+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :not_found
+ rescue
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :internal_server_error
+ end
+ end
+ def delete
+ begin
+ way = Way.find(params[:id])
+ if way.visible
+ if RelationMember.find(:first, :joins => "INNER JOIN current_relations ON current_relations.id=current_relation_members.id", :conditions => [ "visible = 1 AND member_type='way' and member_id=?", params[:id]])
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :precondition_failed
+ else
+ way.user_id = @user.id
+ way.tags = []
+ way.nds = []
+ way.visible = false
+ if way.save_with_history
+ render :nothing => true
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :internal_server_error
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :gone
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :not_found
+ rescue
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :internal_server_error
+ end
+ end
+ def full
+ begin
+ way = Way.find(params[:id])
+ if way.visible
+ nd_ids = way.nds + [-1]
+ nodes = Node.find(:all, :conditions => "visible = 1 AND id IN (#{nd_ids.join(',')})")
+ # Render
+ doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
+ nodes.each do |node|
+ doc.root << node.to_xml_node()
+ end
+ doc.root << way.to_xml_node()
+ render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :gone
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :not_found
+ rescue
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :internal_server_error
+ end
+ end
+ def ways
+ begin
+ ids = params['ways'].split(',').collect { |w| w.to_i }
+ rescue
+ ids = []
+ end
+ if ids.length > 0
+ doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
+ Way.find(ids).each do |way|
+ doc.root << way.to_xml_node
+ end
+ render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ def ways_for_node
+ wayids = WayNode.find(:all, :conditions => ['node_id = ?', params[:id]]).collect { |ws| ws.id }.uniq
+ if wayids.length > 0
+ doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
+ Way.find(wayids).each do |way|
+ doc.root << way.to_xml_node
+ end
+ render :text => doc.to_s, :content_type => "text/xml"
+ else
+ render :nothing => true, :status => :bad_request