require "rexml/text"
require "xml/libxml"
- if defined?(SystemTimer)
- Timer = SystemTimer
- else
- require "timeout"
- Timer = Timeout
- end
# The base class for API Errors.
class APIError < RuntimeError
def initialize(message = "Generic API Error")
- super message
+ super
def status
# Raised when access is denied.
class APIAccessDenied < APIError
def initialize
- super "Access denied"
+ super("Access denied")
def status
# Raised when an API object is not found.
class APINotFoundError < APIError
def initialize
- super "Object not found"
+ super("Object not found")
def status
# Raised when a precondition to an API action fails sanity check.
class APIPreconditionFailedError < APIError
def initialize(message = "")
- super "Precondition failed: #{message}"
+ super("Precondition failed: #{message}")
def status
# Raised when to delete an already-deleted object.
class APIAlreadyDeletedError < APIError
- def initialize(object = "object", object_id = "")
- @object = object
- @object_id = object_id
+ def initialize(type = "object", id = "")
+ @type = type
+ @id = id
- super "The #{object} with the id #{object_id} has already been deleted"
+ super("The #{type} with the id #{id} has already been deleted")
- attr_reader :object, :object_id
+ attr_reader :type, :id
def status
# Raised when the user logged in isn't the same as the changeset
class APIUserChangesetMismatchError < APIError
def initialize
- super "The user doesn't own that changeset"
+ super("The user doesn't own that changeset")
def status
def initialize(changeset)
@changeset = changeset
- super "The changeset #{} was closed at #{changeset.closed_at}"
+ super("The changeset #{} was closed at #{changeset.closed_at}")
attr_reader :changeset
def initialize(changeset)
@changeset = changeset
- super "The changeset #{} is not yet closed."
+ super("The changeset #{} is not yet closed.")
attr_reader :changeset
def initialize(changeset)
@changeset = changeset
- super "You are already subscribed to changeset #{}."
+ super("You are already subscribed to changeset #{}.")
attr_reader :changeset
def initialize(changeset)
@changeset = changeset
- super "You are not subscribed to changeset #{}."
+ super("You are not subscribed to changeset #{}.")
attr_reader :changeset
# Raised when a change is expecting a changeset, but the changeset doesn't exist
class APIChangesetMissingError < APIError
def initialize
- super "You need to supply a changeset to be able to make a change"
+ super("You need to supply a changeset to be able to make a change")
def status
# the changeset ID that the diff was uploaded to.
class APIChangesetMismatchError < APIError
def initialize(provided, allowed)
- super "Changeset mismatch: Provided #{provided} but only #{allowed} is allowed"
+ super("Changeset mismatch: Provided #{provided} but only #{allowed} is allowed")
def status
# modify, or delete
class APIChangesetActionInvalid < APIError
def initialize(provided)
- super "Unknown action #{provided}, choices are create, modify, delete"
+ super("Unknown action #{provided}, choices are create, modify, delete")
def status
# they should.
class APIBadXMLError < APIError
def initialize(model, xml, message = "")
- super "Cannot parse valid #{model} from xml string #{xml}. #{message}"
+ super("Cannot parse valid #{model} from xml string #{xml}. #{message}")
def status
@provided = provided
@latest = latest
- super "Version mismatch: Provided #{provided}, server had: #{latest} of #{type} #{id}"
+ super("Version mismatch: Provided #{provided}, server had: #{latest} of #{type} #{id}")
attr_reader :provided, :latest, :id, :type
@id = id
@tag_key = tag_key
- super "Element #{type}/#{id} has duplicate tags with key #{tag_key}"
+ super("Element #{type}/#{id} has duplicate tags with key #{tag_key}")
attr_reader :type, :id, :tag_key
# This prevents ways from being to long and difficult to work with
class APITooManyWayNodesError < APIError
def initialize(id, provided, max)
- super "You tried to add #{provided} nodes to way #{id}, however only #{max} are allowed"
+ super("You tried to add #{provided} nodes to way #{id}, however only #{max} are allowed")
+ @id = id
+ @provided = provided
+ @max = max
+ end
+ attr_reader :id, :provided, :max
+ def status
+ :bad_request
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when a relation has more than the configured number of relation members.
+ # This prevents relations from being too complex and difficult to work with
+ class APITooManyRelationMembersError < APIError
+ def initialize(id, provided, max)
+ super("You tried to add #{provided} members to relation #{id}, however only #{max} are allowed")
@id = id
@provided = provided
# raised when user input couldn't be parsed
class APIBadUserInput < APIError
- def initialize(message)
- super message
- end
def status
# raised when bounding box is invalid
class APIBadBoundingBox < APIError
- def initialize(message)
- super message
- end
def status
# raised when an API call is made using a method not supported on that URI
class APIBadMethodError < APIError
def initialize(supported_method)
- super "Only method #{supported_method} is supported on this URI"
+ super("Only method #{supported_method} is supported on this URI")
def status
# raised when an API call takes too long
class APITimeoutError < APIError
def initialize
- super "Request timed out"
+ super("Request timed out")
def status
# an element - only historical versions can be redacted.
class APICannotRedactError < APIError
def initialize
- super "Cannot redact current version of element, only historical versions may be redacted."
