+iD.ui.preset.cycleway = function(field) {
+ var event = d3.dispatch('change'),
+ items;
+ function cycleway(selection) {
+ var wrap = selection.selectAll('.preset-input-wrap')
+ .data([0]);
+ wrap.enter().append('div')
+ .attr('class', 'cf preset-input-wrap')
+ .append('ul');
+ items = wrap.select('ul').selectAll('li')
+ .data(field.keys);
+ // Enter
+ var enter = items.enter().append('li')
+ .attr('class', function(d) { return 'cf preset-cycleway-' + d; });
+ enter.append('span')
+ .attr('class', 'col6 label preset-label-cycleway')
+ .attr('for', function(d) { return 'preset-input-cycleway-' + d; })
+ .text(function(d) { return field.t('types.' + d); });
+ enter.append('div')
+ .attr('class', 'col6 preset-input-cycleway-wrap')
+ .append('input')
+ .attr('type', 'text')
+ .attr('class', 'preset-input-cycleway')
+ .attr('id', function(d) { return 'preset-input-cycleway-' + d; })
+ .each(function(d) {
+ d3.select(this)
+ .call(d3.combobox()
+ .data(cycleway.options(d)));
+ });
+ // Update
+ wrap.selectAll('.preset-input-cycleway')
+ .on('change', change)
+ .on('blur', change);
+ }
+ function change() {
+ var inputs = d3.selectAll('.preset-input-cycleway')[0],
+ left = d3.select(inputs[0]).value(),
+ right = d3.select(inputs[1]).value(),
+ tag = {};
+ if (left === 'none' || left === '') { left = undefined; }
+ if (right === 'none' || right === '') { right = undefined; }
+ // Always set both left and right as changing one can affect the other
+ tag = {
+ cycleway: undefined,
+ 'cycleway:left': left,
+ 'cycleway:right': right
+ };
+ // If the left and right tags match, use the cycleway tag to tag both
+ // sides the same way
+ if (left === right) {
+ tag = {
+ cycleway: left,
+ 'cycleway:left': undefined,
+ 'cycleway:right': undefined
+ };
+ }
+ event.change(tag);
+ }
+ cycleway.options = function() {
+ return d3.keys(field.strings.options).map(function(option) {
+ return {
+ title: field.t('options.' + option + '.description'),
+ value: option
+ };
+ });
+ };
+ cycleway.tags = function(tags) {
+ items.selectAll('.preset-input-cycleway')
+ .value(function(d) {
+ // If cycleway is set, always return that
+ if (tags.cycleway) {
+ return tags.cycleway;
+ }
+ return tags[d] || '';
+ })
+ .attr('placeholder', field.placeholder());
+ };
+ cycleway.focus = function() {
+ items.selectAll('.preset-input-cycleway')
+ .node().focus();
+ };
+ return d3.rebind(cycleway, event, 'on');