- # TODO *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
- filetype = `file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
- gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
- bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
- zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
- tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
+ unless create
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "ID is required when updating.") if pt['id'].nil?
+ trace.id = pt['id'].to_i
+ # .to_i will return 0 if there is no number that can be parsed.
+ # We want to make sure that there is no id with zero anyway
+ raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("ID of trace cannot be zero when updating.") if trace.id == 0
+ end
+ # We don't care about the time, as it is explicitly set on create/update/delete
+ # We don't care about the visibility as it is implicit based on the action
+ # and set manually before the actual delete
+ trace.visible = true
+ description = pt.find('description').first
+ raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "description missing") if description.nil?
+ trace.description = description.content
+ pt.find('tag').each do |tag|
+ trace.tags.build(:tag => tag.content)
+ end
+ return trace
+ end
+ def xml_file
+ # TODO *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
+ filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
+ gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
+ bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
+ zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
+ tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
+ if gzipped or bzipped or zipped or tarred then
+ tmpfile = Tempfile.new("trace.#{id}");