/* @preserve
- * Leaflet 1.3.0, a JS library for interactive maps. http://leafletjs.com
- * (c) 2010-2017 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011 CloudMade
+ * Leaflet 1.4.0, a JS library for interactive maps. http://leafletjs.com
+ * (c) 2010-2018 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011 CloudMade
(function (global, factory) {
(factory((global.L = {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
-var version = "1.3.0";
+var version = "1.4.0";
* @namespace Util
* map.panTo(L.latLng(50, 30));
* ```
- * Note that `LatLng` does not inherit from Leafet's `Class` object,
+ * Note that `LatLng` does not inherit from Leaflet's `Class` object,
* which means new classes can't inherit from it, and new methods
* can't be added to it with the `include` function.
var mobileGecko = mobile && gecko;
// @property retina: Boolean
-// `true` for browsers on a high-resolution "retina" screen.
+// `true` for browsers on a high-resolution "retina" screen or on any screen when browser's display zoom is more than 100%.
var retina = (window.devicePixelRatio || (window.screen.deviceXDPI / window.screen.logicalXDPI)) > 1;
return this;
+ * @namespace DomUtil
+ *
+ * Utility functions to work with the [DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model)
+ * tree, used by Leaflet internally.
+ *
+ * Most functions expecting or returning a `HTMLElement` also work for
+ * SVG elements. The only difference is that classes refer to CSS classes
+ * in HTML and SVG classes in SVG.
+ */
+// @property TRANSFORM: String
+// Vendor-prefixed transform style name (e.g. `'webkitTransform'` for WebKit).
+var TRANSFORM = testProp(
+ ['transform', 'webkitTransform', 'OTransform', 'MozTransform', 'msTransform']);
+// webkitTransition comes first because some browser versions that drop vendor prefix don't do
+// the same for the transitionend event, in particular the Android 4.1 stock browser
+// @property TRANSITION: String
+// Vendor-prefixed transition style name.
+var TRANSITION = testProp(
+ ['webkitTransition', 'transition', 'OTransition', 'MozTransition', 'msTransition']);
+// @property TRANSITION_END: String
+// Vendor-prefixed transitionend event name.
+ TRANSITION === 'webkitTransition' || TRANSITION === 'OTransition' ? TRANSITION + 'End' : 'transitionend';
+// @function get(id: String|HTMLElement): HTMLElement
+// Returns an element given its DOM id, or returns the element itself
+// if it was passed directly.
+function get(id) {
+ return typeof id === 'string' ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
+// @function getStyle(el: HTMLElement, styleAttrib: String): String
+// Returns the value for a certain style attribute on an element,
+// including computed values or values set through CSS.
+function getStyle(el, style) {
+ var value = el.style[style] || (el.currentStyle && el.currentStyle[style]);
+ if ((!value || value === 'auto') && document.defaultView) {
+ var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null);
+ value = css ? css[style] : null;
+ }
+ return value === 'auto' ? null : value;
+// @function create(tagName: String, className?: String, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
+// Creates an HTML element with `tagName`, sets its class to `className`, and optionally appends it to `container` element.
+function create$1(tagName, className, container) {
+ var el = document.createElement(tagName);
+ el.className = className || '';
+ if (container) {
+ container.appendChild(el);
+ }
+ return el;
+// @function remove(el: HTMLElement)
+// Removes `el` from its parent element
+function remove(el) {
+ var parent = el.parentNode;
+ if (parent) {
+ parent.removeChild(el);
+ }
+// @function empty(el: HTMLElement)
+// Removes all of `el`'s children elements from `el`
+function empty(el) {
+ while (el.firstChild) {
+ el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
+ }
+// @function toFront(el: HTMLElement)
+// Makes `el` the last child of its parent, so it renders in front of the other children.
+function toFront(el) {
+ var parent = el.parentNode;
+ if (parent && parent.lastChild !== el) {
+ parent.appendChild(el);
+ }
+// @function toBack(el: HTMLElement)
+// Makes `el` the first child of its parent, so it renders behind the other children.
+function toBack(el) {
+ var parent = el.parentNode;
+ if (parent && parent.firstChild !== el) {
+ parent.insertBefore(el, parent.firstChild);
+ }
+// @function hasClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String): Boolean
+// Returns `true` if the element's class attribute contains `name`.
+function hasClass(el, name) {
+ if (el.classList !== undefined) {
+ return el.classList.contains(name);
+ }
+ var className = getClass(el);
+ return className.length > 0 && new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)').test(className);
+// @function addClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
+// Adds `name` to the element's class attribute.
+function addClass(el, name) {
+ if (el.classList !== undefined) {
+ var classes = splitWords(name);
+ for (var i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
+ el.classList.add(classes[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (!hasClass(el, name)) {
+ var className = getClass(el);
+ setClass(el, (className ? className + ' ' : '') + name);
+ }
+// @function removeClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
+// Removes `name` from the element's class attribute.
+function removeClass(el, name) {
+ if (el.classList !== undefined) {
+ el.classList.remove(name);
+ } else {
+ setClass(el, trim((' ' + getClass(el) + ' ').replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ')));
+ }
+// @function setClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
+// Sets the element's class.
+function setClass(el, name) {
+ if (el.className.baseVal === undefined) {
+ el.className = name;
+ } else {
+ // in case of SVG element
+ el.className.baseVal = name;
+ }
+// @function getClass(el: HTMLElement): String
+// Returns the element's class.
+function getClass(el) {
+ // Check if the element is an SVGElementInstance and use the correspondingElement instead
+ // (Required for linked SVG elements in IE11.)
+ if (el.correspondingElement) {
+ el = el.correspondingElement;
+ }
+ return el.className.baseVal === undefined ? el.className : el.className.baseVal;
+// @function setOpacity(el: HTMLElement, opacity: Number)
+// Set the opacity of an element (including old IE support).
+// `opacity` must be a number from `0` to `1`.
+function setOpacity(el, value) {
+ if ('opacity' in el.style) {
+ el.style.opacity = value;
+ } else if ('filter' in el.style) {
+ _setOpacityIE(el, value);
+ }
+function _setOpacityIE(el, value) {
+ var filter = false,
+ filterName = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha';
+ // filters collection throws an error if we try to retrieve a filter that doesn't exist
+ try {
+ filter = el.filters.item(filterName);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // don't set opacity to 1 if we haven't already set an opacity,
+ // it isn't needed and breaks transparent pngs.
+ if (value === 1) { return; }
+ }
+ value = Math.round(value * 100);
+ if (filter) {
+ filter.Enabled = (value !== 100);
+ filter.Opacity = value;
+ } else {
+ el.style.filter += ' progid:' + filterName + '(opacity=' + value + ')';
+ }
+// @function testProp(props: String[]): String|false
+// Goes through the array of style names and returns the first name
+// that is a valid style name for an element. If no such name is found,
+// it returns false. Useful for vendor-prefixed styles like `transform`.
+function testProp(props) {
+ var style = document.documentElement.style;
+ for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+ if (props[i] in style) {
+ return props[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// @function setTransform(el: HTMLElement, offset: Point, scale?: Number)
+// Resets the 3D CSS transform of `el` so it is translated by `offset` pixels
+// and optionally scaled by `scale`. Does not have an effect if the
+// browser doesn't support 3D CSS transforms.
