+ function getAreaLabel(entity2, width2, height) {
+ var centroid = path.centroid(entity2.asGeoJSON(graph));
+ var extent = entity2.extent(graph);
+ var areaWidth = projection2(extent[1])[0] - projection2(extent[0])[0];
+ if (isNaN(centroid[0]) || areaWidth < 20) return;
+ var preset2 = _mainPresetIndex.match(entity2, context.graph());
+ var picon = preset2 && preset2.icon;
+ var iconSize = 17;
+ var padding = 2;
+ var p3 = {};
+ if (picon) {
+ if (addIcon()) {
+ addLabel(iconSize + padding);
+ return p3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (addLabel(0)) {
+ return p3;
+ }
+ }
+ function addIcon() {
+ var iconX = centroid[0] - iconSize / 2;
+ var iconY = centroid[1] - iconSize / 2;
+ var bbox3 = {
+ minX: iconX,
+ minY: iconY,
+ maxX: iconX + iconSize,
+ maxY: iconY + iconSize
+ };
+ if (tryInsert([bbox3], entity2.id + "I", true)) {
+ p3.transform = "translate(" + iconX + "," + iconY + ")";
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function addLabel(yOffset) {
+ if (width2 && areaWidth >= width2 + 20) {
+ var labelX = centroid[0];
+ var labelY = centroid[1] + yOffset;
+ var bbox3 = {
+ minX: labelX - width2 / 2 - padding,
+ minY: labelY - height / 2 - padding,
+ maxX: labelX + width2 / 2 + padding,
+ maxY: labelY + height / 2 + padding
+ };
+ if (tryInsert([bbox3], entity2.id, true)) {
+ p3.x = labelX;
+ p3.y = labelY;
+ p3.textAnchor = "middle";
+ p3.height = height;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function doInsert(bbox3, id2) {
+ bbox3.id = id2;
+ var oldbox = _entitybboxes[id2];
+ if (oldbox) {
+ _rdrawn.remove(oldbox);
+ }
+ _entitybboxes[id2] = bbox3;
+ _rdrawn.insert(bbox3);
+ }
+ function tryInsert(bboxes, id2, saveSkipped) {
+ var skipped = false;
+ for (var i4 = 0; i4 < bboxes.length; i4++) {
+ var bbox3 = bboxes[i4];
+ bbox3.id = id2;
+ if (bbox3.minX < 0 || bbox3.minY < 0 || bbox3.maxX > dimensions[0] || bbox3.maxY > dimensions[1]) {
+ skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_rdrawn.collides(bbox3)) {
+ skipped = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _entitybboxes[id2] = bboxes;
+ if (skipped) {
+ if (saveSkipped) {
+ _rskipped.load(bboxes);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _rdrawn.load(bboxes);
+ }
+ return !skipped;
+ }
+ var layer = selection2.selectAll(".layer-osm.labels");
+ layer.selectAll(".labels-group").data(["halo", "label", "debug"]).enter().append("g").attr("class", function(d2) {
+ return "labels-group " + d2;
+ });
+ var halo = layer.selectAll(".labels-group.halo");
+ var label = layer.selectAll(".labels-group.label");
+ var debug2 = layer.selectAll(".labels-group.debug");
+ drawPointLabels(label, labelled.point, filter2, "pointlabel", positions.point);
+ drawPointLabels(halo, labelled.point, filter2, "pointlabel-halo", positions.point);
+ drawLinePaths(layer, labelled.line, filter2, "", positions.line);
+ drawLineLabels(label, labelled.line, filter2, "linelabel", positions.line);
+ drawLineLabels(halo, labelled.line, filter2, "linelabel-halo", positions.line);
+ drawAreaLabels(label, labelled.area, filter2, "arealabel", positions.area);
+ drawAreaLabels(halo, labelled.area, filter2, "arealabel-halo", positions.area);
+ drawAreaIcons(label, labelled.area, filter2, "areaicon", positions.area);
+ drawAreaIcons(halo, labelled.area, filter2, "areaicon-halo", positions.area);
+ drawCollisionBoxes(debug2, _rskipped, "debug-skipped");
+ drawCollisionBoxes(debug2, _rdrawn, "debug-drawn");
+ layer.call(filterLabels);
+ }
+ function filterLabels(selection2) {
+ var drawLayer = selection2.selectAll(".layer-osm.labels");
+ var layers = drawLayer.selectAll(".labels-group.halo, .labels-group.label");
+ layers.selectAll(".nolabel").classed("nolabel", false);
+ var mouse = context.map().mouse();
+ var graph = context.graph();
+ var selectedIDs = context.selectedIDs();
+ var ids = [];
+ var pad2, bbox2;
+ if (mouse) {
+ pad2 = 20;
+ bbox2 = { minX: mouse[0] - pad2, minY: mouse[1] - pad2, maxX: mouse[0] + pad2, maxY: mouse[1] + pad2 };
+ var nearMouse = _rdrawn.search(bbox2).map(function(entity2) {
+ return entity2.id;
+ });
+ ids.push.apply(ids, nearMouse);
+ }
+ for (var i3 = 0; i3 < selectedIDs.length; i3++) {
+ var entity = graph.hasEntity(selectedIDs[i3]);
+ if (entity && entity.type === "node") {
+ ids.push(selectedIDs[i3]);
+ }
+ }
+ layers.selectAll(utilEntitySelector(ids)).classed("nolabel", true);
+ var debug2 = selection2.selectAll(".labels-group.debug");
+ var gj = [];
+ if (context.getDebug("collision")) {
+ gj = bbox2 ? [{
+ type: "Polygon",
+ coordinates: [[
+ [bbox2.minX, bbox2.minY],
+ [bbox2.maxX, bbox2.minY],
+ [bbox2.maxX, bbox2.maxY],
+ [bbox2.minX, bbox2.maxY],
+ [bbox2.minX, bbox2.minY]
+ ]]
+ }] : [];
+ }
+ var box = debug2.selectAll(".debug-mouse").data(gj);
+ box.exit().remove();
+ box.enter().append("path").attr("class", "debug debug-mouse yellow").merge(box).attr("d", path_default());
+ }
+ var throttleFilterLabels = throttle_default(filterLabels, 100);
+ drawLabels.observe = function(selection2) {
+ var listener = function() {
+ throttleFilterLabels(selection2);
+ };
+ selection2.on("mousemove.hidelabels", listener);
+ context.on("enter.hidelabels", listener);
+ };
+ drawLabels.off = function(selection2) {
+ throttleFilterLabels.cancel();
+ selection2.on("mousemove.hidelabels", null);
+ context.on("enter.hidelabels", null);
+ };
+ return drawLabels;
+ }
+ // node_modules/exifr/dist/full.esm.mjs
+ var e = "undefined" != typeof self ? self : global;
+ var t = "undefined" != typeof navigator;
+ var i2 = t && "undefined" == typeof HTMLImageElement;
+ var n2 = !("undefined" == typeof global || "undefined" == typeof process || !process.versions || !process.versions.node);
+ var s = e.Buffer;
+ var r = e.BigInt;
+ var a = !!s;
+ var o = (e3) => e3;
+ function l(e3, t2 = o) {
+ if (n2) try {
+ return "function" == typeof __require ? Promise.resolve(t2(__require(e3))) : import(
+ /* webpackIgnore: true */
+ e3
+ ).then(t2);
+ } catch (t3) {
+ console.warn("Couldn't load ".concat(e3));
+ }
+ }
+ var h = e.fetch;
+ var u = (e3) => h = e3;
+ if (!e.fetch) {
+ const e3 = l("http", (e4) => e4), t2 = l("https", (e4) => e4), i3 = (n3, { headers: s2 } = {}) => new Promise(async (r2, a2) => {
+ let { port: o2, hostname: l2, pathname: h2, protocol: u2, search: c2 } = new URL(n3);
+ const f2 = { method: "GET", hostname: l2, path: encodeURI(h2) + c2, headers: s2 };
+ "" !== o2 && (f2.port = Number(o2));
+ const d2 = ("https:" === u2 ? await t2 : await e3).request(f2, (e4) => {
+ if (301 === e4.statusCode || 302 === e4.statusCode) {
+ let t3 = new URL(e4.headers.location, n3).toString();
+ return i3(t3, { headers: s2 }).then(r2).catch(a2);
+ }
+ r2({ status: e4.statusCode, arrayBuffer: () => new Promise((t3) => {
+ let i4 = [];
+ e4.on("data", (e6) => i4.push(e6)), e4.on("end", () => t3(Buffer.concat(i4)));
+ }) });
+ });
+ d2.on("error", a2), d2.end();
+ });
+ u(i3);
+ }
+ function c(e3, t2, i3) {
+ return t2 in e3 ? Object.defineProperty(e3, t2, { value: i3, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : e3[t2] = i3, e3;
+ }
+ var f = (e3) => p(e3) ? void 0 : e3;
+ var d = (e3) => void 0 !== e3;
+ function p(e3) {
+ return void 0 === e3 || (e3 instanceof Map ? 0 === e3.size : 0 === Object.values(e3).filter(d).length);
+ }
+ function g2(e3) {
+ let t2 = new Error(e3);
+ throw delete t2.stack, t2;
+ }
+ function m(e3) {
+ return "" === (e3 = function(e4) {
+ for (; e4.endsWith("\0"); ) e4 = e4.slice(0, -1);
+ return e4;
+ }(e3).trim()) ? void 0 : e3;
+ }
+ function S(e3) {
+ let t2 = function(e4) {
+ let t3 = 0;
+ return e4.ifd0.enabled && (t3 += 1024), e4.exif.enabled && (t3 += 2048), e4.makerNote && (t3 += 2048), e4.userComment && (t3 += 1024), e4.gps.enabled && (t3 += 512), e4.interop.enabled && (t3 += 100), e4.ifd1.enabled && (t3 += 1024), t3 + 2048;
+ }(e3);
+ return e3.jfif.enabled && (t2 += 50), e3.xmp.enabled && (t2 += 2e4), e3.iptc.enabled && (t2 += 14e3), e3.icc.enabled && (t2 += 6e3), t2;
+ }
+ var C = (e3) => String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e3);
+ var y = "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder("utf-8") : void 0;
+ function b(e3) {
+ return y ? y.decode(e3) : a ? Buffer.from(e3).toString("utf8") : decodeURIComponent(escape(C(e3)));
+ }
+ var I = class _I {
+ static from(e3, t2) {
+ return e3 instanceof this && e3.le === t2 ? e3 : new _I(e3, void 0, void 0, t2);
+ }
+ constructor(e3, t2 = 0, i3, n3) {
+ if ("boolean" == typeof n3 && (this.le = n3), Array.isArray(e3) && (e3 = new Uint8Array(e3)), 0 === e3) this.byteOffset = 0, this.byteLength = 0;
+ else if (e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+ void 0 === i3 && (i3 = e3.byteLength - t2);
+ let n4 = new DataView(e3, t2, i3);
+ this._swapDataView(n4);
+ } else if (e3 instanceof Uint8Array || e3 instanceof DataView || e3 instanceof _I) {
+ void 0 === i3 && (i3 = e3.byteLength - t2), (t2 += e3.byteOffset) + i3 > e3.byteOffset + e3.byteLength && g2("Creating view outside of available memory in ArrayBuffer");
+ let n4 = new DataView(e3.buffer, t2, i3);
+ this._swapDataView(n4);
+ } else if ("number" == typeof e3) {
+ let t3 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(e3));
+ this._swapDataView(t3);
+ } else g2("Invalid input argument for BufferView: " + e3);
+ }
+ _swapArrayBuffer(e3) {
+ this._swapDataView(new DataView(e3));
+ }
+ _swapBuffer(e3) {
+ this._swapDataView(new DataView(e3.buffer, e3.byteOffset, e3.byteLength));
+ }
+ _swapDataView(e3) {
+ this.dataView = e3, this.buffer = e3.buffer, this.byteOffset = e3.byteOffset, this.byteLength = e3.byteLength;
+ }
+ _lengthToEnd(e3) {
+ return this.byteLength - e3;
+ }
+ set(e3, t2, i3 = _I) {
+ return e3 instanceof DataView || e3 instanceof _I ? e3 = new Uint8Array(e3.buffer, e3.byteOffset, e3.byteLength) : e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer && (e3 = new Uint8Array(e3)), e3 instanceof Uint8Array || g2("BufferView.set(): Invalid data argument."), this.toUint8().set(e3, t2), new i3(this, t2, e3.byteLength);
+ }
+ subarray(e3, t2) {
+ return t2 = t2 || this._lengthToEnd(e3), new _I(this, e3, t2);
+ }
+ toUint8() {
+ return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.byteLength);
+ }
+ getUint8Array(e3, t2) {
+ return new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + e3, t2);
+ }
+ getString(e3 = 0, t2 = this.byteLength) {
+ return b(this.getUint8Array(e3, t2));
+ }
+ getLatin1String(e3 = 0, t2 = this.byteLength) {
+ let i3 = this.getUint8Array(e3, t2);
+ return C(i3);
+ }
+ getUnicodeString(e3 = 0, t2 = this.byteLength) {
+ const i3 = [];
+ for (let n3 = 0; n3 < t2 && e3 + n3 < this.byteLength; n3 += 2) i3.push(this.getUint16(e3 + n3));
+ return C(i3);
+ }
+ getInt8(e3) {
+ return this.dataView.getInt8(e3);
+ }
+ getUint8(e3) {
+ return this.dataView.getUint8(e3);
+ }
+ getInt16(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getInt16(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getInt32(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getInt32(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getUint16(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getUint16(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getUint32(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getUint32(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getFloat32(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getFloat32(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getFloat64(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getFloat64(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getFloat(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getFloat32(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getDouble(e3, t2 = this.le) {
+ return this.dataView.getFloat64(e3, t2);
+ }
+ getUintBytes(e3, t2, i3) {
+ switch (t2) {
+ case 1:
+ return this.getUint8(e3, i3);
+ case 2:
+ return this.getUint16(e3, i3);
+ case 4:
+ return this.getUint32(e3, i3);
+ case 8:
+ return this.getUint64 && this.getUint64(e3, i3);
+ }
+ }
+ getUint(e3, t2, i3) {
+ switch (t2) {
+ case 8:
+ return this.getUint8(e3, i3);
+ case 16:
+ return this.getUint16(e3, i3);
+ case 32:
+ return this.getUint32(e3, i3);
+ case 64:
+ return this.getUint64 && this.getUint64(e3, i3);
+ }
+ }
+ toString(e3) {
+ return this.dataView.toString(e3, this.constructor.name);
+ }
+ ensureChunk() {
+ }
+ };
+ function P(e3, t2) {
+ g2("".concat(e3, " '").concat(t2, "' was not loaded, try using full build of exifr."));
+ }
+ var k = class extends Map {
+ constructor(e3) {
+ super(), this.kind = e3;
+ }
+ get(e3, t2) {
+ return this.has(e3) || P(this.kind, e3), t2 && (e3 in t2 || function(e4, t3) {
+ g2("Unknown ".concat(e4, " '").concat(t3, "'."));
+ }(this.kind, e3), t2[e3].enabled || P(this.kind, e3)), super.get(e3);
+ }
+ keyList() {
+ return Array.from(this.keys());
+ }
+ };
+ var w = new k("file parser");
+ var T = new k("segment parser");
+ var A = new k("file reader");
+ function D(e3, n3) {
+ return "string" == typeof e3 ? O(e3, n3) : t && !i2 && e3 instanceof HTMLImageElement ? O(e3.src, n3) : e3 instanceof Uint8Array || e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer || e3 instanceof DataView ? new I(e3) : t && e3 instanceof Blob ? x(e3, n3, "blob", R) : void g2("Invalid input argument");
+ }
+ function O(e3, i3) {
+ return (s2 = e3).startsWith("data:") || s2.length > 1e4 ? v(e3, i3, "base64") : n2 && e3.includes("://") ? x(e3, i3, "url", M) : n2 ? v(e3, i3, "fs") : t ? x(e3, i3, "url", M) : void g2("Invalid input argument");
+ var s2;
+ }
+ async function x(e3, t2, i3, n3) {
+ return A.has(i3) ? v(e3, t2, i3) : n3 ? async function(e4, t3) {
+ let i4 = await t3(e4);
+ return new I(i4);
