+ # Check that the preconditions fail when you are over the defined limit of
+ # the maximum number of nodes in each way.
+ def test_max_nodes_per_way_limit
+ # Take one of the current ways and add nodes to it until we are near the limit
+ way = Way.find(current_ways(:visible_way).id)
+ assert way.valid?
+ # it already has 1 node
+ 1.upto((APP_CONFIG['max_number_of_way_nodes'])/2) {
+ way.add_nd_num(current_nodes(:used_node_1).id)
+ way.add_nd_num(current_nodes(:used_node_2).id)
+ }
+ way.save
+ #print way.nds.size
+ assert way.valid?
+ way.add_nd_num(current_nodes(:visible_node).id)
+ assert way.valid?
+ end