+function setTransform(el, offset, scale) {
+ var pos = offset || new Point(0, 0);
+ el.style[TRANSFORM] =
+ (ie3d ?
+ 'translate(' + pos.x + 'px,' + pos.y + 'px)' :
+ 'translate3d(' + pos.x + 'px,' + pos.y + 'px,0)') +
+ (scale ? ' scale(' + scale + ')' : '');
+// @function setPosition(el: HTMLElement, position: Point)
+// Sets the position of `el` to coordinates specified by `position`,
+// using CSS translate or top/left positioning depending on the browser
+// (used by Leaflet internally to position its layers).
+function setPosition(el, point) {
+ /*eslint-disable */
+ el._leaflet_pos = point;
+ /* eslint-enable */
+ if (any3d) {
+ setTransform(el, point);
+ } else {
+ el.style.left = point.x + 'px';
+ el.style.top = point.y + 'px';
+ }
+// @function getPosition(el: HTMLElement): Point
+// Returns the coordinates of an element previously positioned with setPosition.
+function getPosition(el) {
+ // this method is only used for elements previously positioned using setPosition,
+ // so it's safe to cache the position for performance
+ return el._leaflet_pos || new Point(0, 0);
+// @function disableTextSelection()
+// Prevents the user from generating `selectstart` DOM events, usually generated
+// when the user drags the mouse through a page with text. Used internally
+// by Leaflet to override the behaviour of any click-and-drag interaction on
+// the map. Affects drag interactions on the whole document.
+// @function enableTextSelection()
+// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.disableTextSelection`](#domutil-disabletextselection).
+var disableTextSelection;
+var enableTextSelection;
+var _userSelect;
+if ('onselectstart' in document) {
+ disableTextSelection = function () {
+ on(window, 'selectstart', preventDefault);
+ };
+ enableTextSelection = function () {
+ off(window, 'selectstart', preventDefault);
+ };
+} else {
+ var userSelectProperty = testProp(
+ ['userSelect', 'WebkitUserSelect', 'OUserSelect', 'MozUserSelect', 'msUserSelect']);
+ disableTextSelection = function () {
+ if (userSelectProperty) {
+ var style = document.documentElement.style;
+ _userSelect = style[userSelectProperty];
+ style[userSelectProperty] = 'none';
+ }
+ };
+ enableTextSelection = function () {
+ if (userSelectProperty) {
+ document.documentElement.style[userSelectProperty] = _userSelect;
+ _userSelect = undefined;
+ }
+ };
+// @function disableImageDrag()
+// As [`L.DomUtil.disableTextSelection`](#domutil-disabletextselection), but
+// for `dragstart` DOM events, usually generated when the user drags an image.
+function disableImageDrag() {
+ on(window, 'dragstart', preventDefault);
+// @function enableImageDrag()
+// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.disableImageDrag`](#domutil-disabletextselection).
+function enableImageDrag() {
+ off(window, 'dragstart', preventDefault);
+var _outlineElement;
+var _outlineStyle;
+// @function preventOutline(el: HTMLElement)
+// Makes the [outline](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/outline)
+// of the element `el` invisible. Used internally by Leaflet to prevent
+// focusable elements from displaying an outline when the user performs a
+// drag interaction on them.
+function preventOutline(element) {
+ while (element.tabIndex === -1) {
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ if (!element.style) { return; }
+ restoreOutline();
+ _outlineElement = element;
+ _outlineStyle = element.style.outline;
+ element.style.outline = 'none';
+ on(window, 'keydown', restoreOutline);
+// @function restoreOutline()
+// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.preventOutline`]().
+function restoreOutline() {
+ if (!_outlineElement) { return; }
+ _outlineElement.style.outline = _outlineStyle;
+ _outlineElement = undefined;
+ _outlineStyle = undefined;
+ off(window, 'keydown', restoreOutline);
+// @function getSizedParentNode(el: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
+// Finds the closest parent node which size (width and height) is not null.
+function getSizedParentNode(element) {
+ do {
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ } while ((!element.offsetWidth || !element.offsetHeight) && element !== document.body);
+ return element;
+// @function getScale(el: HTMLElement): Object
+// Computes the CSS scale currently applied on the element.
+// Returns an object with `x` and `y` members as horizontal and vertical scales respectively,
+// and `boundingClientRect` as the result of [`getBoundingClientRect()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect).
+function getScale(element) {
+ var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); // Read-only in old browsers.
+ return {
+ x: rect.width / element.offsetWidth || 1,
+ y: rect.height / element.offsetHeight || 1,
+ boundingClientRect: rect
+ };
+var DomUtil = (Object.freeze || Object)({
+ get: get,
+ getStyle: getStyle,
+ create: create$1,
+ remove: remove,
+ empty: empty,
+ toFront: toFront,
+ toBack: toBack,
+ hasClass: hasClass,
+ addClass: addClass,
+ removeClass: removeClass,
+ setClass: setClass,
+ getClass: getClass,
+ setOpacity: setOpacity,
+ testProp: testProp,
+ setTransform: setTransform,
+ setPosition: setPosition,
+ getPosition: getPosition,
+ disableTextSelection: disableTextSelection,
+ enableTextSelection: enableTextSelection,
+ disableImageDrag: disableImageDrag,
+ enableImageDrag: enableImageDrag,
+ preventOutline: preventOutline,
+ restoreOutline: restoreOutline,
+ getSizedParentNode: getSizedParentNode,
+ getScale: getScale
* @namespace DomEvent
* Utility functions to work with the [DOM events](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Event), used by Leaflet internally.
} else if ('attachEvent' in obj) {
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, handler);
- obj[eventsKey] = obj[eventsKey] || {};
- obj[eventsKey][id] = handler;
-function removeOne(obj, type, fn, context) {
- var id = type + stamp(fn) + (context ? '_' + stamp(context) : ''),
- handler = obj[eventsKey] && obj[eventsKey][id];
- if (!handler) { return this; }
- if (pointer && type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
- removePointerListener(obj, type, id);
- } else if (touch && (type === 'dblclick') && removeDoubleTapListener &&
- !(pointer && chrome)) {
- removeDoubleTapListener(obj, id);
- } else if ('removeEventListener' in obj) {
- if (type === 'mousewheel') {
- obj.removeEventListener('onwheel' in obj ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel', handler, false);
- } else {
- obj.removeEventListener(
- type === 'mouseenter' ? 'mouseover' :
- type === 'mouseleave' ? 'mouseout' : type, handler, false);
- }
- } else if ('detachEvent' in obj) {
- obj.detachEvent('on' + type, handler);
- }
- obj[eventsKey][id] = null;
-// @function stopPropagation(ev: DOMEvent): this
-// Stop the given event from propagation to parent elements. Used inside the listener functions:
-// ```js
-// L.DomEvent.on(div, 'click', function (ev) {
-// L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(ev);
-// });
-// ```
-function stopPropagation(e) {
- if (e.stopPropagation) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- } else if (e.originalEvent) { // In case of Leaflet event.
- e.originalEvent._stopped = true;
- } else {
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- }
- skipped(e);
- return this;
-// @function disableScrollPropagation(el: HTMLElement): this
-// Adds `stopPropagation` to the element's `'mousewheel'` events (plus browser variants).