+ }(e3, n3) : void g2("Parser ".concat(i3, " is not loaded"));
+ }
+ async function v(e3, t2, i3) {
+ let n3 = new (A.get(i3))(e3, t2);
+ return await n3.read(), n3;
+ }
+ var M = (e3) => h(e3).then((e4) => e4.arrayBuffer());
+ var R = (e3) => new Promise((t2, i3) => {
+ let n3 = new FileReader();
+ n3.onloadend = () => t2(n3.result || new ArrayBuffer()), n3.onerror = i3, n3.readAsArrayBuffer(e3);
+ });
+ var L = class extends Map {
+ get tagKeys() {
+ return this.allKeys || (this.allKeys = Array.from(this.keys())), this.allKeys;
+ }
+ get tagValues() {
+ return this.allValues || (this.allValues = Array.from(this.values())), this.allValues;
+ }
+ };
+ function U(e3, t2, i3) {
+ let n3 = new L();
+ for (let [e4, t3] of i3) n3.set(e4, t3);
+ if (Array.isArray(t2)) for (let i4 of t2) e3.set(i4, n3);
+ else e3.set(t2, n3);
+ return n3;
+ }
+ function F(e3, t2, i3) {
+ let n3, s2 = e3.get(t2);
+ for (n3 of i3) s2.set(n3[0], n3[1]);
+ }
+ var E = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ var B = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ var N = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ var G = ["chunked", "firstChunkSize", "firstChunkSizeNode", "firstChunkSizeBrowser", "chunkSize", "chunkLimit"];
+ var V = ["jfif", "xmp", "icc", "iptc", "ihdr"];
+ var z = ["tiff", ...V];
+ var H = ["ifd0", "ifd1", "exif", "gps", "interop"];
+ var j = [...z, ...H];
+ var W = ["makerNote", "userComment"];
+ var K = ["translateKeys", "translateValues", "reviveValues", "multiSegment"];
+ var X = [...K, "sanitize", "mergeOutput", "silentErrors"];
+ var _ = class {
+ get translate() {
+ return this.translateKeys || this.translateValues || this.reviveValues;
+ }
+ };
+ var Y = class extends _ {
+ get needed() {
+ return this.enabled || this.deps.size > 0;
+ }
+ constructor(e3, t2, i3, n3) {
+ if (super(), c(this, "enabled", false), c(this, "skip", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), c(this, "pick", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), c(this, "deps", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), c(this, "translateKeys", false), c(this, "translateValues", false), c(this, "reviveValues", false), this.key = e3, this.enabled = t2, this.parse = this.enabled, this.applyInheritables(n3), this.canBeFiltered = H.includes(e3), this.canBeFiltered && (this.dict = E.get(e3)), void 0 !== i3) if (Array.isArray(i3)) this.parse = this.enabled = true, this.canBeFiltered && i3.length > 0 && this.translateTagSet(i3, this.pick);
+ else if ("object" == typeof i3) {
+ if (this.enabled = true, this.parse = false !== i3.parse, this.canBeFiltered) {
+ let { pick: e4, skip: t3 } = i3;
+ e4 && e4.length > 0 && this.translateTagSet(e4, this.pick), t3 && t3.length > 0 && this.translateTagSet(t3, this.skip);
+ }
+ this.applyInheritables(i3);
+ } else true === i3 || false === i3 ? this.parse = this.enabled = i3 : g2("Invalid options argument: ".concat(i3));
+ }
+ applyInheritables(e3) {
+ let t2, i3;
+ for (t2 of K) i3 = e3[t2], void 0 !== i3 && (this[t2] = i3);
+ }
+ translateTagSet(e3, t2) {
+ if (this.dict) {
+ let i3, n3, { tagKeys: s2, tagValues: r2 } = this.dict;
+ for (i3 of e3) "string" == typeof i3 ? (n3 = r2.indexOf(i3), -1 === n3 && (n3 = s2.indexOf(Number(i3))), -1 !== n3 && t2.add(Number(s2[n3]))) : t2.add(i3);
+ } else for (let i3 of e3) t2.add(i3);
+ }
+ finalizeFilters() {
+ !this.enabled && this.deps.size > 0 ? (this.enabled = true, ee(this.pick, this.deps)) : this.enabled && this.pick.size > 0 && ee(this.pick, this.deps);
+ }
+ };
+ var $2 = { jfif: false, tiff: true, xmp: false, icc: false, iptc: false, ifd0: true, ifd1: false, exif: true, gps: true, interop: false, ihdr: void 0, makerNote: false, userComment: false, multiSegment: false, skip: [], pick: [], translateKeys: true, translateValues: true, reviveValues: true, sanitize: true, mergeOutput: true, silentErrors: true, chunked: true, firstChunkSize: void 0, firstChunkSizeNode: 512, firstChunkSizeBrowser: 65536, chunkSize: 65536, chunkLimit: 5 };
+ var J = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ var q = class extends _ {
+ static useCached(e3) {
+ let t2 = J.get(e3);
+ return void 0 !== t2 || (t2 = new this(e3), J.set(e3, t2)), t2;
+ }
+ constructor(e3) {
+ super(), true === e3 ? this.setupFromTrue() : void 0 === e3 ? this.setupFromUndefined() : Array.isArray(e3) ? this.setupFromArray(e3) : "object" == typeof e3 ? this.setupFromObject(e3) : g2("Invalid options argument ".concat(e3)), void 0 === this.firstChunkSize && (this.firstChunkSize = t ? this.firstChunkSizeBrowser : this.firstChunkSizeNode), this.mergeOutput && (this.ifd1.enabled = false), this.filterNestedSegmentTags(), this.traverseTiffDependencyTree(), this.checkLoadedPlugins();
+ }
+ setupFromUndefined() {
+ let e3;
+ for (e3 of G) this[e3] = $2[e3];
+ for (e3 of X) this[e3] = $2[e3];
+ for (e3 of W) this[e3] = $2[e3];
+ for (e3 of j) this[e3] = new Y(e3, $2[e3], void 0, this);
+ }
+ setupFromTrue() {
+ let e3;
+ for (e3 of G) this[e3] = $2[e3];
+ for (e3 of X) this[e3] = $2[e3];
+ for (e3 of W) this[e3] = true;
+ for (e3 of j) this[e3] = new Y(e3, true, void 0, this);
+ }
+ setupFromArray(e3) {
+ let t2;
+ for (t2 of G) this[t2] = $2[t2];
+ for (t2 of X) this[t2] = $2[t2];
+ for (t2 of W) this[t2] = $2[t2];
+ for (t2 of j) this[t2] = new Y(t2, false, void 0, this);
+ this.setupGlobalFilters(e3, void 0, H);
+ }
+ setupFromObject(e3) {
+ let t2;
+ for (t2 of (H.ifd0 = H.ifd0 || H.image, H.ifd1 = H.ifd1 || H.thumbnail, Object.assign(this, e3), G)) this[t2] = Z(e3[t2], $2[t2]);
+ for (t2 of X) this[t2] = Z(e3[t2], $2[t2]);
+ for (t2 of W) this[t2] = Z(e3[t2], $2[t2]);
+ for (t2 of z) this[t2] = new Y(t2, $2[t2], e3[t2], this);
+ for (t2 of H) this[t2] = new Y(t2, $2[t2], e3[t2], this.tiff);
+ this.setupGlobalFilters(e3.pick, e3.skip, H, j), true === e3.tiff ? this.batchEnableWithBool(H, true) : false === e3.tiff ? this.batchEnableWithUserValue(H, e3) : Array.isArray(e3.tiff) ? this.setupGlobalFilters(e3.tiff, void 0, H) : "object" == typeof e3.tiff && this.setupGlobalFilters(e3.tiff.pick, e3.tiff.skip, H);
+ }
+ batchEnableWithBool(e3, t2) {
+ for (let i3 of e3) this[i3].enabled = t2;
+ }
+ batchEnableWithUserValue(e3, t2) {
+ for (let i3 of e3) {
+ let e4 = t2[i3];
+ this[i3].enabled = false !== e4 && void 0 !== e4;
+ }
+ }
+ setupGlobalFilters(e3, t2, i3, n3 = i3) {
+ if (e3 && e3.length) {
+ for (let e4 of n3) this[e4].enabled = false;
+ let t3 = Q(e3, i3);
+ for (let [e4, i4] of t3) ee(this[e4].pick, i4), this[e4].enabled = true;
+ } else if (t2 && t2.length) {
+ let e4 = Q(t2, i3);
+ for (let [t3, i4] of e4) ee(this[t3].skip, i4);
+ }
+ }
+ filterNestedSegmentTags() {
+ let { ifd0: e3, exif: t2, xmp: i3, iptc: n3, icc: s2 } = this;
+ this.makerNote ? t2.deps.add(37500) : t2.skip.add(37500), this.userComment ? t2.deps.add(37510) : t2.skip.add(37510), i3.enabled || e3.skip.add(700), n3.enabled || e3.skip.add(33723), s2.enabled || e3.skip.add(34675);
+ }
+ traverseTiffDependencyTree() {
+ let { ifd0: e3, exif: t2, gps: i3, interop: n3 } = this;
+ n3.needed && (t2.deps.add(40965), e3.deps.add(40965)), t2.needed && e3.deps.add(34665), i3.needed && e3.deps.add(34853), this.tiff.enabled = H.some((e4) => true === this[e4].enabled) || this.makerNote || this.userComment;
+ for (let e4 of H) this[e4].finalizeFilters();
+ }
+ get onlyTiff() {
+ return !V.map((e3) => this[e3].enabled).some((e3) => true === e3) && this.tiff.enabled;
+ }
+ checkLoadedPlugins() {
+ for (let e3 of z) this[e3].enabled && !T.has(e3) && P("segment parser", e3);
+ }
+ };
+ function Q(e3, t2) {
+ let i3, n3, s2, r2, a2 = [];
+ for (s2 of t2) {
+ for (r2 of (i3 = E.get(s2), n3 = [], i3)) (e3.includes(r2[0]) || e3.includes(r2[1])) && n3.push(r2[0]);
+ n3.length && a2.push([s2, n3]);
+ }
+ return a2;
+ }
+ function Z(e3, t2) {
+ return void 0 !== e3 ? e3 : void 0 !== t2 ? t2 : void 0;
+ }
+ function ee(e3, t2) {
+ for (let i3 of t2) e3.add(i3);
+ }
+ c(q, "default", $2);
+ var te = class {
+ constructor(e3) {
+ c(this, "parsers", {}), c(this, "output", {}), c(this, "errors", []), c(this, "pushToErrors", (e4) => this.errors.push(e4)), this.options = q.useCached(e3);
+ }
+ async read(e3) {
+ this.file = await D(e3, this.options);
+ }
+ setup() {
+ if (this.fileParser) return;
+ let { file: e3 } = this, t2 = e3.getUint16(0);
+ for (let [i3, n3] of w) if (n3.canHandle(e3, t2)) return this.fileParser = new n3(this.options, this.file, this.parsers), e3[i3] = true;
+ this.file.close && this.file.close(), g2("Unknown file format");
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ let { output: e3, errors: t2 } = this;
+ return this.setup(), this.options.silentErrors ? (await this.executeParsers().catch(this.pushToErrors), t2.push(...this.fileParser.errors)) : await this.executeParsers(), this.file.close && this.file.close(), this.options.silentErrors && t2.length > 0 && (e3.errors = t2), f(e3);
+ }
+ async executeParsers() {
+ let { output: e3 } = this;
+ await this.fileParser.parse();
+ let t2 = Object.values(this.parsers).map(async (t3) => {
+ let i3 = await t3.parse();
+ t3.assignToOutput(e3, i3);
+ });
+ this.options.silentErrors && (t2 = t2.map((e4) => e4.catch(this.pushToErrors))), await Promise.all(t2);
+ }
+ async extractThumbnail() {
+ this.setup();
+ let { options: e3, file: t2 } = this, i3 = T.get("tiff", e3);
+ var n3;
+ if (t2.tiff ? n3 = { start: 0, type: "tiff" } : t2.jpeg && (n3 = await this.fileParser.getOrFindSegment("tiff")), void 0 === n3) return;
+ let s2 = await this.fileParser.ensureSegmentChunk(n3), r2 = this.parsers.tiff = new i3(s2, e3, t2), a2 = await r2.extractThumbnail();
+ return t2.close && t2.close(), a2;
+ }
+ };
+ async function ie(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = new te(t2);
+ return await i3.read(e3), i3.parse();
+ }
+ var ne = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, parse: ie, Exifr: te, fileParsers: w, segmentParsers: T, fileReaders: A, tagKeys: E, tagValues: B, tagRevivers: N, createDictionary: U, extendDictionary: F, fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer: M, readBlobAsArrayBuffer: R, chunkedProps: G, otherSegments: V, segments: z, tiffBlocks: H, segmentsAndBlocks: j, tiffExtractables: W, inheritables: K, allFormatters: X, Options: q });
+ var se = class {
+ constructor(e3, t2, i3) {
+ c(this, "errors", []), c(this, "ensureSegmentChunk", async (e4) => {
+ let t3 = e4.start, i4 = e4.size || 65536;
+ if (this.file.chunked) if (this.file.available(t3, i4)) e4.chunk = this.file.subarray(t3, i4);
+ else try {
+ e4.chunk = await this.file.readChunk(t3, i4);
+ } catch (t4) {
+ g2("Couldn't read segment: ".concat(JSON.stringify(e4), ". ").concat(t4.message));
+ }
+ else this.file.byteLength > t3 + i4 ? e4.chunk = this.file.subarray(t3, i4) : void 0 === e4.size ? e4.chunk = this.file.subarray(t3) : g2("Segment unreachable: " + JSON.stringify(e4));
+ return e4.chunk;
+ }), this.extendOptions && this.extendOptions(e3), this.options = e3, this.file = t2, this.parsers = i3;
+ }
+ injectSegment(e3, t2) {
+ this.options[e3].enabled && this.createParser(e3, t2);
+ }
+ createParser(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = new (T.get(e3))(t2, this.options, this.file);
+ return this.parsers[e3] = i3;
+ }
+ createParsers(e3) {
+ for (let t2 of e3) {
+ let { type: e4, chunk: i3 } = t2, n3 = this.options[e4];
+ if (n3 && n3.enabled) {
+ let t3 = this.parsers[e4];
+ t3 && t3.append || t3 || this.createParser(e4, i3);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ async readSegments(e3) {
+ let t2 = e3.map(this.ensureSegmentChunk);
+ await Promise.all(t2);
+ }
+ };
+ var re2 = class {
+ static findPosition(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 2) + 2, n3 = "function" == typeof this.headerLength ? this.headerLength(e3, t2, i3) : this.headerLength, s2 = t2 + n3, r2 = i3 - n3;
+ return { offset: t2, length: i3, headerLength: n3, start: s2, size: r2, end: s2 + r2 };
+ }
+ static parse(e3, t2 = {}) {
+ return new this(e3, new q({ [this.type]: t2 }), e3).parse();
+ }
+ normalizeInput(e3) {
+ return e3 instanceof I ? e3 : new I(e3);
+ }
+ constructor(e3, t2 = {}, i3) {
+ c(this, "errors", []), c(this, "raw", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), c(this, "handleError", (e4) => {
+ if (!this.options.silentErrors) throw e4;
+ this.errors.push(e4.message);
+ }), this.chunk = this.normalizeInput(e3), this.file = i3, this.type = this.constructor.type, this.globalOptions = this.options = t2, this.localOptions = t2[this.type], this.canTranslate = this.localOptions && this.localOptions.translate;
+ }
+ translate() {
+ this.canTranslate && (this.translated = this.translateBlock(this.raw, this.type));
+ }
+ get output() {
+ return this.translated ? this.translated : this.raw ? Object.fromEntries(this.raw) : void 0;
+ }
+ translateBlock(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = N.get(t2), n3 = B.get(t2), s2 = E.get(t2), r2 = this.options[t2], a2 = r2.reviveValues && !!i3, o2 = r2.translateValues && !!n3, l2 = r2.translateKeys && !!s2, h2 = {};
+ for (let [t3, r3] of e3) a2 && i3.has(t3) ? r3 = i3.get(t3)(r3) : o2 && n3.has(t3) && (r3 = this.translateValue(r3, n3.get(t3))), l2 && s2.has(t3) && (t3 = s2.get(t3) || t3), h2[t3] = r3;
+ return h2;
+ }
+ translateValue(e3, t2) {
+ return t2[e3] || t2.DEFAULT || e3;
+ }
+ assignToOutput(e3, t2) {
+ this.assignObjectToOutput(e3, this.constructor.type, t2);
+ }
+ assignObjectToOutput(e3, t2, i3) {
+ if (this.globalOptions.mergeOutput) return Object.assign(e3, i3);
+ e3[t2] ? Object.assign(e3[t2], i3) : e3[t2] = i3;
+ }
+ };
+ c(re2, "headerLength", 4), c(re2, "type", void 0), c(re2, "multiSegment", false), c(re2, "canHandle", () => false);
+ function ae(e3) {
