# Skip version indicator and client ID
results={} # Results of each body
renumberednodes={} # Shared across repeated putways
+ renumberedways={} # Shared across repeated putways
# -------------
# Parse request
when 'whichways'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways(args))
when 'whichways_deleted'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways_deleted(args))
when 'getway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway(args))
+ when 'getrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getrelation(args))
when 'getway_old'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_old(args))
when 'getway_history'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway_history(args))
when 'putway'; r=putway(args,renumberednodes)
- renumberednodes=r[3]
- results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,r)
+ renumberednodes=r[3]
+ if r[1] != r[2]
+ renumberedways[r[1]] = r[2]
+ end
+ results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,r)
+ when 'putrelation'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putrelation(args, renumberednodes, renumberedways))
when 'deleteway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,deleteway(args))
when 'putpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,putpoi(args))
when 'getpoi'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpoi(args))
basey = args[5]
masterscale = args[6]
-" Message: whichways, bbox=#{xmin},#{ymin},#{xmax},#{ymax}")
+ def whichways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
+ xmin -= 0.01; ymin -= 0.01
+ xmax += 0.01; ymax += 0.01
- # find the way ids in an area
- nodes_in_area = Node.find_by_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, :conditions => "current_nodes.visible = 1", :include => :ways)
- way_ids = nodes_in_area.collect { |node| node.way_ids }.flatten.uniq
+ way_ids = sql_find_way_ids_in_area(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ points = sql_find_pois_in_area(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
+ relation_ids = sql_find_relations_in_area_and_ways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, way_ids)
+ else
+ # find the way ids in an area
+ nodes_in_area = Node.find_by_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, :conditions => "current_nodes.visible = 1", :include => :ways)
+ way_ids = nodes_in_area.collect { |node| node.way_ids }.flatten.uniq
# find the node ids in an area that aren't part of ways
nodes_not_used_in_area = { |node| node.ways.empty? }
points = nodes_not_used_in_area.collect { |n| [, n.lon_potlatch(baselong,masterscale), n.lat_potlatch(basey,masterscale), n.tags_as_hash] }
- [way_ids,points]
+ # find the relations used by those nodes and ways
+ relations = Relation.find_for_nodes(nodes_in_area.collect { |n| }, :conditions => "visible = 1") +
+ Relation.find_for_ways(way_ids, :conditions => "visible = 1")
+ relation_ids = relations.collect { |relation| }.uniq
+ end
+ [way_ids, points, relation_ids]
# ----- whichways_deleted
basey = args[5]
masterscale = args[6]
- sql=<<-EOF
- FROM current_nodes,way_nodes,current_ways
- WHERE #{OSM.sql_for_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, "current_nodes.")}
- AND current_nodes.visible=0
- AND current_ways.visible=0
- waylist = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- ways = waylist.collect {|a| a['id'].to_i }
- [ways]
+ def whichways_deleted(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
+ xmin -= 0.01; ymin -= 0.01
+ xmax += 0.01; ymax += 0.01
+ nodes_in_area = Node.find_by_area(ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, :conditions => "current_nodes.visible = 0 AND current_ways.visible = 0", :include => :ways_via_history)
+ way_ids = nodes_in_area.collect { |node| node.ways_via_history_ids }.flatten.uniq
+ [way_ids]
# ----- getway
wayid,baselong,basey,masterscale = args
wayid = wayid.to_i
-" Message: getway, id=#{wayid}")
- # Ideally we would do ":include => :nodes" here but if we do that
- # then rails only seems to return the first copy of a node when a
- # way includes a node more than once
- way = Way.find(wayid)
- long_array = []
- lat_array = []
- points = []
- way.nodes.each do |node|
- projected_longitude = node.lon_potlatch(baselong,masterscale) # do projection for potlatch
- projected_latitude = node.lat_potlatch(basey,masterscale)
- id =
- tags_hash = node.tags_as_hash
- points << [projected_longitude, projected_latitude, id, nil, tags_hash]
- long_array << projected_longitude
- lat_array << projected_latitude
- end
- [wayid,points,way.tags,long_array.min,long_array.max,lat_array.min,lat_array.max]
+ def getway(wayid) #:doc:
+ points = sql_get_nodes_in_way(wayid)
+ tags = sql_get_tags_in_way(wayid)
+ else
