@user = build(:user)
visit user_new_path
- fill_in "Email", :with => @user.email
- fill_in "Email Confirmation", :with => @user.email
- fill_in "Display Name", :with => @user.display_name
- fill_in "Password", :with => "testtest"
- fill_in "Confirm Password", :with => "testtest"
- click_button "Sign Up"
- check "I have read and agree to the above contributor terms"
- check "I have read and agree to the Terms of Use"
- click_button "Continue"
+ within ".new_user" do
+ fill_in "Email", :with => @user.email
+ fill_in "Display Name", :with => @user.display_name
+ fill_in "Password", :with => "testtest"
+ fill_in "Confirm Password", :with => "testtest"
+ click_on "Sign Up"
+ end
test "flash message should not contain raw html" do
visit user_confirm_resend_path(@user)
- assert page.has_content?("sent a new confirmation")
- assert_not page.has_content?("<p>")
+ assert_content "sent a new confirmation"
+ assert_no_content "<p>"