- Dervied from the OpenStreetBugs client, which is available
- under the following license.
- This OpenStreetBugs client is free software: you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
- License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for more details.
+ Dervied from the OpenStreetBugs client, which is available
+ under the following license.
+ This OpenStreetBugs client is free software: you can redistribute it
+ and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
+ License <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for more details.
OpenLayers.Layer.Notes = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Markers, {
* @var OpenLayers.Icon
iconOpen : new OpenLayers.Icon("/images/open_note_marker.png", new OpenLayers.Size(22, 22), new OpenLayers.Pixel(-11, -11)),
* The icon to be used for a closed note.
iconClosed : new OpenLayers.Icon("/images/closed_note_marker.png", new OpenLayers.Size(22, 22), new OpenLayers.Pixel(-11, -11)),
+ /**
+ * The icon to be used when adding a new note.
+ *
+ * @var OpenLayers.Icon
+ */
+ iconNew : new OpenLayers.Icon("/images/new_note_marker.png", new OpenLayers.Size(22, 22), new OpenLayers.Pixel(-11, -11)),
* The projection of the coordinates sent by the OpenStreetMap API.
* @var Boolean
readonly : false,
* When the layer is hidden, all open popups are stored in this
* array in order to be re-opened again when the layer is made
* visible again.
reopenPopups : [ ],
- /**
- * The user name will be saved in a cookie if this isn’t set to false.
- *
- * @var Boolean
- */
- setCookie : true,
- /**
- * The lifetime of the user name cookie in days.
- *
- * @var Number
- */
- cookieLifetime : 1000,
- /**
- * The path where the cookie will be available on this server.
- *
- * @var String
- */
- cookiePath : null,
* A URL to append lon=123&lat=123&zoom=123 for the Permalinks.
* @param String name
- initialize : function(name, options)
- {
- OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ name, OpenLayers.Util.extend({ opacity: 0.7, projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326") }, options) ]);
- putAJAXMarker.layers.push(this);
- this.events.addEventType("markerAdded");
- this.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, this.updatePopupVisibility);
- this.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, this.loadNotes);
- var cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/);
- for(var i=0; i<cookies.length; i++)
- {
- var cookie = cookies[i].split("=");
- if(cookie[0] == "osbUsername")
- {
- this.username = decodeURIComponent(cookie[1]);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Copied from OpenLayers.Map */
- if(this.theme) {
+ initialize: function(name, options) {
+ OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [
+ name,
+ OpenLayers.Util.extend({
+ opacity: 0.7,
+ projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326") }, options)
+ ]);
+ putAJAXMarker.layers.push(this);
+ this.events.addEventType("markerAdded");
+ this.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, this.updatePopupVisibility);
+ this.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, this.loadNotes);
+ if (this.theme) {
// check existing links for equivalent url
var addNode = true;
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
- for(var i=0, len=nodes.length; i<len; ++i) {
- if(OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(nodes.item(i).href,
- this.theme)) {
+ for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (OpenLayers.Util.isEquivalentUrl(nodes.item(i).href, this.theme)) {
addNode = false;
// only add a new node if one with an equivalent url hasn't already
// been added
- if(addNode) {
+ if (addNode) {
var cssNode = document.createElement('link');
cssNode.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
cssNode.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- * Is automatically called when the layer is added to an
- * OpenLayers.Map. Initialises the automatic note loading in the
- * visible bounding box.
+ * Called automatically called when the layer is added to a map.
+ * Initialises the automatic note loading in the visible bounding box.
- afterAdd : function()
- {
- var ret = OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.afterAdd.apply(this, arguments);
+ afterAdd: function() {
+ var ret = OpenLayers.Layer.Markers.prototype.afterAdd.apply(this, arguments);
- this.map.events.register("moveend", this, this.loadNotes);
- this.loadNotes();
+ this.map.events.register("moveend", this, this.loadNotes);
+ this.loadNotes();
- return ret;
+ return ret;
* @param String url The URL this.serverURL + url is requested.
- apiRequest : function(url) {
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- script.src = this.serverURL + url + "&nocache="+(new Date()).getTime();
- document.body.appendChild(script);
+ apiRequest: function(url) {
+ var script = document.createElement("script");
+ script.type = "text/javascript";
+ script.src = this.serverURL + url + "&nocache="+(new Date()).getTime();
+ document.body.appendChild(script);
* Is automatically called when the visibility of the layer
* changes. When the layer is hidden, all visible popups are
* closed and their visibility is saved. When the layer is made
* visible again, these popups are re-opened.
