-/* Polyfill service v3.34.0
+/* Polyfill service v3.38.0
* For detailed credits and licence information see https://github.com/financial-times/polyfill-service.
* Features requested: es6
* - Object.assign, License: CC0 (required by "es6", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "_StringIterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator")
* - Object.defineProperties, License: CC0 (required by "Object.create", "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Set", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_Iterator", "_StringIterator")
* - Object.create, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Object.setPrototypeOf", "Set", "Symbol", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of", "_StringIterator")
- * - _ESAbstract.GetIterator, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
* - _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor, License: CC0 (required by "Map", "es6", "Array.from", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_ESAbstract.Construct", "Array.of")
* - _ESAbstract.Construct, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Array.of", "_ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate", "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "Map", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
* - _ESAbstract.ArraySpeciesCreate, License: CC0 (required by "Array.prototype.filter", "Symbol", "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "Array.prototype.map")
* - Symbol, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Map", "Array.from", "Set", "Symbol.hasInstance", "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable", "Symbol.iterator", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "Symbol.match", "Symbol.replace", "Symbol.search", "Symbol.species", "Symbol.split", "Symbol.toPrimitive", "Symbol.toStringTag", "Symbol.unscopables", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
* - Symbol.hasInstance, License: MIT (required by "es6")
* - Symbol.isConcatSpreadable, License: MIT (required by "es6")
- * - Symbol.iterator, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Array.from", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Map", "Set", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
+ * - Symbol.iterator, License: MIT (required by "es6", "Array.from", "Array.prototype.@@iterator", "Map", "Set", "String.prototype.@@iterator", "_ESAbstract.GetIterator", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "_Iterator", "_ArrayIterator", "Array.prototype.entries", "Array.prototype.keys", "Array.prototype.values", "_StringIterator")
+ * - _ESAbstract.GetIterator, License: CC0 (required by "Array.from", "es6", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet")
* - Symbol.match, License: MIT (required by "es6")
* - Symbol.replace, License: MIT (required by "es6")
* - Symbol.search, License: MIT (required by "es6")
-if (!("name"in Function.prototype&&"x"===function n(){}.name
+if (!("name"in Function.prototype&&"x"===function x(){}.name
)) {
// Function.prototype.name
-// _ESAbstract.GetIterator
-/* global GetMethod, Symbol, Call, Type, GetV */
-// 7.4.1. GetIterator ( obj [ , method ] )
-// The abstract operation GetIterator with argument obj and optional argument method performs the following steps:
-function GetIterator(obj /*, method */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
- // 1. If method is not present, then
- // a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
- var method = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : GetMethod(obj, Symbol.iterator);
- // 2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
- var iterator = Call(method, obj);
- // 3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- if (Type(iterator) !== 'object') {
- throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
- }
- // 4. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
- var nextMethod = GetV(iterator, "next");
- // 5. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: iterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false}.
- var iteratorRecord = Object.create(null);
- iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'] = iterator;
- iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'] = nextMethod;
- iteratorRecord['[[Done]]'] = false;
- // 6. Return iteratorRecord.
- return iteratorRecord;
// _ESAbstract.OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor
/* global GetPrototypeFromConstructor */
// 9.1.13. OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
// (C) Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Licensed
(function (Object, GOPS, global) {
+ 'use strict'; //so that ({}).toString.call(null) returns the correct [object Null] rather than [object Window]
var setDescriptor;
var id = 0;
var pIE = ObjectProto[PIE];
var toString = ObjectProto.toString;
var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
- var cachedWindowNames = typeof window === 'object' ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
+ var cachedWindowNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
var nGOPN = Object[GOPN];
var gOPN = function getOwnPropertyNames (obj) {
if (toString.call(obj) === '[object Window]') {
defineProperty(Object, 'create', descriptor);
- descriptor.value = function () {
- var str = toString.call(this);
- return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
- };
- defineProperty(ObjectProto, 'toString', descriptor);
+ var strictModeSupported = (function(){ 'use strict'; return this; }).call(null) === null;
+ if (strictModeSupported) {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ } else {
+ descriptor.value = function () {
+ // https://github.com/Financial-Times/polyfill-library/issues/164#issuecomment-486965300
+ // Polyfill.io this code is here for the situation where a browser does not
+ // support strict mode and is executing `Object.prototype.toString.call(null)`.
+ // This code ensures that we return the correct result in that situation however,
+ // this code also introduces a bug where it will return the incorrect result for
+ // `Object.prototype.toString.call(window)`. We can't have the correct result for
+ // both `window` and `null`, so we have opted for `null` as we believe this is the more
+ // common situation.
+ if (this === window) {
+ return '[object Null]';
+ }
+ var str = toString.call(this);
+ return (str === '[object String]' && onlySymbols(this)) ? '[object Symbol]' : str;
+ };
+ }
+ defineProperty(ObjectProto, 'toString', descriptor);
setDescriptor = function (o, key, descriptor) {
var protoDescriptor = gOPD(ObjectProto, key);
+// _ESAbstract.GetIterator
+/* global GetMethod, Symbol, Call, Type, GetV */
+// 7.4.1. GetIterator ( obj [ , method ] )
+// The abstract operation GetIterator with argument obj and optional argument method performs the following steps:
+function GetIterator(obj /*, method */) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
+ // 1. If method is not present, then
+ // a. Set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
+ var method = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : GetMethod(obj, Symbol.iterator);
+ // 2. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
+ var iterator = Call(method, obj);
+ // 3. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
+ if (Type(iterator) !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('bad iterator');
+ }
+ // 4. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
+ var nextMethod = GetV(iterator, "next");
+ // 5. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: iterator, [[NextMethod]]: nextMethod, [[Done]]: false}.
+ var iteratorRecord = Object.create(null);
+ iteratorRecord['[[Iterator]]'] = iterator;
+ iteratorRecord['[[NextMethod]]'] = nextMethod;
+ iteratorRecord['[[Done]]'] = false;
+ // 6. Return iteratorRecord.
+ return iteratorRecord;
if (!("Symbol"in this&&"match"in this.Symbol
)) {
-if (!("Map"in this&&function(){try{var t=new Map([[1,1],[2,2]])
-return 0===Map.length&&2===t.size&&"Symbol"in this&&"iterator"in Symbol&&"function"==typeof t[Symbol.iterator]}catch(n){return!1}}()
+if (!("Map"in this&&function(t){try{var n=new Map([[1,1],[2,2]])
+return 0===Map.length&&2===n.size&&"Symbol"in t&&"iterator"in Symbol&&"function"==typeof n[Symbol.iterator]}catch(i){return!1}}(this)
)) {
// Map