- # Save the trace object
- if @trace.save
- # Rename the temporary file to the final name
- FileUtils.mv(filename, @trace.trace_name)
+ Trace.transaction do
+ begin
+ # Save the trace object
+ @trace.save!
+ # Rename the temporary file to the final name
+ FileUtils.mv(filename, @trace.trace_name)
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ # Remove the file as we have failed to update the database
+ FileUtils.rm_f(filename)
+ # Pass the exception on
+ raise
+ end
+ begin
+ # Clear the inserted flag to make the import daemon load the trace
+ @trace.inserted = false
+ @trace.save!
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ # Remove the file as we have failed to update the database
+ FileUtils.rm_f(@trace.trace_name)
+ # Pass the exception on
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ # Finally save the user's preferred privacy level
+ if pref = @user.preferences.find(:first, :conditions => {:k => "gps.trace.visibility"})
+ pref.v = visibility
+ pref.save
+ else
+ @user.preferences.create(:k => "gps.trace.visibility", :v => visibility)
+ end
+ end
+ def offline_warning
+ flash.now[:warning] = t 'trace.offline_warning.message' if OSM_STATUS == :gpx_offline
+ end
+ def offline_redirect
+ redirect_to :action => :offline if OSM_STATUS == :gpx_offline
+ end
+ def default_visibility
+ visibility = @user.preferences.find(:first, :conditions => {:k => "gps.trace.visibility"})