- updatePopupVisibility : function()
- {
- if(this.getVisibility())
- {
- for(var i=0; i<this.reopenPopups.length; i++)
- this.reopenPopups[i].show();
- this.reopenPopups = [ ];
- }
- else
- {
- for(var i=0; i<this.markers.length; i++)
- {
- if(this.markers[i].feature.popup && this.markers[i].feature.popup.visible())
- {
- this.markers[i].feature.popup.hide();
- this.reopenPopups.push(this.markers[i].feature.popup);
- }
- }
- }
+ updatePopupVisibility: function() {
+ if (this.getVisibility()) {
+ for (var i =0 ; i < this.reopenPopups.length; i++)
+ this.reopenPopups[i].show();
+ this.reopenPopups = [ ];
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) {
+ if (this.markers[i].feature.popup &&
+ this.markers[i].feature.popup.visible()) {
+ this.markers[i].feature.popup.hide();
+ this.reopenPopups.push(this.markers[i].feature.popup);
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Sets the user name to be used for interactions with OpenStreetMap.
- setUserName : function(username)
- {
- if(this.username == username)
- return;
- this.username = username;
- if(this.setCookie)
- {
- var cookie = "osbUsername="+encodeURIComponent(username);
- if(this.cookieLifetime)
- cookie += ";expires="+(new Date((new Date()).getTime() + this.cookieLifetime*86400000)).toGMTString();
- if(this.cookiePath)
- cookie += ";path="+this.cookiePath;
- document.cookie = cookie;
- }
- for(var i=0; i<this.markers.length; i++)
- {
- if(!this.markers[i].feature.popup) continue;
- var els = this.markers[i].feature.popup.contentDom.getElementsByTagName("input");
- for(var j=0; j<els.length; j++)
- {
- if(els[j].className != "osbUsername") continue;
- els[j].value = username;
- }
- }
+ setUserName: function(username) {
+ if (this.username == username)
+ return;
+ this.username = username;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.markers.length; i++) {
+ var popup = this.markers[i].feature.popup;
+ if (popup) {
+ var els = popup.contentDom.getElementsByTagName("input");
+ for (var j = 0; j < els.length; j++) {
+ if (els[j].className == "username")
+ els[j].value = username;
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Returns the currently set username or “NoName” if none is set.
- getUserName : function()
- {
- if(this.username)
- return this.username;
- else
- return "NoName";
+ getUserName: function() {
+ if(this.username)
+ return this.username;
+ else
+ return "NoName";
* called by an event handler ("moveend" event) that is created in
* the afterAdd() method.
- loadNotes : function()
- {
- if(!this.getVisibility())
- return true;
+ loadNotes: function() {
+ var bounds = this.map.getExtent();
- var bounds = this.map.getExtent();
- if(!bounds) return false;
- bounds.transform(this.map.getProjectionObject(), this.apiProjection);
+ if (bounds && this.getVisibility()) {
+ bounds.transform(this.map.getProjectionObject(), this.apiProjection);
- this.apiRequest("notes"
- + "?bbox="+this.round(bounds.left, 5)
- + ","+this.round(bounds.bottom, 5)
- + ","+this.round(bounds.right, 5)
- + ","+this.round(bounds.top, 5));
+ this.apiRequest("notes"
+ + "?bbox=" + this.round(bounds.left, 5)
+ + "," + this.round(bounds.bottom, 5)
+ + "," + this.round(bounds.right, 5)
+ + "," + this.round(bounds.top, 5));
+ }
* @param Number digits
* @return Number
- round : function(number, digits)
- {
- var factor = Math.pow(10, digits);
- return Math.round(number*factor)/factor;
+ round: function(number, digits) {
+ var scale = Math.pow(10, digits);
+ return Math.round(number * scale) / scale;
* @param Number id The note ID
- createMarker: function(id)
- {
- if(this.notes[id])
- {
- if(this.notes[id].popup && !this.notes[id].popup.visible())
- this.setPopupContent(id);
- if(this.notes[id].closed != putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2])
- this.notes[id].destroy();
- else
- return;
- }
- var lonlat = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].clone().transform(this.apiProjection, this.map.getProjectionObject());
- var comments = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1];
- var closed = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2];
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, lonlat, { icon: (closed ? this.iconClosed : this.iconOpen).clone(), autoSize: true });
- feature.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes;
- feature.noteId = id;
- feature.closed = closed;
- var marker = feature.createMarker();
- marker.feature = feature;
- marker.events.register("click", feature, this.markerClick);
- //marker.events.register("mouseover", feature, this.markerMouseOver);
- //marker.events.register("mouseout", feature, this.markerMouseOut);
- this.addMarker(marker);
- this.notes[id] = feature;
- this.events.triggerEvent("markerAdded");
+ createMarker: function(id) {
+ if (this.notes[id]) {
+ if (this.notes[id].popup && !this.notes[id].popup.visible())
+ this.setPopupContent(this.notes[id].popup, id);
+ if (this.notes[id].closed != putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2])
+ this.notes[id].destroy();
+ else
+ return;
+ }
+ var lonlat = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].clone().transform(this.apiProjection, this.map.getProjectionObject());
+ var comments = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1];
+ var closed = putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2];
+ var icon = closed ? this.iconClosed : this.iconOpen;
+ var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, lonlat, {
+ icon: icon.clone(),
+ autoSize: true
+ });
+ feature.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes;
+ feature.noteId = id;
+ feature.closed = closed;
+ this.notes[id] = feature;
+ var marker = feature.createMarker();
+ marker.feature = feature;
+ marker.events.register("click", feature, this.markerClick);
+ //marker.events.register("mouseover", feature, this.markerMouseOver);
+ //marker.events.register("mouseout", feature, this.markerMouseOut);
+ this.addMarker(marker);
+ this.events.triggerEvent("markerAdded");
* Recreates the content of the popup of a marker.
