user_count = User.count(:conditions => "active = true")
tracepoint_count = Tracepoint.count()
node_count = Node.count(:conditions => "visible = true")
- segment_count = Segment.count(:conditions => "visible = true")
way_count = Way.count(:conditions => "visible = true")
tagged_way_count = Way.count(:conditions => "visible = true AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM current_way_tags WHERE id = AND k <> 'created_by')")
+ relation_count = Relation.count(:conditions => "visible = true")
puts "<table>"
puts "<tr><td>Number of users</td><td>#{user_count}</td></tr>"
puts "<tr><td>Number of uploaded GPS points</td><td>#{tracepoint_count}</td></tr>"
puts "<tr><td>Number of nodes</td><td>#{node_count}</td></tr>"
- puts "<tr><td>Number of segments</td><td>#{segment_count}</td></tr>"
puts "<tr><td>Number of ways</td><td>#{way_count}</td></tr>"
puts "<tr><td>Number of ways with tags</td><td>#{tagged_way_count}</td></tr>"
+ puts "<tr><td>Number of relations</td><td>#{relation_count}</td></tr>"
puts "</table>"
puts "<h2>Top 50 users for uploads of GPS data</h2>"