+ # Ideally we would do ":include => :nodes" here but if we do that
+ # then rails only seems to return the first copy of a node when a
+ # way includes a node more than once
+ way = Way.find(wayid)
+ points = way.nodes.collect do |node|
+ [node.lon,,, nil, node.tags_as_hash]
+ end
+ tags = way.tags
+ end
+ [wayid, points, tags]
# ----- getway_old" Message: getway_old (server is #{SERVER_URL})")
# if SERVER_URL=="" then return -1,"Revert is not currently enabled on the OpenStreetMap server." end
- wayid,version,baselong,basey,masterscale=args
- wayid = wayid.to_i
- version = version.to_i
- xmin = ymin = 999999
- xmax = ymax = -999999
- points=[]
- if version<0
- historic=false
- version=getlastversion(wayid,version)
+ def getway_old(id, version) #:doc:
+ if version < 0
+ old_way = OldWay.find(:first, :conditions => ['visible = 1 AND id = ?', id], :order => 'version DESC')
+ points = old_way.get_nodes_undelete
+ else
+ old_way = OldWay.find(:first, :conditions => ['id = ? AND version = ?', id, version])
+ points = old_way.get_nodes_revert
+ end
+ old_way.tags['history'] = "Retrieved from v#{old_way.version}"
+ [0, id, points, old_way.tags, old_way.version]
+ end
+ def getway_history(wayid) #:doc:
+ history = Way.find(wayid).old_ways.collect do |old_way|
+ user = old_way.user.data_public? ? old_way.user.display_name : 'anonymous'
+ [old_way.version, old_way.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M"), old_way.visible ? 1 : 0, user]
+ end
+ [history]
+ end
+ # Get a relation with all tags and members.
+ # Returns:
+ # 0. relation id,
+ # 1. hash of tags,
+ # 2. list of members.
+ def getrelation(relid) #:doc:
+ rel = Relation.find(relid)
+ [relid, rel.tags, rel.members]
+ end
+ # ----- getrelation
+ # save relation to the database
+ # in: [0] user token (string),
+ # [1] original relation id (may be negative),
+ # [2] hash of tags, [3] list of members,
+ # [4] visible
+ # out: [0] 0 (success), [1] original relation id (unchanged),
+ # [2] new relation id
+ def putrelation(args, renumberednodes, renumberedways) #:doc:
+ usertoken,relid,tags,members,visible=args
+ uid=getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
+ def putrelation(renumberednodes, renumberedways, usertoken, relid, tags, members, visible) #:doc:
+ uid = getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the relation could not be saved." end
+ relid = relid.to_i
+ visible = visible.to_i
+ # create a new relation, or find the existing one
+ if relid <= 0
+ rel =
- historic=true
+ rel = Relation.find(relid)
- readwayquery_old(wayid,version,historic).each { |row|
- points<<[long2coord(row['longitude'].to_f,baselong,masterscale),lat2coord(row['latitude'].to_f,basey,masterscale),row['id'].to_i,row['visible'].to_i,tag2array(row['tags'].to_s)]
- xmin=[xmin,row['longitude'].to_f].min
- xmax=[xmax,row['longitude'].to_f].max
- ymin=[ymin,row['latitude' ].to_f].min
- ymax=[ymax,row['latitude' ].to_f].max
- }
- # get tags from this version
- attributes={}
- attrlist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all "SELECT k,v FROM way_tags WHERE id=#{wayid} AND version=#{version}"
- attrlist.each {|a| attributes[a['k'].gsub(':','|')]=a['v'] }
- attributes['history']="Retrieved from v"+version.to_s
+ # check the members are all positive, and correctly type
+ typedmembers = []
+ members.each do |m|
+ mid = m[1].to_i
+ if mid < 0
+ mid = renumberednodes[mid] if m[0] == 'node'
+ mid = renumberedways[mid] if m[0] == 'way'
+ if mid < 0
+ return -2, "Negative ID unresolved"
+ end
+ end
+ typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2]]
+ end
- [0,wayid,points,attributes,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,version]
- end
+ # assign new contents
+ rel.members = typedmembers
+ rel.tags = tags
+ rel.visible = visible
+ rel.user_id = uid
- # ----- getway_history
- # find history of a way
- # in: [0] way id
- # does: finds history of a way
- # out: [0] array of previous versions (where each is
- # [0] version, [1] db timestamp (string),
- # [2] visible 0 or 1,
- # [3] username or 'anonymous' (string))
- def getway_history(args) #:doc:
- wayid=args[0]
- history=[]
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT version,timestamp,visible,display_name,data_public
- FROM ways,users
- WHERE{wayid}
- AND ways.visible=1
- ORDER BY version DESC
- histlist=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- histlist.each { |row|
- if row['data_public'].to_i==1 then user=row['display_name'] else user='anonymous' end
- history<<[row['version'],row['timestamp'],row['visible'],user]
- }
- [history]
+ # check it then save it
+ # BUG: the following is commented out because it always fails on my
+ # install. I think it's a Rails bug.