+ * @param OpenLayers.Popup popup
* @param Number id The note ID
- setPopupContent: function(id) {
- if(!this.notes[id].popup)
- return;
- var el1,el2,el3;
- var layer = this;
- var newContent = document.createElement("div");
- el1 = document.createElement("h3");
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2] ? i18n("javascripts.note.closed") : i18n("javascripts.note.open")));
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ["));
- el2 = document.createElement("a");
- el2.href = "/browse/note/" + id;
- el2.onclick = function(){ layer.map.setCenter(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].clone().transform(layer.apiProjection, layer.map.getProjectionObject()), 15); };
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.details")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]"));
- if(this.permalinkURL)
- {
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ["));
- el2 = document.createElement("a");
- el2.href = this.permalinkURL + (this.permalinkURL.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "lon="+putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].lon+"&lat="+putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].lat+"&zoom=15";
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.permalink")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]"));
- }
- newContent.appendChild(el1);
- var containerDescription = document.createElement("div");
- newContent.appendChild(containerDescription);
- var containerChange = document.createElement("div");
- newContent.appendChild(containerChange);
- var displayDescription = function(){
- containerDescription.style.display = "block";
- containerChange.style.display = "none";
- layer.notes[id].popup.updateSize();
- };
- var displayChange = function(){
- containerDescription.style.display = "none";
- containerChange.style.display = "block";
- layer.notes[id].popup.updateSize();
- };
- displayDescription();
- el1 = document.createElement("dl");
- for(var i=0; i<putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1].length; i++)
- {
- el2 = document.createElement("dt");
- el2.className = (i == 0 ? "note-description" : "note-comment");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i == 0 ? i18n("javascripts.note.description") : i18n("javascripts.note.comment")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dd");
- el2.className = (i == 0 ? "note-description" : "note-comment");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1][i]));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- if (i == 0) { el2 = document.createElement("br"); el1.appendChild(el2);};
- }
- containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
- if(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2])
- {
- el1 = document.createElement("p");
- el1.className = "note-fixed";
- el2 = document.createElement("em");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.render_warning")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
- }
- else if(!this.readonly)
- {
- el1 = document.createElement("div");
- el2 = document.createElement("input");
- el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el2.onclick = function(){ displayChange(); };
- el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.update");
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
- var el_form = document.createElement("form");
- el_form.onsubmit = function(){ if(inputComment.value.match(/^\s*$/)) return false; layer.submitComment(id, inputComment.value); layer.hidePopup(id); return false; };
- el1 = document.createElement("dl");
- el2 = document.createElement("dt");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.nickname")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dd");
- var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");
- var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");;
- if (typeof loginName === 'undefined') {
- inputUsername.value = this.username;
- } else {
- inputUsername.value = loginName;
- inputUsername.setAttribute('disabled','true');
- }
- inputUsername.className = "osbUsername";
- inputUsername.onkeyup = function(){ layer.setUserName(inputUsername.value); };
- el2.appendChild(inputUsername);
- el3 = document.createElement("a");
- el3.setAttribute("href","login");
- el3.className = "hide_if_logged_in";
- el3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.login")));
- el2.appendChild(el3)
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dt");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.comment")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dd");
- var inputComment = document.createElement("textarea");
- inputComment.setAttribute("cols",40);
+ setPopupContent: function(popup, id) {
+ var el1,el2,el3;
+ var layer = this;
+ var newContent = document.createElement("div");
+ el1 = document.createElement("h3");
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2] ? i18n("javascripts.note.closed") : i18n("javascripts.note.open")));
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ["));
+ el2 = document.createElement("a");
+ el2.href = "/browse/note/" + id;
+ el2.onclick = function() {
+ layer.map.setCenter(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].clone().transform(layer.apiProjection, layer.map.getProjectionObject()), 15);