+ return 192 === e3 || 194 === e3 || 196 === e3 || 219 === e3 || 221 === e3 || 218 === e3 || 254 === e3;
+ }
+ function oe(e3) {
+ return e3 >= 224 && e3 <= 239;
+ }
+ function le(e3, t2, i3) {
+ for (let [n3, s2] of T) if (s2.canHandle(e3, t2, i3)) return n3;
+ }
+ var he = class extends se {
+ constructor(...e3) {
+ super(...e3), c(this, "appSegments", []), c(this, "jpegSegments", []), c(this, "unknownSegments", []);
+ }
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 65496 === t2;
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ await this.findAppSegments(), await this.readSegments(this.appSegments), this.mergeMultiSegments(), this.createParsers(this.mergedAppSegments || this.appSegments);
+ }
+ setupSegmentFinderArgs(e3) {
+ true === e3 ? (this.findAll = true, this.wanted = new Set(T.keyList())) : (e3 = void 0 === e3 ? T.keyList().filter((e4) => this.options[e4].enabled) : e3.filter((e4) => this.options[e4].enabled && T.has(e4)), this.findAll = false, this.remaining = new Set(e3), this.wanted = new Set(e3)), this.unfinishedMultiSegment = false;
+ }
+ async findAppSegments(e3 = 0, t2) {
+ this.setupSegmentFinderArgs(t2);
+ let { file: i3, findAll: n3, wanted: s2, remaining: r2 } = this;
+ if (!n3 && this.file.chunked && (n3 = Array.from(s2).some((e4) => {
+ let t3 = T.get(e4), i4 = this.options[e4];
+ return t3.multiSegment && i4.multiSegment;
+ }), n3 && await this.file.readWhole()), e3 = this.findAppSegmentsInRange(e3, i3.byteLength), !this.options.onlyTiff && i3.chunked) {
+ let t3 = false;
+ for (; r2.size > 0 && !t3 && (i3.canReadNextChunk || this.unfinishedMultiSegment); ) {
+ let { nextChunkOffset: n4 } = i3, s3 = this.appSegments.some((e4) => !this.file.available(e4.offset || e4.start, e4.length || e4.size));
+ if (t3 = e3 > n4 && !s3 ? !await i3.readNextChunk(e3) : !await i3.readNextChunk(n4), void 0 === (e3 = this.findAppSegmentsInRange(e3, i3.byteLength))) return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ findAppSegmentsInRange(e3, t2) {
+ t2 -= 2;
+ let i3, n3, s2, r2, a2, o2, { file: l2, findAll: h2, wanted: u2, remaining: c2, options: f2 } = this;
+ for (; e3 < t2; e3++) if (255 === l2.getUint8(e3)) {
+ if (i3 = l2.getUint8(e3 + 1), oe(i3)) {
+ if (n3 = l2.getUint16(e3 + 2), s2 = le(l2, e3, n3), s2 && u2.has(s2) && (r2 = T.get(s2), a2 = r2.findPosition(l2, e3), o2 = f2[s2], a2.type = s2, this.appSegments.push(a2), !h2 && (r2.multiSegment && o2.multiSegment ? (this.unfinishedMultiSegment = a2.chunkNumber < a2.chunkCount, this.unfinishedMultiSegment || c2.delete(s2)) : c2.delete(s2), 0 === c2.size))) break;
+ f2.recordUnknownSegments && (a2 = re2.findPosition(l2, e3), a2.marker = i3, this.unknownSegments.push(a2)), e3 += n3 + 1;
+ } else if (ae(i3)) {
+ if (n3 = l2.getUint16(e3 + 2), 218 === i3 && false !== f2.stopAfterSos) return;
+ f2.recordJpegSegments && this.jpegSegments.push({ offset: e3, length: n3, marker: i3 }), e3 += n3 + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return e3;
+ }
+ mergeMultiSegments() {
+ if (!this.appSegments.some((e4) => e4.multiSegment)) return;
+ let e3 = function(e4, t2) {
+ let i3, n3, s2, r2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ for (let a2 = 0; a2 < e4.length; a2++) i3 = e4[a2], n3 = i3[t2], r2.has(n3) ? s2 = r2.get(n3) : r2.set(n3, s2 = []), s2.push(i3);
+ return Array.from(r2);
+ }(this.appSegments, "type");
+ this.mergedAppSegments = e3.map(([e4, t2]) => {
+ let i3 = T.get(e4, this.options);
+ if (i3.handleMultiSegments) {
+ return { type: e4, chunk: i3.handleMultiSegments(t2) };
+ }
+ return t2[0];
+ });
+ }
+ getSegment(e3) {
+ return this.appSegments.find((t2) => t2.type === e3);
+ }
+ async getOrFindSegment(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.getSegment(e3);
+ return void 0 === t2 && (await this.findAppSegments(0, [e3]), t2 = this.getSegment(e3)), t2;
+ }
+ };
+ c(he, "type", "jpeg"), w.set("jpeg", he);
+ var ue = [void 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8, 4];
+ var ce = class extends re2 {
+ parseHeader() {
+ var e3 = this.chunk.getUint16();
+ 18761 === e3 ? this.le = true : 19789 === e3 && (this.le = false), this.chunk.le = this.le, this.headerParsed = true;
+ }
+ parseTags(e3, t2, i3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) {
+ let { pick: n3, skip: s2 } = this.options[t2];
+ n3 = new Set(n3);
+ let r2 = n3.size > 0, a2 = 0 === s2.size, o2 = this.chunk.getUint16(e3);
+ e3 += 2;
+ for (let l2 = 0; l2 < o2; l2++) {
+ let o3 = this.chunk.getUint16(e3);
+ if (r2) {
+ if (n3.has(o3) && (i3.set(o3, this.parseTag(e3, o3, t2)), n3.delete(o3), 0 === n3.size)) break;
+ } else !a2 && s2.has(o3) || i3.set(o3, this.parseTag(e3, o3, t2));
+ e3 += 12;
+ }
+ return i3;
+ }
+ parseTag(e3, t2, i3) {
+ let { chunk: n3 } = this, s2 = n3.getUint16(e3 + 2), r2 = n3.getUint32(e3 + 4), a2 = ue[s2];
+ if (a2 * r2 <= 4 ? e3 += 8 : e3 = n3.getUint32(e3 + 8), (s2 < 1 || s2 > 13) && g2("Invalid TIFF value type. block: ".concat(i3.toUpperCase(), ", tag: ").concat(t2.toString(16), ", type: ").concat(s2, ", offset ").concat(e3)), e3 > n3.byteLength && g2("Invalid TIFF value offset. block: ".concat(i3.toUpperCase(), ", tag: ").concat(t2.toString(16), ", type: ").concat(s2, ", offset ").concat(e3, " is outside of chunk size ").concat(n3.byteLength)), 1 === s2) return n3.getUint8Array(e3, r2);
+ if (2 === s2) return m(n3.getString(e3, r2));
+ if (7 === s2) return n3.getUint8Array(e3, r2);
+ if (1 === r2) return this.parseTagValue(s2, e3);
+ {
+ let t3 = new (function(e4) {
+ switch (e4) {
+ case 1:
+ return Uint8Array;
+ case 3:
+ return Uint16Array;
+ case 4:
+ return Uint32Array;
+ case 5:
+ return Array;
+ case 6:
+ return Int8Array;
+ case 8:
+ return Int16Array;
+ case 9:
+ return Int32Array;
+ case 10:
+ return Array;
+ case 11:
+ return Float32Array;
+ case 12:
+ return Float64Array;
+ default:
+ return Array;
+ }
+ }(s2))(r2), i4 = a2;
+ for (let n4 = 0; n4 < r2; n4++) t3[n4] = this.parseTagValue(s2, e3), e3 += i4;
+ return t3;
+ }
+ }
+ parseTagValue(e3, t2) {
+ let { chunk: i3 } = this;
+ switch (e3) {
+ case 1:
+ return i3.getUint8(t2);
+ case 3:
+ return i3.getUint16(t2);
+ case 4:
+ return i3.getUint32(t2);
+ case 5:
+ return i3.getUint32(t2) / i3.getUint32(t2 + 4);
+ case 6:
+ return i3.getInt8(t2);
+ case 8:
+ return i3.getInt16(t2);
+ case 9:
+ return i3.getInt32(t2);
+ case 10:
+ return i3.getInt32(t2) / i3.getInt32(t2 + 4);
+ case 11:
+ return i3.getFloat(t2);
+ case 12:
+ return i3.getDouble(t2);
+ case 13:
+ return i3.getUint32(t2);
+ default:
+ g2("Invalid tiff type ".concat(e3));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var fe = class extends ce {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 225 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) && 1165519206 === e3.getUint32(t2 + 4) && 0 === e3.getUint16(t2 + 8);
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ this.parseHeader();
+ let { options: e3 } = this;
+ return e3.ifd0.enabled && await this.parseIfd0Block(), e3.exif.enabled && await this.safeParse("parseExifBlock"), e3.gps.enabled && await this.safeParse("parseGpsBlock"), e3.interop.enabled && await this.safeParse("parseInteropBlock"), e3.ifd1.enabled && await this.safeParse("parseThumbnailBlock"), this.createOutput();
+ }
+ safeParse(e3) {
+ let t2 = this[e3]();
+ return void 0 !== t2.catch && (t2 = t2.catch(this.handleError)), t2;
+ }
+ findIfd0Offset() {
+ void 0 === this.ifd0Offset && (this.ifd0Offset = this.chunk.getUint32(4));
+ }
+ findIfd1Offset() {
+ if (void 0 === this.ifd1Offset) {
+ this.findIfd0Offset();
+ let e3 = this.chunk.getUint16(this.ifd0Offset), t2 = this.ifd0Offset + 2 + 12 * e3;
+ this.ifd1Offset = this.chunk.getUint32(t2);
+ }
+ }
+ parseBlock(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
+ return this[t2] = i3, this.parseTags(e3, t2, i3), i3;
+ }
+ async parseIfd0Block() {
+ if (this.ifd0) return;
+ let { file: e3 } = this;
+ this.findIfd0Offset(), this.ifd0Offset < 8 && g2("Malformed EXIF data"), !e3.chunked && this.ifd0Offset > e3.byteLength && g2("IFD0 offset points to outside of file.\nthis.ifd0Offset: ".concat(this.ifd0Offset, ", file.byteLength: ").concat(e3.byteLength)), e3.tiff && await e3.ensureChunk(this.ifd0Offset, S(this.options));
+ let t2 = this.parseBlock(this.ifd0Offset, "ifd0");
+ return 0 !== t2.size ? (this.exifOffset = t2.get(34665), this.interopOffset = t2.get(40965), this.gpsOffset = t2.get(34853), this.xmp = t2.get(700), this.iptc = t2.get(33723), this.icc = t2.get(34675), this.options.sanitize && (t2.delete(34665), t2.delete(40965), t2.delete(34853), t2.delete(700), t2.delete(33723), t2.delete(34675)), t2) : void 0;
+ }
+ async parseExifBlock() {
+ if (this.exif) return;
+ if (this.ifd0 || await this.parseIfd0Block(), void 0 === this.exifOffset) return;
+ this.file.tiff && await this.file.ensureChunk(this.exifOffset, S(this.options));
+ let e3 = this.parseBlock(this.exifOffset, "exif");
+ return this.interopOffset || (this.interopOffset = e3.get(40965)), this.makerNote = e3.get(37500), this.userComment = e3.get(37510), this.options.sanitize && (e3.delete(40965), e3.delete(37500), e3.delete(37510)), this.unpack(e3, 41728), this.unpack(e3, 41729), e3;
+ }
+ unpack(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = e3.get(t2);
+ i3 && 1 === i3.length && e3.set(t2, i3[0]);
+ }
+ async parseGpsBlock() {
+ if (this.gps) return;
+ if (this.ifd0 || await this.parseIfd0Block(), void 0 === this.gpsOffset) return;
+ let e3 = this.parseBlock(this.gpsOffset, "gps");
+ return e3 && e3.has(2) && e3.has(4) && (e3.set("latitude", de(...e3.get(2), e3.get(1))), e3.set("longitude", de(...e3.get(4), e3.get(3)))), e3;
+ }
+ async parseInteropBlock() {
+ if (!this.interop && (this.ifd0 || await this.parseIfd0Block(), void 0 !== this.interopOffset || this.exif || await this.parseExifBlock(), void 0 !== this.interopOffset)) return this.parseBlock(this.interopOffset, "interop");
+ }
+ async parseThumbnailBlock(e3 = false) {
+ if (!this.ifd1 && !this.ifd1Parsed && (!this.options.mergeOutput || e3)) return this.findIfd1Offset(), this.ifd1Offset > 0 && (this.parseBlock(this.ifd1Offset, "ifd1"), this.ifd1Parsed = true), this.ifd1;
+ }
+ async extractThumbnail() {
+ if (this.headerParsed || this.parseHeader(), this.ifd1Parsed || await this.parseThumbnailBlock(true), void 0 === this.ifd1) return;
+ let e3 = this.ifd1.get(513), t2 = this.ifd1.get(514);
+ return this.chunk.getUint8Array(e3, t2);
+ }
+ get image() {
+ return this.ifd0;
+ }
+ get thumbnail() {
+ return this.ifd1;
+ }
+ createOutput() {
+ let e3, t2, i3, n3 = {};
+ for (t2 of H) if (e3 = this[t2], !p(e3)) if (i3 = this.canTranslate ? this.translateBlock(e3, t2) : Object.fromEntries(e3), this.options.mergeOutput) {
+ if ("ifd1" === t2) continue;
+ Object.assign(n3, i3);
+ } else n3[t2] = i3;
+ return this.makerNote && (n3.makerNote = this.makerNote), this.userComment && (n3.userComment = this.userComment), n3;
+ }
+ assignToOutput(e3, t2) {
+ if (this.globalOptions.mergeOutput) Object.assign(e3, t2);
+ else for (let [i3, n3] of Object.entries(t2)) this.assignObjectToOutput(e3, i3, n3);
+ }
+ };
+ function de(e3, t2, i3, n3) {
+ var s2 = e3 + t2 / 60 + i3 / 3600;
+ return "S" !== n3 && "W" !== n3 || (s2 *= -1), s2;
+ }
+ c(fe, "type", "tiff"), c(fe, "headerLength", 10), T.set("tiff", fe);
+ var pe = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: ne, Exifr: te, fileParsers: w, segmentParsers: T, fileReaders: A, tagKeys: E, tagValues: B, tagRevivers: N, createDictionary: U, extendDictionary: F, fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer: M, readBlobAsArrayBuffer: R, chunkedProps: G, otherSegments: V, segments: z, tiffBlocks: H, segmentsAndBlocks: j, tiffExtractables: W, inheritables: K, allFormatters: X, Options: q, parse: ie });
+ var ge = { ifd0: false, ifd1: false, exif: false, gps: false, interop: false, sanitize: false, reviveValues: true, translateKeys: false, translateValues: false, mergeOutput: false };
+ var me = Object.assign({}, ge, { firstChunkSize: 4e4, gps: [1, 2, 3, 4] });
+ async function Se(e3) {
+ let t2 = new te(me);
+ await t2.read(e3);
+ let i3 = await t2.parse();
+ if (i3 && i3.gps) {
+ let { latitude: e4, longitude: t3 } = i3.gps;
+ return { latitude: e4, longitude: t3 };
+ }
+ }
+ var Ce = Object.assign({}, ge, { tiff: false, ifd1: true, mergeOutput: false });
+ async function ye(e3) {
+ let t2 = new te(Ce);
+ await t2.read(e3);
+ let i3 = await t2.extractThumbnail();
+ return i3 && a ? s.from(i3) : i3;
+ }
+ async function be(e3) {
+ let t2 = await this.thumbnail(e3);
+ if (void 0 !== t2) {
+ let e4 = new Blob([t2]);
+ return URL.createObjectURL(e4);
+ }
+ }
+ var Ie = Object.assign({}, ge, { firstChunkSize: 4e4, ifd0: [274] });
+ async function Pe(e3) {
+ let t2 = new te(Ie);
+ await t2.read(e3);
+ let i3 = await t2.parse();
+ if (i3 && i3.ifd0) return i3.ifd0[274];
+ }
+ var ke = Object.freeze({ 1: { dimensionSwapped: false, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, deg: 0, rad: 0 }, 2: { dimensionSwapped: false, scaleX: -1, scaleY: 1, deg: 0, rad: 0 }, 3: { dimensionSwapped: false, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, deg: 180, rad: 180 * Math.PI / 180 }, 4: { dimensionSwapped: false, scaleX: -1, scaleY: 1, deg: 180, rad: 180 * Math.PI / 180 }, 5: { dimensionSwapped: true, scaleX: 1, scaleY: -1, deg: 90, rad: 90 * Math.PI / 180 }, 6: { dimensionSwapped: true, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, deg: 90, rad: 90 * Math.PI / 180 }, 7: { dimensionSwapped: true, scaleX: 1, scaleY: -1, deg: 270, rad: 270 * Math.PI / 180 }, 8: { dimensionSwapped: true, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, deg: 270, rad: 270 * Math.PI / 180 } });
+ var we = true;
+ var Te = true;