-function disableScrollPropagation(el) {
- addOne(el, 'mousewheel', stopPropagation);
- return this;
-// @function disableClickPropagation(el: HTMLElement): this
-// Adds `stopPropagation` to the element's `'click'`, `'doubleclick'`,
-// `'mousedown'` and `'touchstart'` events (plus browser variants).
-function disableClickPropagation(el) {
- on(el, 'mousedown touchstart dblclick', stopPropagation);
- addOne(el, 'click', fakeStop);
- return this;
-// @function preventDefault(ev: DOMEvent): this
-// Prevents the default action of the DOM Event `ev` from happening (such as
-// following a link in the href of the a element, or doing a POST request
-// with page reload when a `<form>` is submitted).
-// Use it inside listener functions.
-function preventDefault(e) {
- if (e.preventDefault) {
- e.preventDefault();
- } else {
- e.returnValue = false;
- }
- return this;
-// @function stop(ev: DOMEvent): this
-// Does `stopPropagation` and `preventDefault` at the same time.
-function stop(e) {
- preventDefault(e);
- stopPropagation(e);
- return this;
-// @function getMousePosition(ev: DOMEvent, container?: HTMLElement): Point
-// Gets normalized mouse position from a DOM event relative to the
-// `container` or to the whole page if not specified.
-function getMousePosition(e, container) {
- if (!container) {
- return new Point(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- }
- var rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
- var scaleX = rect.width / container.offsetWidth || 1;
- var scaleY = rect.height / container.offsetHeight || 1;
- return new Point(
- e.clientX / scaleX - rect.left - container.clientLeft,
- e.clientY / scaleY - rect.top - container.clientTop);
-// Chrome on Win scrolls double the pixels as in other platforms (see #4538),
-// and Firefox scrolls device pixels, not CSS pixels
-var wheelPxFactor =
- (win && chrome) ? 2 * window.devicePixelRatio :
- gecko ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1;
-// @function getWheelDelta(ev: DOMEvent): Number
-// Gets normalized wheel delta from a mousewheel DOM event, in vertical
-// pixels scrolled (negative if scrolling down).
-// Events from pointing devices without precise scrolling are mapped to
-// a best guess of 60 pixels.
-function getWheelDelta(e) {
- return (edge) ? e.wheelDeltaY / 2 : // Don't trust window-geometry-based delta
- (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 0) ? -e.deltaY / wheelPxFactor : // Pixels
- (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 1) ? -e.deltaY * 20 : // Lines
- (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 2) ? -e.deltaY * 60 : // Pages
- (e.deltaX || e.deltaZ) ? 0 : // Skip horizontal/depth wheel events
- e.wheelDelta ? (e.wheelDeltaY || e.wheelDelta) / 2 : // Legacy IE pixels
- (e.detail && Math.abs(e.detail) < 32765) ? -e.detail * 20 : // Legacy Moz lines
- e.detail ? e.detail / -32765 * 60 : // Legacy Moz pages
- 0;
-var skipEvents = {};
-function fakeStop(e) {
- // fakes stopPropagation by setting a special event flag, checked/reset with skipped(e)
- skipEvents[e.type] = true;
-function skipped(e) {
- var events = skipEvents[e.type];
- // reset when checking, as it's only used in map container and propagates outside of the map
- skipEvents[e.type] = false;
- return events;
-// check if element really left/entered the event target (for mouseenter/mouseleave)
-function isExternalTarget(el, e) {
- var related = e.relatedTarget;
- if (!related) { return true; }
- try {
- while (related && (related !== el)) {
- related = related.parentNode;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- return false;
- }
- return (related !== el);
-var lastClick;
-// this is a horrible workaround for a bug in Android where a single touch triggers two click events
-function filterClick(e, handler) {
- var timeStamp = (e.timeStamp || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.timeStamp)),
- elapsed = lastClick && (timeStamp - lastClick);
- // are they closer together than 500ms yet more than 100ms?
- // Android typically triggers them ~300ms apart while multiple listeners
- // on the same event should be triggered far faster;
- // or check if click is simulated on the element, and if it is, reject any non-simulated events
- if ((elapsed && elapsed > 100 && elapsed < 500) || (e.target._simulatedClick && !e._simulated)) {
- stop(e);
- return;
- }
- lastClick = timeStamp;
- handler(e);
-var DomEvent = (Object.freeze || Object)({
- on: on,
- off: off,
- stopPropagation: stopPropagation,
- disableScrollPropagation: disableScrollPropagation,
- disableClickPropagation: disableClickPropagation,
- preventDefault: preventDefault,
- stop: stop,
- getMousePosition: getMousePosition,
- getWheelDelta: getWheelDelta,
- fakeStop: fakeStop,
- skipped: skipped,
- isExternalTarget: isExternalTarget,
- addListener: on,
- removeListener: off
- * @namespace DomUtil
- *
- * Utility functions to work with the [DOM](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Document_Object_Model)
- * tree, used by Leaflet internally.
- *
- * Most functions expecting or returning a `HTMLElement` also work for
- * SVG elements. The only difference is that classes refer to CSS classes
- * in HTML and SVG classes in SVG.
- */
-// @property TRANSFORM: String
-// Vendor-prefixed transform style name (e.g. `'webkitTransform'` for WebKit).
-var TRANSFORM = testProp(
- ['transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'OTransform', 'MozTransform', 'msTransform']);
-// webkitTransition comes first because some browser versions that drop vendor prefix don't do
-// the same for the transitionend event, in particular the Android 4.1 stock browser
-// @property TRANSITION: String
-// Vendor-prefixed transition style name.
-var TRANSITION = testProp(
- ['webkitTransition', 'transition', 'OTransition', 'MozTransition', 'msTransition']);
-// @property TRANSITION_END: String
-// Vendor-prefixed transitionend event name.
- TRANSITION === 'webkitTransition' || TRANSITION === 'OTransition' ? TRANSITION + 'End' : 'transitionend';
-// @function get(id: String|HTMLElement): HTMLElement
-// Returns an element given its DOM id, or returns the element itself
-// if it was passed directly.
-function get(id) {
- return typeof id === 'string' ? document.getElementById(id) : id;
-// @function getStyle(el: HTMLElement, styleAttrib: String): String
-// Returns the value for a certain style attribute on an element,
-// including computed values or values set through CSS.
-function getStyle(el, style) {
- var value = el.style[style] || (el.currentStyle && el.currentStyle[style]);
- if ((!value || value === 'auto') && document.defaultView) {
- var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, null);
- value = css ? css[style] : null;
- }
- return value === 'auto' ? null : value;
+ obj[eventsKey] = obj[eventsKey] || {};
+ obj[eventsKey][id] = handler;
-// @function create(tagName: String, className?: String, container?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement
-// Creates an HTML element with `tagName`, sets its class to `className`, and optionally appends it to `container` element.