+ };
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.details")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]"));
+ if (this.permalinkURL) {
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ["));
+ el2 = document.createElement("a");
+ el2.href = this.permalinkURL + (this.permalinkURL.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "lon="+putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].lon+"&lat="+putAJAXMarker.notes[id][0].lat+"&zoom=15";
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.permalink")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode("]"));
+ }
+ newContent.appendChild(el1);
+ var containerDescription = document.createElement("div");
+ newContent.appendChild(containerDescription);
+ var containerChange = document.createElement("div");
+ newContent.appendChild(containerChange);
+ var displayDescription = function() {
+ containerDescription.style.display = "block";
+ containerChange.style.display = "none";
+ popup.updateSize();
+ };
+ var displayChange = function() {
+ containerDescription.style.display = "none";
+ containerChange.style.display = "block";
+ popup.updateSize();
+ };
+ displayDescription();
+ el1 = document.createElement("dl");
+ for (var i = 0; i < putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1].length; i++) {
+ el2 = document.createElement("dt");
+ el2.className = (i == 0 ? "note-description" : "note-comment");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i == 0 ? i18n("javascripts.note.description") : i18n("javascripts.note.comment")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dd");
+ el2.className = (i == 0 ? "note-description" : "note-comment");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(putAJAXMarker.notes[id][1][i]));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ el2 = document.createElement("br");
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ };
+ }
+ containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
+ if (putAJAXMarker.notes[id][2]) {
+ el1 = document.createElement("p");
+ el1.className = "note-fixed";
+ el2 = document.createElement("em");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.render_warning")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
+ } else if (!this.readonly) {
+ el1 = document.createElement("div");
+ el2 = document.createElement("input");
+ el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el2.onclick = function() {
+ displayChange();
+ };
+ el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.update");
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ containerDescription.appendChild(el1);
+ var el_form = document.createElement("form");
+ el_form.onsubmit = function() {
+ if (inputComment.value.match(/^\s*$/))
+ return false;
+ layer.submitComment(id, inputComment.value);
+ layer.hidePopup(popup);
+ return false;
+ };
+ el1 = document.createElement("dl");
+ el2 = document.createElement("dt");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.nickname")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dd");
+ var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");
+ var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");;
+ if (typeof loginName === "undefined") {
+ inputUsername.value = this.username;
+ } else {
+ inputUsername.value = loginName;
+ inputUsername.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ inputUsername.className = "username";
+ inputUsername.onkeyup = function() {
+ layer.setUserName(inputUsername.value);
+ };
+ el2.appendChild(inputUsername);
+ el3 = document.createElement("a");
+ el3.setAttribute("href", "login");
+ el3.className = "hide_if_logged_in";
+ el3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.login")));
+ el2.appendChild(el3)
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dt");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.comment")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dd");
+ var inputComment = document.createElement("textarea");
+ inputComment.setAttribute("cols",40);
- el2.appendChild(inputComment);
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el_form.appendChild(el1);
- el1 = document.createElement("ul");
- el1.className = "buttons";
- el2 = document.createElement("li");
- el3 = document.createElement("input");
- el3.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el3.onclick = function(){ this.form.onsubmit(); return false; };
- el3.value = i18n("javascripts.note.add_comment");
- el2.appendChild(el3);
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("li");
- el3 = document.createElement("input");
- el3.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el3.onclick = function(){ this.form.onsubmit(); layer.closeNote(id); layer.notes[id].popup.hide(); return false; };
- el3.value = i18n("javascripts.note.close");
- el2.appendChild(el3);
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el_form.appendChild(el1);
- containerChange.appendChild(el_form);
- el1 = document.createElement("div");
- el2 = document.createElement("input");
- el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el2.onclick = function(){ displayDescription(); };
- el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.cancel");