+ #if !rel.preconditions_ok?
+ # return -2, "Relation preconditions failed"
+ #else
+ rel.save_with_history!
+ #end
+ [0, relid,]
# ----- putway
if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
-" putway authenticated happily")
- db_uqn='unin'+(rand*100) # temp uniquenodes table name, typically 51 chars
- db_now='@now'+(rand*100) # 'now' variable name, typically 51 chars
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET #{db_now}=NOW()")
- originalway=originalway.to_i
- oldversion=oldversion.to_i
+ def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, originalway, points, attributes) #:doc:
-" Message: putway, id=#{originalway}")
+ # -- Initialise and carry out checks
+ uid = getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
- # -- Temporary check for null IDs
+ originalway = originalway.to_i
- points.each do |a|
- if a[2]==0 or a[2].nil? then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
- end
+ points.each do |a|
+ if a[2] == 0 or a[2].nil? then return -2,"Server error - node with id 0 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ if a[1] == 90 then return -2,"Server error - node with lat -90 found in way #{originalway}." end
+ end
+ if points.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
# -- 3. read original way into memory
- xc={}; yc={}; tagc={}; vc={}
- if originalway>0
- way=originalway
- if oldversion==0 then r=readwayquery(way,false)
- else r=readwayquery_old(way,oldversion,true) end
- r.each { |row|
- id=row['id'].to_i
- if (id>0) then
- xc[id]=row['longitude'].to_f
- yc[id]=row['latitude' ].to_f
- tagc[id]=row['tags']
- vc[id]=row['visible'].to_i
- end
- }
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_ways SET timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},visible=1 WHERE id=#{way}")
- else
- way=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_ways (user_id,timestamp,visible) VALUES (#{uid},#{db_now},1)")
- end
+ if originalway < 0
+ way =
+ uniques = []
+ else
+ way = Way.find(originalway)
+ uniques = way.unshared_node_ids
+ end
# -- 4. get version by inserting new row into ways
- version=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO ways (id,user_id,timestamp,visible) VALUES (#{way},#{uid},#{db_now},1)")
- # -- 5. compare nodes and update xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
- xmin=ymin= 999999
- xmax=ymax=-999999
- insertsql=''
- nodelist=[]
+ nodes = []
+ points.each do |n|
+ lon = n[0].to_f
+ lat = n[1].to_f
+ id = n[2].to_i
+ savenode = false
+ if renumberednodes[id]
+ id = renumberednodes[id]
+ elsif id < 0
+ # Create new node
+ node =
+ savenode = true
+ else
+ node = Node.find(id)
+ if !fpcomp(lat, or !fpcomp(lon, node.lon) or
+ Tags.join(n[4]) != node.tags or !node.visible?
+ savenode = true
+ end
+ end
+ if savenode
+ node.user_id = uid
+ = lat
+ node.lon = lon
+ node.tags = Tags.join(n[4])
+ node.visible = true
+ node.save_with_history!
