# Check the index of traces for a specific user
def test_index_user
user = create(:user)
+ checked_user_traces_path = url_for :only_path => true, :controller => "traces", :action => "index", :display_name => user.display_name
second_user = create(:user)
third_user = create(:user)
# Test the user with the traces - should see only public ones
get traces_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
check_trace_index [trace_b]
+ assert_dom ".nav-tabs" do
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_path}']", :text => "All Traces", :count => 1
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_mine_path}']", :text => "My Traces", :count => 0
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{checked_user_traces_path}']", :text => Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(user.display_name)), :count => 1
+ end
# Should still see only public ones when authenticated as another user
get traces_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
check_trace_index [trace_b]
+ assert_dom ".nav-tabs" do
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_path}']", :text => "All Traces", :count => 1
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_mine_path}']", :text => "My Traces", :count => 1
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{checked_user_traces_path}']", :text => Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(user.display_name)), :count => 1
+ end
# Should see all traces when authenticated as the target user
get traces_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
check_trace_index [trace_c, trace_b]
+ assert_dom ".nav-tabs" do
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_path}']", :text => "All Traces", :count => 1
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{traces_mine_path}']", :text => "My Traces", :count => 1
+ assert_dom "a[href='#{checked_user_traces_path}']", :text => Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(user.display_name)), :count => 0
+ end
# Should only see traces with the correct tag when a tag is specified
get traces_path(:display_name => user.display_name, :tag => "London")
assert_select item, "title", trace.name
assert_select item, "link", "http://www.example.com/user/#{ERB::Util.u(trace.user.display_name)}/traces/#{trace.id}"
assert_select item, "guid", "http://www.example.com/user/#{ERB::Util.u(trace.user.display_name)}/traces/#{trace.id}"
- assert_select item, "description"
+ assert_select item, "description" do
+ assert_dom_encoded do
+ assert_select "img[src='#{trace_icon_url trace.user, trace}']"
+ end
+ end
# assert_select item, "dc:creator", trace.user.display_name
assert_select item, "pubDate", trace.timestamp.rfc822
assert_select row, "li", Regexp.new(Regexp.escape("#{trace.size} points")) if trace.inserted?
assert_select row, "td", Regexp.new(Regexp.escape(trace.description))
assert_select row, "td", Regexp.new(Regexp.escape("by #{trace.user.display_name}"))
+ assert_select row, "a[href='#{user_path trace.user}']", :text => trace.user.display_name
assert_select "table", :count => 1 do
assert_select "td", /^#{Regexp.quote(trace.name)} /
- assert_select "td", trace.user.display_name
+ assert_select "td a[href='#{user_path trace.user}']", :text => trace.user.display_name
assert_select "td", trace.description