-function create$1(tagName, className, container) {
- var el = document.createElement(tagName);
- el.className = className || '';
+function removeOne(obj, type, fn, context) {
- if (container) {
- container.appendChild(el);
- }
- return el;
+ var id = type + stamp(fn) + (context ? '_' + stamp(context) : ''),
+ handler = obj[eventsKey] && obj[eventsKey][id];
-// @function remove(el: HTMLElement)
-// Removes `el` from its parent element
-function remove(el) {
- var parent = el.parentNode;
- if (parent) {
- parent.removeChild(el);
- }
+ if (!handler) { return this; }
-// @function empty(el: HTMLElement)
-// Removes all of `el`'s children elements from `el`
-function empty(el) {
- while (el.firstChild) {
- el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
- }
+ if (pointer && type.indexOf('touch') === 0) {
+ removePointerListener(obj, type, id);
-// @function toFront(el: HTMLElement)
-// Makes `el` the last child of its parent, so it renders in front of the other children.
-function toFront(el) {
- var parent = el.parentNode;
- if (parent.lastChild !== el) {
- parent.appendChild(el);
- }
+ } else if (touch && (type === 'dblclick') && removeDoubleTapListener &&
+ !(pointer && chrome)) {
+ removeDoubleTapListener(obj, id);
-// @function toBack(el: HTMLElement)
-// Makes `el` the first child of its parent, so it renders behind the other children.
-function toBack(el) {
- var parent = el.parentNode;
- if (parent.firstChild !== el) {
- parent.insertBefore(el, parent.firstChild);
- }
+ } else if ('removeEventListener' in obj) {
-// @function hasClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String): Boolean
-// Returns `true` if the element's class attribute contains `name`.
-function hasClass(el, name) {
- if (el.classList !== undefined) {
- return el.classList.contains(name);
- }
- var className = getClass(el);
- return className.length > 0 && new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)').test(className);
+ if (type === 'mousewheel') {
+ obj.removeEventListener('onwheel' in obj ? 'wheel' : 'mousewheel', handler, false);
-// @function addClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
-// Adds `name` to the element's class attribute.
-function addClass(el, name) {
- if (el.classList !== undefined) {
- var classes = splitWords(name);
- for (var i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
- el.classList.add(classes[i]);
+ } else {
+ obj.removeEventListener(
+ type === 'mouseenter' ? 'mouseover' :
+ type === 'mouseleave' ? 'mouseout' : type, handler, false);
- } else if (!hasClass(el, name)) {
- var className = getClass(el);
- setClass(el, (className ? className + ' ' : '') + name);
+ } else if ('detachEvent' in obj) {
+ obj.detachEvent('on' + type, handler);
+ obj[eventsKey][id] = null;
-// @function removeClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
-// Removes `name` from the element's class attribute.
-function removeClass(el, name) {
- if (el.classList !== undefined) {
- el.classList.remove(name);
+// @function stopPropagation(ev: DOMEvent): this
+// Stop the given event from propagation to parent elements. Used inside the listener functions:
+// ```js
+// L.DomEvent.on(div, 'click', function (ev) {
+// L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(ev);
+// });
+// ```
+function stopPropagation(e) {
+ if (e.stopPropagation) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ } else if (e.originalEvent) { // In case of Leaflet event.
+ e.originalEvent._stopped = true;
} else {
- setClass(el, trim((' ' + getClass(el) + ' ').replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ')));
+ e.cancelBubble = true;
+ skipped(e);
+ return this;
-// @function setClass(el: HTMLElement, name: String)
-// Sets the element's class.
-function setClass(el, name) {
- if (el.className.baseVal === undefined) {
- el.className = name;
- } else {
- // in case of SVG element
- el.className.baseVal = name;
- }
+// @function disableScrollPropagation(el: HTMLElement): this
+// Adds `stopPropagation` to the element's `'mousewheel'` events (plus browser variants).
+function disableScrollPropagation(el) {
+ addOne(el, 'mousewheel', stopPropagation);
+ return this;
-// @function getClass(el: HTMLElement): String
-// Returns the element's class.
-function getClass(el) {
- return el.className.baseVal === undefined ? el.className : el.className.baseVal;
+// @function disableClickPropagation(el: HTMLElement): this
+// Adds `stopPropagation` to the element's `'click'`, `'doubleclick'`,
+// `'mousedown'` and `'touchstart'` events (plus browser variants).
+function disableClickPropagation(el) {
+ on(el, 'mousedown touchstart dblclick', stopPropagation);
+ addOne(el, 'click', fakeStop);
+ return this;
-// @function setOpacity(el: HTMLElement, opacity: Number)
-// Set the opacity of an element (including old IE support).
-// `opacity` must be a number from `0` to `1`.
-function setOpacity(el, value) {
- if ('opacity' in el.style) {
- el.style.opacity = value;
- } else if ('filter' in el.style) {
- _setOpacityIE(el, value);
+// @function preventDefault(ev: DOMEvent): this
+// Prevents the default action of the DOM Event `ev` from happening (such as
+// following a link in the href of the a element, or doing a POST request
+// with page reload when a `<form>` is submitted).
+// Use it inside listener functions.
+function preventDefault(e) {
+ if (e.preventDefault) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ } else {
+ e.returnValue = false;
+ return this;
-function _setOpacityIE(el, value) {
- var filter = false,
- filterName = 'DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha';
+// @function stop(ev: DOMEvent): this
+// Does `stopPropagation` and `preventDefault` at the same time.
+function stop(e) {
+ preventDefault(e);
+ stopPropagation(e);
+ return this;
- // filters collection throws an error if we try to retrieve a filter that doesn't exist
- try {
- filter = el.filters.item(filterName);
- } catch (e) {
- // don't set opacity to 1 if we haven't already set an opacity,
- // it isn't needed and breaks transparent pngs.
- if (value === 1) { return; }
+// @function getMousePosition(ev: DOMEvent, container?: HTMLElement): Point
+// Gets normalized mouse position from a DOM event relative to the
+// `container` (border excluded) or to the whole page if not specified.
+function getMousePosition(e, container) {
+ if (!container) {
+ return new Point(e.clientX, e.clientY);
- value = Math.round(value * 100);
+ var scale = getScale(container),
+ offset = scale.boundingClientRect; // left and top values are in page scale (like the event clientX/Y)
- if (filter) {
- filter.Enabled = (value !== 100);
- filter.Opacity = value;
- } else {
- el.style.filter += ' progid:' + filterName + '(opacity=' + value + ')';
- }
+ return new Point(
+ // offset.left/top values are in page scale (like clientX/Y),
+ // whereas clientLeft/Top (border width) values are the original values (before CSS scale applies).
+ (e.clientX - offset.left) / scale.x - container.clientLeft,
+ (e.clientY - offset.top) / scale.y - container.clientTop
+ );
-// @function testProp(props: String[]): String|false
-// Goes through the array of style names and returns the first name
-// that is a valid style name for an element. If no such name is found,
-// it returns false. Useful for vendor-prefixed styles like `transform`.
-function testProp(props) {
- var style = document.documentElement.style;
+// Chrome on Win scrolls double the pixels as in other platforms (see #4538),
+// and Firefox scrolls device pixels, not CSS pixels
+var wheelPxFactor =
+ (win && chrome) ? 2 * window.devicePixelRatio :
+ gecko ? window.devicePixelRatio : 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
- if (props[i] in style) {
- return props[i];
- }
- }
- return false;
+// @function getWheelDelta(ev: DOMEvent): Number
+// Gets normalized wheel delta from a mousewheel DOM event, in vertical
+// pixels scrolled (negative if scrolling down).
+// Events from pointing devices without precise scrolling are mapped to
+// a best guess of 60 pixels.
