if (options2.cache === "no-store" || options2.cache === "no-cache") {
var reParamSearch = /([?&])_=[^&]*/;
if (reParamSearch.test(this.url)) {
- this.url = this.url.replace(reParamSearch, "$1_=" + new Date().getTime());
+ this.url = this.url.replace(reParamSearch, "$1_=" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime());
} else {
var reQueryString = /\?/;
- this.url += (reQueryString.test(this.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + new Date().getTime();
+ this.url += (reQueryString.test(this.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime();
// node_modules/d3-interpolate/src/date.js
function date_default(a, b) {
- var d = new Date();
+ var d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
return a = +a, b = +b, function(t) {
return d.setTime(a * (1 - t) + b * t), d;
var ociCdnUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/osm-community-index@{version}/";
var wmfSitematrixCdnUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/wmf-sitematrix@{version}/";
var nsiCdnUrl = "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/name-suggestion-index@{version}/";
- var osmApiConnections = [
- {
- // "live" db
+ var defaultOsmApiConnections = {
+ "live": {
url: "https://www.openstreetmap.org",
client_id: "0tmNTmd0Jo1dQp4AUmMBLtGiD9YpMuXzHefitcuVStc",
client_secret: "BTlNrNxIPitHdL4sP2clHw5KLoee9aKkA7dQbc0Bj7Q"
- {
- // "dev" db
+ "dev": {
url: "https://api06.dev.openstreetmap.org",
client_id: "Ee1wWJ6UlpERbF6BfTNOpwn0R8k_06mvMXdDUkeHMgw",
client_secret: "OnfWFC-JkZNHyYdr_viNn_h_RTZXRslKcUxllOXqf5g"
- ];
+ };
+ var osmApiConnections = [];
+ if (false) {
+ osmApiConnections.push({
+ url: null,
+ client_id: null,
+ client_secret: null
+ });
+ } else if (false) {
+ osmApiConnections.push(defaultOsmApiConnections[null]);
+ } else {
+ osmApiConnections.push(defaultOsmApiConnections.live);
+ osmApiConnections.push(defaultOsmApiConnections.dev);
+ }
var taginfoApiUrl = "https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/api/4/";
var nominatimApiUrl = "https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/";
// package.json
var package_default = {
name: "iD",
- version: "2.24.1",
+ version: "2.25.2",
description: "A friendly editor for OpenStreetMap",
main: "dist/iD.min.js",
repository: "github:openstreetmap/iD",
"dist:svg:maki": 'svg-sprite --symbol --symbol-dest . --shape-id-generator "maki-%s" --symbol-sprite dist/img/maki-sprite.svg node_modules/@mapbox/maki/icons/*.svg',
"dist:svg:mapillary:signs": "svg-sprite --symbol --symbol-dest . --symbol-sprite dist/img/mapillary-sprite.svg node_modules/mapillary_sprite_source/package_signs/*.svg",
"dist:svg:mapillary:objects": "svg-sprite --symbol --symbol-dest . --symbol-sprite dist/img/mapillary-object-sprite.svg node_modules/mapillary_sprite_source/package_objects/*.svg",
+ "dist:svg:roentgen": 'svg-sprite --shape-id-generator "roentgen-%s" --shape-dim-width 16 --shape-dim-height 16 --symbol --symbol-dest . --symbol-sprite dist/img/roentgen-sprite.svg svg/roentgen/*.svg',
"dist:svg:temaki": 'svg-sprite --symbol --symbol-dest . --shape-id-generator "temaki-%s" --symbol-sprite dist/img/temaki-sprite.svg node_modules/@ideditor/temaki/icons/*.svg',
imagery: "node scripts/update_imagery.js",
lint: "eslint scripts test/spec modules",
"lint:fix": "eslint scripts test/spec modules --fix",
- start: "run-s build:js start:server",
+ start: "run-s start:watch",
+ "start:single-build": "run-p build:js start:server",
"start:watch": "run-p build:js:watch start:server",
"start:server": "node scripts/server.js",
test: "npm-run-all -s lint build test:spec",
"@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons": "~6.2.0",
"@ideditor/temaki": "~5.2.0",
"@mapbox/maki": "^8.0.0",
- "@openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema": "^5.0.1",
