skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
before_action :check_api_writable
+ # AMF Controller implements its own authentication and authorization checks
+ # completely independently of the rest of the codebase, so best just to let
+ # it keep doing its own thing.
+ skip_authorization_check
# Main AMF handlers: process the raw AMF string (using AMF library) and
# calls each action (private method) accordingly.
user = getuser(usertoken)
return -1, "You are not logged in, so Potlatch can't write any changes to the database." unless user
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
- return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil?
+ return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if user.terms_agreed.nil?
if cstags
return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." unless tags_ok(cstags)
cstags = strip_non_xml_chars cstags
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
query = Trace.visible_to(user)
- query = if searchterm.to_i > 0
+ query = if searchterm.to_i.positive?
query.where(:id => searchterm.to_i)
query.where("MATCH(name) AGAINST (?)", searchterm).limit(21)
rel = Relation.where(:id => relid).first
return [-4, "relation", relid] if rel.nil? || !rel.visible
[0, "", relid, rel.tags, rel.members, rel.version]
def findrelations(searchterm)
rels = []
- if searchterm.to_i > 0
+ if searchterm.to_i.positive?
rel = Relation.where(:id => searchterm.to_i).first
- rels.push([, rel.tags, rel.members, rel.version]) if rel && rel.visible
+ rels.push([, rel.tags, rel.members, rel.version]) if rel&.visible
RelationTag.where("v like ?", "%#{searchterm}%").limit(11).each do |t|
rels.push([, t.relation.tags, t.relation.members, t.relation.version]) if t.relation.visible
return -1, "You are not logged in, so the relation could not be saved." unless user
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
- return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil?
+ return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if user.terms_agreed.nil?
return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." unless tags_ok(tags)
tags = strip_non_xml_chars tags
relid = relid.to_i
relation = nil
Relation.transaction do
# create a new relation, or find the existing one
- relation = Relation.find(relid) if relid > 0
+ relation = Relation.find(relid) if relid.positive?
# We always need a new node, based on the data that has been sent to us
new_relation =
typedmembers = []
members.each do |m|
mid = m[1].to_i
- if mid < 0
+ if mid.negative?
mid = renumberednodes[mid] if m[0] == "Node"
mid = renumberedways[mid] if m[0] == "Way"
user = getuser(usertoken)
return -1, "You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." unless user
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
- return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil?
+ return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if user.terms_agreed.nil?
return -2, "Server error - way is only #{pointlist.length} points long." if pointlist.length < 2
return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." unless tags_ok(attributes)
attributes = strip_non_xml_chars attributes
originalway = originalway.to_i
# fixup node tags in a way as well
return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." unless tags_ok(node.tags)
node.tags = strip_non_xml_chars node.tags
# -- Save revised way
pointlist.collect! do |a|
- renumberednodes[a] ? renumberednodes[a] : a
+ renumberednodes[a] || a
new_way =
new_way.tags = attributes
user = getuser(usertoken)
return -1, "You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." unless user
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
- return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil?
+ return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if user.terms_agreed.nil?
return -1, "One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." unless tags_ok(tags)
tags = strip_non_xml_chars tags
id = id.to_i
node = nil
new_node = nil
Node.transaction do
- if id > 0
+ if id.positive?
node = Node.find(id)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
user = getuser(usertoken)
return -1, "You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." unless user
return -1, t("application.setup_user_auth.blocked") if
- return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED && user.terms_agreed.nil?
+ return -1, "You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." if user.terms_agreed.nil?
way_id = way_id.to_i
nodeversions = {}
# in the +tags+ hash.
def strip_non_xml_chars(tags)
new_tags = {}
- unless tags.nil?
- tags.each do |k, v|
- new_k = k.delete "\000-\037\ufffe\uffff", "^\011\012\015"
- new_v = v.delete "\000-\037\ufffe\uffff", "^\011\012\015"
- new_tags[new_k] = new_v
- end
+ tags&.each do |k, v|
+ new_k = k.delete "\000-\037\ufffe\uffff", "^\011\012\015"
+ new_v = v.delete "\000-\037\ufffe\uffff", "^\011\012\015"
+ new_tags[new_k] = new_v
INNER JOIN current_relation_members crm ON
INNER JOIN current_nodes cn ON AND crm.member_type='Node'
WHERE #{OSM.sql_for_area(bbox, 'cn.')}
unless way_ids.empty?
sql += <<-SQL
INNER JOIN current_relation_members crm ON
WHERE crm.member_type='Way'
AND crm.member_id IN (#{way_ids.join(',')})
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql).collect { |a| [a["relid"].to_i, a["version"].to_i] }