+function getWheelDelta(e) {
+ return (edge) ? e.wheelDeltaY / 2 : // Don't trust window-geometry-based delta
+ (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 0) ? -e.deltaY / wheelPxFactor : // Pixels
+ (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 1) ? -e.deltaY * 20 : // Lines
+ (e.deltaY && e.deltaMode === 2) ? -e.deltaY * 60 : // Pages
+ (e.deltaX || e.deltaZ) ? 0 : // Skip horizontal/depth wheel events
+ e.wheelDelta ? (e.wheelDeltaY || e.wheelDelta) / 2 : // Legacy IE pixels
+ (e.detail && Math.abs(e.detail) < 32765) ? -e.detail * 20 : // Legacy Moz lines
+ e.detail ? e.detail / -32765 * 60 : // Legacy Moz pages
+ 0;
-// @function setTransform(el: HTMLElement, offset: Point, scale?: Number)
-// Resets the 3D CSS transform of `el` so it is translated by `offset` pixels
-// and optionally scaled by `scale`. Does not have an effect if the
-// browser doesn't support 3D CSS transforms.
-function setTransform(el, offset, scale) {
- var pos = offset || new Point(0, 0);
+var skipEvents = {};
- el.style[TRANSFORM] =
- (ie3d ?
- 'translate(' + pos.x + 'px,' + pos.y + 'px)' :
- 'translate3d(' + pos.x + 'px,' + pos.y + 'px,0)') +
- (scale ? ' scale(' + scale + ')' : '');
+function fakeStop(e) {
+ // fakes stopPropagation by setting a special event flag, checked/reset with skipped(e)
+ skipEvents[e.type] = true;
-// @function setPosition(el: HTMLElement, position: Point)
-// Sets the position of `el` to coordinates specified by `position`,
-// using CSS translate or top/left positioning depending on the browser
-// (used by Leaflet internally to position its layers).
-function setPosition(el, point) {
- /*eslint-disable */
- el._leaflet_pos = point;
- /* eslint-enable */
- if (any3d) {
- setTransform(el, point);
- } else {
- el.style.left = point.x + 'px';
- el.style.top = point.y + 'px';
- }
+function skipped(e) {
+ var events = skipEvents[e.type];
+ // reset when checking, as it's only used in map container and propagates outside of the map
+ skipEvents[e.type] = false;
+ return events;
-// @function getPosition(el: HTMLElement): Point
-// Returns the coordinates of an element previously positioned with setPosition.
-function getPosition(el) {
- // this method is only used for elements previously positioned using setPosition,
- // so it's safe to cache the position for performance
- return el._leaflet_pos || new Point(0, 0);
+// check if element really left/entered the event target (for mouseenter/mouseleave)
+function isExternalTarget(el, e) {
-// @function disableTextSelection()
-// Prevents the user from generating `selectstart` DOM events, usually generated
-// when the user drags the mouse through a page with text. Used internally
-// by Leaflet to override the behaviour of any click-and-drag interaction on
-// the map. Affects drag interactions on the whole document.
+ var related = e.relatedTarget;
-// @function enableTextSelection()
-// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.disableTextSelection`](#domutil-disabletextselection).
-var disableTextSelection;
-var enableTextSelection;
-var _userSelect;
-if ('onselectstart' in document) {
- disableTextSelection = function () {
- on(window, 'selectstart', preventDefault);
- };
- enableTextSelection = function () {
- off(window, 'selectstart', preventDefault);
- };
-} else {
- var userSelectProperty = testProp(
- ['userSelect', 'WebkitUserSelect', 'OUserSelect', 'MozUserSelect', 'msUserSelect']);
+ if (!related) { return true; }
- disableTextSelection = function () {
- if (userSelectProperty) {
- var style = document.documentElement.style;
- _userSelect = style[userSelectProperty];
- style[userSelectProperty] = 'none';
- }
- };
- enableTextSelection = function () {
- if (userSelectProperty) {
- document.documentElement.style[userSelectProperty] = _userSelect;
- _userSelect = undefined;
+ try {
+ while (related && (related !== el)) {
+ related = related.parentNode;
- };
+ } catch (err) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return (related !== el);
-// @function disableImageDrag()
-// As [`L.DomUtil.disableTextSelection`](#domutil-disabletextselection), but
-// for `dragstart` DOM events, usually generated when the user drags an image.
-function disableImageDrag() {
- on(window, 'dragstart', preventDefault);
+var lastClick;
-// @function enableImageDrag()
-// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.disableImageDrag`](#domutil-disabletextselection).
-function enableImageDrag() {
- off(window, 'dragstart', preventDefault);
+// this is a horrible workaround for a bug in Android where a single touch triggers two click events
+function filterClick(e, handler) {
+ var timeStamp = (e.timeStamp || (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.timeStamp)),
+ elapsed = lastClick && (timeStamp - lastClick);
-var _outlineElement;
-var _outlineStyle;
-// @function preventOutline(el: HTMLElement)
-// Makes the [outline](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/outline)
-// of the element `el` invisible. Used internally by Leaflet to prevent
-// focusable elements from displaying an outline when the user performs a
-// drag interaction on them.
-function preventOutline(element) {
- while (element.tabIndex === -1) {
- element = element.parentNode;
+ // are they closer together than 500ms yet more than 100ms?
+ // Android typically triggers them ~300ms apart while multiple listeners
+ // on the same event should be triggered far faster;
+ // or check if click is simulated on the element, and if it is, reject any non-simulated events
+ if ((elapsed && elapsed > 100 && elapsed < 500) || (e.target._simulatedClick && !e._simulated)) {
+ stop(e);
+ return;
- if (!element.style) { return; }
- restoreOutline();
- _outlineElement = element;
- _outlineStyle = element.style.outline;
- element.style.outline = 'none';
- on(window, 'keydown', restoreOutline);
+ lastClick = timeStamp;
-// @function restoreOutline()
-// Cancels the effects of a previous [`L.DomUtil.preventOutline`]().
-function restoreOutline() {
- if (!_outlineElement) { return; }
- _outlineElement.style.outline = _outlineStyle;
- _outlineElement = undefined;
- _outlineStyle = undefined;
- off(window, 'keydown', restoreOutline);
+ handler(e);
-var DomUtil = (Object.freeze || Object)({
- get: get,
- getStyle: getStyle,
- create: create$1,
- remove: remove,
- empty: empty,
- toFront: toFront,
- toBack: toBack,
- hasClass: hasClass,
- addClass: addClass,
- removeClass: removeClass,
- setClass: setClass,
- getClass: getClass,
- setOpacity: setOpacity,
- testProp: testProp,
- setTransform: setTransform,
- setPosition: setPosition,
- getPosition: getPosition,
- disableTextSelection: disableTextSelection,
- enableTextSelection: enableTextSelection,
- disableImageDrag: disableImageDrag,
- enableImageDrag: enableImageDrag,
- preventOutline: preventOutline,
- restoreOutline: restoreOutline
+var DomEvent = (Object.freeze || Object)({
+ on: on,
+ off: off,
+ stopPropagation: stopPropagation,
+ disableScrollPropagation: disableScrollPropagation,
+ disableClickPropagation: disableClickPropagation,
+ preventDefault: preventDefault,
+ stop: stop,
+ getMousePosition: getMousePosition,
+ getWheelDelta: getWheelDelta,
+ fakeStop: fakeStop,
+ skipped: skipped,
+ isExternalTarget: isExternalTarget,
+ addListener: on,
+ removeListener: off
initialize: function (id, options) { // (HTMLElement or String, Object)
options = setOptions(this, options);
+ // Make sure to assign internal flags at the beginning,
+ // to avoid inconsistent state in some edge cases.
