+ _transformSteps: function(input_steps, line) {
+ 'continue': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.continue',
+ 'merge right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.merge_right',
+ 'merge left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.merge_left',
+ 'off ramp right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.offramp_right',
+ 'off ramp left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.offramp_left',
+ 'on ramp right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.onramp_right',
+ 'on ramp left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.onramp_left',
+ 'fork right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.fork_right',
+ 'fork left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.fork_left',
+ 'end of road right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.endofroad_right',
+ 'end of road left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.endofroad_left',
+ 'turn straight': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.continue',
+ 'turn slight right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.slight_right',
+ 'turn right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.turn_right',
+ 'turn sharp right': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.sharp_right',
+ 'turn uturn': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.uturn',
+ 'turn sharp left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.sharp_left',
+ 'turn left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.turn_left',
+ 'turn slight left': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.slight_left',
+ 'roundabout': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.roundabout',
+ 'rotary': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.roundabout',
+ 'depart': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.start',
+ 'arrive': 'javascripts.directions.instructions.destination',
+ };
+ var ICON_MAP = {
+ 'continue': 0,
+ 'merge right': 21,
+ 'merge left': 20,
+ 'off ramp right': 24,
+ 'off ramp left': 25,
+ 'on ramp right': 2,
+ 'on ramp left': 6,
+ 'fork right': 18,
+ 'fork left': 19,
+ 'end of road right': 22,
+ 'end of road left': 23,
+ 'turn straight': 0,
+ 'turn slight right': 1,
+ 'turn right': 2,
+ 'turn sharp right': 3,
+ 'turn uturn': 4,
+ 'turn slight left': 5,
+ 'turn left': 6,
+ 'turn sharp left': 7,
+ 'roundabout': 10,
+ 'rotary': 10,
+ 'depart': 8,
+ 'arrive': 14
+ };
+ var numToWord = function(num) {
+ if(num > 10) {
+ num = 11;
+ }
+ return ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "gt_ten"][num];
+ };
+ var transformed_steps = input_steps.map(function(step, idx) {
+ var maneuver_id;
+ // special case handling
+ switch (step.maneuver.type) {
+ case 'on ramp':
+ case 'off ramp':
+ case 'merge':
+ case 'end of road':
+ case 'fork':
+ maneuver_id = step.maneuver.type + ' ' + (step.maneuver.modifier.indexOf('left') >= 0 ? 'left' : 'right');
+ break;
+ case 'depart':
+ case 'arrive':
+ case 'roundabout':
+ case 'rotary':
+ maneuver_id = step.maneuver.type;
+ break;
+ case 'roundabout turn':
+ case 'turn':
+ maneuver_id = "turn " + step.maneuver.modifier;
+ break;
+ // for unknown types the fallback is turn
+ default:
+ maneuver_id = "turn " + step.maneuver.modifier;
+ break;
+ }
+ var template = INSTRUCTION_TEMPLATE[maneuver_id];
+ // convert lat,lng pairs to LatLng objects
+ var step_geometry = L.PolylineUtil.decode(step.geometry, { precision: 5 }).map(function(a) { return L.latLng(a); }) ;
+ // append step_geometry on line
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(line, step_geometry);
+ var instText = "<b>" + (idx + 1) + ".</b> ";
+ var destinations = "<b>" + step.destinations + "</b>";
+ var namedRoad = true;
+ var name;
+ if (step.name && step.ref) {
+ name = "<b>" + step.name + " (" + step.ref + ")</b>";
+ } else if (step.name) {
+ name = "<b>" + step.name + "</b>";
+ } else if (step.ref) {
+ name = "<b>" + step.ref + "</b>";
+ } else {
+ name = I18n.t('javascripts.directions.instructions.unnamed');
+ namedRoad = false;
+ }
+ if (step.maneuver.type.match(/rotary|roundabout/)) {
+ if (step.maneuver.exit && step.maneuver.exit <= 10) {
+ instText += I18n.t(template + '_with_exit', { exit: I18n.t('javascripts.directions.instructions.exit_counts.' + numToWord(step.maneuver.exit)), name: name } );
+ } else {
+ instText += I18n.t(template + '_without_exit', { name: name } );
+ }
+ } else if (step.maneuver.type.match(/on ramp|off ramp/)) {
+ var params = {};
+ if (step.exits && step.maneuver.type.match(/off ramp/)) params.exit = step.exits;
+ if (step.destinations) params.directions = destinations;
+ if (namedRoad) params.directions = name;
+ if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
+ template = template + "_with_" + Object.keys(params).join("_");
+ }
+ instText += I18n.t(template, params);
+ } else {
+ instText += I18n.t(template + '_without_exit', { name: name });
+ }
+ return [[step.maneuver.location[1], step.maneuver.location[0]], ICON_MAP[maneuver_id], instText, step.distance, step_geometry];
+ });
+ return transformed_steps;
+ },