scope :ways, ->(*ids) { joins(:relation_members).where(:current_relation_members => { :member_type => "Way", :member_id => ids.flatten }) }
scope :relations, ->(*ids) { joins(:relation_members).where(:current_relation_members => { :member_type => "Relation", :member_id => ids.flatten }) }
- TYPES = %w(node way relation)
+ TYPES = %w(node way relation).freeze
def self.from_xml(xml, create = false)
p = XML::Parser.string(xml)
# provide repeatable reads for the used-by checks. this means it
# shouldn't be possible to get race conditions.
Relation.transaction do
- self.lock!
+ lock!
check_consistency(self, new_relation, user)
# This will check to see if this relation is used by another relation
rel = RelationMember.joins(:relation).find_by("visible = ? AND member_type = 'Relation' and member_id = ? ", true, id)
def update_from(new_relation, user)
Relation.transaction do
- self.lock!
+ lock!
check_consistency(self, new_relation, user)
unless new_relation.preconditions_ok?(members)
fail"Cannot update relation #{id}: data or member data is invalid.")
def create_with_history(user)
check_create_consistency(self, user)
- unless self.preconditions_ok?
+ unless preconditions_ok?
fail"Cannot create relation: data or member data is invalid.")
self.version = 0
t =
self.version += 1
self.timestamp = t
+ save!
tags = self.tags.clone
relation_tags.each do |old_tag|
# if there are left-over tags then they are new and will have to
# be added.
- tags_changed |= (!tags.empty?)
+ tags_changed |= !tags.empty?
RelationTag.delete_all(:relation_id => id)
self.tags.each do |k, v|
tag =
# materially change the rest of the relation.
any_relations =
changed_members.collect { |_id, type| type == "relation" }
- .inject(false) { |a, e| a || e }
+ .inject(false) { |a, e| a || e }
update_members = if tags_changed || any_relations
# add all non-relation bounding boxes to the changeset