+ "@openstreetmap/id-tagging-schema": "^6.0.0",
"@transifex/api": "^5.0.1",
autoprefixer: "^10.0.1",
chai: "^4.3.4",
"cldr-localenames-full": "^41.0.0",
"concat-files": "^0.1.1",
d3: "~7.8.1",
+ dotenv: "^16.0.3",
"editor-layer-index": "github:osmlab/editor-layer-index#gh-pages",
- esbuild: "^0.17.3",
+ esbuild: "^0.17.10",
"esbuild-visualizer": "^0.4.0",
eslint: "^8.8.0",
"fetch-mock": "^9.11.0",
var mutex = {};
var intervalID;
function renew() {
- var expires = new Date();
+ var expires = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
expires.setSeconds(expires.getSeconds() + 5);
document.cookie = name + "=1; expires=" + expires.toUTCString() + "; sameSite=strict";
return str2.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, "_");
function utilUniqueDomId(val) {
- return "ideditor-" + utilSafeClassName(val.toString()) + "-" + new Date().getTime().toString();
+ return "ideditor-" + utilSafeClassName(val.toString()) + "-" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime().toString();
function utilUnicodeCharsCount(str2) {
return Array.from(str2).length;
_downPointer = {
id: d3_event.pointerId || "mouse",
- downTime: +new Date(),
+ downTime: +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(),
downLoc: pointerLocGetter(d3_event)
dispatch10.call("down", this, d3_event, datum2(d3_event));
_lastPointerUpEvent = d3_event;
if (downPointer.isCancelled)
- var t2 = +new Date();
+ var t2 = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
var p2 = downPointer.pointerLocGetter(d3_event);
var dist = geoVecLength(downPointer.downLoc, p2);
if (dist < _closeTolerance || dist < _tolerance && t2 - downPointer.downTime < 500) {
json_default(url, options2).then(() => {
delete _cache2.inflightPost[d.id];
if (!d.newStatus) {
- const now3 = new Date();
+ const now3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
let comments = d.comments ? d.comments : [];
username: payload.username,
nextIDs: osmEntity.id.next,
index: _index,
// note the time the changes were saved
- timestamp: new Date().getTime()
+ timestamp: (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime()
fromJSON: function(json, loadChildNodes) {
+ "roentgen-sprite",
function drawDefs(selection2) {
var _maxDistance = 20;
var _pointer;
function pointerIsValidFor(loc) {
- return new Date().getTime() - _pointer.startTime <= _maxTimespan && // all pointer events must occur within a small distance of the first pointerdown
+ return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() - _pointer.startTime <= _maxTimespan && // all pointer events must occur within a small distance of the first pointerdown
geoVecLength(_pointer.startLoc, loc) <= _maxDistance;
function pointerdown(d3_event) {
if (!_pointer) {
_pointer = {
startLoc: loc,
- startTime: new Date().getTime(),
+ startTime: (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(),
upCount: 0,
pointerId: d3_event.pointerId
select_default2(this).call(tooltip).append("div").attr("class", "icon-wrap").call(svgIcon(d.icon && d.icon() || "#iD-operation-" + d.id, "operation"));
if (showLabels) {
- buttonsEnter.append("span").attr("class", "label").html(function(d) {
- return d.title;
+ buttonsEnter.append("span").attr("class", "label").each(function(d) {
+ select_default2(this).call(d.title);
buttonsEnter.merge(buttons).classed("disabled", function(d) {
if (input.classed("disabled"))
- _tDown = +new Date();
+ _tDown = +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
var start2 = input.property("selectionStart");
var end = input.property("selectionEnd");
if (start2 !== end) {
// modules/ui/fields/combo.js
- var valueIcons = {
- "crossing:markings": [
- "dashes",
- "dots",
- "ladder:paired",
- "ladder:skewed",
- "ladder",
- "lines:paired",
- "lines",
- "surface",
- "zebra:bicolour",
- "zebra:double",
- "zebra:paired",
- "zebra"
- ]
- };
