has_many :changesets
validates_presence_of :email, :display_name
- validates_confirmation_of :email, :message => 'Email addresses must match'
- validates_confirmation_of :pass_crypt, :message => 'Password must match the confirmation password'
+ validates_confirmation_of :email#, :message => ' addresses must match'
+ validates_confirmation_of :pass_crypt#, :message => ' must match the confirmation password'
validates_uniqueness_of :display_name, :allow_nil => true
validates_uniqueness_of :email
validates_length_of :pass_crypt, :within => 8..255
languages.find { |l| Language.find(:first, :conditions => { :code => l }) }
+ def preferred_language_from(array)
+ (languages & array.collect { |i| i.to_s }).first
+ end
def nearby(radius = 50, num = 10)
if self.home_lon and self.home_lat
gc = OSM::GreatCircle.new(self.home_lat, self.home_lon)
bounds = gc.bounds(radius)
- nearby = User.find(:all, :conditions => ["visible = ? and home_lat between #{bounds[:minlat]} and #{bounds[:maxlat]} and home_lon between #{bounds[:minlon]} and #{bounds[:maxlon]} and data_public = ? and id != #{self.id}", true, true])
- nearby.delete_if { |u| gc.distance(u.home_lat, u.home_lon) > radius }
- nearby.sort! { |u1,u2| gc.distance(u1.home_lat, u1.home_lon) <=> gc.distance(u2.home_lat, u2.home_lon) }
+ sql_for_distance = gc.sql_for_distance("home_lat", "home_lon")
+ nearby = User.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ["id != ? AND visible = ? AND data_public = ? AND #{sql_for_distance} <= ?", id, true, true, radius], :order => sql_for_distance, :limit => num)
nearby = []
- return nearby.first(num)
+ return nearby
def distance(nearby_user)