+ if id !=
+ renumberednodes[id] =
+ id =
+ end
+ end
+ uniques = uniques - [id]
+ nodes.push(id)
+ end
+ # -- Delete any unique nodes
+ uniques.each do |n|
+ deleteitemrelations(n, 'node')
+ node = Node.find(n)
+ node.user_id = uid
+ node.visible = false
+ node.save_with_history!
+ end
points.each_index do |i|
long=(xs * 10000000).round
tile=QuadTile.tile_for_point(ys, xs)
- # compare node
- if node<0
- # new node - create
- if renumberednodes[node.to_s].nil?
- newnode=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_nodes ( latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES ( #{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql},#{tile})")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{newnode},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql},#{tile})")
- points[i][2]=newnode
- nodelist.push(newnode)
- renumberednodes[node.to_s]=newnode.to_s
- else
- points[i][2]=renumberednodes[node.to_s].to_i
- end
+ way.tags = attributes
+ way.nds = nodes
+ way.user_id = uid
+ way.visible = true
+ way.save_with_history!
- elsif xc.has_key?(node)
- nodelist.push(node)
- # old node from original way - update
- if ((xs/0.0000001).round!=(xc[node]/0.0000001).round or (ys/0.0000001).round!=(yc[node]/0.0000001).round or tagstr!=tagc[node] or vc[node]==0)
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{node},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},1,#{tagsql},#{tile})")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_nodes SET latitude=#{lat},longitude=#{long},timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},tags=#{tagsql},visible=1,tile=#{tile} WHERE id=#{node}")
- end
- else
- # old node, created in another way and now added to this way
- end
- end
- # -- 6a. delete any nodes not in modified way
- createuniquenodes(way,db_uqn,nodelist) # nodes which appear in this way but no other
- sql=<<-EOF
- INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tile)
- SELECT DISTINCT,cn.latitude,cn.longitude,#{db_now},#{uid},0,cn.tile
- FROM current_nodes AS cn,#{db_uqn}
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert(sql)
- sql=<<-EOF
- UPDATE current_nodes AS cn, #{db_uqn}
- SET cn.timestamp=#{db_now},cn.visible=0,cn.user_id=#{uid}
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql)
- deleteuniquenoderelations(db_uqn,uid,db_now)
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE #{db_uqn}")
- # 6b. insert new version of route into way_nodes
- insertsql =''
- currentsql=''
- sequence =1
- points.each do |p|
- if insertsql !='' then insertsql +=',' end
- if currentsql!='' then currentsql+=',' end
- insertsql +="(#{way},#{p[2]},#{sequence},#{version})"
- currentsql+="(#{way},#{p[2]},#{sequence})"
- sequence +=1
- end
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM current_way_nodes WHERE id=#{way}");
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert( "INSERT INTO way_nodes (id,node_id,sequence_id,version) VALUES #{insertsql}");
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert( "INSERT INTO current_way_nodes (id,node_id,sequence_id ) VALUES #{currentsql}");
- # -- 7. insert new way tags
- insertsql =''
- currentsql=''
- attributes.each do |k,v|
- if v=='' or v.nil? then next end
- if v[0,6]=='(type ' then next end
- if insertsql !='' then insertsql +=',' end
- if currentsql!='' then currentsql+=',' end
- insertsql +="(#{way},'"+sqlescape(k.gsub('|',':'))+"','"+sqlescape(v)+"',#{version})"
- currentsql+="(#{way},'"+sqlescape(k.gsub('|',':'))+"','"+sqlescape(v)+"')"
- end
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM current_way_tags WHERE id=#{way}")
- if (insertsql !='') then ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO way_tags (id,k,v,version) VALUES #{insertsql}" ) end
- if (currentsql!='') then ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_way_tags (id,k,v) VALUES #{currentsql}") end
- [0,originalway,way,renumberednodes,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]
+ [0, originalway,, renumberednodes]
