-<div class="flash"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>
-<h1>OAuth Client Applications</h1>
+<% content_for :heading do %>
+ <h1><%= t '.title' %></h1>
+<% end %>
<% unless @tokens.empty? %>
-<p>The following tokens have been issued to applications in your name</p>
+<h3><%= t '.my_tokens' %></h3>
+<p><%= t '.list_tokens' %></p>
- <tr><th>Application</th><th>Issued</th><th> </th></tr>
+ <tr><th><%= t '.application' %></th>
+ <th><%= t '.issued_at' %></th><th> </th></tr>
<% @tokens.each do |token|%>
- <% content_tag_for :tr, token do %>
+ <%= content_tag_for :tr, token do %>
<td><%= link_to token.client_application.name, token.client_application.url %></td>
<td><%= token.authorized_at %></td>
- <% form_tag :controller => 'oauth', :action => 'revoke' do %>
+ <%= form_tag :controller => 'oauth', :action => 'revoke' do %>
<%= hidden_field_tag 'token', token.token %>
- <%= submit_tag "Revoke!" %>
+ <%= submit_tag t('.revoke') %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
- <% end %>
+ <% end %>
<% end %>
-<h3>Application Developers</h3>
+<h3><%= t '.my_apps' %></h3>
<% if @client_applications.empty? %>
- <p>
- Do you have an application you would like to register for use with us using the <a href="http://oauth.net">OAuth</a> standard?
- </p>
- <p>
- You must register your web application before it can make OAuth requests to this service
- </p>
+<p><%= raw(t('.no_apps', :oauth => "<a href=\"https://oauth.net\">OAuth</a>")) %></p>
<% else %>
- <p>
- You have the following client applications registered:
- </p>
- <% @client_applications.each do |client|%>
- <% div_for client do %>
- <%= link_to client.name, :action => :show, :id => client.id %>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
+<p><%= t '.registered_apps' %></p>
+<% @client_applications.each do |client|%>
+ <%= div_for client do %>
+ <%= link_to client.name, :action => :show, :id => client.id %>
+ <% end %>
+<% end %>
<% end %>
-<h3><%= link_to "Register your application", :action => :new %></h3>
+<h3><%= link_to t('.register_new'), :action => :new %></h3>