+ return { :source => "Geocoder.CA", :url => "http://geocoder.ca/", :results => results }
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ return { :source => "Geocoder.CA", :url => "http://geocoder.ca/", :error => "Error contacting geocoder.ca: #{ex.to_s}" }
+ end
+ def search_osm_namefinder(query)
+ results = Array.new
+ # ask OSM namefinder
+ response = fetch_xml("http://www.frankieandshadow.com/osm/search.xml?find=#{URI.escape(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("searchresults/named") do |named|
+ lat = named.attributes["lat"].to_s
+ lon = named.attributes["lon"].to_s
+ zoom = named.attributes["zoom"].to_s
+ place = named.elements["place/named"] || named.elements["nearestplaces/named"]
+ type = named.attributes["info"].to_s.capitalize
+ name = named.attributes["name"].to_s
+ distance = format_distance(place.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
+ direction = format_direction(place.attributes["direction"].to_i)
+ placename = place.attributes["name"].to_s
+ results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => zoom,
+ :description => "#{type} #{name}, #{distance} #{direction} of #{placename}"})
+ end
+ return { :source => "OpenStreetMap Namefinder", :url => "http://www.frankieandshadow.com/osm/", :results => results }
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ return { :source => "OpenStreetMap Namefinder", :url => "http://www.frankieandshadow.com/osm/", :error => "Error contacting www.frankieandshadow.com: #{ex.to_s}" }
+ end
+ def search_geonames(query)
+ results = Array.new
+ # ask geonames.org
+ response = fetch_xml("http://ws.geonames.org/search?q=#{URI.escape(query)}&maxRows=20")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |geoname|
+ lat = geoname.get_text("lat").to_s
+ lon = geoname.get_text("lng").to_s
+ name = geoname.get_text("name").to_s
+ country = geoname.get_text("countryName").to_s
+ results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => 12,
+ :description => "#{name}, #{country}"})
+ end
+ return { :source => "GeoNames", :url => "http://www.geonames.org/", :results => results }
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ return { :source => "GeoNames", :url => "http://www.geonames.org/", :error => "Error contacting ws.geonames.org: #{ex.to_s}" }
+ end
+ def fetch_text(url)
+ return Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
+ end
+ def fetch_xml(url)
+ return REXML::Document.new(fetch_text(url))
+ end
+ def format_distance(distance)
+ return "less than 1km" if distance == 0
+ return "about #{distance}km"