- def ways_for_segment
- response.headers["Content-Type"] = 'text/xml'
- wayids = WaySegment.find(:all, :conditions => ['segment_id = ?', params[:id]]).collect { |ws| ws.id }.uniq
- if wayids.length > 0
- waylist = Way.find(wayids)
- doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
- waylist.each do |way|
- doc.root << way.to_xml_node
- end
- render :text => doc.to_s
- else
- render :nothing => true, :status => 400
+ ##
+ # returns all the ways which are currently using the node given in the
+ # :id parameter. note that this used to return deleted ways as well, but
+ # this seemed not to be the expected behaviour, so it was removed.
+ def ways_for_node
+ wayids = WayNode.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ['node_id = ?', params[:id]]
+ ).collect { |ws| ws.id[0] }.uniq
+ doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
+ Way.find(wayids).each do |way|
+ doc.root << way.to_xml_node if way.visible