<%= render :partial => 'key' %>
<%= render :partial => 'search' %>
+ <div id="noscript">
+ <p>You are either using a browser that doesn't support javascript, or you have disabled javascript.</p>
+ <p>OpenStreetMap uses javascript for its slippy map.</p>
+ <p>You may want to try the <a href="http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/">Tiles@Home static tile browser</a> if you are unable to enable javascript.</p>
+ </div>
<div id="map">
<div id="permalink"><a href="/" id="permalinkanchor">Permalink</a></div>
<div id="attribution">
-<table width="100%">
-<td align="left">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/</td>
-<td align="right">http://openstreetmap.org/</td>
-<td colspan="2" align="center">
-Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 license
-by the OpenStreetMap project and it's contributors.
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td align="left">http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/</td>
+ <td align="right">http://openstreetmap.org/</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2" align="center">Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 license by the OpenStreetMap project and its contributors.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
<% if params['mlon'] and params['mlat'] %>
<% lat = h(params['mlat']) %>
<% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '12') %>
<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
-<% elsif cookies.key?("location") %>
-<% lon,lat,zoom,layers = cookies["location"].split(",") %>
+<% elsif cookies.key?("_osm_location") %>
+<% lon,lat,zoom,layers = cookies["_osm_location"].split("|") %>
<% elsif @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil? %>
<% lon = @user.home_lon %>
<% lat = @user.home_lat %>
<% lon = '-0.1' %>
<% lat = '51.5' %>
<% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '5') %>
-<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
<% end %>
+<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
<% end %>
<%= javascript_include_tag '/openlayers/OpenLayers.js' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'map.js' %>
-<script type="text/javascript">
+<script type="text/javascript" defer="defer">
var brokenContentSize = $("content").offsetWidth == 0;
var marker;
var map;
- function init(){
+ function mapInit(){
map = createMap("map");
+ <% unless OSM_STATUS == :api_offline or OSM_STATUS == :database_offline %>
+ map.dataLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer("Data", { "visibility": false });
+ map.dataLayer.events.register("visibilitychanged", map.dataLayer, toggleData);
+ map.addLayer(map.dataLayer);
+ <% end %>
<% if bbox %>
- var min = lonLatToMercator(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= minlon %>, <%= minlat %>));
- var max = lonLatToMercator(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= maxlon %>, <%= maxlat %>));
- var bbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(min.lon, min.lat, max.lon, max.lat);
+ var bbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(<%= minlon %>, <%= minlat %>, <%= maxlon %>, <%= maxlat %>);
- map.zoomToExtent(bbox);
+ setMapExtent(bbox);
<% else %>
- var centre = lonLatToMercator(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= lon %>, <%= lat %>));
+ var centre = new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= lon %>, <%= lat %>);
var zoom = <%= zoom %>;
<% if params['scale'] and params['scale'].length > 0 then %>
zoom = scaleToZoom(<%= params['scale'].to_f() %>);
<% end %>
- map.setCenter(centre, zoom);
+ setMapCenter(centre, zoom);
<% end %>
- <% if layers %>
+ <% if !layers.nil? and !layers.empty? %>
setMapLayers("<%= layers %>");
<% end %>
<% if marker %>
- marker = addMarkerToMap(lonLatToMercator(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= mlon %>, <%= mlat %>)));
+ marker = addMarkerToMap(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= mlon %>, <%= mlat %>));
<% end %>
map.events.register("zoomend", map, updateKey);
map.events.register("moveend", map, updateLocation);
map.events.register("changelayer", map, updateLocation);
- map.events.register("click", map, mapClick);
- // Map click results in feature lookup
- function mapClick(e) {
- var pos = lonLatToNonSphericalMercator
- (mercatorToLonLat
- (map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx
- ( map.events.getMousePosition(e))));
- // put in the freemap url for the moment. this will be replaced
- // by a ruby equivalent.
- /*
- url= 'http://www.free-map.org.uk/freemap/common/osmlookup.php?'+
- 'action=get&x='+pos.lon+'&y='+pos.lat;
- OpenLayers.loadURL(url,/null, null,osmLookupCallback);
- */
- }
- // the feature lookup finds the nearest POI node, or, if no node could
- // be found, the nearest way
- /*
- function osmLookupCallback (xmlHTTP) {
- var nodes = xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('node');
- var ways = xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('way');
- var features = (ways.length==1) ? ways:nodes;
- if(features.length==1) {
- var osm_id = features[0].getElementsByTagName('osm_id')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue;
- var name =
- (xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('name').length>0) ?
- xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue: "";
- if(this.osm_type=='way' && ways.length==1) {
- // use openlayers vector layer to highlight way for editing?
- }
- var description="";
- var wikipedia="";
- var ad=false;
- if(xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('description').length){
- osmdesc=
- xmlHTTP.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].
- firstChild.nodeValue;
- description += "<p>"+osmdesc+"</p>";
- }
- }
+ function toggleData() {
+ if (map.dataLayer.visibility) {
+ <%= remote_function :url => { :controller => 'browse', :action => 'start' } %>
+ } else {
+ closeSidebar();
+ }
- */
function getPosition() {
- return mercatorToLonLat(map.getCenter());
+ return getMapCenter();
function setPosition(lat, lon, zoom) {
- var centre = lonLatToMercator(new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat));
+ var centre = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat);
- map.setCenter(centre, zoom);
+ setMapCenter(centre, zoom);
if (marker)
function updateLocation() {
- var lonlat = mercatorToLonLat(map.getCenter());
+ var lonlat = getMapCenter();
var zoom = map.getZoom();
var layers = getMapLayers();
updatelinks(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat, zoom, layers);
- document.cookie = "location=" + lonlat.lon + "," + lonlat.lat + "," + zoom + "," + layers;
+ document.cookie = "_osm_location=" + lonlat.lon + "|" + lonlat.lat + "|" + zoom + "|" + layers;
function resizeContent() {
+ mapInit();
+ window.onload = handleResize;
window.onresize = handleResize;
- window.onload = init;
+ <% if params['action'] == 'export' %>
+ <%= remote_function :url => { :controller => 'export', :action => 'start' } %>
+ <% end %>
// -->