@title = if target_user.nil?
t ".public_traces"
elsif current_user && current_user == target_user
- t ".my_traces"
+ t ".my_gps_traces"
t ".public_traces_from", :user => target_user.display_name
# 2 - all traces, not logged in = all public traces
# 3 - user's traces, logged in as same user = all user's traces
# 4 - user's traces, not logged in as that user = all user's public traces
- @traces = if target_user.nil? # all traces
- if current_user
- Trace.visible_to(current_user) # 1
- else
- Trace.visible_to_all # 2
- end
- elsif current_user && current_user == target_user
- current_user.traces # 3 (check vs user id, so no join + can't pick up non-public traces by changing name)
- else
- target_user.traces.visible_to_all # 4
- end
+ traces = if target_user.nil? # all traces
+ if current_user
+ Trace.visible_to(current_user) # 1
+ else
+ Trace.visible_to_all # 2
+ end
+ elsif current_user && current_user == target_user
+ current_user.traces # 3 (check vs user id, so no join + can't pick up non-public traces by changing name)
+ else
+ target_user.traces.visible_to_all # 4
+ end
- @traces = @traces.tagged(params[:tag]) if params[:tag]
+ traces = traces.tagged(params[:tag]) if params[:tag]
- @params = params.permit(:display_name, :tag)
+ traces = traces.visible
- @page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
- @page_size = 20
+ @params = params.permit(:display_name, :tag, :before, :after)
- @traces = @traces.visible
- @traces = @traces.order(:id => :desc)
- @traces = @traces.offset((@page - 1) * @page_size)
- @traces = @traces.limit(@page_size)
+ @traces = if params[:before]
+ traces.where("gpx_files.id < ?", params[:before]).order(:id => :desc)
+ elsif params[:after]
+ traces.where("gpx_files.id > ?", params[:after]).order(:id => :asc)
+ else
+ traces.order(:id => :desc)
+ end
+ @traces = @traces.limit(20)
@traces = @traces.includes(:user, :tags)
+ @traces = @traces.sort.reverse
+ @newer_traces = @traces.count.positive? && traces.exists?(["gpx_files.id > ?", @traces.first.id])
+ @older_traces = @traces.count.positive? && traces.exists?(["gpx_files.id < ?", @traces.last.id])
# final helper vars for view
@target_user = target_user
- def mine
- redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => current_user.display_name
- end
def show
@trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
@trace = Trace.new(:visibility => default_visibility)
+ def edit
+ @trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
+ if !@trace.visible?
+ head :not_found
+ elsif current_user.nil? || @trace.user != current_user
+ head :forbidden
+ else
+ @title = t ".title", :name => @trace.name
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ head :not_found
+ end
def create
@title = t ".upload_trace"
redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => current_user.display_name
- flash[:error] = t("traces.create.upload_failed") if @trace.valid?
+ flash[:error] = t(".upload_failed") if @trace.valid?
render :action => "new"
:description => params[:trace][:description],
:visibility => params[:trace][:visibility],
:inserted => false, :user => current_user,
- :timestamp => Time.now.getutc)
+ :timestamp => Time.now.utc)
@trace.errors.add(:gpx_file, "can't be blank")
- def data
- trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
- if trace.visible? && (trace.public? || (current_user && current_user == trace.user))
- if Acl.no_trace_download(request.remote_ip)
- head :forbidden
- elsif request.format == Mime[:xml]
- send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.xml", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
- elsif request.format == Mime[:gpx]
- send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.gpx", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
- elsif trace.file.attached?
- redirect_to rails_blob_path(trace.file, :disposition => "attachment")
- else
- send_file(trace.trace_name, :filename => "#{trace.id}#{trace.extension_name}", :type => trace.mime_type, :disposition => "attachment")
- end
- else
- head :not_found
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- head :not_found
- end
- def edit
- @trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
- if !@trace.visible?
- head :not_found
- elsif current_user.nil? || @trace.user != current_user
- head :forbidden
- else
- @title = t ".title", :name => @trace.name
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- head :not_found
- end
def update
@trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
head :not_found
+ def mine
+ redirect_to :action => :index, :display_name => current_user.display_name
+ end
+ def data
+ trace = Trace.find(params[:id])
+ if trace.visible? && (trace.public? || (current_user && current_user == trace.user))
+ if Acl.no_trace_download(request.remote_ip)
+ head :forbidden
+ elsif request.format == Mime[:xml]
+ send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.xml", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
+ elsif request.format == Mime[:gpx]
+ send_data(trace.xml_file.read, :filename => "#{trace.id}.gpx", :type => request.format.to_s, :disposition => "attachment")
+ elsif trace.file.attached?
+ redirect_to rails_blob_path(trace.file, :disposition => "attachment")
+ else
+ send_file(trace.trace_name, :filename => "#{trace.id}#{trace.extension_name}", :type => trace.mime_type, :disposition => "attachment")
+ end
+ else
+ head :not_found
+ end
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ head :not_found
+ end
def georss
@traces = Trace.visible_to_all.visible
:visibility => visibility,
:inserted => false,
:user => current_user,
- :timestamp => Time.now.getutc,
+ :timestamp => Time.now.utc,
:file => file