function uiFieldCombo(field, context) {
var dispatch10 = dispatch_default("change");
var _isMulti = field.type === "multiCombo" || field.type === "manyCombo";
function addComboboxIcons(disp, value) {
- if (valueIcons[field.key]) {
+ const iconsField = field.resolveReference("iconsCrossReference");
+ if (iconsField.icons) {
return function(selection2) {
var span = selection2.insert("span", ":first-child").attr("class", "tag-value-icon");
- if (valueIcons[field.key].indexOf(value) !== -1) {
- span.call(svgIcon("#iD-" + field.key.replace(/:/g, "_") + "-" + value.replace(/:/g, "_")));
+ if (iconsField.icons[value]) {
+ span.call(svgIcon(`#${iconsField.icons[value]}`));
disp.call(this, selection2);
function updateIcon(value) {
value = tagValue(value);
- if (valueIcons[field.key]) {
+ const iconsField = field.resolveReference("iconsCrossReference");
+ if (iconsField.icons) {
- if (valueIcons[field.key].indexOf(value) !== -1) {
- _container.selectAll(".tag-value-icon").data([value]).enter().insert("div", "input").attr("class", "tag-value-icon").call(svgIcon("#iD-" + field.key.replace(/:/g, "_") + "-" + value.replace(/:/g, "_")));
+ if (iconsField.icons[value]) {
+ _container.selectAll(".tag-value-icon").data([value]).enter().insert("div", "input").attr("class", "tag-value-icon").call(svgIcon(`#${iconsField.icons[value]}`));
} else if (field.type === "colour") {
input.attr("type", "text");
+ } else if (field.type === "date") {
+ input.attr("type", "text");
+ updateDateField();
- function isColourValid(colour) {
- if (!colour.match(/^(#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}|\w+)$/)) {
- return false;
- } else if (!CSS.supports("color", colour) || ["unset", "inherit", "initial", "revert"].includes(colour)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
function updateColourPreview() {
+ function isColourValid(colour2) {
+ if (!colour2.match(/^(#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}|\w+)$/)) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (!CSS.supports("color", colour2) || ["unset", "inherit", "initial", "revert"].includes(colour2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
const colour = utilGetSetValue(input);
- if (!isColourValid(colour) && colour !== "")
+ if (!isColourValid(colour) && colour !== "") {
+ wrap2.selectAll("input.colour-selector").remove();
+ wrap2.selectAll(".form-field-button").remove();
+ }
var colourSelector = wrap2.selectAll(".colour-selector").data([0]);
- outlinkButton = wrap2.selectAll(".colour-preview").data([colour]);
- colourSelector.enter().append("input").attr("type", "color").attr("class", "form-field-button colour-selector").attr("value", colour).on("input", debounce_default(function(d3_event) {
+ colourSelector.enter().append("input").attr("type", "color").attr("class", "colour-selector").on("input", debounce_default(function(d3_event) {
var colour2 = this.value;
if (!isColourValid(colour2))
}, 100));
- outlinkButton = outlinkButton.enter().append("div").attr("class", "form-field-button colour-preview").append("div").style("background-color", (d) => d).attr("class", "colour-box");
+ wrap2.selectAll("input.colour-selector").attr("value", colour);
+ var chooserButton = wrap2.selectAll(".colour-preview").data([colour]);
+ chooserButton = chooserButton.enter().append("div").attr("class", "form-field-button colour-preview").append("div").style("background-color", (d) => d).attr("class", "colour-box");
if (colour === "") {
- outlinkButton = outlinkButton.call(svgIcon("#iD-icon-edit"));
+ chooserButton = chooserButton.call(svgIcon("#iD-icon-edit"));
+ }
+ chooserButton.on("click", () => wrap2.select(".colour-selector").node().showPicker());
+ }
+ function updateDateField() {
+ function isDateValid(date2) {
+ return date2.match(/^[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2}(-[0-9]{2})?)?$/);