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- containerChange.appendChild(el1);
- }
- this.notes[id].popup.setContentHTML(newContent);
+ el2.appendChild(inputComment);
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el_form.appendChild(el1);
+ el1 = document.createElement("ul");
+ el1.className = "buttons";
+ el2 = document.createElement("li");
+ el3 = document.createElement("input");
+ el3.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el3.onclick = function() {
+ this.form.onsubmit();
+ return false;
+ };
+ el3.value = i18n("javascripts.note.add_comment");
+ el2.appendChild(el3);
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("li");
+ el3 = document.createElement("input");
+ el3.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el3.onclick = function() {
+ this.form.onsubmit();
+ layer.closeNote(id);
+ popup.hide();
+ return false;
+ };
+ el3.value = i18n("javascripts.note.close");
+ el2.appendChild(el3);
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el_form.appendChild(el1);
+ containerChange.appendChild(el_form);
+ el1 = document.createElement("div");
+ el2 = document.createElement("input");
+ el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el2.onclick = function(){ displayDescription(); };
+ el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.cancel");
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ containerChange.appendChild(el1);
+ }
+ popup.setContentHTML(newContent);
* @param String description
createNote: function(lonlat, description) {
- this.apiRequest("note/create"
- + "?lat="+encodeURIComponent(lonlat.lat)
- + "&lon="+encodeURIComponent(lonlat.lon)
- + "&text="+encodeURIComponent(description)
- + "&name="+encodeURIComponent(this.getUserName())
- + "&format=js"
- );
+ this.apiRequest("note/create"
+ + "?lat=" + encodeURIComponent(lonlat.lat)
+ + "&lon=" + encodeURIComponent(lonlat.lon)
+ + "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(description)
+ + "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(this.getUserName())
+ + "&format=js");
* Adds a comment to a note.
* @param String comment
submitComment: function(id, comment) {
- this.apiRequest("note/"+encodeURIComponent(id)+"/comment"
- + "?text="+encodeURIComponent(comment)
- + "&name="+encodeURIComponent(this.getUserName())
- + "&format=js"
- );
+ this.apiRequest("note/" + encodeURIComponent(id) + "/comment"
+ + "?text=" + encodeURIComponent(comment)
+ + "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(this.getUserName())
+ + "&format=js");
* @param Number id
closeNote: function(id) {
- this.apiRequest("note/"+encodeURIComponent(id)+"/close"
- + "?format=js"
- );
+ this.apiRequest("note/" + encodeURIComponent(id) + "/close"
+ + "?format=js");
* Removes the content of a marker popup (to reduce the amount of
* needed resources).
- * @param Number id
+ * @param OpenLayers.Popup popup
- resetPopupContent: function(id) {
- if(!this.notes[id].popup)
- return;
- this.notes[id].popup.setContentHTML(document.createElement("div"));
+ resetPopupContent: function(popup) {
+ if (popup)
+ popup.setContentHTML(document.createElement("div"));
* Makes the popup of the given marker visible. Makes sure that
* the popup content is created if it does not exist yet.
- * @param Number id
+ * @param OpenLayers.Feature feature
- showPopup: function(id) {
- var add = null;
- if(!this.notes[id].popup)
- {
- add = this.notes[id].createPopup(true);
- add.events.register("close", this, function(){ this.resetPopupContent(id); if(this.notes[id].noteClicked) this.notes[id].noteClicked = false; });
- }
- else if(this.notes[id].popup.visible())
- return;
- this.setPopupContent(id);
- if(add)
- this.map.addPopup(add);
- this.notes[id].popup.show();
- this.notes[id].popup.updateSize();
+ showPopup: function(feature) {
+ var popup = feature.popup;
+ if (!popup) {
+ popup = feature.createPopup(true);
+ popup.events.register("close", this, function() {
+ this.resetPopupContent(popup);
+ });
+ }
+ this.setPopupContent(popup, feature.noteId);
+ if (!popup.map)
+ this.map.addPopup(popup);
+ popup.updateSize();
+ if (!popup.visible())
+ popup.show();
* Hides the popup of the given marker.
- * @param Number id
+ * @param OpenLayers.Feature feature
- hidePopup: function(id) {
- if(!this.notes[id].popup || !this.notes[id].popup.visible())
- return;
- this.notes[id].popup.hide();
- this.notes[id].popup.events.triggerEvent("close");
+ hidePopup: function(feature) {
+ if (feature.popup && feature.popup.visible()) {
+ feature.popup.hide();
+ feature.popup.events.triggerEvent("close");
+ }
* Is run on the “click” event of a marker in the context of its
* OpenLayers.Feature. Toggles the visibility of the popup.
markerClick: function(e) {
- var feature = this; // Context is the feature
- feature.noteClicked = !feature.noteClicked;
- if(feature.noteClicked)
- feature.layer.showPopup(feature.noteId);
- else
- feature.layer.hidePopup(feature.noteId);
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
+ var feature = this;
+ if (feature.popup && feature.popup.visible())
+ feature.layer.hidePopup(feature);
+ else
+ feature.layer.showPopup(feature);
+ OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
* Is run on the “mouseover” event of a marker in the context of
* its OpenLayers.Feature. Makes the popup visible.