+ if ("object" == typeof navigator) {
+ let e3 = navigator.userAgent;
+ if (e3.includes("iPad") || e3.includes("iPhone")) {
+ let t2 = e3.match(/OS (\d+)_(\d+)/);
+ if (t2) {
+ let [, e4, i3] = t2, n3 = Number(e4) + 0.1 * Number(i3);
+ we = n3 < 13.4, Te = false;
+ }
+ } else if (e3.includes("OS X 10")) {
+ let [, t2] = e3.match(/OS X 10[_.](\d+)/);
+ we = Te = Number(t2) < 15;
+ }
+ if (e3.includes("Chrome/")) {
+ let [, t2] = e3.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
+ we = Te = Number(t2) < 81;
+ } else if (e3.includes("Firefox/")) {
+ let [, t2] = e3.match(/Firefox\/(\d+)/);
+ we = Te = Number(t2) < 77;
+ }
+ }
+ async function Ae(e3) {
+ let t2 = await Pe(e3);
+ return Object.assign({ canvas: we, css: Te }, ke[t2]);
+ }
+ var De = class extends I {
+ constructor(...e3) {
+ super(...e3), c(this, "ranges", new Oe()), 0 !== this.byteLength && this.ranges.add(0, this.byteLength);
+ }
+ _tryExtend(e3, t2, i3) {
+ if (0 === e3 && 0 === this.byteLength && i3) {
+ let e4 = new DataView(i3.buffer || i3, i3.byteOffset, i3.byteLength);
+ this._swapDataView(e4);
+ } else {
+ let i4 = e3 + t2;
+ if (i4 > this.byteLength) {
+ let { dataView: e4 } = this._extend(i4);
+ this._swapDataView(e4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _extend(e3) {
+ let t2;
+ t2 = a ? s.allocUnsafe(e3) : new Uint8Array(e3);
+ let i3 = new DataView(t2.buffer, t2.byteOffset, t2.byteLength);
+ return t2.set(new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.byteLength), 0), { uintView: t2, dataView: i3 };
+ }
+ subarray(e3, t2, i3 = false) {
+ return t2 = t2 || this._lengthToEnd(e3), i3 && this._tryExtend(e3, t2), this.ranges.add(e3, t2), super.subarray(e3, t2);
+ }
+ set(e3, t2, i3 = false) {
+ i3 && this._tryExtend(t2, e3.byteLength, e3);
+ let n3 = super.set(e3, t2);
+ return this.ranges.add(t2, n3.byteLength), n3;
+ }
+ async ensureChunk(e3, t2) {
+ this.chunked && (this.ranges.available(e3, t2) || await this.readChunk(e3, t2));
+ }
+ available(e3, t2) {
+ return this.ranges.available(e3, t2);
+ }
+ };
+ var Oe = class {
+ constructor() {
+ c(this, "list", []);
+ }
+ get length() {
+ return this.list.length;
+ }
+ add(e3, t2, i3 = 0) {
+ let n3 = e3 + t2, s2 = this.list.filter((t3) => xe(e3, t3.offset, n3) || xe(e3, t3.end, n3));
+ if (s2.length > 0) {
+ e3 = Math.min(e3, ...s2.map((e4) => e4.offset)), n3 = Math.max(n3, ...s2.map((e4) => e4.end)), t2 = n3 - e3;
+ let i4 = s2.shift();
+ i4.offset = e3, i4.length = t2, i4.end = n3, this.list = this.list.filter((e4) => !s2.includes(e4));
+ } else this.list.push({ offset: e3, length: t2, end: n3 });
+ }
+ available(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = e3 + t2;
+ return this.list.some((t3) => t3.offset <= e3 && i3 <= t3.end);
+ }
+ };
+ function xe(e3, t2, i3) {
+ return e3 <= t2 && t2 <= i3;
+ }
+ var ve = class extends De {
+ constructor(e3, t2) {
+ super(0), c(this, "chunksRead", 0), this.input = e3, this.options = t2;
+ }
+ async readWhole() {
+ this.chunked = false, await this.readChunk(this.nextChunkOffset);
+ }
+ async readChunked() {
+ this.chunked = true, await this.readChunk(0, this.options.firstChunkSize);
+ }
+ async readNextChunk(e3 = this.nextChunkOffset) {
+ if (this.fullyRead) return this.chunksRead++, false;
+ let t2 = this.options.chunkSize, i3 = await this.readChunk(e3, t2);
+ return !!i3 && i3.byteLength === t2;
+ }
+ async readChunk(e3, t2) {
+ if (this.chunksRead++, 0 !== (t2 = this.safeWrapAddress(e3, t2))) return this._readChunk(e3, t2);
+ }
+ safeWrapAddress(e3, t2) {
+ return void 0 !== this.size && e3 + t2 > this.size ? Math.max(0, this.size - e3) : t2;
+ }
+ get nextChunkOffset() {
+ if (0 !== this.ranges.list.length) return this.ranges.list[0].length;
+ }
+ get canReadNextChunk() {
+ return this.chunksRead < this.options.chunkLimit;
+ }
+ get fullyRead() {
+ return void 0 !== this.size && this.nextChunkOffset === this.size;
+ }
+ read() {
+ return this.options.chunked ? this.readChunked() : this.readWhole();
+ }
+ close() {
+ }
+ };
+ A.set("blob", class extends ve {
+ async readWhole() {
+ this.chunked = false;
+ let e3 = await R(this.input);
+ this._swapArrayBuffer(e3);
+ }
+ readChunked() {
+ return this.chunked = true, this.size = this.input.size, super.readChunked();
+ }
+ async _readChunk(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = t2 ? e3 + t2 : void 0, n3 = this.input.slice(e3, i3), s2 = await R(n3);
+ return this.set(s2, e3, true);
+ }
+ });
+ var Me = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: pe, Exifr: te, fileParsers: w, segmentParsers: T, fileReaders: A, tagKeys: E, tagValues: B, tagRevivers: N, createDictionary: U, extendDictionary: F, fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer: M, readBlobAsArrayBuffer: R, chunkedProps: G, otherSegments: V, segments: z, tiffBlocks: H, segmentsAndBlocks: j, tiffExtractables: W, inheritables: K, allFormatters: X, Options: q, parse: ie, gpsOnlyOptions: me, gps: Se, thumbnailOnlyOptions: Ce, thumbnail: ye, thumbnailUrl: be, orientationOnlyOptions: Ie, orientation: Pe, rotations: ke, get rotateCanvas() {
+ return we;
+ }, get rotateCss() {
+ return Te;
+ }, rotation: Ae });
+ A.set("url", class extends ve {
+ async readWhole() {
+ this.chunked = false;
+ let e3 = await M(this.input);
+ e3 instanceof ArrayBuffer ? this._swapArrayBuffer(e3) : e3 instanceof Uint8Array && this._swapBuffer(e3);
+ }
+ async _readChunk(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = t2 ? e3 + t2 - 1 : void 0, n3 = this.options.httpHeaders || {};
+ (e3 || i3) && (n3.range = "bytes=".concat([e3, i3].join("-")));
+ let s2 = await h(this.input, { headers: n3 }), r2 = await s2.arrayBuffer(), a2 = r2.byteLength;
+ if (416 !== s2.status) return a2 !== t2 && (this.size = e3 + a2), this.set(r2, e3, true);
+ }
+ });
+ I.prototype.getUint64 = function(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.getUint32(e3), i3 = this.getUint32(e3 + 4);
+ return t2 < 1048575 ? t2 << 32 | i3 : void 0 !== typeof r ? (console.warn("Using BigInt because of type 64uint but JS can only handle 53b numbers."), r(t2) << r(32) | r(i3)) : void g2("Trying to read 64b value but JS can only handle 53b numbers.");
+ };
+ var Re = class extends se {
+ parseBoxes(e3 = 0) {
+ let t2 = [];
+ for (; e3 < this.file.byteLength - 4; ) {
+ let i3 = this.parseBoxHead(e3);
+ if (t2.push(i3), 0 === i3.length) break;
+ e3 += i3.length;
+ }
+ return t2;
+ }
+ parseSubBoxes(e3) {
+ e3.boxes = this.parseBoxes(e3.start);
+ }
+ findBox(e3, t2) {
+ return void 0 === e3.boxes && this.parseSubBoxes(e3), e3.boxes.find((e4) => e4.kind === t2);
+ }
+ parseBoxHead(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.file.getUint32(e3), i3 = this.file.getString(e3 + 4, 4), n3 = e3 + 8;
+ return 1 === t2 && (t2 = this.file.getUint64(e3 + 8), n3 += 8), { offset: e3, length: t2, kind: i3, start: n3 };
+ }
+ parseBoxFullHead(e3) {
+ if (void 0 !== e3.version) return;
+ let t2 = this.file.getUint32(e3.start);
+ e3.version = t2 >> 24, e3.start += 4;
+ }
+ };
+ var Le = class extends Re {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ if (0 !== t2) return false;
+ let i3 = e3.getUint16(2);
+ if (i3 > 50) return false;
+ let n3 = 16, s2 = [];
+ for (; n3 < i3; ) s2.push(e3.getString(n3, 4)), n3 += 4;
+ return s2.includes(this.type);
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ let e3 = this.file.getUint32(0), t2 = this.parseBoxHead(e3);
+ for (; "meta" !== t2.kind; ) e3 += t2.length, await this.file.ensureChunk(e3, 16), t2 = this.parseBoxHead(e3);
+ await this.file.ensureChunk(t2.offset, t2.length), this.parseBoxFullHead(t2), this.parseSubBoxes(t2), this.options.icc.enabled && await this.findIcc(t2), this.options.tiff.enabled && await this.findExif(t2);
+ }
+ async registerSegment(e3, t2, i3) {
+ await this.file.ensureChunk(t2, i3);
+ let n3 = this.file.subarray(t2, i3);
+ this.createParser(e3, n3);
+ }
+ async findIcc(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.findBox(e3, "iprp");
+ if (void 0 === t2) return;
+ let i3 = this.findBox(t2, "ipco");
+ if (void 0 === i3) return;
+ let n3 = this.findBox(i3, "colr");
+ void 0 !== n3 && await this.registerSegment("icc", n3.offset + 12, n3.length);
+ }
+ async findExif(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.findBox(e3, "iinf");
+ if (void 0 === t2) return;
+ let i3 = this.findBox(e3, "iloc");
+ if (void 0 === i3) return;
+ let n3 = this.findExifLocIdInIinf(t2), s2 = this.findExtentInIloc(i3, n3);
+ if (void 0 === s2) return;
+ let [r2, a2] = s2;
+ await this.file.ensureChunk(r2, a2);
+ let o2 = 4 + this.file.getUint32(r2);
+ r2 += o2, a2 -= o2, await this.registerSegment("tiff", r2, a2);
+ }
+ findExifLocIdInIinf(e3) {
+ this.parseBoxFullHead(e3);
+ let t2, i3, n3, s2, r2 = e3.start, a2 = this.file.getUint16(r2);
+ for (r2 += 2; a2--; ) {
+ if (t2 = this.parseBoxHead(r2), this.parseBoxFullHead(t2), i3 = t2.start, t2.version >= 2 && (n3 = 3 === t2.version ? 4 : 2, s2 = this.file.getString(i3 + n3 + 2, 4), "Exif" === s2)) return this.file.getUintBytes(i3, n3);
+ r2 += t2.length;
+ }
+ }
+ get8bits(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.file.getUint8(e3);
+ return [t2 >> 4, 15 & t2];
+ }
+ findExtentInIloc(e3, t2) {
+ this.parseBoxFullHead(e3);
+ let i3 = e3.start, [n3, s2] = this.get8bits(i3++), [r2, a2] = this.get8bits(i3++), o2 = 2 === e3.version ? 4 : 2, l2 = 1 === e3.version || 2 === e3.version ? 2 : 0, h2 = a2 + n3 + s2, u2 = 2 === e3.version ? 4 : 2, c2 = this.file.getUintBytes(i3, u2);
+ for (i3 += u2; c2--; ) {
+ let e4 = this.file.getUintBytes(i3, o2);
+ i3 += o2 + l2 + 2 + r2;
+ let u3 = this.file.getUint16(i3);
+ if (i3 += 2, e4 === t2) return u3 > 1 && console.warn("ILOC box has more than one extent but we're only processing one\nPlease create an issue at https://github.com/MikeKovarik/exifr with this file"), [this.file.getUintBytes(i3 + a2, n3), this.file.getUintBytes(i3 + a2 + n3, s2)];
+ i3 += u3 * h2;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var Ue = class extends Le {
+ };
+ c(Ue, "type", "heic");
+ var Fe = class extends Le {
+ };
+ c(Fe, "type", "avif"), w.set("heic", Ue), w.set("avif", Fe), U(E, ["ifd0", "ifd1"], [[256, "ImageWidth"], [257, "ImageHeight"], [258, "BitsPerSample"], [259, "Compression"], [262, "PhotometricInterpretation"], [270, "ImageDescription"], [271, "Make"], [272, "Model"], [273, "StripOffsets"], [274, "Orientation"], [277, "SamplesPerPixel"], [278, "RowsPerStrip"], [279, "StripByteCounts"], [282, "XResolution"], [283, "YResolution"], [284, "PlanarConfiguration"], [296, "ResolutionUnit"], [301, "TransferFunction"], [305, "Software"], [306, "ModifyDate"], [315, "Artist"], [316, "HostComputer"], [317, "Predictor"], [318, "WhitePoint"], [319, "PrimaryChromaticities"], [513, "ThumbnailOffset"], [514, "ThumbnailLength"], [529, "YCbCrCoefficients"], [530, "YCbCrSubSampling"], [531, "YCbCrPositioning"], [532, "ReferenceBlackWhite"], [700, "ApplicationNotes"], [33432, "Copyright"], [33723, "IPTC"], [34665, "ExifIFD"], [34675, "ICC"], [34853, "GpsIFD"], [330, "SubIFD"], [40965, "InteropIFD"], [40091, "XPTitle"], [40092, "XPComment"], [40093, "XPAuthor"], [40094, "XPKeywords"], [40095, "XPSubject"]]), U(E, "exif", [[33434, "ExposureTime"], [33437, "FNumber"], [34850, "ExposureProgram"], [34852, "SpectralSensitivity"], [34855, "ISO"], [34858, "TimeZoneOffset"], [34859, "SelfTimerMode"], [34864, "SensitivityType"], [34865, "StandardOutputSensitivity"], [34866, "RecommendedExposureIndex"], [34867, "ISOSpeed"], [34868, "ISOSpeedLatitudeyyy"], [34869, "ISOSpeedLatitudezzz"], [36864, "ExifVersion"], [36867, "DateTimeOriginal"], [36868, "CreateDate"], [36873, "GooglePlusUploadCode"], [36880, "OffsetTime"], [36881, "OffsetTimeOriginal"], [36882, "OffsetTimeDigitized"], [37121, "ComponentsConfiguration"], [37122, "CompressedBitsPerPixel"], [37377, "ShutterSpeedValue"], [37378, "ApertureValue"], [37379, "BrightnessValue"], [37380, "ExposureCompensation"], [37381, "MaxApertureValue"], [37382, "SubjectDistance"], [37383, "MeteringMode"], [37384, "LightSource"], [37385, "Flash"], [37386, "FocalLength"], [37393, "ImageNumber"], [37394, "SecurityClassification"], [37395, "ImageHistory"], [37396, "SubjectArea"], [37500, "MakerNote"], [37510, "UserComment"], [37520, "SubSecTime"], [37521, "SubSecTimeOriginal"], [37522, "SubSecTimeDigitized"], [37888, "AmbientTemperature"], [37889, "Humidity"], [37890, "Pressure"], [37891, "WaterDepth"], [37892, "Acceleration"], [37893, "CameraElevationAngle"], [40960, "FlashpixVersion"], [40961, "ColorSpace"], [40962, "ExifImageWidth"], [40963, "ExifImageHeight"], [40964, "RelatedSoundFile"], [41483, "FlashEnergy"], [41486, "FocalPlaneXResolution"], [41487, "FocalPlaneYResolution"], [41488, "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit"], [41492, "SubjectLocation"], [41493, "ExposureIndex"], [41495, "SensingMethod"], [41728, "FileSource"], [41729, "SceneType"], [41730, "CFAPattern"], [41985, "CustomRendered"], [41986, "ExposureMode"], [41987, "WhiteBalance"], [41988, "DigitalZoomRatio"], [41989, "FocalLengthIn35mmFormat"], [41990, "SceneCaptureType"], [41991, "GainControl"], [41992, "Contrast"], [41993, "Saturation"], [41994, "Sharpness"], [41996, "SubjectDistanceRange"], [42016, "ImageUniqueID"], [42032, "OwnerName"], [42033, "SerialNumber"], [42034, "LensInfo"], [42035, "LensMake"], [42036, "LensModel"], [42037, "LensSerialNumber"], [42080, "CompositeImage"], [42081, "CompositeImageCount"], [42082, "CompositeImageExposureTimes"], [42240, "Gamma"], [59932, "Padding"], [59933, "OffsetSchema"], [65e3, "OwnerName"], [65001, "SerialNumber"], [65002, "Lens"], [65100, "RawFile"], [65101, "Converter"], [65102, "WhiteBalance"], [65105, "Exposure"], [65106, "Shadows"], [65107, "Brightness"], [65108, "Contrast"], [65109, "Saturation"], [65110, "Sharpness"], [65111, "Smoothness"], [65112, "MoireFilter"], [40965, "InteropIFD"]]), U(E, "gps", [[0, "GPSVersionID"], [1, "GPSLatitudeRef"], [2, "GPSLatitude"], [3, "GPSLongitudeRef"], [4, "GPSLongitude"], [5, "GPSAltitudeRef"], [6, "GPSAltitude"], [7, "GPSTimeStamp"], [8, "GPSSatellites"], [9, "GPSStatus"], [10, "GPSMeasureMode"], [11, "GPSDOP"], [12, "GPSSpeedRef"], [13, "GPSSpeed"], [14, "GPSTrackRef"], [15, "GPSTrack"], [16, "GPSImgDirectionRef"], [17, "GPSImgDirection"], [18, "GPSMapDatum"], [19, "GPSDestLatitudeRef"], [20, "GPSDestLatitude"], [21, "GPSDestLongitudeRef"], [22, "GPSDestLongitude"], [23, "GPSDestBearingRef"], [24, "GPSDestBearing"], [25, "GPSDestDistanceRef"], [26, "GPSDestDistance"], [27, "GPSProcessingMethod"], [28, "GPSAreaInformation"], [29, "GPSDateStamp"], [30, "GPSDifferential"], [31, "GPSHPositioningError"]]), U(B, ["ifd0", "ifd1"], [[274, { 1: "Horizontal (normal)", 2: "Mirror horizontal", 3: "Rotate 180", 4: "Mirror vertical", 5: "Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW", 6: "Rotate 90 CW", 7: "Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW", 8: "Rotate 270 CW" }], [296, { 1: "None", 2: "inches", 3: "cm" }]]);
