+ });
+ };
+ var params = OSM.mapParams();
+ // TODO consider using a separate js file for the context menu additions
+ var context_describe = function(e){
+ var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
+ OSM.router.route("/search?query=" + encodeURIComponent(
+ e.latlng.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(precision)
+ ));
+ };
+ var context_directionsfrom = function(e){
+ var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
+ OSM.router.route("/directions?" + querystring.stringify({
+ route: e.latlng.lat.toFixed(precision) + ',' + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(precision) + ';' + $('#route_to').val()
+ }));
+ }
+ var context_directionsto = function(e){
+ var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
+ OSM.router.route("/directions?" + querystring.stringify({
+ route: $('#route_from').val() + ';' + e.latlng.lat.toFixed(precision) + ',' + e.latlng.lng.toFixed(precision)
+ }));
+ }
+ // TODO only allow this if zoomed in enough
+ var context_addnote = function(e){
+ // TODO this currently doesn't work correctly - I think the "route" needs to be chained to ensure it comes once the pan has finished.
+ map.panTo(e.latlng, {animate: false});
+ OSM.router.route('/note/new');
+ }
+ var context_centrehere = function(e){
+ map.panTo(e.latlng);
+ }
+ var context_queryhere = function(e) {
+ var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom()),
+ latlng = e.latlng.wrap(),
+ lat = latlng.lat.toFixed(precision),
+ lng = latlng.lng.toFixed(precision);
+ OSM.router.route("/query?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lng);