markerMouseOver: function(e) {
- var feature = this; // Context is the feature
- feature.layer.showPopup(feature.noteId);
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
+ var feature = this;
+ feature.layer.showPopup(feature);
+ OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
* Is run on the “mouseout” event of a marker in the context of
* its OpenLayers.Feature. Hides the popup (if it has not been
* clicked).
markerMouseOut: function(e) {
- var feature = this; // Context is the feature
- if(!feature.noteClicked)
- feature.layer.hidePopup(feature.noteId);
- OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
- },
- CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Notes"
- * An OpenLayers control to create new notes on mouse clicks on the
- * map. Add an instance of this to your map using the
- * OpenLayers.Map.addControl() method and activate() it.
- */
-OpenLayers.Control.Notes = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
- title : null, // See below because of translation call
+ var feature = this;
- /**
- * The icon to be used for the temporary markers that the “create
- * note” popup belongs to..
- *
- * @var OpenLayers.Icon
- */
- icon : new OpenLayers.Icon("/images/icon_note_add.png", new OpenLayers.Size(22, 22), new OpenLayers.Pixel(-11, -11)),
+ if (feature.popup && feature.popup.visible())
+ feature.layer.hidePopup(feature);
- /**
- * An instance of the Notes layer that this control shall be
- * connected to. Is set in the constructor.
- *
- * @var OpenLayers.Layer.Notes
- */
- noteLayer : null,
- /**
- * @param OpenLayers.Layer.Notes noteLayer The Notes layer that this control will be connected to.
- */
- initialize: function(noteLayer, options) {
- this.noteLayer = noteLayer;
- this.title = i18n("javascripts.note.create");
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [ options ]);
- this.events.register("activate", this, function() {
- if(!this.noteLayer.getVisibility())
- this.noteLayer.setVisibility(true);
- });
- this.noteLayer.events.register("visibilitychanged", this, function() {
- if(this.active && !this.noteLayer.getVisibility())
- this.noteLayer.setVisibility(true);
- });
- },
- destroy: function() {
- if (this.handler)
- this.handler.destroy();
- this.handler = null;
- OpenLayers.Control.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);
- draw: function() {
- this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(this, {'click': this.click}, { 'single': true, 'double': false, 'pixelTolerance': 0, 'stopSingle': false, 'stopDouble': false });
- },
- * Map clicking event handler. Adds a temporary marker with a
- * popup to the map, the popup contains the form to add a note.
- */
- click: function(e) {
- var lonlat = this.map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
- this.addTemporaryMarker(lonlat);
- },
- addTemporaryMarker: function(lonlat) {
- if(!this.map) return true;
- var control = this;
- var map = control.map;
- var lonlatApi = lonlat.clone().transform(map.getProjectionObject(), this.noteLayer.apiProjection);
- var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this.noteLayer, lonlat, { icon: this.icon.clone(), autoSize: true });
- feature.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes;
- var marker = feature.createMarker();
- marker.feature = feature;
- this.noteLayer.addMarker(marker);
- /** Implement a drag and drop for markers */
- /* TODO: veryfy that the scoping of variables works correctly everywhere */
- var dragging = false;
- var dragMove = function(e) {
- lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
- lonlatApi = lonlat.clone().transform(map.getProjectionObject(), map.noteLayer.apiProjection);
- marker.moveTo(map.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(e.xy));
- marker.popup.moveTo(map.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(e.xy));
- marker.popup.updateRelativePosition();
- return false;
- };
- var dragComplete = function(e) {
- map.events.unregister("mousemove", map, dragMove);
- map.events.unregister("mouseup", map, dragComplete);
+ * Add a new note.