+ this._handlers = [];
+ this._layers = {};
+ this._zoomBoundLayers = {};
+ this._sizeChanged = true;
this.setView(toLatLng(options.center), options.zoom, {reset: true});
- this._handlers = [];
- this._layers = {};
- this._zoomBoundLayers = {};
- this._sizeChanged = true;
// don't animate on browsers without hardware-accelerated transitions or old Android/Opera
return this;
+ // @method panInside(latlng: LatLng, options?: options): this
+ // Pans the map the minimum amount to make the `latlng` visible. Use
+ // `padding`, `paddingTopLeft` and `paddingTopRight` options to fit
+ // the display to more restricted bounds, like [`fitBounds`](#map-fitbounds).
+ // If `latlng` is already within the (optionally padded) display bounds,
+ // the map will not be panned.
+ panInside: function (latlng, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var paddingTL = toPoint(options.paddingTopLeft || options.padding || [0, 0]),
+ paddingBR = toPoint(options.paddingBottomRight || options.padding || [0, 0]),
+ center = this.getCenter(),
+ pixelCenter = this.project(center),
+ pixelPoint = this.project(latlng),
+ pixelBounds = this.getPixelBounds(),
+ halfPixelBounds = pixelBounds.getSize().divideBy(2),
+ paddedBounds = toBounds([pixelBounds.min.add(paddingTL), pixelBounds.max.subtract(paddingBR)]);
+ if (!paddedBounds.contains(pixelPoint)) {
+ this._enforcingBounds = true;
+ var diff = pixelCenter.subtract(pixelPoint),
+ newCenter = toPoint(pixelPoint.x + diff.x, pixelPoint.y + diff.y);
+ if (pixelPoint.x < paddedBounds.min.x || pixelPoint.x > paddedBounds.max.x) {
+ newCenter.x = pixelCenter.x - diff.x;
+ if (diff.x > 0) {
+ newCenter.x += halfPixelBounds.x - paddingTL.x;
+ } else {
+ newCenter.x -= halfPixelBounds.x - paddingBR.x;
+ }
+ }
+ if (pixelPoint.y < paddedBounds.min.y || pixelPoint.y > paddedBounds.max.y) {
+ newCenter.y = pixelCenter.y - diff.y;
+ if (diff.y > 0) {
+ newCenter.y += halfPixelBounds.y - paddingTL.y;
+ } else {
+ newCenter.y -= halfPixelBounds.y - paddingBR.y;
+ }
+ }
+ this.panTo(this.unproject(newCenter), options);
+ this._enforcingBounds = false;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
// @method invalidateSize(options: Zoom/pan options): this
// Checks if the map container size changed and updates the map if so —
// call it after you've changed the map size dynamically, also animating
var lat = pos.coords.latitude,
lng = pos.coords.longitude,
latlng = new LatLng(lat, lng),
- bounds = latlng.toBounds(pos.coords.accuracy),
+ bounds = latlng.toBounds(pos.coords.accuracy * 2),
options = this._locateOptions;
if (options.setView) {
if (this._clearControlPos) {
+ if (this._resizeRequest) {
+ cancelAnimFrame(this._resizeRequest);
+ this._resizeRequest = null;
+ }
- // @method getBoundsZoom(bounds: LatLngBounds, inside?: Boolean): Number
+ // @method getBoundsZoom(bounds: LatLngBounds, inside?: Boolean, padding?: Point): Number
// Returns the maximum zoom level on which the given bounds fit to the map
// view in its entirety. If `inside` (optional) is set to `true`, the method
// instead returns the minimum zoom level on which the map view fits into
// @event zoomanim: ZoomAnimEvent
- // Fired on every frame of a zoom animation
+ // Fired at least once per zoom animation. For continous zoom, like pinch zooming, fired once per frame during zoom.
this.fire('zoomanim', {
center: center,
zoom: zoom,
// Expand the control container if collapsed.
expand: function () {
addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-control-layers-expanded');
- this._form.style.height = null;
+ this._section.style.height = null;
var acceptableHeight = this._map.getSize().y - (this._container.offsetTop + 50);
- if (acceptableHeight < this._form.clientHeight) {
- addClass(this._form, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar');
- this._form.style.height = acceptableHeight + 'px';
+ if (acceptableHeight < this._section.clientHeight) {
+ addClass(this._section, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar');
+ this._section.style.height = acceptableHeight + 'px';
} else {
- removeClass(this._form, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar');
+ removeClass(this._section, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar');
return this;
- var form = this._form = create$1('form', className + '-list');
+ var section = this._section = create$1('section', className + '-list');
if (collapsed) {
this._map.on('click', this.collapse, this);
- this._baseLayersList = create$1('div', className + '-base', form);
- this._separator = create$1('div', className + '-separator', form);
- this._overlaysList = create$1('div', className + '-overlays', form);
+ this._baseLayersList = create$1('div', className + '-base', section);
+ this._separator = create$1('div', className + '-separator', section);
+ this._overlaysList = create$1('div', className + '-overlays', section);
- container.appendChild(form);
+ container.appendChild(section);
_getLayer: function (id) {
Map.addInitHook(function () {
if (this.options.zoomControl) {
+ // @section Controls
+ // @property zoomControl: Control.Zoom
+ // The default zoom control (only available if the
+ // [`zoomControl` option](#map-zoomcontrol) was `true` when creating the map).
this.zoomControl = new Zoom();
// Fired when a drag is about to start.
- var first = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
+ var first = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e,
+ sizedParent = getSizedParentNode(this._element);
this._startPoint = new Point(first.clientX, first.clientY);
+ // Cache the scale, so that we can continuously compensate for it during drag (_onMove).
+ this._parentScale = getScale(sizedParent);
on(document, MOVE[e.type], this._onMove, this);
on(document, END[e.type], this._onUp, this);
var first = (e.touches && e.touches.length === 1 ? e.touches[0] : e),
- newPoint = new Point(first.clientX, first.clientY),
- offset = newPoint.subtract(this._startPoint);
+ offset = new Point(first.clientX, first.clientY)._subtract(this._startPoint);
if (!offset.x && !offset.y) { return; }
if (Math.abs(offset.x) + Math.abs(offset.y) < this.options.clickTolerance) { return; }
+ // We assume that the parent container's position, border and scale do not change for the duration of the drag.
+ // Therefore there is no need to account for the position and border (they are eliminated by the subtraction)
+ // and we can use the cached value for the scale.
+ offset.x /= this._parentScale.x;
+ offset.y /= this._parentScale.y;
if (!this._moved) {
pane: 'overlayPane',
// @option attribution: String = null
- // String to be shown in the attribution control, describes the layer data, e.g. "© Mapbox".