+ }
+ const date = utilGetSetValue(input);
+ const now3 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
+ const today = new Date(now3.getTime() - now3.getTimezoneOffset() * 6e4).toISOString().split("T")[0];
+ if ((field.key === "check_date" || field.key === "survey:date") && date !== today) {
+ wrap2.selectAll(".date-set-today").data([0]).enter().append("button").attr("class", "form-field-button date-set-today").call(svgIcon("#fas-rotate")).call(uiTooltip().title(() => _t.append("inspector.set_today"))).on("click", () => {
+ utilGetSetValue(input, today);
+ change()();
+ updateDateField();
+ });
+ } else {
+ wrap2.selectAll(".date-set-today").remove();
+ }
+ if (!isDateValid(date) && date !== "") {
+ wrap2.selectAll("input.date-selector").remove();
+ wrap2.selectAll(".date-calendar").remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (utilDetect().browser !== "Safari") {
+ var dateSelector = wrap2.selectAll(".date-selector").data([0]);
+ dateSelector.enter().append("input").attr("type", "date").attr("class", "date-selector").on("input", debounce_default(function(d3_event) {
+ d3_event.preventDefault();
+ var date2 = this.value;
+ if (!isDateValid(date2))
+ return;
+ utilGetSetValue(input, this.value);
+ change()();
+ updateDateField();
+ }, 100));
+ wrap2.selectAll("input.date-selector").attr("value", date);
+ var calendarButton = wrap2.selectAll(".date-calendar").data([date]);
+ calendarButton = calendarButton.enter().append("button").attr("class", "form-field-button date-calendar").call(svgIcon("#fas-calendar-days"));
+ calendarButton.on("click", () => wrap2.select(".date-selector").node().showPicker());
- outlinkButton.on("click", () => wrap2.select(".colour-selector").node().click()).merge(outlinkButton);
function updatePhonePlaceholder() {
if (input.empty() || !Object.keys(_phoneFormats).length)
if (field.type === "tel")
- if (field.key.split(":").includes("colour"))
+ if (field.type === "colour")
+ if (field.type === "date")
+ updateDateField();
if (outlinkButton && !outlinkButton.empty()) {
var disabled = !validIdentifierValueForLink();
outlinkButton.classed("disabled", disabled);
var wrap2 = select_default2(null);
var _tags;
var _combos = {};
+ if (field.type === "cycleway") {
+ field = {
+ ...field,
+ key: field.keys[0],
+ keys: field.keys.slice(1)
+ };
+ }
function directionalCombo(selection2) {
function stripcolon(s) {
return s.replace(":", "");
wrap2 = wrap2.enter().append("div").attr("class", "form-field-input-wrap form-field-input-" + field.type).merge(wrap2);
var div = wrap2.selectAll("ul").data([0]);
div = div.enter().append("ul").attr("class", "rows").merge(div);
- var keys = field.keys.slice(1);
- items = div.selectAll("li").data(keys);
+ items = div.selectAll("li").data(field.keys);
var enter = items.enter().append("li").attr("class", function(d) {
return "labeled-input preset-directionalcombo-" + stripcolon(d);
wrap2.selectAll(".preset-input-directionalcombo").on("change", change).on("blur", change);
function change(key, newValue) {
- const commonKey = field.keys[0];
- const otherKey = key === field.keys[1] ? field.keys[2] : field.keys[1];
+ const commonKey = field.key;
+ const otherKey = key === field.keys[0] ? field.keys[1] : field.keys[0];
dispatch10.call("change", this, (tags) => {
const otherValue = tags[otherKey] || tags[commonKey];
if (newValue === otherValue) {
directionalCombo.tags = function(tags) {
_tags = tags;
- const commonKey = field.keys[0];
+ const commonKey = field.key;
for (let key in _combos) {
const uniqueValues = [...new Set([].concat(_tags[commonKey]).concat(_tags[key]).filter(Boolean))];
_combos[key].tags({ [key]: uniqueValues.length > 1 ? uniqueValues : uniqueValues[0] });
colour: uiFieldText,
combo: uiFieldCombo,
cycleway: uiFieldDirectionalCombo,
+ date: uiFieldText,
