.id %> <%% end %> <%% end %> <%% end %>

<%%= link_to "Register your application", :action => :new %>