+ var Ee = U(B, "exif", [[34850, { 0: "Not defined", 1: "Manual", 2: "Normal program", 3: "Aperture priority", 4: "Shutter priority", 5: "Creative program", 6: "Action program", 7: "Portrait mode", 8: "Landscape mode" }], [37121, { 0: "-", 1: "Y", 2: "Cb", 3: "Cr", 4: "R", 5: "G", 6: "B" }], [37383, { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Average", 2: "CenterWeightedAverage", 3: "Spot", 4: "MultiSpot", 5: "Pattern", 6: "Partial", 255: "Other" }], [37384, { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Daylight", 2: "Fluorescent", 3: "Tungsten (incandescent light)", 4: "Flash", 9: "Fine weather", 10: "Cloudy weather", 11: "Shade", 12: "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)", 13: "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)", 14: "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)", 15: "White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)", 17: "Standard light A", 18: "Standard light B", 19: "Standard light C", 20: "D55", 21: "D65", 22: "D75", 23: "D50", 24: "ISO studio tungsten", 255: "Other" }], [37385, { 0: "Flash did not fire", 1: "Flash fired", 5: "Strobe return light not detected", 7: "Strobe return light detected", 9: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode", 13: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected", 15: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected", 16: "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode", 24: "Flash did not fire, auto mode", 25: "Flash fired, auto mode", 29: "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected", 31: "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected", 32: "No flash function", 65: "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode", 69: "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected", 71: "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected", 73: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode", 77: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected", 79: "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected", 89: "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode", 93: "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode", 95: "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode" }], [41495, { 1: "Not defined", 2: "One-chip color area sensor", 3: "Two-chip color area sensor", 4: "Three-chip color area sensor", 5: "Color sequential area sensor", 7: "Trilinear sensor", 8: "Color sequential linear sensor" }], [41728, { 1: "Film Scanner", 2: "Reflection Print Scanner", 3: "Digital Camera" }], [41729, { 1: "Directly photographed" }], [41985, { 0: "Normal", 1: "Custom", 2: "HDR (no original saved)", 3: "HDR (original saved)", 4: "Original (for HDR)", 6: "Panorama", 7: "Portrait HDR", 8: "Portrait" }], [41986, { 0: "Auto", 1: "Manual", 2: "Auto bracket" }], [41987, { 0: "Auto", 1: "Manual" }], [41990, { 0: "Standard", 1: "Landscape", 2: "Portrait", 3: "Night", 4: "Other" }], [41991, { 0: "None", 1: "Low gain up", 2: "High gain up", 3: "Low gain down", 4: "High gain down" }], [41996, { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Macro", 2: "Close", 3: "Distant" }], [42080, { 0: "Unknown", 1: "Not a Composite Image", 2: "General Composite Image", 3: "Composite Image Captured While Shooting" }]]);
+ var Be = { 1: "No absolute unit of measurement", 2: "Inch", 3: "Centimeter" };
+ Ee.set(37392, Be), Ee.set(41488, Be);
+ var Ne = { 0: "Normal", 1: "Low", 2: "High" };
+ function Ge(e3) {
+ return "object" == typeof e3 && void 0 !== e3.length ? e3[0] : e3;
+ }
+ function Ve(e3) {
+ let t2 = Array.from(e3).slice(1);
+ return t2[1] > 15 && (t2 = t2.map((e4) => String.fromCharCode(e4))), "0" !== t2[2] && 0 !== t2[2] || t2.pop(), t2.join(".");
+ }
+ function ze(e3) {
+ if ("string" == typeof e3) {
+ var [t2, i3, n3, s2, r2, a2] = e3.trim().split(/[-: ]/g).map(Number), o2 = new Date(t2, i3 - 1, n3);
+ return Number.isNaN(s2) || Number.isNaN(r2) || Number.isNaN(a2) || (o2.setHours(s2), o2.setMinutes(r2), o2.setSeconds(a2)), Number.isNaN(+o2) ? e3 : o2;
+ }
+ }
+ function He(e3) {
+ if ("string" == typeof e3) return e3;
+ let t2 = [];
+ if (0 === e3[1] && 0 === e3[e3.length - 1]) for (let i3 = 0; i3 < e3.length; i3 += 2) t2.push(je(e3[i3 + 1], e3[i3]));
+ else for (let i3 = 0; i3 < e3.length; i3 += 2) t2.push(je(e3[i3], e3[i3 + 1]));
+ return m(String.fromCodePoint(...t2));
+ }
+ function je(e3, t2) {
+ return e3 << 8 | t2;
+ }
+ Ee.set(41992, Ne), Ee.set(41993, Ne), Ee.set(41994, Ne), U(N, ["ifd0", "ifd1"], [[50827, function(e3) {
+ return "string" != typeof e3 ? b(e3) : e3;
+ }], [306, ze], [40091, He], [40092, He], [40093, He], [40094, He], [40095, He]]), U(N, "exif", [[40960, Ve], [36864, Ve], [36867, ze], [36868, ze], [40962, Ge], [40963, Ge]]), U(N, "gps", [[0, (e3) => Array.from(e3).join(".")], [7, (e3) => Array.from(e3).join(":")]]);
+ var We = class extends re2 {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 225 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) && 1752462448 === e3.getUint32(t2 + 4) && "http://ns.adobe.com/" === e3.getString(t2 + 4, "http://ns.adobe.com/".length);
+ }
+ static headerLength(e3, t2) {
+ return "http://ns.adobe.com/xmp/extension/" === e3.getString(t2 + 4, "http://ns.adobe.com/xmp/extension/".length) ? 79 : 4 + "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/".length + 1;
+ }
+ static findPosition(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = super.findPosition(e3, t2);
+ return i3.multiSegment = i3.extended = 79 === i3.headerLength, i3.multiSegment ? (i3.chunkCount = e3.getUint8(t2 + 72), i3.chunkNumber = e3.getUint8(t2 + 76), 0 !== e3.getUint8(t2 + 77) && i3.chunkNumber++) : (i3.chunkCount = 1 / 0, i3.chunkNumber = -1), i3;
+ }
+ static handleMultiSegments(e3) {
+ return e3.map((e4) => e4.chunk.getString()).join("");
+ }
+ normalizeInput(e3) {
+ return "string" == typeof e3 ? e3 : I.from(e3).getString();
+ }
+ parse(e3 = this.chunk) {
+ if (!this.localOptions.parse) return e3;
+ e3 = function(e4) {
+ let t3 = {}, i4 = {};
+ for (let e6 of Ze) t3[e6] = [], i4[e6] = 0;
+ return e4.replace(et, (e6, n4, s2) => {
+ if ("<" === n4) {
+ let n5 = ++i4[s2];
+ return t3[s2].push(n5), "".concat(e6, "#").concat(n5);
+ }
+ return "".concat(e6, "#").concat(t3[s2].pop());
+ });
+ }(e3);
+ let t2 = Xe.findAll(e3, "rdf", "Description");
+ 0 === t2.length && t2.push(new Xe("rdf", "Description", void 0, e3));
+ let i3, n3 = {};
+ for (let e4 of t2) for (let t3 of e4.properties) i3 = Je(t3.ns, n3), _e(t3, i3);
+ return function(e4) {
+ let t3;
+ for (let i4 in e4) t3 = e4[i4] = f(e4[i4]), void 0 === t3 && delete e4[i4];
+ return f(e4);
+ }(n3);
+ }
+ assignToOutput(e3, t2) {
+ if (this.localOptions.parse) for (let [i3, n3] of Object.entries(t2)) switch (i3) {
+ case "tiff":
+ this.assignObjectToOutput(e3, "ifd0", n3);
+ break;
+ case "exif":
+ this.assignObjectToOutput(e3, "exif", n3);
+ break;
+ case "xmlns":
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.assignObjectToOutput(e3, i3, n3);
+ }
+ else e3.xmp = t2;
+ }
+ };
+ c(We, "type", "xmp"), c(We, "multiSegment", true), T.set("xmp", We);
+ var Ke = class _Ke {
+ static findAll(e3) {
+ return qe(e3, /([a-zA-Z0-9-]+):([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)=("[^"]*"|'[^']*')/gm).map(_Ke.unpackMatch);
+ }
+ static unpackMatch(e3) {
+ let t2 = e3[1], i3 = e3[2], n3 = e3[3].slice(1, -1);
+ return n3 = Qe(n3), new _Ke(t2, i3, n3);
+ }
+ constructor(e3, t2, i3) {
+ this.ns = e3, this.name = t2, this.value = i3;
+ }
+ serialize() {
+ return this.value;
+ }
+ };
+ var Xe = class _Xe {
+ static findAll(e3, t2, i3) {
+ if (void 0 !== t2 || void 0 !== i3) {
+ t2 = t2 || "[\\w\\d-]+", i3 = i3 || "[\\w\\d-]+";
+ var n3 = new RegExp("<(".concat(t2, "):(").concat(i3, ")(#\\d+)?((\\s+?[\\w\\d-:]+=(\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'))*\\s*)(\\/>|>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/\\1:\\2\\3>)"), "gm");
+ } else n3 = /<([\w\d-]+):([\w\d-]+)(#\d+)?((\s+?[\w\d-:]+=("[^"]*"|'[^']*'))*\s*)(\/>|>([\s\S]*?)<\/\1:\2\3>)/gm;
+ return qe(e3, n3).map(_Xe.unpackMatch);
+ }
+ static unpackMatch(e3) {
+ let t2 = e3[1], i3 = e3[2], n3 = e3[4], s2 = e3[8];
+ return new _Xe(t2, i3, n3, s2);
+ }
+ constructor(e3, t2, i3, n3) {
+ this.ns = e3, this.name = t2, this.attrString = i3, this.innerXml = n3, this.attrs = Ke.findAll(i3), this.children = _Xe.findAll(n3), this.value = 0 === this.children.length ? Qe(n3) : void 0, this.properties = [...this.attrs, ...this.children];
+ }
+ get isPrimitive() {
+ return void 0 !== this.value && 0 === this.attrs.length && 0 === this.children.length;
+ }
+ get isListContainer() {
+ return 1 === this.children.length && this.children[0].isList;
+ }
+ get isList() {
+ let { ns: e3, name: t2 } = this;
+ return "rdf" === e3 && ("Seq" === t2 || "Bag" === t2 || "Alt" === t2);
+ }
+ get isListItem() {
+ return "rdf" === this.ns && "li" === this.name;
+ }
+ serialize() {
+ if (0 === this.properties.length && void 0 === this.value) return;
+ if (this.isPrimitive) return this.value;
+ if (this.isListContainer) return this.children[0].serialize();
+ if (this.isList) return $e(this.children.map(Ye));
+ if (this.isListItem && 1 === this.children.length && 0 === this.attrs.length) return this.children[0].serialize();
+ let e3 = {};
+ for (let t2 of this.properties) _e(t2, e3);
+ return void 0 !== this.value && (e3.value = this.value), f(e3);
+ }
+ };
+ function _e(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = e3.serialize();
+ void 0 !== i3 && (t2[e3.name] = i3);
+ }
+ var Ye = (e3) => e3.serialize();
+ var $e = (e3) => 1 === e3.length ? e3[0] : e3;
+ var Je = (e3, t2) => t2[e3] ? t2[e3] : t2[e3] = {};
+ function qe(e3, t2) {
+ let i3, n3 = [];
+ if (!e3) return n3;
+ for (; null !== (i3 = t2.exec(e3)); ) n3.push(i3);
+ return n3;
+ }
+ function Qe(e3) {
+ if (function(e4) {
+ return null == e4 || "null" === e4 || "undefined" === e4 || "" === e4 || "" === e4.trim();
+ }(e3)) return;
+ let t2 = Number(e3);
+ if (!Number.isNaN(t2)) return t2;
+ let i3 = e3.toLowerCase();
+ return "true" === i3 || "false" !== i3 && e3.trim();
+ }
+ var Ze = ["rdf:li", "rdf:Seq", "rdf:Bag", "rdf:Alt", "rdf:Description"];
+ var et = new RegExp("(<|\\/)(".concat(Ze.join("|"), ")"), "g");
+ var tt = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, default: Me, Exifr: te, fileParsers: w, segmentParsers: T, fileReaders: A, tagKeys: E, tagValues: B, tagRevivers: N, createDictionary: U, extendDictionary: F, fetchUrlAsArrayBuffer: M, readBlobAsArrayBuffer: R, chunkedProps: G, otherSegments: V, segments: z, tiffBlocks: H, segmentsAndBlocks: j, tiffExtractables: W, inheritables: K, allFormatters: X, Options: q, parse: ie, gpsOnlyOptions: me, gps: Se, thumbnailOnlyOptions: Ce, thumbnail: ye, thumbnailUrl: be, orientationOnlyOptions: Ie, orientation: Pe, rotations: ke, get rotateCanvas() {
+ return we;
+ }, get rotateCss() {
+ return Te;
+ }, rotation: Ae });
+ var at = l("fs", (e3) => e3.promises);
+ A.set("fs", class extends ve {
+ async readWhole() {
+ this.chunked = false, this.fs = await at;
+ let e3 = await this.fs.readFile(this.input);
+ this._swapBuffer(e3);
+ }
+ async readChunked() {
+ this.chunked = true, this.fs = await at, await this.open(), await this.readChunk(0, this.options.firstChunkSize);
+ }
+ async open() {
+ void 0 === this.fh && (this.fh = await this.fs.open(this.input, "r"), this.size = (await this.fh.stat(this.input)).size);
+ }
+ async _readChunk(e3, t2) {
+ void 0 === this.fh && await this.open(), e3 + t2 > this.size && (t2 = this.size - e3);
+ var i3 = this.subarray(e3, t2, true);
+ return await this.fh.read(i3.dataView, 0, t2, e3), i3;
+ }
+ async close() {
+ if (this.fh) {
+ let e3 = this.fh;
+ this.fh = void 0, await e3.close();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ A.set("base64", class extends ve {
+ constructor(...e3) {
+ super(...e3), this.input = this.input.replace(/^data:([^;]+);base64,/gim, ""), this.size = this.input.length / 4 * 3, this.input.endsWith("==") ? this.size -= 2 : this.input.endsWith("=") && (this.size -= 1);
+ }
+ async _readChunk(e3, t2) {
+ let i3, n3, r2 = this.input;
+ void 0 === e3 ? (e3 = 0, i3 = 0, n3 = 0) : (i3 = 4 * Math.floor(e3 / 3), n3 = e3 - i3 / 4 * 3), void 0 === t2 && (t2 = this.size);
+ let o2 = e3 + t2, l2 = i3 + 4 * Math.ceil(o2 / 3);
+ r2 = r2.slice(i3, l2);
+ let h2 = Math.min(t2, this.size - e3);
+ if (a) {
+ let t3 = s.from(r2, "base64").slice(n3, n3 + h2);
+ return this.set(t3, e3, true);