defaultCheck: uiFieldCheck,
directionalCombo: uiFieldDirectionalCombo,
email: uiFieldText,
var _locked = false;
var _lockedTip = uiTooltip().title(() => _t.append("inspector.lock.suggestion", { label: field.title })).placement("bottom");
- field.keys = field.keys || [field.key];
if (_show && !field.impl) {
+ function allKeys() {
+ let keys = field.keys || [field.key];
+ if (field.type === "directionalCombo" && field.key) {
+ keys = keys.concat(field.key);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
function isModified() {
if (!entityIDs || !entityIDs.length)
return false;
return entityIDs.some(function(entityID) {
var original = context.graph().base().entities[entityID];
var latest = context.graph().entity(entityID);
- return field.keys.some(function(key) {
+ return allKeys().some(function(key) {
return original ? latest.tags[key] !== original.tags[key] : latest.tags[key];
function tagsContainFieldKey() {
- return field.keys.some(function(key) {
+ return allKeys().some(function(key) {
if (field.type === "multiCombo") {
for (var tagKey in _tags) {
if (tagKey.indexOf(key) === 0) {
if (!entityIDs || _locked)
- dispatch10.call("revert", d, d.keys);
+ dispatch10.call("revert", d, allKeys());
function remove2(d3_event, d) {
if (_locked)
var t = {};
- d.keys.forEach(function(key) {
+ allKeys().forEach(function(key) {
t[key] = void 0;
dispatch10.call("change", d, t);
var buttons = fixesEnter.append("button").on("click", function(d3_event, d) {
if (select_default2(this).attr("disabled") || !d.onClick)
- if (d.issue.dateLastRanFix && new Date() - d.issue.dateLastRanFix < 1e3)
+ if (d.issue.dateLastRanFix && /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() - d.issue.dateLastRanFix < 1e3)
- d.issue.dateLastRanFix = new Date();
+ d.issue.dateLastRanFix = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
utilHighlightEntities(d.issue.entityIds.concat(d.entityIds), false, context);
new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
d.onClick(context, resolve, reject);
const isMaki = picon && /^maki-/.test(picon);
const isTemaki = picon && /^temaki-/.test(picon);
const isFa = picon && /^fa[srb]-/.test(picon);
- const isiDIcon = picon && !(isMaki || isTemaki || isFa);
+ const isR\u00F6ntgen = picon && /^roentgen-/.test(picon);
+ const isiDIcon = picon && !(isMaki || isTemaki || isFa || isR\u00F6ntgen);
let icon2 = container.selectAll(".preset-icon").data(picon ? [0] : []);
icon2 = icon2.enter().append("div").attr("class", "preset-icon").call(svgIcon("")).merge(icon2);
return event;
}).filter((event) => {
const t = event.date.getTime();
- const now3 = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ const now3 = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return !isNaN(t) && t >= now3;
}).sort((a, b) => {
return a.date < b.date ? -1 : a.date > b.date ? 1 : 0;
+ "open_source_attribution",
["overview", [
let captureInfo = line1.append("div").attr("class", "attribution-capture-info");
if (d.captured_by) {
- const yyyy = new Date().getFullYear();
+ const yyyy = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getFullYear();
captureInfo.append("a").attr("class", "captured_by").attr("target", "_blank").attr("href", "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/streetside").text("\xA9" + yyyy + " Microsoft");
} else {
_lastMouseEvent = d3_event;
- _lastInteractionType = "rightclick";
+ if (d3_event.pointerType === "touch" || d3_event.pointerType === "pen" || d3_event.mozInputSource && // firefox doesn't give a pointerType on contextmenu events
+ (d3_event.mozInputSource === MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_TOUCH || d3_event.mozInputSource === MouseEvent.MOZ_SOURCE_PEN)) {
+ _lastInteractionType = "touch";
+ } else {
+ _lastInteractionType = "rightclick";
+ }
_showMenu = true;
click(d3_event, d3_event);