loading: "读取中..."
deleted: "删除"
- coordinates: "坐标: "
+ coordinates: "坐标:"
part_of: "部分:"
node_history: "结点历史"
new: 新日志条目
new_title: 在您的用户日志中创建一个新条目
no_entries: 没有日记条目
- recent_entries: "最近的日志条目: "
+ recent_entries: "最近的日志条目:"
older_entries: 更早的条目
newer_entries: 更新的条目
title: "编辑日志条目"
- subject: "标题: "
- body: "主体: "
- language: "语言: "
- location: "地区: "
- latitude: "纬度: "
- longitude: "经度: "
+ subject: "标题:"
+ body: "主体:"
+ language: "语言:"
+ location: "地区:"
+ latitude: "纬度:"
+ longitude: "经度:"
use_map_link: "使用地图"
save_button: "保存"
marker_text: 日记条目位置
heading: "登陆"
please login: "请登陆或{{create_user_link}}."
create_account: "创建一个账户"
- email or username: "邮箱或用户名: "
- password: "密码: "
+ email or username: "邮箱或用户名:"
+ password: "密码:"
lost password link: "找回密码?"
login_button: "登陆"
- account not active: "抱歉,您的账户尚未激活。<br>请点击在账户确认邮件中的链接来激活您的账户。"
+ account not active: "抱歉,您的账户尚未激活。<br />请点击在账户确认邮件中的链接来激活您的账户。"
auth failure: "抱歉,凭这些信息您无法登陆。"
title: "丢失密码"
contact_webmaster: '请联系 <a href="mailto:webmaster@openstreetmap.org">webmaster</a> 来安排一个账户创立 - 我们将尽快尝试处理您的请求。'
fill_form: "填写表格,我们将尽快向您发送一封邮件来激活您的帐户。"
license_agreement: '创立此账户,意味您同意所有上传到openstreetmap.org的工作以及所有利用与openstreetmap.org相关的工具所创建的任何数据都将(非独家)授权于<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">这种创作共用协议 (by-sa)</a>.'
- email address: "邮箱: "
- confirm email address: "确认邮箱: "
+ email address: "邮箱:"
+ confirm email address: "确认邮箱:"
not displayed publicly: '不公开显示(查看 <a href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy" title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">隐私政策</a>)'
- display name: "显示姓名: "
- password: "密码: "
- confirm password: "密码确认: "
+ display name: "显示姓名:"
+ password: "密码:"
+ confirm password: "密码确认:"
signup: 注册
flash create success message: "成功创建用户。查看确认邮件,Check your email for a confirmation note, and you\'ll be mapping in no time :-)<br /><br />请注意您尚不能登陆直到您收到并确认您的邮箱地址。<br /><br />如果您使用反垃圾系统发送确认请求,请保证将webmaster@openstreetmap.org列入友好名单,因为我们不能回复任何确认请求。"
traces: traces
remove as friend: 删除好友
add as friend: 添加为好友
- mapper since: "Mapper since: "
+ mapper since: "Mapper since:"
ago: "({{time_in_words_ago}} 以前)"
user image heading: 用户头像
delete image: 删除头像
your friends: 您的朋友
no friends: 您还没有添加任何好友。
km away: "{{count}}公里之外"
- nearby users: "附近用户: "
+ nearby users: "附近用户:"
no nearby users: "这里没有在您附近的用户。"
change your settings: 更改您的设置
your location: 您的位置
- nearby mapper: "附近用户: "
+ nearby mapper: "附近用户: [[nearby_user]]"
title: "编辑账户"
my settings: 我的设置
email never displayed publicly: "(从不公开显示)"
public editing:
- heading: "公开编辑: "
+ heading: "公开编辑:"
enabled: "启动。非匿名并可编辑数据。"
enabled link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disabling_anonymous_edits"
enabled link text: "这是什么?"
disabled: "禁用且无法编辑数据,所有过去的编辑均为匿名。"
disabled link text: "为什么无法编辑?"
- profile description: "基本信息描述: "
- preferred languages: "选择语言: "
- home location: "所在位置: "
+ profile description: "基本信息描述:"
+ preferred languages: "选择语言:"
+ home location: "所在位置:"
no home location: "您尚未输入所在位置。"
- latitude: "纬度: "
- longitude: "经度: "
+ latitude: "纬度:"
+ longitude: "经度:"
update home location on click: "点击地图时更新所在位置?"
save changes button: 保存更改
make edits public button: 公开我所有的编辑