+ // Drag and drop markers
+ r.handleDrop=function(e) {
+ var id=e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.getData('id');
+ var ll=r.map.mouseEventToLatLng(e.originalEvent);
+ // *** ^^^ this is slightly off - we need to work out the latLng of the tip
+ r.createMarker(ll,id);
+ r.setNumericInput(ll,id);
+ r.requestRoute(true);
+ // update to/from field
+ };
+ r.createMarker=function(latlng,id) {
+ if (r[id]) r.map.removeLayer(r[id]);
+ r[id]=L.marker(latlng, {
+ icon: id=='marker_from' ? icon_from : icon_to,
+ draggable: true,
+ name: id
+ }).addTo(r.map);
+ r[id].on('drag',r.markerDragged);
+ r[id].on('dragend',r.markerDragged);
+ };
+ // Update marker from geocoded route input
+ r.updateMarker=function(id) {
+ var m=id.replace('route','marker');
+ if (!r[m]) { r.createMarker(r[id],m); return; }
+ var ll=r[m].getLatLng();
+ if (ll.lat!=r[id][0] || ll.lng!=r[id][1]) {
+ r.createMarker(r[id],m);
+ }
+ };
+ // Marker has been dragged
+ r.markerDragged=function(e) {
+ if (e.type=='drag' && !r.chosenEngine.draggable) return;
+ if (e.type=='drag' && r.awaitingRoute) return;
+ r.setNumericInput(e.target.getLatLng(), e.target.options.name);
+ r.requestRoute(e.type=='dragend');
+ };
+ // Set a route input field to a numeric value
+ r.setNumericInput=function(ll,id) {
+ var routeid=id.replace('marker','route');
+ r[routeid]=[ll.lat,ll.lng];
+ $("[name="+routeid+"]:visible").val(Math.round(ll.lat*10000)/10000+" "+Math.round(ll.lng*10000)/10000);
+ }