+ }
+ {
+ let t3 = this.subarray(e3, h2, true), i4 = atob(r2), s2 = t3.toUint8();
+ for (let e4 = 0; e4 < h2; e4++) s2[e4] = i4.charCodeAt(n3 + e4);
+ return t3;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var ot = class extends se {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 18761 === t2 || 19789 === t2;
+ }
+ extendOptions(e3) {
+ let { ifd0: t2, xmp: i3, iptc: n3, icc: s2 } = e3;
+ i3.enabled && t2.deps.add(700), n3.enabled && t2.deps.add(33723), s2.enabled && t2.deps.add(34675), t2.finalizeFilters();
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ let { tiff: e3, xmp: t2, iptc: i3, icc: n3 } = this.options;
+ if (e3.enabled || t2.enabled || i3.enabled || n3.enabled) {
+ let e4 = Math.max(S(this.options), this.options.chunkSize);
+ await this.file.ensureChunk(0, e4), this.createParser("tiff", this.file), this.parsers.tiff.parseHeader(), await this.parsers.tiff.parseIfd0Block(), this.adaptTiffPropAsSegment("xmp"), this.adaptTiffPropAsSegment("iptc"), this.adaptTiffPropAsSegment("icc");
+ }
+ }
+ adaptTiffPropAsSegment(e3) {
+ if (this.parsers.tiff[e3]) {
+ let t2 = this.parsers.tiff[e3];
+ this.injectSegment(e3, t2);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ c(ot, "type", "tiff"), w.set("tiff", ot);
+ var lt = l("zlib");
+ var ht = ["ihdr", "iccp", "text", "itxt", "exif"];
+ var ut = class extends se {
+ constructor(...e3) {
+ super(...e3), c(this, "catchError", (e4) => this.errors.push(e4)), c(this, "metaChunks", []), c(this, "unknownChunks", []);
+ }
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 35152 === t2 && 2303741511 === e3.getUint32(0) && 218765834 === e3.getUint32(4);
+ }
+ async parse() {
+ let { file: e3 } = this;
+ await this.findPngChunksInRange("\x89PNG\r\n\1a\n".length, e3.byteLength), await this.readSegments(this.metaChunks), this.findIhdr(), this.parseTextChunks(), await this.findExif().catch(this.catchError), await this.findXmp().catch(this.catchError), await this.findIcc().catch(this.catchError);
+ }
+ async findPngChunksInRange(e3, t2) {
+ let { file: i3 } = this;
+ for (; e3 < t2; ) {
+ let t3 = i3.getUint32(e3), n3 = i3.getUint32(e3 + 4), s2 = i3.getString(e3 + 4, 4).toLowerCase(), r2 = t3 + 4 + 4 + 4, a2 = { type: s2, offset: e3, length: r2, start: e3 + 4 + 4, size: t3, marker: n3 };
+ ht.includes(s2) ? this.metaChunks.push(a2) : this.unknownChunks.push(a2), e3 += r2;
+ }
+ }
+ parseTextChunks() {
+ let e3 = this.metaChunks.filter((e4) => "text" === e4.type);
+ for (let t2 of e3) {
+ let [e4, i3] = this.file.getString(t2.start, t2.size).split("\0");
+ this.injectKeyValToIhdr(e4, i3);
+ }
+ }
+ injectKeyValToIhdr(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = this.parsers.ihdr;
+ i3 && i3.raw.set(e3, t2);
+ }
+ findIhdr() {
+ let e3 = this.metaChunks.find((e4) => "ihdr" === e4.type);
+ e3 && false !== this.options.ihdr.enabled && this.createParser("ihdr", e3.chunk);
+ }
+ async findExif() {
+ let e3 = this.metaChunks.find((e4) => "exif" === e4.type);
+ e3 && this.injectSegment("tiff", e3.chunk);
+ }
+ async findXmp() {
+ let e3 = this.metaChunks.filter((e4) => "itxt" === e4.type);
+ for (let t2 of e3) {
+ "XML:com.adobe.xmp" === t2.chunk.getString(0, "XML:com.adobe.xmp".length) && this.injectSegment("xmp", t2.chunk);
+ }
+ }
+ async findIcc() {
+ let e3 = this.metaChunks.find((e4) => "iccp" === e4.type);
+ if (!e3) return;
+ let { chunk: t2 } = e3, i3 = t2.getUint8Array(0, 81), s2 = 0;
+ for (; s2 < 80 && 0 !== i3[s2]; ) s2++;
+ let r2 = s2 + 2, a2 = t2.getString(0, s2);
+ if (this.injectKeyValToIhdr("ProfileName", a2), n2) {
+ let e4 = await lt, i4 = t2.getUint8Array(r2);
+ i4 = e4.inflateSync(i4), this.injectSegment("icc", i4);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ c(ut, "type", "png"), w.set("png", ut), U(E, "interop", [[1, "InteropIndex"], [2, "InteropVersion"], [4096, "RelatedImageFileFormat"], [4097, "RelatedImageWidth"], [4098, "RelatedImageHeight"]]), F(E, "ifd0", [[11, "ProcessingSoftware"], [254, "SubfileType"], [255, "OldSubfileType"], [263, "Thresholding"], [264, "CellWidth"], [265, "CellLength"], [266, "FillOrder"], [269, "DocumentName"], [280, "MinSampleValue"], [281, "MaxSampleValue"], [285, "PageName"], [286, "XPosition"], [287, "YPosition"], [290, "GrayResponseUnit"], [297, "PageNumber"], [321, "HalftoneHints"], [322, "TileWidth"], [323, "TileLength"], [332, "InkSet"], [337, "TargetPrinter"], [18246, "Rating"], [18249, "RatingPercent"], [33550, "PixelScale"], [34264, "ModelTransform"], [34377, "PhotoshopSettings"], [50706, "DNGVersion"], [50707, "DNGBackwardVersion"], [50708, "UniqueCameraModel"], [50709, "LocalizedCameraModel"], [50736, "DNGLensInfo"], [50739, "ShadowScale"], [50740, "DNGPrivateData"], [33920, "IntergraphMatrix"], [33922, "ModelTiePoint"], [34118, "SEMInfo"], [34735, "GeoTiffDirectory"], [34736, "GeoTiffDoubleParams"], [34737, "GeoTiffAsciiParams"], [50341, "PrintIM"], [50721, "ColorMatrix1"], [50722, "ColorMatrix2"], [50723, "CameraCalibration1"], [50724, "CameraCalibration2"], [50725, "ReductionMatrix1"], [50726, "ReductionMatrix2"], [50727, "AnalogBalance"], [50728, "AsShotNeutral"], [50729, "AsShotWhiteXY"], [50730, "BaselineExposure"], [50731, "BaselineNoise"], [50732, "BaselineSharpness"], [50734, "LinearResponseLimit"], [50735, "CameraSerialNumber"], [50741, "MakerNoteSafety"], [50778, "CalibrationIlluminant1"], [50779, "CalibrationIlluminant2"], [50781, "RawDataUniqueID"], [50827, "OriginalRawFileName"], [50828, "OriginalRawFileData"], [50831, "AsShotICCProfile"], [50832, "AsShotPreProfileMatrix"], [50833, "CurrentICCProfile"], [50834, "CurrentPreProfileMatrix"], [50879, "ColorimetricReference"], [50885, "SRawType"], [50898, "PanasonicTitle"], [50899, "PanasonicTitle2"], [50931, "CameraCalibrationSig"], [50932, "ProfileCalibrationSig"], [50933, "ProfileIFD"], [50934, "AsShotProfileName"], [50936, "ProfileName"], [50937, "ProfileHueSatMapDims"], [50938, "ProfileHueSatMapData1"], [50939, "ProfileHueSatMapData2"], [50940, "ProfileToneCurve"], [50941, "ProfileEmbedPolicy"], [50942, "ProfileCopyright"], [50964, "ForwardMatrix1"], [50965, "ForwardMatrix2"], [50966, "PreviewApplicationName"], [50967, "PreviewApplicationVersion"], [50968, "PreviewSettingsName"], [50969, "PreviewSettingsDigest"], [50970, "PreviewColorSpace"], [50971, "PreviewDateTime"], [50972, "RawImageDigest"], [50973, "OriginalRawFileDigest"], [50981, "ProfileLookTableDims"], [50982, "ProfileLookTableData"], [51043, "TimeCodes"], [51044, "FrameRate"], [51058, "TStop"], [51081, "ReelName"], [51089, "OriginalDefaultFinalSize"], [51090, "OriginalBestQualitySize"], [51091, "OriginalDefaultCropSize"], [51105, "CameraLabel"], [51107, "ProfileHueSatMapEncoding"], [51108, "ProfileLookTableEncoding"], [51109, "BaselineExposureOffset"], [51110, "DefaultBlackRender"], [51111, "NewRawImageDigest"], [51112, "RawToPreviewGain"]]);
+ var ct = [[273, "StripOffsets"], [279, "StripByteCounts"], [288, "FreeOffsets"], [289, "FreeByteCounts"], [291, "GrayResponseCurve"], [292, "T4Options"], [293, "T6Options"], [300, "ColorResponseUnit"], [320, "ColorMap"], [324, "TileOffsets"], [325, "TileByteCounts"], [326, "BadFaxLines"], [327, "CleanFaxData"], [328, "ConsecutiveBadFaxLines"], [330, "SubIFD"], [333, "InkNames"], [334, "NumberofInks"], [336, "DotRange"], [338, "ExtraSamples"], [339, "SampleFormat"], [340, "SMinSampleValue"], [341, "SMaxSampleValue"], [342, "TransferRange"], [343, "ClipPath"], [344, "XClipPathUnits"], [345, "YClipPathUnits"], [346, "Indexed"], [347, "JPEGTables"], [351, "OPIProxy"], [400, "GlobalParametersIFD"], [401, "ProfileType"], [402, "FaxProfile"], [403, "CodingMethods"], [404, "VersionYear"], [405, "ModeNumber"], [433, "Decode"], [434, "DefaultImageColor"], [435, "T82Options"], [437, "JPEGTables"], [512, "JPEGProc"], [515, "JPEGRestartInterval"], [517, "JPEGLosslessPredictors"], [518, "JPEGPointTransforms"], [519, "JPEGQTables"], [520, "JPEGDCTables"], [521, "JPEGACTables"], [559, "StripRowCounts"], [999, "USPTOMiscellaneous"], [18247, "XP_DIP_XML"], [18248, "StitchInfo"], [28672, "SonyRawFileType"], [28688, "SonyToneCurve"], [28721, "VignettingCorrection"], [28722, "VignettingCorrParams"], [28724, "ChromaticAberrationCorrection"], [28725, "ChromaticAberrationCorrParams"], [28726, "DistortionCorrection"], [28727, "DistortionCorrParams"], [29895, "SonyCropTopLeft"], [29896, "SonyCropSize"], [32781, "ImageID"], [32931, "WangTag1"], [32932, "WangAnnotation"], [32933, "WangTag3"], [32934, "WangTag4"], [32953, "ImageReferencePoints"], [32954, "RegionXformTackPoint"], [32955, "WarpQuadrilateral"], [32956, "AffineTransformMat"], [32995, "Matteing"], [32996, "DataType"], [32997, "ImageDepth"], [32998, "TileDepth"], [33300, "ImageFullWidth"], [33301, "ImageFullHeight"], [33302, "TextureFormat"], [33303, "WrapModes"], [33304, "FovCot"], [33305, "MatrixWorldToScreen"], [33306, "MatrixWorldToCamera"], [33405, "Model2"], [33421, "CFARepeatPatternDim"], [33422, "CFAPattern2"], [33423, "BatteryLevel"], [33424, "KodakIFD"], [33445, "MDFileTag"], [33446, "MDScalePixel"], [33447, "MDColorTable"], [33448, "MDLabName"], [33449, "MDSampleInfo"], [33450, "MDPrepDate"], [33451, "MDPrepTime"], [33452, "MDFileUnits"], [33589, "AdventScale"], [33590, "AdventRevision"], [33628, "UIC1Tag"], [33629, "UIC2Tag"], [33630, "UIC3Tag"], [33631, "UIC4Tag"], [33918, "IntergraphPacketData"], [33919, "IntergraphFlagRegisters"], [33921, "INGRReserved"], [34016, "Site"], [34017, "ColorSequence"], [34018, "IT8Header"], [34019, "RasterPadding"], [34020, "BitsPerRunLength"], [34021, "BitsPerExtendedRunLength"], [34022, "ColorTable"], [34023, "ImageColorIndicator"], [34024, "BackgroundColorIndicator"], [34025, "ImageColorValue"], [34026, "BackgroundColorValue"], [34027, "PixelIntensityRange"], [34028, "TransparencyIndicator"], [34029, "ColorCharacterization"], [34030, "HCUsage"], [34031, "TrapIndicator"], [34032, "CMYKEquivalent"], [34152, "AFCP_IPTC"], [34232, "PixelMagicJBIGOptions"], [34263, "JPLCartoIFD"], [34306, "WB_GRGBLevels"], [34310, "LeafData"], [34687, "TIFF_FXExtensions"], [34688, "MultiProfiles"], [34689, "SharedData"], [34690, "T88Options"], [34732, "ImageLayer"], [34750, "JBIGOptions"], [34856, "Opto-ElectricConvFactor"], [34857, "Interlace"], [34908, "FaxRecvParams"], [34909, "FaxSubAddress"], [34910, "FaxRecvTime"], [34929, "FedexEDR"], [34954, "LeafSubIFD"], [37387, "FlashEnergy"], [37388, "SpatialFrequencyResponse"], [37389, "Noise"], [37390, "FocalPlaneXResolution"], [37391, "FocalPlaneYResolution"], [37392, "FocalPlaneResolutionUnit"], [37397, "ExposureIndex"], [37398, "TIFF-EPStandardID"], [37399, "SensingMethod"], [37434, "CIP3DataFile"], [37435, "CIP3Sheet"], [37436, "CIP3Side"], [37439, "StoNits"], [37679, "MSDocumentText"], [37680, "MSPropertySetStorage"], [37681, "MSDocumentTextPosition"], [37724, "ImageSourceData"], [40965, "InteropIFD"], [40976, "SamsungRawPointersOffset"], [40977, "SamsungRawPointersLength"], [41217, "SamsungRawByteOrder"], [41218, "SamsungRawUnknown"], [41484, "SpatialFrequencyResponse"], [41485, "Noise"], [41489, "ImageNumber"], [41490, "SecurityClassification"], [41491, "ImageHistory"], [41494, "TIFF-EPStandardID"], [41995, "DeviceSettingDescription"], [42112, "GDALMetadata"], [42113, "GDALNoData"], [44992, "ExpandSoftware"], [44993, "ExpandLens"], [44994, "ExpandFilm"], [44995, "ExpandFilterLens"], [44996, "ExpandScanner"], [44997, "ExpandFlashLamp"], [46275, "HasselbladRawImage"], [48129, "PixelFormat"], [48130, "Transformation"], [48131, "Uncompressed"], [48132, "ImageType"], [48256, "ImageWidth"], [48257, "ImageHeight"], [48258, "WidthResolution"], [48259, "HeightResolution"], [48320, "ImageOffset"], [48321, "ImageByteCount"], [48322, "AlphaOffset"], [48323, "AlphaByteCount"], [48324, "ImageDataDiscard"], [48325, "AlphaDataDiscard"], [50215, "OceScanjobDesc"], [50216, "OceApplicationSelector"], [50217, "OceIDNumber"], [50218, "OceImageLogic"], [50255, "Annotations"], [50459, "HasselbladExif"], [50547, "OriginalFileName"], [50560, "USPTOOriginalContentType"], [50656, "CR2CFAPattern"], [50710, "CFAPlaneColor"], [50711, "CFALayout"], [50712, "LinearizationTable"], [50713, "BlackLevelRepeatDim"], [50714, "BlackLevel"], [50715, "BlackLevelDeltaH"], [50716, "BlackLevelDeltaV"], [50717, "WhiteLevel"], [50718, "DefaultScale"], [50719, "DefaultCropOrigin"], [50720, "DefaultCropSize"], [50733, "BayerGreenSplit"], [50737, "ChromaBlurRadius"], [50738, "AntiAliasStrength"], [50752, "RawImageSegmentation"], [50780, "BestQualityScale"], [50784, "AliasLayerMetadata"], [50829, "ActiveArea"], [50830, "MaskedAreas"], [50935, "NoiseReductionApplied"], [50974, "SubTileBlockSize"], [50975, "RowInterleaveFactor"], [51008, "OpcodeList1"], [51009, "OpcodeList2"], [51022, "OpcodeList3"], [51041, "NoiseProfile"], [51114, "CacheVersion"], [51125, "DefaultUserCrop"], [51157, "NikonNEFInfo"], [65024, "KdcIFD"]];
+ F(E, "ifd0", ct), F(E, "exif", ct), U(B, "gps", [[23, { M: "Magnetic North", T: "True North" }], [25, { K: "Kilometers", M: "Miles", N: "Nautical Miles" }]]);
+ var ft = class extends re2 {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 224 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) && 1246120262 === e3.getUint32(t2 + 4) && 0 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 8);
+ }
+ parse() {
+ return this.parseTags(), this.translate(), this.output;
+ }
+ parseTags() {
+ this.raw = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[0, this.chunk.getUint16(0)], [2, this.chunk.getUint8(2)], [3, this.chunk.getUint16(3)], [5, this.chunk.getUint16(5)], [7, this.chunk.getUint8(7)], [8, this.chunk.getUint8(8)]]);
+ }
+ };