+ super("Cannot redact current version of element, only historical versions may be redacted.")
def status
def initialize(note)
@note = note
- super "The note #{} was closed at #{note.closed_at}"
+ super("The note #{} was closed at #{note.closed_at}")
attr_reader :note
def initialize(note)
@note = note
- super "The note #{} is already open"
+ super("The note #{} is already open")
attr_reader :note
def initialize(key)
@key = key
- super "Duplicate preferences with key #{key}"
+ super("Duplicate preferences with key #{key}")
attr_reader :key
+ # Raised when a rate limit is exceeded
+ class APIRateLimitExceeded < APIError
+ def initialize
+ super("Rate limit exceeded")
+ end
+ def status
+ :too_many_requests
+ end
+ end
+ # Raised when a size limit is exceeded
+ class APISizeLimitExceeded < APIError
+ def initialize
+ super("Size limit exceeded")
+ end
+ def status
+ :payload_too_large
+ end
+ end
# Helper methods for going to/from mercator and lat/lng.
class Mercator
include Math
yscale = ysize / height
scale = [xscale, yscale].max
- xpad = width * scale - xsize
- ypad = height * scale - ysize
+ xpad = (width * scale) - xsize
+ ypad = (height * scale) - ysize
@width = width
@height = height
- @tx = xsheet(min_lon) - xpad / 2
- @ty = ysheet(min_lat) - ypad / 2
+ @tx = xsheet(min_lon) - (xpad / 2)
+ @ty = ysheet(min_lat) - (ypad / 2)
- @bx = xsheet(max_lon) + xpad / 2
- @by = ysheet(max_lat) + ypad / 2
+ @bx = xsheet(max_lon) + (xpad / 2)
+ @by = ysheet(max_lat) + (ypad / 2)
# the following two functions will give you the x/y on the entire sheet
def ysheet(lat)
- log(tan(PI / 4 + (lat * PI / 180 / 2))) / (PI / 180)
+ log(tan((PI / 4) + (lat * PI / 180 / 2))) / (PI / 180)
def xsheet(lon)
# and these two will give you the right points on your image. all the constants can be reduced to speed things up. FIXME
+ # If the bbox has no extent, return the centre of the image to avoid dividing by zero.
def y(lat)
+ return @height / 2 if (@by - @ty).zero?
@height - ((ysheet(lat) - @ty) / (@by - @ty) * @height)
def x(lon)
+ return @width / 2 if (@bx - @tx).zero?
((xsheet(lon) - @tx) / (@bx - @tx) * @width)
def distance(lat, lon)
lat = lat * PI / 180
lon = lon * PI / 180
- 6372.795 * 2 * asin(sqrt(sin((lat - @lat) / 2)**2 + cos(@lat) * cos(lat) * sin((lon - @lon) / 2)**2))
+ 6372.795 * 2 * asin(sqrt((sin((lat - @lat) / 2)**2) + (cos(@lat) * cos(lat) * (sin((lon - @lon) / 2)**2))))
# get the worst case bounds for a given radius from the base position
latradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2)**2))
- lonradius = 2 * asin(sqrt(sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2)**2 / cos(@lat)**2))
+ lonradius = 2 * asin(sqrt((sin(radius / 6372.795 / 2)**2) / (cos(@lat)**2)))
rescue Errno::EDOM, Math::DomainError
lonradius = PI
class API
- def get_xml_doc
+ def xml_doc
doc =
doc.encoding = XML::Encoding::UTF_8
root = "osm"
# Parse a float, raising a specified exception on failure
- def self.parse_float(str, klass, *args)
+ def self.parse_float(str, klass, *)
rescue StandardError
- raise*args)
+ raise*)
# Construct a random token of a given length
- def self.make_token(length = 30)
- chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
- token = ""
- length.times do
- token += chars[(rand * chars.length).to_i].chr
- end
- token
+ def self.make_token(length = 24)
+ SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(length)
# Return an SQL fragment to select a given area of the globe
# Return the terms and conditions text for a given country
def self.legal_text_for_country(country_code)
- file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", country_code.to_s + ".yml")
- file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", Settings.default_legale + ".yml") unless File.exist? file_name
+ file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", "#{country_code}.yml")
+ file_name = Rails.root.join("config", "legales", "#{Settings.default_legale}.yml") unless File.exist? file_name
# Return the HTTP client to use
def self.http_client
- @http_client ||=
+ @http_client ||= => { :timeout => 15 },
+ :headers => { :user_agent => Settings.server_url })
# Return the MaxMindDB database handle