comment: Comment
full: Full note
- edit:
+ show:
title: Edit account
- my settings: My settings
external auth: External Authentication
link text: what is this?
title: Terms
heading: Terms
- consider_pd: In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in
- the Public Domain
- consider_pd_why: what's this?
you need to accept or decline: Please read and then either accept or decline
the new Contributor Terms to continue.
legale_select: 'Country of residence:'
wikimedia_commons_link: The %{page} item on Wikimedia Commons
telephone_link: Call %{phone_number}
colour_preview: Colour %{colour_value} preview
- query:
+ feature_queries:
+ show:
title: Query Features
introduction: Click on the map to find nearby features.
nearby: Nearby features
my notes: My Notes
my messages: My Messages
my profile: My Profile
- my settings: My Settings
my comments: My Comments
blocks on me: Blocks on Me
blocks by me: Blocks by Me
title: Users
heading: Users
- empty: No matching users found
confirm: Confirm Selected Users
hide: Hide Selected Users
+ empty: No matching users found
summary_html: '%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}'
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} created on %{date}'
ascend: Ascend
- engines:
- fossgis_osrm_car: Car (OSRM)
- graphhopper_bicycle: Bicycle (GraphHopper)
- graphhopper_car: Car (GraphHopper)
- graphhopper_foot: Foot (GraphHopper)
descend: Descend
directions: Directions
distance: Distance