+ c(ft, "type", "jfif"), c(ft, "headerLength", 9), T.set("jfif", ft), U(E, "jfif", [[0, "JFIFVersion"], [2, "ResolutionUnit"], [3, "XResolution"], [5, "YResolution"], [7, "ThumbnailWidth"], [8, "ThumbnailHeight"]]);
+ var dt = class extends re2 {
+ parse() {
+ return this.parseTags(), this.translate(), this.output;
+ }
+ parseTags() {
+ this.raw = new Map([[0, this.chunk.getUint32(0)], [4, this.chunk.getUint32(4)], [8, this.chunk.getUint8(8)], [9, this.chunk.getUint8(9)], [10, this.chunk.getUint8(10)], [11, this.chunk.getUint8(11)], [12, this.chunk.getUint8(12)], ...Array.from(this.raw)]);
+ }
+ };
+ c(dt, "type", "ihdr"), T.set("ihdr", dt), U(E, "ihdr", [[0, "ImageWidth"], [4, "ImageHeight"], [8, "BitDepth"], [9, "ColorType"], [10, "Compression"], [11, "Filter"], [12, "Interlace"]]), U(B, "ihdr", [[9, { 0: "Grayscale", 2: "RGB", 3: "Palette", 4: "Grayscale with Alpha", 6: "RGB with Alpha", DEFAULT: "Unknown" }], [10, { 0: "Deflate/Inflate", DEFAULT: "Unknown" }], [11, { 0: "Adaptive", DEFAULT: "Unknown" }], [12, { 0: "Noninterlaced", 1: "Adam7 Interlace", DEFAULT: "Unknown" }]]);
+ var pt = class extends re2 {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2) {
+ return 226 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) && 1229144927 === e3.getUint32(t2 + 4);
+ }
+ static findPosition(e3, t2) {
+ let i3 = super.findPosition(e3, t2);
+ return i3.chunkNumber = e3.getUint8(t2 + 16), i3.chunkCount = e3.getUint8(t2 + 17), i3.multiSegment = i3.chunkCount > 1, i3;
+ }
+ static handleMultiSegments(e3) {
+ return function(e4) {
+ let t2 = function(e6) {
+ let t3 = e6[0].constructor, i3 = 0;
+ for (let t4 of e6) i3 += t4.length;
+ let n3 = new t3(i3), s2 = 0;
+ for (let t4 of e6) n3.set(t4, s2), s2 += t4.length;
+ return n3;
+ }(e4.map((e6) => e6.chunk.toUint8()));
+ return new I(t2);
+ }(e3);
+ }
+ parse() {
+ return this.raw = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.parseHeader(), this.parseTags(), this.translate(), this.output;
+ }
+ parseHeader() {
+ let { raw: e3 } = this;
+ this.chunk.byteLength < 84 && g2("ICC header is too short");
+ for (let [t2, i3] of Object.entries(gt)) {
+ t2 = parseInt(t2, 10);
+ let n3 = i3(this.chunk, t2);
+ "\0\0\0\0" !== n3 && e3.set(t2, n3);
+ }
+ }
+ parseTags() {
+ let e3, t2, i3, n3, s2, { raw: r2 } = this, a2 = this.chunk.getUint32(128), o2 = 132, l2 = this.chunk.byteLength;
+ for (; a2--; ) {
+ if (e3 = this.chunk.getString(o2, 4), t2 = this.chunk.getUint32(o2 + 4), i3 = this.chunk.getUint32(o2 + 8), n3 = this.chunk.getString(t2, 4), t2 + i3 > l2) return void console.warn("reached the end of the first ICC chunk. Enable options.tiff.multiSegment to read all ICC segments.");
+ s2 = this.parseTag(n3, t2, i3), void 0 !== s2 && "\0\0\0\0" !== s2 && r2.set(e3, s2), o2 += 12;
+ }
+ }
+ parseTag(e3, t2, i3) {
+ switch (e3) {
+ case "desc":
+ return this.parseDesc(t2);
+ case "mluc":
+ return this.parseMluc(t2);
+ case "text":
+ return this.parseText(t2, i3);
+ case "sig ":
+ return this.parseSig(t2);
+ }
+ if (!(t2 + i3 > this.chunk.byteLength)) return this.chunk.getUint8Array(t2, i3);
+ }
+ parseDesc(e3) {
+ let t2 = this.chunk.getUint32(e3 + 8) - 1;
+ return m(this.chunk.getString(e3 + 12, t2));
+ }
+ parseText(e3, t2) {
+ return m(this.chunk.getString(e3 + 8, t2 - 8));
+ }
+ parseSig(e3) {
+ return m(this.chunk.getString(e3 + 8, 4));
+ }
+ parseMluc(e3) {
+ let { chunk: t2 } = this, i3 = t2.getUint32(e3 + 8), n3 = t2.getUint32(e3 + 12), s2 = e3 + 16, r2 = [];
+ for (let a2 = 0; a2 < i3; a2++) {
+ let i4 = t2.getString(s2 + 0, 2), a3 = t2.getString(s2 + 2, 2), o2 = t2.getUint32(s2 + 4), l2 = t2.getUint32(s2 + 8) + e3, h2 = m(t2.getUnicodeString(l2, o2));
+ r2.push({ lang: i4, country: a3, text: h2 }), s2 += n3;
+ }
+ return 1 === i3 ? r2[0].text : r2;
+ }
+ translateValue(e3, t2) {
+ return "string" == typeof e3 ? t2[e3] || t2[e3.toLowerCase()] || e3 : t2[e3] || e3;
+ }
+ };
+ c(pt, "type", "icc"), c(pt, "multiSegment", true), c(pt, "headerLength", 18);
+ var gt = { 4: mt, 8: function(e3, t2) {
+ return [e3.getUint8(t2), e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) >> 4, e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) % 16].map((e4) => e4.toString(10)).join(".");
+ }, 12: mt, 16: mt, 20: mt, 24: function(e3, t2) {
+ const i3 = e3.getUint16(t2), n3 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 2) - 1, s2 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 4), r2 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 6), a2 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 8), o2 = e3.getUint16(t2 + 10);
+ return new Date(Date.UTC(i3, n3, s2, r2, a2, o2));
+ }, 36: mt, 40: mt, 48: mt, 52: mt, 64: (e3, t2) => e3.getUint32(t2), 80: mt };
+ function mt(e3, t2) {
+ return m(e3.getString(t2, 4));
+ }
+ T.set("icc", pt), U(E, "icc", [[4, "ProfileCMMType"], [8, "ProfileVersion"], [12, "ProfileClass"], [16, "ColorSpaceData"], [20, "ProfileConnectionSpace"], [24, "ProfileDateTime"], [36, "ProfileFileSignature"], [40, "PrimaryPlatform"], [44, "CMMFlags"], [48, "DeviceManufacturer"], [52, "DeviceModel"], [56, "DeviceAttributes"], [64, "RenderingIntent"], [68, "ConnectionSpaceIlluminant"], [80, "ProfileCreator"], [84, "ProfileID"], ["Header", "ProfileHeader"], ["MS00", "WCSProfiles"], ["bTRC", "BlueTRC"], ["bXYZ", "BlueMatrixColumn"], ["bfd", "UCRBG"], ["bkpt", "MediaBlackPoint"], ["calt", "CalibrationDateTime"], ["chad", "ChromaticAdaptation"], ["chrm", "Chromaticity"], ["ciis", "ColorimetricIntentImageState"], ["clot", "ColorantTableOut"], ["clro", "ColorantOrder"], ["clrt", "ColorantTable"], ["cprt", "ProfileCopyright"], ["crdi", "CRDInfo"], ["desc", "ProfileDescription"], ["devs", "DeviceSettings"], ["dmdd", "DeviceModelDesc"], ["dmnd", "DeviceMfgDesc"], ["dscm", "ProfileDescriptionML"], ["fpce", "FocalPlaneColorimetryEstimates"], ["gTRC", "GreenTRC"], ["gXYZ", "GreenMatrixColumn"], ["gamt", "Gamut"], ["kTRC", "GrayTRC"], ["lumi", "Luminance"], ["meas", "Measurement"], ["meta", "Metadata"], ["mmod", "MakeAndModel"], ["ncl2", "NamedColor2"], ["ncol", "NamedColor"], ["ndin", "NativeDisplayInfo"], ["pre0", "Preview0"], ["pre1", "Preview1"], ["pre2", "Preview2"], ["ps2i", "PS2RenderingIntent"], ["ps2s", "PostScript2CSA"], ["psd0", "PostScript2CRD0"], ["psd1", "PostScript2CRD1"], ["psd2", "PostScript2CRD2"], ["psd3", "PostScript2CRD3"], ["pseq", "ProfileSequenceDesc"], ["psid", "ProfileSequenceIdentifier"], ["psvm", "PS2CRDVMSize"], ["rTRC", "RedTRC"], ["rXYZ", "RedMatrixColumn"], ["resp", "OutputResponse"], ["rhoc", "ReflectionHardcopyOrigColorimetry"], ["rig0", "PerceptualRenderingIntentGamut"], ["rig2", "SaturationRenderingIntentGamut"], ["rpoc", "ReflectionPrintOutputColorimetry"], ["sape", "SceneAppearanceEstimates"], ["scoe", "SceneColorimetryEstimates"], ["scrd", "ScreeningDesc"], ["scrn", "Screening"], ["targ", "CharTarget"], ["tech", "Technology"], ["vcgt", "VideoCardGamma"], ["view", "ViewingConditions"], ["vued", "ViewingCondDesc"], ["wtpt", "MediaWhitePoint"]]);
+ var St = { "4d2p": "Erdt Systems", AAMA: "Aamazing Technologies", ACER: "Acer", ACLT: "Acolyte Color Research", ACTI: "Actix Sytems", ADAR: "Adara Technology", ADBE: "Adobe", ADI: "ADI Systems", AGFA: "Agfa Graphics", ALMD: "Alps Electric", ALPS: "Alps Electric", ALWN: "Alwan Color Expertise", AMTI: "Amiable Technologies", AOC: "AOC International", APAG: "Apago", APPL: "Apple Computer", AST: "AST", "AT&T": "AT&T", BAEL: "BARBIERI electronic", BRCO: "Barco NV", BRKP: "Breakpoint", BROT: "Brother", BULL: "Bull", BUS: "Bus Computer Systems", "C-IT": "C-Itoh", CAMR: "Intel", CANO: "Canon", CARR: "Carroll Touch", CASI: "Casio", CBUS: "Colorbus PL", CEL: "Crossfield", CELx: "Crossfield", CGS: "CGS Publishing Technologies International", CHM: "Rochester Robotics", CIGL: "Colour Imaging Group, London", CITI: "Citizen", CL00: "Candela", CLIQ: "Color IQ", CMCO: "Chromaco", CMiX: "CHROMiX", COLO: "Colorgraphic Communications", COMP: "Compaq", COMp: "Compeq/Focus Technology", CONR: "Conrac Display Products", CORD: "Cordata Technologies", CPQ: "Compaq", CPRO: "ColorPro", CRN: "Cornerstone", CTX: "CTX International", CVIS: "ColorVision", CWC: "Fujitsu Laboratories", DARI: "Darius Technology", DATA: "Dataproducts", DCP: "Dry Creek Photo", DCRC: "Digital Contents Resource Center, Chung-Ang University", DELL: "Dell Computer", DIC: "Dainippon Ink and Chemicals", DICO: "Diconix", DIGI: "Digital", "DL&C": "Digital Light & Color", DPLG: "Doppelganger", DS: "Dainippon Screen", DSOL: "DOOSOL", DUPN: "DuPont", EPSO: "Epson", ESKO: "Esko-Graphics", ETRI: "Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute", EVER: "Everex Systems", EXAC: "ExactCODE", Eizo: "Eizo", FALC: "Falco Data Products", FF: "Fuji Photo Film", FFEI: "FujiFilm Electronic Imaging", FNRD: "Fnord Software", FORA: "Fora", FORE: "Forefront Technology", FP: "Fujitsu", FPA: "WayTech Development", FUJI: "Fujitsu", FX: "Fuji Xerox", GCC: "GCC Technologies", GGSL: "Global Graphics Software", GMB: "Gretagmacbeth", GMG: "GMG", GOLD: "GoldStar Technology", GOOG: "Google", GPRT: "Giantprint", GTMB: "Gretagmacbeth", GVC: "WayTech Development", GW2K: "Sony", HCI: "HCI", HDM: "Heidelberger Druckmaschinen", HERM: "Hermes", HITA: "Hitachi America", HP: "Hewlett-Packard", HTC: "Hitachi", HiTi: "HiTi Digital", IBM: "IBM", IDNT: "Scitex", IEC: "Hewlett-Packard", IIYA: "Iiyama North America", IKEG: "Ikegami Electronics", IMAG: "Image Systems", IMI: "Ingram Micro", INTC: "Intel", INTL: "N/A (INTL)", INTR: "Intra Electronics", IOCO: "Iocomm International Technology", IPS: "InfoPrint Solutions Company", IRIS: "Scitex", ISL: "Ichikawa Soft Laboratory", ITNL: "N/A (ITNL)", IVM: "IVM", IWAT: "Iwatsu Electric", Idnt: "Scitex", Inca: "Inca Digital Printers", Iris: "Scitex", JPEG: "Joint Photographic Experts Group", JSFT: "Jetsoft Development", JVC: "JVC Information Products", KART: "Scitex", KFC: "KFC Computek Components", KLH: "KLH Computers", KMHD: "Konica Minolta", KNCA: "Konica", KODA: "Kodak", KYOC: "Kyocera", Kart: "Scitex", LCAG: "Leica", LCCD: "Leeds Colour", LDAK: "Left Dakota", LEAD: "Leading Technology", LEXM: "Lexmark International", LINK: "Link Computer", LINO: "Linotronic", LITE: "Lite-On", Leaf: "Leaf", Lino: "Linotronic", MAGC: "Mag Computronic", MAGI: "MAG Innovision", MANN: "Mannesmann", MICN: "Micron Technology", MICR: "Microtek", MICV: "Microvitec", MINO: "Minolta", MITS: "Mitsubishi Electronics America", MITs: "Mitsuba", MNLT: "Minolta", MODG: "Modgraph", MONI: "Monitronix", MONS: "Monaco Systems", MORS: "Morse Technology", MOTI: "Motive Systems", MSFT: "Microsoft", MUTO: "MUTOH INDUSTRIES", Mits: "Mitsubishi Electric", NANA: "NANAO", NEC: "NEC", NEXP: "NexPress Solutions", NISS: "Nissei Sangyo America", NKON: "Nikon", NONE: "none", OCE: "Oce Technologies", OCEC: "OceColor", OKI: "Oki", OKID: "Okidata", OKIP: "Okidata", OLIV: "Olivetti", OLYM: "Olympus", ONYX: "Onyx Graphics", OPTI: "Optiquest", PACK: "Packard Bell", PANA: "Matsushita Electric Industrial", PANT: "Pantone", PBN: "Packard Bell", PFU: "PFU", PHIL: "Philips Consumer Electronics", PNTX: "HOYA", POne: "Phase One A/S", PREM: "Premier Computer Innovations", PRIN: "Princeton Graphic Systems", PRIP: "Princeton Publishing Labs", QLUX: "Hong Kong", QMS: "QMS", QPCD: "QPcard AB", QUAD: "QuadLaser", QUME: "Qume", RADI: "Radius", RDDx: "Integrated Color Solutions", RDG: "Roland DG", REDM: "REDMS Group", RELI: "Relisys", RGMS: "Rolf Gierling Multitools", RICO: "Ricoh", RNLD: "Edmund Ronald", ROYA: "Royal", RPC: "Ricoh Printing Systems", RTL: "Royal Information Electronics", SAMP: "Sampo", SAMS: "Samsung", SANT: "Jaime Santana Pomares", SCIT: "Scitex", SCRN: "Dainippon Screen", SDP: "Scitex", SEC: "Samsung", SEIK: "Seiko Instruments", SEIk: "Seikosha", SGUY: "ScanGuy.com", SHAR: "Sharp Laboratories", SICC: "International Color Consortium", SONY: "Sony", SPCL: "SpectraCal", STAR: "Star", STC: "Sampo Technology", Scit: "Scitex", Sdp: "Scitex", Sony: "Sony", TALO: "Talon Technology", TAND: "Tandy", TATU: "Tatung", TAXA: "TAXAN America", TDS: "Tokyo Denshi Sekei", TECO: "TECO Information Systems", TEGR: "Tegra", TEKT: "Tektronix", TI: "Texas Instruments", TMKR: "TypeMaker", TOSB: "Toshiba", TOSH: "Toshiba", TOTK: "TOTOKU ELECTRIC", TRIU: "Triumph", TSBT: "Toshiba", TTX: "TTX Computer Products", TVM: "TVM Professional Monitor", TW: "TW Casper", ULSX: "Ulead Systems", UNIS: "Unisys", UTZF: "Utz Fehlau & Sohn", VARI: "Varityper", VIEW: "Viewsonic", VISL: "Visual communication", VIVO: "Vivo Mobile Communication", WANG: "Wang", WLBR: "Wilbur Imaging", WTG2: "Ware To Go", WYSE: "WYSE Technology", XERX: "Xerox", XRIT: "X-Rite", ZRAN: "Zoran", Zebr: "Zebra Technologies", appl: "Apple Computer", bICC: "basICColor", berg: "bergdesign", ceyd: "Integrated Color Solutions", clsp: "MacDermid ColorSpan", ds: "Dainippon Screen", dupn: "DuPont", ffei: "FujiFilm Electronic Imaging", flux: "FluxData", iris: "Scitex", kart: "Scitex", lcms: "Little CMS", lino: "Linotronic", none: "none", ob4d: "Erdt Systems", obic: "Medigraph", quby: "Qubyx Sarl", scit: "Scitex", scrn: "Dainippon Screen", sdp: "Scitex", siwi: "SIWI GRAFIKA", yxym: "YxyMaster" };
+ var Ct = { scnr: "Scanner", mntr: "Monitor", prtr: "Printer", link: "Device Link", abst: "Abstract", spac: "Color Space Conversion Profile", nmcl: "Named Color", cenc: "ColorEncodingSpace profile", mid: "MultiplexIdentification profile", mlnk: "MultiplexLink profile", mvis: "MultiplexVisualization profile", nkpf: "Nikon Input Device Profile (NON-STANDARD!)" };