+ */
+ addNote: function(lonlat) {
+ var layer = this;
+ var map = this.map;
+ var lonlatApi = lonlat.clone().transform(map.getProjectionObject(), this.apiProjection);
+ var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(this, lonlat, { icon: this.iconNew.clone(), autoSize: true });
+ feature.popupClass = OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes;
+ var marker = feature.createMarker();
+ marker.feature = feature;
+ this.addMarker(marker);
+ /** Implement a drag and drop for markers */
+ /* TODO: veryfy that the scoping of variables works correctly everywhere */
+ var dragging = false;
+ var dragMove = function(e) {
+ lonlat = map.getLonLatFromViewPortPx(e.xy);
+ lonlatApi = lonlat.clone().transform(map.getProjectionObject(), map.noteLayer.apiProjection);
+ marker.moveTo(map.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(e.xy));
+ marker.popup.moveTo(map.getLayerPxFromViewPortPx(e.xy));
+ marker.popup.updateRelativePosition();
+ return false;
+ };
+ var dragComplete = function(e) {
+ map.events.unregister("mousemove", map, dragMove);
+ map.events.unregister("mouseup", map, dragComplete);
- dragging = false;
- return false;
- };
+ dragging = false;
+ return false;
+ };
- marker.events.register("mouseover", this, function() {
+ marker.events.register("mouseover", this, function() {
map.viewPortDiv.style.cursor = "move";
- marker.events.register("mouseout", this, function() {
+ marker.events.register("mouseout", this, function() {
if (!dragging)
map.viewPortDiv.style.cursor = "default";
- marker.events.register("mousedown", this, function() {
- dragging = true;
+ marker.events.register("mousedown", this, function() {
+ dragging = true;
map.events.register("mousemove", map, dragMove);
map.events.register("mouseup", map, dragComplete);
return false;
- var newContent = document.createElement("div");
- var el1,el2,el3;
- el1 = document.createElement("h3");
- el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_title")));
- newContent.appendChild(el1);
- newContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_help1")));
- newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- newContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_help2")));
- newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
- var el_form = document.createElement("form");
- el1 = document.createElement("dl");
- el2 = document.createElement("dt");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.nickname")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dd");
- var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");;
- if (typeof loginName === 'undefined') {
- inputUsername.value = this.noteLayer.username;
- } else {
- inputUsername.value = loginName;
- inputUsername.setAttribute('disabled','true');
- }
- inputUsername.className = "osbUsername";
- inputUsername.onkeyup = function(){ control.noteLayer.setUserName(inputUsername.value); };
- el2.appendChild(inputUsername);
- el3 = document.createElement("a");
- el3.setAttribute("href","login");
- el3.className = "hide_if_logged_in";
- el3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.login")));
- el2.appendChild(el3);
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("br");
+ var newContent = document.createElement("div");
+ var el1,el2,el3;
+ el1 = document.createElement("h3");
+ el1.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_title")));
+ newContent.appendChild(el1);
+ newContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_help1")));
+ newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ newContent.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.create_help2")));
+ newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ newContent.appendChild(document.createElement("br"));
+ var el_form = document.createElement("form");
+ el1 = document.createElement("dl");
+ el2 = document.createElement("dt");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.nickname")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dd");
+ var inputUsername = document.createElement("input");;
+ if (typeof loginName === 'undefined') {
+ inputUsername.value = this.username;
+ } else {
+ inputUsername.value = loginName;
+ inputUsername.setAttribute('disabled','true');
+ }
+ inputUsername.className = "username";
+ inputUsername.onkeyup = function() {
+ this.setUserName(inputUsername.value);
+ };
+ el2.appendChild(inputUsername);
+ el3 = document.createElement("a");
+ el3.setAttribute("href","login");
+ el3.className = "hide_if_logged_in";
+ el3.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.login")));
+ el2.appendChild(el3);
- el2 = document.createElement("dt");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.description")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("dd");
- var inputDescription = document.createElement("textarea");
- inputDescription.setAttribute("cols",40);
- inputDescription.setAttribute("rows",3);
- el2.appendChild(inputDescription);
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el_form.appendChild(el1);
- el1 = document.createElement("div");
- el2 = document.createElement("input");
- el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.report");
- el2.onclick = function() { control.noteLayer.createNote(lonlatApi, inputDescription.value); marker.feature = null; feature.destroy(); return false; };
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("input");
- el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
- el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.cancel");
- el2.onclick = function(){ feature.destroy(); };
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el_form.appendChild(el1);
- newContent.appendChild(el_form);
- el2 = document.createElement("hr");
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- el2 = document.createElement("a");
- el2.setAttribute("href","edit");
- el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.edityourself")));
- el1.appendChild(el2);
- feature.data.popupContentHTML = newContent;
- var popup = feature.createPopup(true);
- popup.events.register("close", this, function(){ feature.destroy(); });
- map.addPopup(popup);
- popup.updateSize();
- marker.popup = popup;
+ el2 = document.createElement("br");
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dt");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.description")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("dd");
+ var inputDescription = document.createElement("textarea");
+ inputDescription.setAttribute("cols",40);
+ inputDescription.setAttribute("rows",3);
+ el2.appendChild(inputDescription);
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el_form.appendChild(el1);
+ el1 = document.createElement("div");
+ el2 = document.createElement("input");
+ el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.report");
+ el2.onclick = function() {
+ layer.createNote(lonlatApi, inputDescription.value);
+ marker.feature = null;
+ feature.destroy();
+ return false;
+ };
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("input");
+ el2.setAttribute("type", "button");
+ el2.value = i18n("javascripts.note.cancel");
+ el2.onclick = function(){ feature.destroy(); };
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el_form.appendChild(el1);
+ newContent.appendChild(el_form);
+ el2 = document.createElement("hr");
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ el2 = document.createElement("a");
+ el2.setAttribute("href","edit");
+ el2.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i18n("javascripts.note.edityourself")));
+ el1.appendChild(el2);
+ feature.data.popupContentHTML = newContent;
+ var popup = feature.createPopup(true);
+ popup.events.register("close", this, function() {
+ feature.destroy();
+ });
+ map.addPopup(popup);
+ popup.updateSize();
+ marker.popup = popup;
- CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Control.Notes"
+ CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Notes"
OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes = new OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud, {
contentDom : null,
autoSize : true,
* See OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.initialize() for
* parameters. As fourth parameter, pass a DOM node instead of a
* string.
