- def check_database_writable(need_api = false)
- if OSM_STATUS == :database_offline or OSM_STATUS == :database_readonly or
- (need_api and (OSM_STATUS == :api_offline or OSM_STATUS == :api_readonly))
- redirect_to :controller => 'site', :action => 'offline'
+ def respond_to_timeout
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.cancel
+ render :action => "timeout", :status => :gateway_timeout
+ end
+ ##
+ # Unfortunately if a PUT or POST request that has a body fails to
+ # read it then Apache will sometimes fail to return the response it
+ # is given to the client properly, instead erroring:
+ #
+ # https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=44782
+ #
+ # To work round this we call rewind on the body here, which is added
+ # as a filter, to force it to be fetched from Apache into a file.
+ def fetch_body
+ request.body.rewind
+ end
+ def map_layout
+ policy = request.content_security_policy.clone
+ policy.connect_src(*policy.connect_src, "", Settings.nominatim_url, Settings.overpass_url, Settings.fossgis_osrm_url, Settings.graphhopper_url, Settings.fossgis_valhalla_url)
+ policy.form_action(*policy.form_action, "render.openstreetmap.org")
+ policy.style_src(*policy.style_src, :unsafe_inline)
+ request.content_security_policy = policy
+ case Settings.status
+ when "database_offline", "api_offline"
+ flash.now[:warning] = t("layouts.osm_offline")
+ when "database_readonly", "api_readonly"
+ flash.now[:warning] = t("layouts.osm_read_only")