+ U(B, "icc", [[4, St], [12, Ct], [40, Object.assign({}, St, Ct)], [48, St], [80, St], [64, { 0: "Perceptual", 1: "Relative Colorimetric", 2: "Saturation", 3: "Absolute Colorimetric" }], ["tech", { amd: "Active Matrix Display", crt: "Cathode Ray Tube Display", kpcd: "Photo CD", pmd: "Passive Matrix Display", dcam: "Digital Camera", dcpj: "Digital Cinema Projector", dmpc: "Digital Motion Picture Camera", dsub: "Dye Sublimation Printer", epho: "Electrophotographic Printer", esta: "Electrostatic Printer", flex: "Flexography", fprn: "Film Writer", fscn: "Film Scanner", grav: "Gravure", ijet: "Ink Jet Printer", imgs: "Photo Image Setter", mpfr: "Motion Picture Film Recorder", mpfs: "Motion Picture Film Scanner", offs: "Offset Lithography", pjtv: "Projection Television", rpho: "Photographic Paper Printer", rscn: "Reflective Scanner", silk: "Silkscreen", twax: "Thermal Wax Printer", vidc: "Video Camera", vidm: "Video Monitor" }]]);
+ var yt = class extends re2 {
+ static canHandle(e3, t2, i3) {
+ return 237 === e3.getUint8(t2 + 1) && "Photoshop" === e3.getString(t2 + 4, 9) && void 0 !== this.containsIptc8bim(e3, t2, i3);
+ }
+ static headerLength(e3, t2, i3) {
+ let n3, s2 = this.containsIptc8bim(e3, t2, i3);
+ if (void 0 !== s2) return n3 = e3.getUint8(t2 + s2 + 7), n3 % 2 != 0 && (n3 += 1), 0 === n3 && (n3 = 4), s2 + 8 + n3;
+ }
+ static containsIptc8bim(e3, t2, i3) {
+ for (let n3 = 0; n3 < i3; n3++) if (this.isIptcSegmentHead(e3, t2 + n3)) return n3;
+ }
+ static isIptcSegmentHead(e3, t2) {
+ return 56 === e3.getUint8(t2) && 943868237 === e3.getUint32(t2) && 1028 === e3.getUint16(t2 + 4);
+ }
+ parse() {
+ let { raw: e3 } = this, t2 = this.chunk.byteLength - 1, i3 = false;
+ for (let n3 = 0; n3 < t2; n3++) if (28 === this.chunk.getUint8(n3) && 2 === this.chunk.getUint8(n3 + 1)) {
+ i3 = true;
+ let t3 = this.chunk.getUint16(n3 + 3), s2 = this.chunk.getUint8(n3 + 2), r2 = this.chunk.getLatin1String(n3 + 5, t3);
+ e3.set(s2, this.pluralizeValue(e3.get(s2), r2)), n3 += 4 + t3;
+ } else if (i3) break;
+ return this.translate(), this.output;
+ }
+ pluralizeValue(e3, t2) {
+ return void 0 !== e3 ? e3 instanceof Array ? (e3.push(t2), e3) : [e3, t2] : t2;
+ }
+ };
+ c(yt, "type", "iptc"), c(yt, "translateValues", false), c(yt, "reviveValues", false), T.set("iptc", yt), U(E, "iptc", [[0, "ApplicationRecordVersion"], [3, "ObjectTypeReference"], [4, "ObjectAttributeReference"], [5, "ObjectName"], [7, "EditStatus"], [8, "EditorialUpdate"], [10, "Urgency"], [12, "SubjectReference"], [15, "Category"], [20, "SupplementalCategories"], [22, "FixtureIdentifier"], [25, "Keywords"], [26, "ContentLocationCode"], [27, "ContentLocationName"], [30, "ReleaseDate"], [35, "ReleaseTime"], [37, "ExpirationDate"], [38, "ExpirationTime"], [40, "SpecialInstructions"], [42, "ActionAdvised"], [45, "ReferenceService"], [47, "ReferenceDate"], [50, "ReferenceNumber"], [55, "DateCreated"], [60, "TimeCreated"], [62, "DigitalCreationDate"], [63, "DigitalCreationTime"], [65, "OriginatingProgram"], [70, "ProgramVersion"], [75, "ObjectCycle"], [80, "Byline"], [85, "BylineTitle"], [90, "City"], [92, "Sublocation"], [95, "State"], [100, "CountryCode"], [101, "Country"], [103, "OriginalTransmissionReference"], [105, "Headline"], [110, "Credit"], [115, "Source"], [116, "CopyrightNotice"], [118, "Contact"], [120, "Caption"], [121, "LocalCaption"], [122, "Writer"], [125, "RasterizedCaption"], [130, "ImageType"], [131, "ImageOrientation"], [135, "LanguageIdentifier"], [150, "AudioType"], [151, "AudioSamplingRate"], [152, "AudioSamplingResolution"], [153, "AudioDuration"], [154, "AudioOutcue"], [184, "JobID"], [185, "MasterDocumentID"], [186, "ShortDocumentID"], [187, "UniqueDocumentID"], [188, "OwnerID"], [200, "ObjectPreviewFileFormat"], [201, "ObjectPreviewFileVersion"], [202, "ObjectPreviewData"], [221, "Prefs"], [225, "ClassifyState"], [228, "SimilarityIndex"], [230, "DocumentNotes"], [231, "DocumentHistory"], [232, "ExifCameraInfo"], [255, "CatalogSets"]]), U(B, "iptc", [[10, { 0: "0 (reserved)", 1: "1 (most urgent)", 2: "2", 3: "3", 4: "4", 5: "5 (normal urgency)", 6: "6", 7: "7", 8: "8 (least urgent)", 9: "9 (user-defined priority)" }], [75, { a: "Morning", b: "Both Morning and Evening", p: "Evening" }], [131, { L: "Landscape", P: "Portrait", S: "Square" }]]);
+ var full_esm_default = tt;
+ // modules/services/plane_photo.js
+ var dispatch5 = dispatch_default("viewerChanged");
+ var _photo;
+ var _wrapper;
+ var imgZoom;
+ var _widthOverflow;
+ function zoomPan(d3_event) {
+ let t2 = d3_event.transform;
+ _photo.call(utilSetTransform, t2.x, t2.y, t2.k);
+ }
+ function zoomBeahvior() {
+ const { width: wrapperWidth, height: wrapperHeight } = _wrapper.node().getBoundingClientRect();
+ const { naturalHeight, naturalWidth } = _photo.node();
+ const intrinsicRatio = naturalWidth / naturalHeight;
+ _widthOverflow = wrapperHeight * intrinsicRatio - wrapperWidth;
+ return zoom_default2().extent([[0, 0], [wrapperWidth, wrapperHeight]]).translateExtent([[0, 0], [wrapperWidth + _widthOverflow, wrapperHeight]]).scaleExtent([1, 15]).on("zoom", zoomPan);
+ }
+ function loadImage(selection2, path) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ selection2.attr("src", path);
+ selection2.on("load", () => {
+ resolve(selection2);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ var plane_photo_default = {
+ init: async function(context, selection2) {
+ this.event = utilRebind(this, dispatch5, "on");
+ _wrapper = selection2.append("div").attr("class", "photo-frame plane-frame").classed("hide", true);
+ _photo = _wrapper.append("img").attr("class", "plane-photo");
+ context.ui().photoviewer.on("resize.plane", () => {
+ imgZoom = zoomBeahvior();
+ _wrapper.call(imgZoom);
+ });
+ await Promise.resolve();
+ return this;
+ },
+ showPhotoFrame: function(context) {
+ const isHidden = context.selectAll(".photo-frame.plane-frame.hide").size();
+ if (isHidden) {
+ context.selectAll(".photo-frame:not(.plane-frame)").classed("hide", true);
+ context.selectAll(".photo-frame.plane-frame").classed("hide", false);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ hidePhotoFrame: function(context) {
+ context.select("photo-frame.plane-frame").classed("hide", false);
+ return this;
+ },
+ selectPhoto: function(data) {
+ dispatch5.call("viewerChanged");
+ loadImage(_photo, "");
+ loadImage(_photo, data.image_path).then(() => {
+ imgZoom = zoomBeahvior();
+ _wrapper.call(imgZoom);
+ _wrapper.call(imgZoom.transform, identity2.translate(-_widthOverflow / 2, 0));
+ });
+ return this;
+ },
+ getYaw: function() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ };
+ // modules/svg/local_photos.js
+ var _initialized2 = false;
+ var _enabled2 = false;
+ var minViewfieldZoom = 16;
+ function svgLocalPhotos(projection2, context, dispatch14) {
+ const detected = utilDetect();
+ let layer = select_default2(null);
+ let _fileList;
+ let _photos = [];
+ let _idAutoinc = 0;
+ let _photoFrame;
+ function init2() {
+ if (_initialized2) return;
+ _enabled2 = true;
+ function over(d3_event) {
+ d3_event.stopPropagation();
+ d3_event.preventDefault();
+ d3_event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "copy";
+ }
+ context.container().attr("dropzone", "copy").on("drop.svgLocalPhotos", function(d3_event) {
+ d3_event.stopPropagation();
+ d3_event.preventDefault();
+ if (!detected.filedrop) return;
+ drawPhotos.fileList(d3_event.dataTransfer.files, (loaded) => {
+ if (loaded.length > 0) {
+ drawPhotos.fitZoom(false);
+ }
+ });
+ }).on("dragenter.svgLocalPhotos", over).on("dragexit.svgLocalPhotos", over).on("dragover.svgLocalPhotos", over);
+ _initialized2 = true;
+ }
+ function ensureViewerLoaded(context2) {
+ if (_photoFrame) {
+ return Promise.resolve(_photoFrame);
+ }
+ const viewer = context2.container().select(".photoviewer").selectAll(".local-photos-wrapper").data([0]);
+ const viewerEnter = viewer.enter().append("div").attr("class", "photo-wrapper local-photos-wrapper").classed("hide", true);
+ viewerEnter.append("div").attr("class", "photo-attribution photo-attribution-dual fillD");
+ return plane_photo_default.init(context2, viewerEnter).then((planePhotoFrame) => {
+ _photoFrame = planePhotoFrame;
+ });
+ }
+ function click(d3_event, image, zoomTo) {
+ ensureViewerLoaded(context).then(() => {
+ const viewer = context.container().select(".photoviewer").datum(image).classed("hide", false);
+ const viewerWrap = viewer.select(".local-photos-wrapper").classed("hide", false);
+ const attribution = viewerWrap.selectAll(".photo-attribution").text("");
+ if (image.date) {
+ attribution.append("span").text(image.date.toLocaleString());
+ }
+ if (image.name) {
+ attribution.append("span").classed("filename", true).text(image.name);
+ }
+ _photoFrame.selectPhoto({ image_path: "" });
+ image.getSrc().then((src) => {
+ _photoFrame.selectPhoto({ image_path: src }).showPhotoFrame(viewerWrap);
+ setStyles();
+ });
+ });
+ if (zoomTo) {
+ context.map().centerEase(image.loc);
+ }
+ }
+ function transform2(d2) {
+ var svgpoint = projection2(d2.loc);
+ return "translate(" + svgpoint[0] + "," + svgpoint[1] + ")";
+ }
+ function setStyles(hovered) {
+ const viewer = context.container().select(".photoviewer");
+ const selected = viewer.empty() ? void 0 : viewer.datum();
+ context.container().selectAll(".layer-local-photos .viewfield-group").classed("hovered", (d2) => d2.id === (hovered == null ? void 0 : hovered.id)).classed("highlighted", (d2) => d2.id === (hovered == null ? void 0 : hovered.id) || d2.id === (selected == null ? void 0 : selected.id)).classed("currentView", (d2) => d2.id === (selected == null ? void 0 : selected.id));
+ }
+ function display_markers(imageList) {
+ imageList = imageList.filter((image) => isArray_default(image.loc) && isNumber_default(image.loc[0]) && isNumber_default(image.loc[1]));
+ const groups = layer.selectAll(".markers").selectAll(".viewfield-group").data(imageList, function(d2) {
+ return d2.id;
+ });
+ groups.exit().remove();
+ const groupsEnter = groups.enter().append("g").attr("class", "viewfield-group").on("mouseenter", (d3_event, d2) => setStyles(d2)).on("mouseleave", () => setStyles(null)).on("click", click);
+ groupsEnter.append("g").attr("class", "viewfield-scale");
+ const markers = groups.merge(groupsEnter).attr("transform", transform2).select(".viewfield-scale");
+ markers.selectAll("circle").data([0]).enter().append("circle").attr("dx", "0").attr("dy", "0").attr("r", "6");
+ const showViewfields = context.map().zoom() >= minViewfieldZoom;
+ const viewfields = markers.selectAll(".viewfield").data(showViewfields ? [0] : []);
+ viewfields.exit().remove();
+ viewfields.enter().insert("path", "circle").attr("class", "viewfield").attr("transform", function() {
+ var _a3;
+ const d2 = this.parentNode.__data__;
+ return "rotate(".concat(Math.round((_a3 = d2.direction) != null ? _a3 : 0), ",0,0),scale(1.5,1.5),translate(-8,-13)");
+ }).attr("d", "M 6,9 C 8,8.4 8,8.4 10,9 L 16,-2 C 12,-5 4,-5 0,-2 z").style("visibility", function() {
+ const d2 = this.parentNode.__data__;
+ return isNumber_default(d2.direction) ? "visible" : "hidden";
+ });
+ }
+ function drawPhotos(selection2) {
+ layer = selection2.selectAll(".layer-local-photos").data(_photos ? [0] : []);
+ layer.exit().remove();
+ const layerEnter = layer.enter().append("g").attr("class", "layer-local-photos");
+ layerEnter.append("g").attr("class", "markers");
+ layer = layerEnter.merge(layer);
+ if (_photos) {
+ display_markers(_photos);
+ }
+ }
+ function readFileAsDataURL(file) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
+ reader.onerror = (error) => reject(error);
+ reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+ });
+ }
+ async function readmultifiles(files, callback) {
+ const loaded = [];
+ for (const file of files) {
+ try {
+ const exifData = await full_esm_default.parse(file);
+ const photo = {
+ id: _idAutoinc++,
+ name: file.name,
+ getSrc: () => readFileAsDataURL(file),
+ file,
+ loc: [exifData.longitude, exifData.latitude],
+ direction: exifData.GPSImgDirection,
+ date: exifData.CreateDate || exifData.DateTimeOriginal || exifData.ModifyDate
+ };
+ loaded.push(photo);
+ const sameName = _photos.filter((i3) => i3.name === photo.name);
+ if (sameName.length === 0) {
+ _photos.push(photo);
+ } else {
+ const thisContent = await photo.getSrc();
+ const sameNameContent = await Promise.allSettled(sameName.map((i3) => i3.getSrc()));
+ if (!sameNameContent.some((i3) => i3.value === thisContent)) {
+ _photos.push(photo);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch {
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === "function") callback(loaded);
+ dispatch14.call("change");
+ }
+ drawPhotos.setFiles = function(fileList, callback) {
+ readmultifiles(Array.from(fileList), callback);
+ return this;
+ };
+ drawPhotos.fileList = function(fileList, callback) {
+ if (!arguments.length) return _fileList;
+ _fileList = fileList;
+ if (!fileList || !fileList.length) return this;
+ drawPhotos.setFiles(_fileList, callback);
+ return this;
+ };
+ drawPhotos.getPhotos = function() {
+ return _photos;
+ };
+ drawPhotos.removePhoto = function(id2) {
+ _photos = _photos.filter((i3) => i3.id !== id2);
+ dispatch14.call("change");
+ return _photos;
+ };
+ drawPhotos.openPhoto = click;
+ drawPhotos.fitZoom = function(force) {
+ const coords = _photos.map((image) => image.loc).filter((l2) => isArray_default(l2) && isNumber_default(l2[0]) && isNumber_default(l2[1]));
+ if (coords.length === 0) return;
+ const extent = coords.map((l2) => geoExtent(l2, l2)).reduce((a2, b2) => a2.extend(b2));
+ const map2 = context.map();
+ var viewport = map2.trimmedExtent().polygon();
+ if (force !== false || !geoPolygonIntersectsPolygon(viewport, coords, true)) {
+ map2.centerZoom(extent.center(), Math.min(18, map2.trimmedExtentZoom(extent)));
+ }
+ };
+ function showLayer() {
+ layer.style("display", "block");
+ layer.style("opacity", 0).transition().duration(250).style("opacity", 1).on("end", function() {
+ dispatch14.call("change");