+ // String to be shown in the attribution control, e.g. "© OpenStreetMap contributors". It describes the layer data and is often a legal obligation towards copyright holders and tile providers.
attribution: null,
bubblingMouseEvents: true
options: {
popupAnchor: [0, 0],
- tooltipAnchor: [0, 0],
+ tooltipAnchor: [0, 0]
initialize: function (options) {
map = marker._map,
speed = this._marker.options.autoPanSpeed,
padding = this._marker.options.autoPanPadding,
- iconPos = L.DomUtil.getPosition(marker._icon),
+ iconPos = getPosition(marker._icon),
bounds = map.getPixelBounds(),
origin = map.getPixelOrigin();
- L.DomUtil.setPosition(marker._icon, this._draggable._newPos);
+ setPosition(marker._icon, this._draggable._newPos);
this._panRequest = requestAnimFrame(this._adjustPan.bind(this, e));
_onDrag: function (e) {
var marker = this._marker,
shadow = marker._shadow,
- iconPos = getPosition(marker._icon),
+ iconPos = getPosition(marker._icon),
latlng = marker._map.layerPointToLatLng(iconPos);
// update shadow position
// Option inherited from "Interactive layer" abstract class
interactive: true,
- // @option draggable: Boolean = false
- // Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not.
- draggable: false,
- // @option autoPan: Boolean = false
- // Set it to `true` if you want the map to do panning animation when marker hits the edges.
- autoPan: false,
- // @option autoPanPadding: Point = Point(50, 50)
- // Equivalent of setting both top left and bottom right autopan padding to the same value.
- autoPanPadding: [50, 50],
- // @option autoPanSpeed: Number = 10
- // Number of pixels the map should move by.
- autoPanSpeed: 10,
// @option keyboard: Boolean = true
// Whether the marker can be tabbed to with a keyboard and clicked by pressing enter.
keyboard: true,
// @option bubblingMouseEvents: Boolean = false
// When `true`, a mouse event on this marker will trigger the same event on the map
// (unless [`L.DomEvent.stopPropagation`](#domevent-stoppropagation) is used).
- bubblingMouseEvents: false
+ bubblingMouseEvents: false,
+ // @section Draggable marker options
+ // @option draggable: Boolean = false
+ // Whether the marker is draggable with mouse/touch or not.
+ draggable: false,
+ // @option autoPan: Boolean = false
+ // Whether to pan the map when dragging this marker near its edge or not.
+ autoPan: false,
+ // @option autoPanPadding: Point = Point(50, 50)
+ // Distance (in pixels to the left/right and to the top/bottom) of the
+ // map edge to start panning the map.
+ autoPanPadding: [50, 50],
+ // @option autoPanSpeed: Number = 10
+ // Number of pixels the map should pan by.
+ autoPanSpeed: 10
/* @section
return !this._latlngs.length;
- // @method closestLayerPoint: Point
+ // @method closestLayerPoint(p: Point): Point
// Returns the point closest to `p` on the Polyline.
closestLayerPoint: function (p) {
var minDistance = Infinity,
var inside = false,
part, p1, p2, i, j, k, len, len2;
- if (!this._pxBounds.contains(p)) { return false; }
+ if (!this._pxBounds || !this._pxBounds.contains(p)) { return false; }
// ray casting algorithm for detecting if point is in polygon
for (i = 0, len = this._parts.length; i < len; i++) {
// @namespace GeoJSON
// @factory L.geoJSON(geojson?: Object, options?: GeoJSON options)
// Creates a GeoJSON layer. Optionally accepts an object in
-// [GeoJSON format](http://geojson.org/geojson-spec.html) to display on the map
+// [GeoJSON format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946) to display on the map
// (you can alternatively add it later with `addData` method) and an `options` object.
function geoJSON(geojson, options) {
return new GeoJSON(geojson, options);
// If `true`, the image overlay will emit [mouse events](#interactive-layer) when clicked or hovered.
interactive: false,
- // @option crossOrigin: Boolean = false
- // If true, the image will have its crossOrigin attribute set to ''. This is needed if you want to access image pixel data.
+ // @option crossOrigin: Boolean|String = false
+ // Whether the crossOrigin attribute will be added to the image.
+ // If a String is provided, the image will have its crossOrigin attribute set to the String provided. This is needed if you want to access image pixel data.
+ // Refer to [CORS Settings](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_settings_attributes) for valid String values.
crossOrigin: false,
// @option errorOverlayUrl: String = ''
errorOverlayUrl: '',
// @option zIndex: Number = 1
- // The explicit [zIndex](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Positioning/Understanding_z_index) of the tile layer.
+ // The explicit [zIndex](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Positioning/Understanding_z_index) of the overlay layer.
zIndex: 1,
// @option className: String = ''
// A custom class name to assign to the image. Empty by default.
- className: '',
+ className: ''
initialize: function (url, bounds, options) { // (String, LatLngBounds, Object)
return events;
- // @method: setZIndex(value: Number) : this
+ // @method setZIndex(value: Number): this
// Changes the [zIndex](#imageoverlay-zindex) of the image overlay.
setZIndex: function (value) {
this.options.zIndex = value;
img.onload = bind(this.fire, this, 'load');
img.onerror = bind(this._overlayOnError, this, 'error');
- if (this.options.crossOrigin) {
- img.crossOrigin = '';
+ if (this.options.crossOrigin || this.options.crossOrigin === '') {
+ img.crossOrigin = this.options.crossOrigin === true ? '' : this.options.crossOrigin;
if (this.options.zIndex) {
_overlayOnError: function () {
// @event error: Event
- // Fired when the ImageOverlay layer has loaded its image
+ // Fired when the ImageOverlay layer fails to load its image
var errorUrl = this.options.errorOverlayUrl;
* ```js
* var videoUrl = 'https://www.mapbox.com/bites/00188/patricia_nasa.webm',
* videoBounds = [[ 32, -130], [ 13, -100]];
- * L.VideoOverlay(videoUrl, videoBounds ).addTo(map);
+ * L.videoOverlay(videoUrl, videoBounds ).addTo(map);
* ```
_adjustPan: function () {
- if (!this.options.autoPan || (this._map._panAnim && this._map._panAnim._inProgress)) { return; }
+ if (!this.options.autoPan) { return; }
+ if (this._map._panAnim) { this._map._panAnim.stop(); }
var map = this._map,
marginBottom = parseInt(getStyle(this._container, 'marginBottom'), 10) || 0,
var tile = this._tiles[key];
if (!tile) { return; }
- // Cancels any pending http requests associated with the tile
- // unless we're on Android's stock browser,
- // see https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/issues/137
- if (!androidStock) {
- tile.el.setAttribute('src', emptyImageUrl);
- }
delete this._tiles[key];
_tileReady: function (coords, err, tile) {
- if (!this._map) { return; }
if (err) {
// @event tileerror: TileErrorEvent
// Fired when there is an error loading a tile.
* @class TileLayer
* @inherits GridLayer
* @aka L.TileLayer
- * Used to load and display tile layers on the map. Extends `GridLayer`.
+ * Used to load and display tile layers on the map. Note that most tile servers require attribution, which you can set under `Layer`. Extends `GridLayer`.
* @example
* ```js
- * L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?{foo}', {foo: 'bar'}).addTo(map);
+ * L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?{foo}', {foo: 'bar', attribution: 'Map data © <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>'}).addTo(map);
* ```
* @section URL template
// If `true` and user is on a retina display, it will request four tiles of half the specified size and a bigger zoom level in place of one to utilize the high resolution.
detectRetina: false,
- // @option crossOrigin: Boolean = false
- // If true, all tiles will have their crossOrigin attribute set to ''. This is needed if you want to access tile pixel data.
