save: Update Preferences
cancel: Cancel
- success: Preferences updated.
failure: Couldn't update preferences.
+ update_success_flash:
+ message: Preferences updated.
+ profiles:
+ edit:
+ title: Edit Profile
+ save: Update Profile
+ cancel: Cancel
+ image: Image
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
+ link: ""
+ what_is_gravatar: "What is Gravatar?"
+ disabled: "Gravatar has been disabled."
+ enabled: "Display of your Gravatar has been enabled."
+ new image: "Add an image"
+ keep image: "Keep the current image"
+ delete image: "Remove the current image"
+ replace image: "Replace the current image"
+ image size hint: "(square images at least 100x100 work best)"
+ home location: "Home Location"
+ no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
+ update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
+ update:
+ success: Profile updated.
+ failure: Couldn't update profile.
title: "Login"
my_preferences: My Preferences
blocks on me: Blocks on Me
blocks by me: Blocks by Me
+ edit_profile: Edit Profile
send message: Send Message
diary: Diary
edits: Edits
agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
link: ""
link text: "what is this?"
- image: Image
- gravatar:
- gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
- link: ""
- what_is_gravatar: "What is Gravatar?"
- disabled: "Gravatar has been disabled."
- enabled: "Display of your Gravatar has been enabled."
- new image: "Add an image"
- keep image: "Keep the current image"
- delete image: "Remove the current image"
- replace image: "Replace the current image"
- image size hint: "(square images at least 100x100 work best)"
- home location: "Home Location"
- no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
- update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
save changes button: Save Changes
make edits public button: Make all my edits public
return to profile: Return to profile