- return REXML::Document.new(fetch_text(url))
- end
- def format_distance(distance)
- return t("geocoder.distance", :count => distance)
- end
- def format_direction(bearing)
- return t("geocoder.direction.south_west") if bearing >= 22.5 and bearing < 67.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.south") if bearing >= 67.5 and bearing < 112.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.south_east") if bearing >= 112.5 and bearing < 157.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.east") if bearing >= 157.5 and bearing < 202.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.north_east") if bearing >= 202.5 and bearing < 247.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.north") if bearing >= 247.5 and bearing < 292.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.north_west") if bearing >= 292.5 and bearing < 337.5
- return t("geocoder.direction.west")
- end
- def format_name(name)
- return name.gsub(/( *\[[^\]]*\])*$/, "")
- end
- def count_results(results)
- count = 0
- results.each do |source|
- count += source[:results].length if source[:results]
- end
- return count