- You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open
- Database License. You may do this by linking to
+ <ul>
+ <li>Provide credit to OpenStreetMap by displaying our copyright notice.</li>
+ <li>Make clear that the data is available under the Open Database License.</li>
+ </ul>
+ credit_3_1_html: |
+ For the copyright notice, we have different requirements on how this should be
+ displayed, depending on how you are using our data. For example, different
+ rules apply on how to show the copyright notice depending on whether you have
+ created a browsable map, a printed map or a static image. Full details on the
+ requirements can be found in the
+ <a href="https://wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Licence/Attribution_Guidelines">Attribution
+ Guidelines</a>.
+ credit_4_html: |
+ To make clear that the data is available under the Open
+ Database License, you may link to