<% set_title(t(".title", :id => @note.id)) %> <%= render "sidebar_header", :title => t(".#{@note.status}_title", :note_name => @note.id) %>

<%= t(".description") %>

<%= note_description(@note.author, @note.description, current_user&.moderator? ? @note.comments.unscope(:where => :visible).first : @note.comments.first).to_html %>

<%= note_event("opened", @note.created_at, @note.author) %>

<% if @note.status == "closed" %>

<%= note_event(@note.status, @note.closed_at, @note.all_comments.last.author) %>

<% end %>

<%= t "browse.location" %> <%= link_to t(".coordinates_html", :latitude => tag.span(number_with_delimiter(@note.lat), :class => "latitude"), :longitude => tag.span(number_with_delimiter(@note.lon), :class => "longitude")), root_path(:anchor => "map=18/#{@note.lat}/#{@note.lon}") %>

<% if @note_includes_anonymous -%>

<%= t ".anonymous_warning" %>

<% end -%>

<%= t(".discussion") %>

<% if current_user %>
<% if @note.subscribers.exists?(current_user.id) %> <%= tag.button t(".unsubscribe"), :type => "button", :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :name => "unsubscribe", :data => { :method => "DELETE", :url => api_note_subscription_path(@note) } %> <% else %> <%= tag.button t(".subscribe"), :type => "button", :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary", :name => "subscribe", :data => { :method => "POST", :url => api_note_subscription_path(@note) } %> <% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @note_comments.length > 0 %>
<% end %> <% if @note.status == "open" %> <% if current_user -%>
<% if current_user.moderator? -%> <%= button_tag t(".hide"), :name => "hide", :class => "btn btn-light", :data => { :method => "DELETE", :url => api_note_url(@note, "json") } %> <% end -%> <%= button_tag t(".resolve"), :name => "close", :class => "btn btn-primary", :data => { :method => "POST", :url => close_api_note_url(@note, "json"), :default_action_text => t(".resolve"), :comment_action_text => t(".comment_and_resolve") } %> <%= button_tag t(".comment"), :name => "comment", :class => "btn btn-primary", :disabled => true, :data => { :method => "POST", :url => comment_api_note_url(@note, "json") } %>
<% else -%>

<%= link_to t(".log_in_to_comment"), login_path(:referer => request.fullpath) %>

<% end -%> <% else %>
<% if @note.status != "hidden" and current_user and current_user.moderator? -%> <%= button_tag t(".hide"), :name => "hide", :class => "btn btn-light", :data => { :method => "DELETE", :url => api_note_url(@note, "json") } %> <% end -%> <% if current_user -%> <%= button_tag t(".reactivate"), :name => "reopen", :class => "btn btn-primary", :data => { :method => "POST", :url => reopen_api_note_url(@note, "json") } %> <% end -%>
<% end %> <% if current_user && current_user != @note.author %>

<%= t ".report_link_html", :link => report_link(t(".report"), @note) %> <% if @note.status == "open" %> <%= t ".other_problems_resolve", :link => report_link(t(".report"), @note) %> <% elsif @note.status == "closed" %> <%= t ".other_problems_resolved" %> <% end %>

<% end %> <% if @note.freshly_closed? %> <%= t ".disappear_date_html", :disappear_in => friendly_date(@note.freshly_closed_until) %> <% end %>