# ----- putpoi
if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
- db_now='@now'+(rand*100) # 'now' variable name, typically 51 chars
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET #{db_now}=NOW()")
+ def putpoi(usertoken, id, lon, lat, tags, visible) #:doc:
+ uid = getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
- id=id.to_i
- visible=visible.to_i
- if visible==0 then
- # if deleting, check node hasn't become part of a way
- inway=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT FROM current_ways cw,current_way_nodes cwn WHERE AND cw.visible=1 AND cwn.node_id=#{id} LIMIT 1")
- unless inway.nil? then return -1,"The point has since become part of a way, so you cannot save it as a POI." end
- deleteitemrelations(id,'node',uid,db_now)
- end
+ id = id.to_i
+ visible = (visible.to_i == 1)
- x=coord2long(x.to_f,masterscale,baselong)
- y=coord2lat(y.to_f,masterscale,basey)
- tagsql="'"+sqlescape(array2tag(tags))+"'"
- lat=(y * 10000000).round
- long=(x * 10000000).round
- tile=QuadTile.tile_for_point(y, x)
- if (id>0) then
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{id},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_nodes SET latitude=#{lat},longitude=#{long},timestamp=#{db_now},user_id=#{uid},visible=#{visible},tags=#{tagsql},tile=#{tile} WHERE id=#{id}");
- newid=id
- else
- newid=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO current_nodes (latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tags,tile) VALUES (#{newid},#{lat},#{long},#{db_now},#{uid},#{visible},#{tagsql},#{tile})");
- end
- [0,id,newid]
+ if id > 0 then
+ node = Node.find(id)
+ if !visible then
+ unless node.ways.empty? then return -1,"The point has since become part of a way, so you cannot save it as a POI." end
+ deleteitemrelations(id, 'node')
+ end
+ else
+ node =
+ end
+ node.user_id = uid
+ = lat
+ node.lon = lon
+ node.tags = Tags.join(tags)
+ node.visible = visible
+ node.save_with_history!
+ [0, id,]
# ----- getpoi
n = Node.find(id.to_i)
if n
- return [, n.long_potlatch(baselong,masterscale), n.lat_potlatch(basey,masterscale), n.tags_as_hash]
+ return [, n.lon_potlatch(baselong,masterscale), n.lat_potlatch(basey,masterscale), n.tags_as_hash]
return [nil,nil,nil,'']
- # ----- deleteway
- # delete way and constituent nodes from database
- # in: [0] user token (string), [1] way id
- # does: deletes way from db and any constituent nodes not used elsewhere
- # also removes ways/nodes from any relations they're in
- # out: [0] 0 (success), [1] way id (unchanged)
- def deleteway(args) #:doc:
- usertoken,way=args
-" Message: deleteway, id=#{way}")
- uid=getuserid(usertoken)
- if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." end
- way=way.to_i
- db_uqn='unin'+(rand*100) # temp uniquenodes table name, typically 51 chars
- db_now='@now'+(rand*100) # 'now' variable name, typically 51 chars
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SET #{db_now}=NOW()")
- # - delete any otherwise unused nodes
- createuniquenodes(way,db_uqn,[])
- # unless (preserve.empty?) then
- # ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM #{db_uqn} WHERE node_id IN ("+preserve.join(',')+")")
- # end
- sql=<<-EOF
- INSERT INTO nodes (id,latitude,longitude,timestamp,user_id,visible,tile)
- SELECT DISTINCT,cn.latitude,cn.longitude,#{db_now},#{uid},0,cn.tile
- FROM current_nodes AS cn,#{db_uqn}
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert(sql)
- sql=<<-EOF
- UPDATE current_nodes AS cn, #{db_uqn}
- SET cn.timestamp=#{db_now},cn.visible=0,cn.user_id=#{uid}
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update(sql)
- deleteuniquenoderelations(db_uqn,uid,db_now)
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE #{db_uqn}")
- # - delete way
