- assert_equal(true, node_v1.redacted?, "Expected node version 1 to be redacted after redact! call.")
- assert_equal(false, node_v2.redacted?, "Expected node version 2 to not be redacted after redact! call.")
+ assert_predicate(node_v1, :redacted?, "Expected node version 1 to be redacted after redact! call.")
+ assert_not_predicate(node_v2, :redacted?, "Expected node version 2 to not be redacted after redact! call.")
+ end
+ def test_invalid_with_empty_title
+ redaction = build(:redaction, :title => "")
+ assert_not redaction.valid?
+ assert_includes redaction.errors.messages[:title], "can't be blank"
+ end
+ def test_invalid_with_empty_description
+ redaction = build(:redaction, :description => "")
+ assert_not redaction.valid?
+ assert_includes redaction.errors.messages[:description], "can't be blank"