initialize: function() {
- this.displayClass = this.displayClass + " " + this.CLASS_NAME.replace("OpenLayers.", "ol").replace(/\./g, "");
- var args = new Array(arguments.length);
- for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
- args[i] = arguments[i];
- // Unset original contentHTML parameter
- args[3] = null;
- var closeCallback = arguments[6];
- // Add close event trigger to the closeBoxCallback parameter
- args[6] = function(e){ if(closeCallback) closeCallback(); else this.hide(); OpenLayers.Event.stop(e); this.events.triggerEvent("close"); };
- OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args);
- this.events.addEventType("close");
- this.setContentHTML(arguments[3]);
+ this.displayClass = this.displayClass + " " + this.CLASS_NAME.replace("OpenLayers.", "ol").replace(/\./g, "");
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length);
+ for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ // Unset original contentHTML parameter
+ args[3] = null;
+ var closeCallback = arguments[6];
+ // Add close event trigger to the closeBoxCallback parameter
+ args[6] = function(e){ if(closeCallback) closeCallback(); else this.hide(); OpenLayers.Event.stop(e); this.events.triggerEvent("close"); };
+ OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.prototype.initialize.apply(this, args);
+ this.events.addEventType("close");
+ this.setContentHTML(arguments[3]);
* Like OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.setContentHTML(), but takes a
* DOM element as parameter.
setContentHTML: function(contentDom) {
- if(contentDom != null)
- this.contentDom = contentDom;
- if(this.contentDiv == null || this.contentDom == null || this.contentDom == this.contentDiv.firstChild)
- return;
- while(this.contentDiv.firstChild)
- this.contentDiv.removeChild(this.contentDiv.firstChild);
- this.contentDiv.appendChild(this.contentDom);
- // Copied from OpenLayers.Popup.setContentHTML():
- if(this.autoSize)
- {
- this.registerImageListeners();
- this.updateSize();
- }
+ if(contentDom != null)
+ this.contentDom = contentDom;
+ if(this.contentDiv == null || this.contentDom == null || this.contentDom == this.contentDiv.firstChild)
+ return;
+ while(this.contentDiv.firstChild)
+ this.contentDiv.removeChild(this.contentDiv.firstChild);
+ this.contentDiv.appendChild(this.contentDom);
+ // Copied from OpenLayers.Popup.setContentHTML():
+ if(this.autoSize)
+ {
+ this.registerImageListeners();
+ this.updateSize();
+ }
destroy: function() {
- this.contentDom = null;
- OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.contentDom = null;
+ OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);
CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud.Notes"
var comments = text.split(/<hr \/>/);
for(var i=0; i<comments.length; i++)
- comments[i] = comments[i].replace(/"/g, "\"").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/&/g, "&");
+ comments[i] = comments[i].replace(/"/g, "\"").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/&/g, "&");
putAJAXMarker.notes[id] = [
- new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat),
- comments,
- closed
+ new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat),
+ comments,
+ closed
for(var i=0; i<putAJAXMarker.layers.length; i++)
- putAJAXMarker.layers[i].createMarker(id);
+ putAJAXMarker.layers[i].createMarker(id);
function osbResponse(error)
- alert("Error: "+error);
+ alert("Error: "+error);
for(var i=0; i<putAJAXMarker.layers.length; i++)
- putAJAXMarker.layers[i].loadNotes();
+ putAJAXMarker.layers[i].loadNotes();
putAJAXMarker.layers = [ ];