+ // @option crossOrigin: Boolean|String = false
+ // Whether the crossOrigin attribute will be added to the tiles.
+ // If a String is provided, all tiles will have their crossOrigin attribute set to the String provided. This is needed if you want to access tile pixel data.
+ // Refer to [CORS Settings](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_settings_attributes) for valid String values.
crossOrigin: false
// @method setUrl(url: String, noRedraw?: Boolean): this
// Updates the layer's URL template and redraws it (unless `noRedraw` is set to `true`).
+ // If the URL does not change, the layer will not be redrawn unless
+ // the noRedraw parameter is set to false.
setUrl: function (url, noRedraw) {
+ if (this._url === url && noRedraw === undefined) {
+ noRedraw = true;
+ }
this._url = url;
if (!noRedraw) {
on(tile, 'load', bind(this._tileOnLoad, this, done, tile));
on(tile, 'error', bind(this._tileOnError, this, done, tile));
- if (this.options.crossOrigin) {
- tile.crossOrigin = '';
+ if (this.options.crossOrigin || this.options.crossOrigin === '') {
+ tile.crossOrigin = this.options.crossOrigin === true ? '' : this.options.crossOrigin;
s: this._getSubdomain(coords),
x: coords.x,
y: coords.y,
- z: coords.z ? coords.z : this._getZoomForUrl()
+ z: this._getZoomForUrl()
if (this._map && !this._map.options.crs.infinite) {
var invertedY = this._globalTileRange.max.y - coords.y;
+ },
+ _removeTile: function (key) {
+ var tile = this._tiles[key];
+ if (!tile) { return; }
+ // Cancels any pending http requests associated with the tile
+ // unless we're on Android's stock browser,
+ // see https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/issues/137
+ if (!androidStock) {
+ tile.el.setAttribute('src', emptyImageUrl);
+ }
+ return GridLayer.prototype._removeTile.call(this, key);
+ },
+ _tileReady: function (coords, err, tile) {
+ if (!this._map || (tile && tile.getAttribute('src') === emptyImageUrl)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return GridLayer.prototype._tileReady.call(this, coords, err, tile);
bbox = (this._wmsVersion >= 1.3 && this._crs === EPSG4326 ?
[min.y, min.x, max.y, max.x] :
[min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y]).join(','),
- url = L.TileLayer.prototype.getTileUrl.call(this, coords);
+ url = TileLayer.prototype.getTileUrl.call(this, coords);
return url +
getParamString(this.wmsParams, url, this.options.uppercase) +
(this.options.uppercase ? '&BBOX=' : '&bbox=') + bbox;
_destroyContainer: function () {
+ cancelAnimFrame(this._redrawRequest);
delete this._ctx;
_update: function () {
if (this._map._animatingZoom && this._bounds) { return; }
- this._drawnLayers = {};
var b = this._bounds,
delete layer._order;
- delete this._layers[L.stamp(layer)];
+ delete this._layers[stamp(layer)];
_updateDashArray: function (layer) {
- if (layer.options.dashArray) {
- var parts = layer.options.dashArray.split(','),
+ if (typeof layer.options.dashArray === 'string') {
+ var parts = layer.options.dashArray.split(/[, ]+/),
dashArray = [],
+ dashValue,
for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
- dashArray.push(Number(parts[i]));
+ dashValue = Number(parts[i]);
+ // Ignore dash array containing invalid lengths
+ if (isNaN(dashValue)) { return; }
+ dashArray.push(dashValue);
layer.options._dashArray = dashArray;
+ } else {
+ layer.options._dashArray = layer.options.dashArray;
if (!len) { return; }
- this._drawnLayers[layer._leaflet_id] = layer;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
r = Math.max(Math.round(layer._radius), 1),
s = (Math.max(Math.round(layer._radiusY), 1) || r) / r;
- this._drawnLayers[layer._leaflet_id] = layer;
if (s !== 1) {
ctx.scale(1, s);
_bringToFront: function (layer) {
var order = layer._order;
+ if (!order) { return; }
var next = order.next;
var prev = order.prev;
_bringToBack: function (layer) {
var order = layer._order;
+ if (!order) { return; }
var next = order.next;
var prev = order.prev;
* @class SVG
- * Although SVG is not available on IE7 and IE8, these browsers support [VML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_Markup_Language), and the SVG renderer will fall back to VML in this case.
* VML was deprecated in 2012, which means VML functionality exists only for backwards compatibility
* with old versions of Internet Explorer.
var renderer = layer.options.renderer || this._getPaneRenderer(layer.options.pane) || this.options.renderer || this._renderer;
if (!renderer) {
- // @namespace Map; @option preferCanvas: Boolean = false
- // Whether `Path`s should be rendered on a `Canvas` renderer.
- // By default, all `Path`s are rendered in a `SVG` renderer.
- renderer = this._renderer = (this.options.preferCanvas && canvas$1()) || svg$1();
+ renderer = this._renderer = this._createRenderer();
if (!this.hasLayer(renderer)) {
var renderer = this._paneRenderers[name];
if (renderer === undefined) {
- renderer = (SVG && svg$1({pane: name})) || (Canvas && canvas$1({pane: name}));
+ renderer = this._createRenderer({pane: name});
this._paneRenderers[name] = renderer;
return renderer;
+ },
+ _createRenderer: function (options) {
+ // @namespace Map; @option preferCanvas: Boolean = false
+ // Whether `Path`s should be rendered on a `Canvas` renderer.
+ // By default, all `Path`s are rendered in a `SVG` renderer.
+ return (this.options.preferCanvas && canvas$1(options)) || svg$1(options);
if (key in this._panKeys) {
+ if (!map._panAnim || !map._panAnim._inProgress) {
+ offset = this._panKeys[key];
+ if (e.shiftKey) {
+ offset = toPoint(offset).multiplyBy(3);
+ }
- if (map._panAnim && map._panAnim._inProgress) { return; }
- offset = this._panKeys[key];
- if (e.shiftKey) {
- offset = toPoint(offset).multiplyBy(3);
- }
- map.panBy(offset);
+ map.panBy(offset);
- if (map.options.maxBounds) {
- map.panInsideBounds(map.options.maxBounds);
+ if (map.options.maxBounds) {
+ map.panInsideBounds(map.options.maxBounds);
+ }
} else if (key in this._zoomKeys) {
map.setZoom(map.getZoom() + (e.shiftKey ? 3 : 1) * this._zoomKeys[key]);
Map.Tap = Tap;
Map.TouchZoom = TouchZoom;
-// misc
-var oldL = window.L;
-function noConflict() {
- window.L = oldL;
- return this;
-// Always export us to window global (see #2364)
-window.L = exports;
Object.freeze = freeze;
exports.version = version;
-exports.noConflict = noConflict;
exports.Control = Control;
exports.control = control;
exports.Browser = Browser;
exports.Map = Map;
exports.map = createMap;
+var oldL = window.L;
+exports.noConflict = function() {
+ window.L = oldL;
+ return this;
+// Always export us to window global (see #2364)
+window.L = exports;
//# sourceMappingURL=leaflet-src.js.map