+ def rss
+ request.format = :rss
+ get_bugs
+ end
+ def gpx_bugs
+ request.format = :xml
+ get_bugs
+ end
+ def read
+ @bug = MapBug.find(params['id'])
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless @bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless @bug.visible
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.rss
+ format.xml
+ format.json { render :json => @bug.to_json(:methods => [:lat, :lon], :only => [:id, :status, :date_created], :include => { :map_bug_comment => { :only => [:commenter_name, :date_created, :comment]}}) }
+ end
+ end
+ def delete
+ bug = MapBug.find(params['id'])
+ raise OSM::APINotFoundError unless @bug
+ raise OSM::APIAlreadyDeletedError unless @bug.visible
+ bug.status = "hidden"
+ bug.save
+ render :text => "ok\n", :content_type => "text/html"
+ end
+ def search
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("No query string was given") unless params['q']
+ limit = getLimit
+ conditions = closedCondition
+ conditions = cond_merge conditions, ['map_bug_comment.comment ~ ?', params['q']]
+ #TODO: There should be a better way to do this. CloseConditions are ignored at the moment
+ bugs2 = MapBug.find(:all, :limit => limit, :order => "last_changed DESC", :joins => :map_bug_comment, :include => :map_bug_comment,
+ :conditions => conditions)
+ @bugs = bugs2.uniq
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html {render :template => 'map_bugs/get_bugs.js', :content_type => "text/javascript"}
+ format.rss {render :template => 'map_bugs/get_bugs.rss'}
+ format.js
+ format.xml {render :template => 'map_bugs/get_bugs.xml'}
+ format.json { render :json => @bugs.to_json(:methods => [:lat, :lon], :only => [:id, :status, :date_created], :include => { :map_bug_comment => { :only => [:commenter_name, :date_created, :comment]}}) }
+# format.gpx {render :template => 'map_bugs/get_bugs.gpx'}
+ end
+ end
+ def my_bugs
+ if params[:display_name]
+ @user2 = User.find_by_display_name(params[:display_name], :conditions => { :visible => true })
+ if @user2
+ if @user2.data_public? or @user2 == @user
+ conditions = ['map_bug_comment.commenter_id = ?', @user2.id]
+ else
+ conditions = ['false']
+ end
+ elsif request.format == :html
+ @title = t 'user.no_such_user.title'
+ @not_found_user = params[:display_name]
+ render :template => 'user/no_such_user', :status => :not_found
+ end
+ end
+ if @user2
+ user_link = render_to_string :partial => "user", :object => @user2
+ end
+ @title = t 'bugs.user.title_user', :user => @user2.display_name
+ @heading = t 'bugs.user.heading_user', :user => @user2.display_name
+ @description = t 'bugs.user.description_user', :user => user_link
+ @page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
+ @page_size = 10
+ @bugs = MapBug.find(:all,
+ :include => [:map_bug_comment, {:map_bug_comment => :user}],
+ :joins => :map_bug_comment,
+ :order => "last_changed DESC",
+ :conditions => conditions,
+ :offset => (@page - 1) * @page_size,
+ :limit => @page_size).uniq
+ end
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
+ # utility functions below.
+ #------------------------------------------------------------
+ ##
+ # merge two conditions
+ # TODO: this is a copy from changeset_controler.rb and should be factored out to share
+ def cond_merge(a, b)
+ if a and b
+ a_str = a.shift
+ b_str = b.shift
+ return [ a_str + " AND " + b_str ] + a + b
+ elsif a
+ return a
+ else b
+ return b
+ end
+ end