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.insert("INSERT INTO ways (id,user_id,timestamp,visible) VALUES (#{way},#{uid},#{db_now},0)")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.update("UPDATE current_ways SET user_id=#{uid},timestamp=#{db_now},visible=0 WHERE id=#{way}")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM current_way_nodes WHERE id=#{way}")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DELETE FROM current_way_tags WHERE id=#{way}")
- deleteitemrelations(way,'way',uid,db_now)
- [0,way]
- end
- def readwayquery(id,insistonvisible) #:doc:
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT latitude*0.0000001 AS latitude,longitude*0.0000001 AS longitude,,tags,visible
- FROM current_way_nodes,current_nodes
- WHERE{id}
- if insistonvisible then sql+=" AND current_nodes.visible=1 " end
- sql+=" ORDER BY sequence_id"
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- end
+ def getpoi(id) #:doc:
+ n = Node.find(id)
- # Get the latest version id of a way
- def getlastversion(id,version) #:doc:
- old_way = OldWay.find(:first, :conditions => ['id = ?' , id], :order => 'version DESC')
- old_way.version
+ if n
+ return [, n.lon,, n.tags_as_hash]
+ else
+ return [nil, nil, nil, '']
+ end
- def readwayquery_old(id,version,historic) #:doc:
- # Node handling on undelete (historic=false):
- # - always use the node specified, even if it's moved
- # Node handling on revert (historic=true):
- # - if it's a visible node, use a new node id (i.e. not mucking up the old one)
- # which means the SWF needs to allocate new ids
- # - if it's an invisible node, we can reuse the old node id
+ def deleteway(usertoken, way_id) #:doc:
+ uid = getuserid(usertoken)
+ if !uid then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." end
- # get node list from specified version of way,
- # and the _current_ lat/long/tags of each node
+ # FIXME: would be good not to make two history entries when removing
+ # two nodes from the same relation
+ user = User.find(uid)
+ way = Way.find(way_id)
+ way.unshared_node_ids.each do |n|
+ deleteitemrelations(n, 'node')
+ end
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT timestamp FROM ways WHERE version=#{version} AND id=#{id}")
- waytime=row['timestamp']
+ way.delete_with_relations_and_nodes_and_history(user)
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT,visible,latitude*0.0000001 AS latitude,longitude*0.0000001 AS longitude,tags
- FROM way_nodes wn,current_nodes cn
- WHERE wn.version=#{version}
- AND{id}
- ORDER BY sequence_id
- rows=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- # if historic (full revert), get the old version of each node
- # - if it's in another way now, generate a new id
- # - if it's not in another way, use the old ID
- if historic then
- rows.each_index do |i|
- sql=<<-EOF
- SELECT latitude*0.0000001 AS latitude,longitude*0.0000001 AS longitude,tags, AS currentway
- FROM nodes n
- LEFT JOIN current_way_nodes cwn
- ON
- WHERE{rows[i]['id']}
- AND n.timestamp<="#{waytime}"
- AND!=#{id}
- ORDER BY n.timestamp DESC
- row=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one(sql)
- unless row.nil? then
- nx=row['longitude'].to_f
- ny=row['latitude'].to_f
- if (row['currentway'] && (nx!=rows[i]['longitude'].to_f or ny!=rows[i]['latitude'].to_f or row['tags']!=rows[i]['tags'])) then rows[i]['id']=-1 end
- rows[i]['longitude']=nx
- rows[i]['latitude' ]=ny
- rows[i]['tags' ]=row['tags']
- end
- end
- end
- rows
+ [0, way_id]
def createuniquenodes(way,uqn_name,nodelist) #:doc:
AND cr.visible=1
- relnodes=ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql)
- relnodes.each do |a|
- removefromrelation(a['node_id'],'node',a['id'],uid,db_now)
- end
+ def deleteitemrelations(objid, type) #:doc:
+ relations = RelationMember.find(:all,
+ :conditions => ['member_type = ? and member_id = ?', type, objid],
+ :include => :relation).collect { |rm| rm.relation }.uniq
+ relations.each do |rel|
+ rel.members.delete_if { |x| x[0] == type and x[1] == objid }
+ rel.save_with_history!
+ end
def deleteitemrelations(objid,type,uid,db_now) #:doc:
+# Local Variables:
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# tab-width: 4
+# End: